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Underneath It All (Storm Series)

Page 25

by Carr, Cassandra

  He was practically a part of the family by the time the night had ended. Her mother had sent him home with several containers of leftovers, and he’d given her a kiss on the cheek in thanks. Alaina hadn’t seen her mother blush, ever, but not only did her mother blush, but, in the blink of an eye, this odd smile appeared and she became a simpering schoolgirl. Quite a sight to behold, but Rob did that to every older woman he met, probably unconsciously. Karen had been the same way at Tux ‘n’ Pucks.

  They finished preparations, and then the arena’s off-duty security guards who’d offered to wrangle the potential crowd opened the doors, pointing out the sign with directions on how to get the autographs. Sooner than Alaina could blink, the room was filled with five lines that snaked all the way out the door.

  In their planning, they’d debated whether or not to make the fans stand in line five times if they wanted all five players’ autographs, but then had developed a system whereby the fan could get a different-colored ticket for each additional player. After a short time, two lines had formed in front of each player—one with the fans who’d chosen that player first and another with fans who’d already seen one player and then turned in the appropriate ticket to get into another player’s line. That queue was shorter than the original one, and though Alaina had her doubts about how well the system would work, everything was going swimmingly so far as the fans waited patiently to get their items signed. More wives and girlfriends had volunteered to collect money, as the fans couldn’t exit without going through the checkout line. Overall, the setup was brilliant and Alaina was impressed.

  Karen arrived an hour in and went to each player, bringing him snacks and more water and patting each on the head. Alaina laughed as each player rolled his eyes but nonetheless allowed the motherly contact. Sarah and Karen had a brief conversation, and then Karen walked over to Alaina.

  “I can see you’re busy, but I wanted to say hello again. This is a great cause, and frankly, I’m happy to see Rob so dedicated to something. You’ve been good for him. I was starting to worry about that boy. He’d been single for too long.”

  Alaina waved off the other woman’s compliment. “This was all him. I didn’t do much.”

  “Oh, I don’t think so. Rob’s been here for a few years, and I’ve never seen him like this. Not only is he smitten with you—that’s obvious—but he’s so serious about helping these kids. He’s got a goal in life now besides hockey, and in my book that’s rarely a bad thing. You may not believe me, but that’s all because of you.”

  A moment later, as the women continued to chat while Alaina fed Rob pictures and hats, the man himself turned around and said, “You’re talking to the brains behind this operation, you know. Karen gave us a ton of great ideas for how to organize this.” He indicated the room with a sweep of his arm. “Clearly, it’s a setup that’s working.”

  “You give me too much credit, boy,” Karen said, waggling her finger.

  Rob grinned. Obviously these two had sparred before. “I’m no boy.”

  “You’ll always be a fresh-faced boy in my book, kiddo.”

  “And don’t call me kiddo.” Rob turned back around, Karen regarding him with a fond smile.

  By the time each fan had their autographs, since the guys insisted on staying until every last one of them had gotten what they wanted, Alaina was dead on her feet.

  Ben called over to her and the other women, who were starting to clean up the mess behind the tables, “Hey, ladies, take a seat. You’ve been running yourselves ragged.”

  Rob stood and faced her. “Baby, you look exhausted. Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “I didn’t have the hard part here,” Alaina said before yawning, not able to stifle the reaction. She indicated his hand. “Numb yet?”

  He laughed. “Passed numb about two hours ago. I’ll tell you what else is numb. My ass. I need to move around. So sit, please.”

  A bunch of pizzas appeared, and when Alaina looked up, she was surprised to see Claudette following the delivery man into the room. Jordan did a fist pump then grabbed the pizzas as Rob approached, pulling out his wallet. The delivery guy pointed to Claudette and Rob greeted her warmly, the two exchanging a hug that had Alaina’s eyebrows shooting up. How did Rob wrap every woman he met around his little finger? He brought Claudette over to where the assembled workers were already chowing down on the hot, cheesy pies, and introduced her all around.

