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Bad Boy Love - Ben (Bad Boy Love Series Book 2)

Page 9

by Jessica Gray

  Ben froze. “What did you do to her?”

  “Nothing. She was more than willing to play my little charade in exchange for unlimited access to her much needed daily dose of crack.”


  Ben lurched forward, but the man holding his arm in place reminded him painfully that he wasn’t in a position to move. A sharp pain seared through his shoulder and he cursed under his breath. He glanced at Irena’s terrified face and his rage flared, as did his feeling of helplessness. He’d promised to protect her and now he couldn’t.

  “I knew you wouldn’t be able to contain your temper and you’d pummel her man. Then she just had to testify against you at court and you wouldn’t cause me any more problems in a long time.”

  Fred gloated, a superior smile curling his lips that didn’t quite reach his glassy eyes.

  “But why? I took care of problems for you. And I earned you a lot of money.”

  Ben raged inwardly, but did his best to present a calm exterior.

  “Well now... I thought you knew…”

  “Knew what?”

  Fred smirked. “You ended up in prison fifteen years ago for the same reason you’ll end up there after today. You can’t keep your hands off other men’s property.”

  Shit. He knows about Missy. Ben had been sent to teach her a lesson, but instead he’d helped her escape. Ben held his breath; it made no sense to reply.

  “I had no use for employees with a conscience. Your soft spot for troubled women was costing me money.”

  “So you set me up? Did you pay Caroline’s guy as well to send her flying down the stairs?” Ben asked through gritted teeth.

  “Oh no, that was just a convenient bonus. Didn’t cost me a thing.” Then he stepped around Ben and reached for Irena, gripping her arm so hard, she cried out.

  “Leave her alone, you asshole!”

  Ben struggled against the two guards, even though he knew about the futility of his endeavor. They held him tight while Fred dragged Irena past him. He caught a glance of her tear-filled eyes as her asshole husband shoved her toward the door of his office. And Ben couldn’t do a thing. Helplessness started in his gut, crawled up his throat and threatened to choke him.

  Irena yelled and tried to pull away from Fred’s grip, but he leaned down and said, “Fight me, Sweetheart and I’ll make sure they kill him.” Then he gestured at the two bodyguards. “You know what to do.”

  One of them held Ben in a headlock while the other one punched him. He tried to tense his muscles to prepare for the impact, but it wasn’t nearly enough. He groaned. It hurt. A lot. Again and again the man pummeled into him, where he knew it would hurt most. But what ached even more than the physical pain was his worry over Irena.

  Chapter 21

  Irena struggled to get away from Fred, but he just laughed and tightened his grip on her shoulder.

  “You’re coming with me,” he said and led her toward the door.

  “Please, just leave him be,” Irena pleaded.

  She glanced over her shoulder on last time and saw one of the bodyguards kicking Ben in the gut. In spite of the blows to his midsection, his eyes stayed locked on her. She could tell he was in serious physical pain, and yet his eyes promised he would try to find a way to help her.

  Even in his pain, he worried about her. And that caused a whole slew of new tears to drip down her cheeks. I love that man. But she’d probably never see him again. They’d both be lucky to live through what was to come.

  Another thud and the muffled sound of pain reached her ear and she screamed, using every bit of strength to break Fred’s hold on her. She lunged back, intending to put herself between Ben and the bodyguards, but Fred caught her around the middle, laughing at her.

  “I wanted to take you outside so you didn’t have to see this, but since you’re soooo concerned for loverboy, you can watch now.”

  Irena spit at his feet, which earned her a slap to her face. Meanwhile, Fred’s goons upped their attacks on Ben, who was already bleeding and coughing. She couldn’t take it. Couldn’t watch another second of this barbaric violence so she turned to look straight into her husband’s eyes.

  “Fred…please…please call them off.”

  The cold flash in his eyes turned her stomach into a tight knot, but she didn’t look away.