  Alaina grabbed a slice, and then Rob insisted Claudette sit and eat with them. She did, and before Alaina started stuffing her face, they had a brief conversation.

  “Thank you for this,” Alaina said. “You didn’t have to.”

  “My neighbor was here earlier. He said the place was packed. I figured maybe no one had thought about food afterward, so I decided to bring you some.” Claudette shrugged. “It’s really the least I can do.”

  “I appreciate this, really, and judging by the way those pizzas are disappearing, everyone else does too.

  A few moments later, the money collectors emerged from the room they’d closed themselves into so the take for the day could be counted right away. Each of the three ladies had several leather bank deposit envelopes and Alaina’s eyes widened. Rob shot out of his seat and hugged each as they dumped the money on a table near the food, and then he turned back to the people gathered after having a tête-à-tête with one of the wives.

  “Apparently quite a few of the fans gave more money than they owed…” As if one body, everyone leaned forward, and Rob continued, “We’ll count the money a couple more times before we make the deposit, but the initial count is just over forty-three thousand dollars.”

  Tears instantly formed in Alaina’s eyes, and she’d let out a strange sound before she could stop herself. Sebastian, who was sitting next to her, put his arm around her, and she collapsed onto him, trying to unsuccessfully hold back the onslaught.

  Rob rushed over. “Baby, baby, talk to me.”

  “I’m fine,” she choked out. “Overwhelmed.”

  Rob and Sebastian shared a look. Then Rob backed away, faced everyone, and said, “I want to thank everybody here on behalf of myself, of course, but also on behalf of the roughly nine thousand students who will have supplies thanks to this.”

  Sebastian squeezed her tighter. “Let it out.”

  “I feel dumb.”


  Out of the corner of her eye, Alaina saw Ben stand. “The guys got together—the ones who are here and the ones who aren’t—and we want to add this to the total. This is a great cause we all believe in.”

  Rob took the check and visibly choked up. He took a moment, trying to compose himself, taking a deep breath before letting it out slowly.

  I know how you feel, love.

  “Thanks, man. My God, I had no idea you were doing this.” He held up the check. “With this we’ve got sixty-five thousand dollars. I don’t even know what to say. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we could do this the first time out. You guys are awesome. I don’t even know what to say. Thank you so much.”

  Everybody clapped and hugs were exchanged. Rob pulled Alaina out of Sebastian’s arms then planted a quick kiss on her lips.

  “This is unbelievable, Rob,” she told him, still wiping away tears that just wouldn’t stop.

  “I know. I can’t even think of where to start with this much money.”

  A moment later, Claudette approached. “Alaina mentioned you’d been in contact with the purchasing manager for the district, and that’s great since the district will get a volume discount. She also mentioned she’d given you a list to guide you, but if you’d like me to look at anything before you send your list over to purchasing, I’d be happy to.”

  “I would, thanks,” Rob answered. After grabbing a napkin, he wrote down his e-mail address then grabbed another for hers. “And thank you for the food. I can’t believe that completely slipped my mind. Everyone worked so hard.”

  “Like I told Alaina, it’s the least I ca
n do.” Placing a hand on Rob’s forearm, she said, “Excellent job. I’m impressed.”

  “Thank you.” They hugged again, and then Claudette left.

  Rob turned to Alaina. “We have some stuff left. Not a ton, but by my very quick count, maybe seventy hats and a couple hundred pictures. What do you think we should do with them? Keep them for another fundraiser? Donate them?”

  “That’s your call.”

  “I want your opinion. In case you haven’t figured this out yet, what you think is pretty important to me.”

  “Let me think about everything. My head is spinning right now.”

  “Deal.” He called over to the guys, “Can you help me consolidate everything that’s left into a box or two? I’m not sure what we’ll do with it, so I guess I’ll take the boxes to my place for now.”

  “Where everything is sure to end up on eBay,” Jordan deadpanned.

  Picking up a stray piece of cardboard from the hats, Rob balled it up and chucked the wad at Jordan. Alaina’s heart went into her throat until she realized he’d used his good arm. Even so… “Um, honey, if you could refrain from doing things like that, I’d be grateful.”

  He pivoted to face her, his face a mask of confusion. “Doing things like what?”

  “When you threw the cardboard, I forgot for a second which arm was injured and had a flash of you hurting yourself again. I can’t take stress like that.”

  “I’m sorry, sweetie. I didn’t think.” Rob caressed her face then leaned in to speak directly into her ear. “I need you with me. I know we’re both exhausted, but if I don’t get inside you, I think I’ll lose my mind. I want to be close to you. God, I’d love to fall asleep inside you.”

  Alaina’s breath caught. “O-Okay.”

  “I promise to let you have a nice nap.”

  She chuckled. “What a sweetheart you are.”

  They packed up then cleaned the place before finally heading to Rob’s house. Once there, they fell into bed and Rob rolled Alaina under him.

  Frowning, she asked, “Are you sure? I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

  “You’re very concerned about me reinjuring myself all of a sudden…”

  “Of course I am. If you got hurt doing something with me,” Rob smirked and she glared before continuing, “I’d never forgive myself.”

  “Don’t worry so much, baby. Wrap those pretty legs around me instead.”

  Reluctantly, she did, and he balanced on his forearms. “See? I’m fine. I’m hoping to play in a month. If I can’t manage this, I’m in big trouble.” Leaning down, he teased her mouth open with the tip of his tongue then pushed inside, holding onto her hair as he kissed her.

  She kissed him back, pouring all the emotion of the day into his mouth.

  His erection lengthened between them and he pulled away, panting. “Shit, that hurts,” he said, reaching down to adjust himself.

  “Then take your pants off.”

  “Aren’t you getting saucy?”

  She shrugged with one shoulder. “I know what I want.”

  Sliding to the side of the bed, Rob rid himself of his belt before popping the buttons on his jeans. “Ahh.” Glancing back at her, he asked, “And what do you want?”

  “You. Now take off your clothes and get back here.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He did before crawling back toward her, raising one eyebrow. “Last I knew it was pretty hard to do what I think you want to do if you’re still wearing all your clothes. Come on, get ‘em off.”

  Giggling, she rose from the bed enough to shimmy off her jeans and panties and then sat up to remove her sweater and bra as Rob’s gaze wandered hungrily over her body. When she tossed the bra to the side, she asked, “Better?”

  “Much,” he ground out, already reaching for a condom. He sheathed himself in record time then drew his fingers through her wetness, groaning. “So ready for me.”

  “Mmm,” she answered as she ran her foot up the back of his leg.

  Rob slid inside easily and groaned again, dropping his forehead to her shoulder. “You feel so good.” He began a slow, torturous slide in and out of her.

  “Rob, oh God…”

  “Hold onto me. I’ve got you, baby.”

  And he did.

  “More,” she begged him.

  “Uh-uh.” He shook his head. “Slow.”

  The exquisite torment continued unabated for long moments, with him pushing in slowly then dragging back out over her sensitized tissues. She tried to raise her pelvis to meet him, but he calmed her, keeping her on the bed with his weight while he murmured sweet words to her. Alaina had never seen this side of Rob. Sure, especially in the past weeks, they’d taken time to come together in something more than a frantic meeting of body parts, but this was different. Rob was truly making love to her.

  Finally, seeming to understand her unspoken plea, he sped up, and she cried out in response as her core contracted once around him.

  “Come for me.”

  Alaina bit her lip as her back arched. “I’m trying. I want to. Yes, God, yes.” Her words sounded like a mantra, and Rob grunted, pulling out and scooting down her body.

  He took a long lick and her hands landed on his head, pulling at the short hairs. Rob kept up his slow torture for several moments as Alaina began to move in pure agitation. Her orgasm was so close, but not quite within reach. Then he slipped two fingers inside her and she exploded, planting her feet on the bed and lifting her pelvis.

  “That’s it, baby, let go,” he crooned as he pushed her, extending the pleasure-pain spiraling through her.