  “Only because you’re asking so nicely,” Fred said and took her in a kiss meant to show that he owned her.

  Irena’s stomach rebelled and she wanted to fight him, but what would that mean for Ben? She closed her eyes, unclenched her jaw and forced down the bile rising in her throat.

  When Fred finally released her, he placed his hand in the same place where he’d bruised her last night and squeezed hard. Irena gritted her teeth to keep from crying out. She wouldn’t give him that satisfaction. A calculating look entered his eyes as he called to his minions.


  Miraculously, they let go of Ben, dropping him onto the floor. Irena swallowed back her tears as she observed him struggling to rise into a sitting position. Their eyes locked and an intense energy exchanged between them.

  I would do anything for you, even going back to my husband.

  “Now, I think we can come to an agreement. If you are a good girl and come home with me, without any more antics and protests, nothing more will happen to that piece of shit you seem so fond of. My bodyguards will walk away.”

  Terror and relief fought for dominance as she said, “You promise you’ll let Ben go?”

  “As long as you keep to your end of the bargain, he’ll be fine.” Fred paused and smiled. “But the moment you decide to break our contract, he’ll wake up in a nice prison cell for the rest of his life. The choice is yours.”

  Irena trembled in his hold. A badly hurt Ben sat on the floor holding his arm around his ribs and taking shallow pained breaths.

  “You can’t do that,” she said to her husband, who gave her a cold stare.

  “I can and I will. You should know me well enough to know I always get what I want.”

  Irena nodded.

  “Don’t go with him, Irena! He’ll hurt you. Don’t do it for me!” Ben shouted.

  “Isn’t that nice, playing hero again?” Fred sneered and nodded toward one of the bodyguards. “Continue.”

  “No!” Irena screamed. “I’ll do whatever you want, Fred, but please don’t hurt him anymore.”

  Her entire body shivered. Her husband was demanding and ruthless, but today she’d gotten to know a whole new side of him. Cold-blooded. Violent. Criminal. She doubted he’d actually have Ben killed, but she couldn’t be sure.

  Ben didn’t deserve to suffer. It was all her fault. She should never have sought out his help. Damn it, she certainly shouldn’t have fallen in love with him. Or kissed him. Or let him… Irena forced her thoughts back and nodded.

  “I’ll come with you.”

  “Like a good wife? And you’ll not try to run again?” Fred emphasized his question by shaking her.

  Irena nodded, unable to voice the words. She turned to leave the room with him, when it occurred to her to ask him, how he’d found her.

  “You can thank the lovely Georgia. She told me everything I needed to know.”

  She paled. “You didn’t hurt her, did you?” Oh god, Georgia, I’m so sorry.

  Fred leisurely trailed a hand over her waist until it settled on her butt. He pinched her hard, increasing the pressure to try and get a reaction from her, but she simply held his stare. It hurt, but she didn’t care any longer.

  A measuring glance entered his eyes and he answered, “No, just like that one’s sister, your friend knows which side to take and told me everything voluntarily. No force needed.”

  Irena wanted to scream at his blatant lie, but was wise enough to hold her tongue. Georgia would never sell her out. She cast her eyes to the floor, relieved when Fred released her and walked away. But her relief quickly transformed into terror, because Fred approache
d Ben and stopped right in front of him.

  “This is for kissing my wife. I hope it was worth it.” Fred hauled off and kicked Ben in the groin, knocking him back several feet as Ben curled up in pain and gasped for breath. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Irena wanted to rush to Ben’s side, but she knew doing so would be going back on her promise and would end up getting Ben killed.

  Fred grabbed her arm and pulled her outside. Her fear ratcheted up, her heart pounding in her throat. After how badly Fred had beat her when she’d asked for a divorce, she’d be lucky if she survived the rest of the day.

  Chapter 22

  Ben lay still on the floor, trying his best to breathe through the pain, and failing miserably. Blood dribbled from his mouth and a cut above his right eye. His left eye was almost swollen shut, and his ribs hurt with every breath he took, but the worst was the pain in his groin.