  As soon as she’d calmed enough to once again lie on the bed, he rose over her and pushed inside once more. “Tight.”

  His teeth were clenched, and Alaina would’ve bet he was in pain but for the gasps and moans Rob released as he moved within her. Scant seconds later, he threw his head back, pressed inside until she could swear she felt him all the way into her belly, and let out a loud cry, holding himself locked deep within her.

  Alaina loved watching him like this, all those corded muscles straining to wring the most possible pleasure from both of their releases, his mouth open and his eyes closed. Her heart soared knowing she’d done that to him.

  He collapsed on top of her but quickly rolled to the side. She didn’t miss the slight wince as he moved his shoulder, but decided not to comment. Rob had already told her he could take care of himself, and she had a feeling if she kept at him, he’d react with anger. Instead, she tucked herself under his good arm, laying her flushed face on his sweat-slicked chest.

  “Let me clean up,” he mumbled, but she shook her head.

  “I like you like this. You’re sexy.”

  “Sweat is sexy?”

  She looked into his eyes and nodded.

  “You are definitely a keeper.”

  Alaina couldn’t help the comical way her eyes widened, and he looked away for a moment before returning his gaze to hers, his eyes intense and smoky. “I love you. I know I told you I was falling in love with you. I lied. I’m in love with you. And that has nothing to do with this,” he waved a hand down their bodies. “I’d love you even if we were never together. Not that I’m advocating that, of course.”

  He loves me. Me.

  Rob lifted his head and asked, “You okay? Did I totally freak you out?”

  “No, no. I’m all right.”

  He sat up, and she rolled onto her back. Once he’d taken care of the condom, Rob returned to her side. “Are you sure? Was it too soon?”

  “Oh, hon. Not at all.” She glanced down and took a deep breath. Meeting his gaze once more, she said, “And I love you.”

  “You don’t—”

  Placing her fingers over his mouth, she said, “I want to.”

  “I wish we could do that all over again, right now. I said my loving you had nothing to do with the sex, but I feel so close to you when we’re in bed. I’ve never experienced anything like this before, and it’s damn addicting.”

  “I sense the difference with us too.”

  “I felt like a totally mushy idiot saying that, so thank you for not laughing at me.”

  She grabbed his face. “I would never laugh at you. Well, unless you were being goofy, which, let’s face it, does happen.”

  Now he smiled. “Me? Goofy? Never. I guess I’d better let you get that nap I promised.”

  “Hmmm. Suddenly I’m not the least bit tired.” Alaina’s hand trailed his abs then stroked lightly over him. “Maybe you made a good point when you said we should do this again. But first, a shower.”

  “Who says we can’t do both?”

  God, she adored this man.

  As Alaina left school a few days after the fundraiser, Kyle stopped her on the playground. He hadn’t mentioned the gift card and neither had she, as if by mutual unspoken agreement. He was friendly but not overly solicitous, and Alaina was convinced she’d misread his intentions with the unexpected Christmas gift.

  “I heard about the fundraiser. That’s awesome. Good job.”

  “I didn’t really do much. The planning was mostly done by my boyfriend.” Why she felt the need to mention Rob to the man, she wasn’t sure, but the fleeting expression of irritation on his face gave her pause.

  “Ah yes. The hockey player.” There was a definite sneer in his tone and her eyes narrowed.

  “He’s a good man.”

  “Uh-huh. Those professional athletes are real decent people—getting arrested, cheating, using performance-enhancing drugs. Anyway, good for you.” Kyle turned on his heel, and she was left staring at his back, shaking her head.

  Without another word, she walked to her car and left.

  At dinner with Rob that evening, her curiosity got the better of her. “I, um, I have a question, but I’m not positive it’s appropriate to ask.”

  Rob sat back. “Now I’m intrigued. Shoot.”

  “Do you ever have people who put you down to your face because you’re a hockey player?” The words ran together as she forced them out around a tight throat.

  “What do you mean? Like out in the general world?”

  “Yeah, I guess.”


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