  The door cracked open and despite the tremendous amount of pain flowing though his body, he forced himself to get to his feet. I didn’t expect him to keep his word. He leaned against the wall of his office, trying to find the energy to fight the bodyguards who had evidently come back to finish what they started.

  “Ben?” Fernando rushed to his side and Ben sagged in relief at seeing his friend. Truth be told, he couldn’t have done much to defend himself in his current state.


  “I just came in and saw an older man and two sour looking goons shove your pretty princess into a black limo. And none of your employees were out at the reception.”

  “Her husband,” Ben muttered through a clenched jaw.

  “Let me help you,” Fernando offered, gingerly reaching an arm around Ben’s back and allowing the man to lean against him. He guided him over to the chair and set him down amidst a massive groan of pain.

  Fernando left to get a bottle of water and a clean towel. He dampened the towel and handed it to Ben to wipe his face and mouth.

  “What happened?”

  The cut above Ben’s eye still oozed blood, but the water tasted refreshing and the pain in his groin had subsided to a deep throbbing hurt. He gave Fernando a short summary of the events, including how she’d bumped into him the evening before running from her abusive husband.

  “She came here to learn to fight so she could get away from the asshole.”

  “Doesn’t seem like that worked out quite the way she wanted.” Fernando looked at him. “I’m kind of surprised you brought her back here. Whatever happened to your no fighting rule?”

  “Yeah, well her husband’s bodyguards didn’t get the memo.” Ben straightened up and cursed.

  “Are you okay or should I take you to the ER?”

  “No ER, I’m fine.”

  Fernando chuckled. “You don’t look fine to me. Don’t be such a blockheaded ass. Let me at least take you to a doctor.”

  “Fine.” Ben scowled. A few blocks away was a doctor who wouldn’t ask questions.

  “I’ll go get the car. You wait here.”

  Ben shrugged. Why did suddenly everyone give him orders? But it was kind of nice to have Fernando worry about him. Maybe it was a good thing he’d insisted on seeing a doctor, because Ben would need all his strength to go after Irena. He wouldn’t let her sacrifice herself for him. The image of what her husband might do to her, caused a visceral reaction and fresh waves of pain seared through him.

  “Damn! I won’t allow this, even if it’ll kill me.”

  Fernando drove around front and helped him into the passenger seat. He glanced over, his eyes full of worry.

  “Let’s get you over to the doctor…” He stopped mid-sentence and instead gave Ben a teasing smile. “I should have known you’d be the one to break your own no fighting rule.”

  Ben chuckled and then groaned. “It wasn’t by choice.” Thinking of choices, he sobered. “She went with him so they would stop punching me. She shouldn’t have. Not to save me. I’m not worth it.”

  Fernando glanced over. “Maybe she saw something worth saving.”

  Ben started to shake his head, but the movement only caused him to feel every punch and kick again and he held still. Fernando stopped in front of the doctor’s house, and an hour later, Ben found himself back in Fernando’s car, headed for the nearest pharmacy.

  He had a split lip, a cut above his eye, more bruises were forming hourly, but his major injury was a broken rib. Luckily, it wasn’t one in danger of puncturing a lung so the doctor had bound his ribs with a stretchy bandage and then made him a list of things to get from the drug store.

  Fernando offered to go inside and fill the list and Ben tiredly handed him some cash and leaned his head back against the seat of the car.

  “Thanks, man.”

  “No problem. Be right back.”

  Fernando returned a little while later and drove him home. He helped him up to his apartment and then promised to run by the gym and make sure his employees knew their boss wouldn’t return today. The employees would lock the place at the end of the day.

  “Get some rest, man.”

  Ben waved a hand at his friend, tipping a couple of pain pills into his hand and swallowing them down with the bottle of water Fernando had retrieved from the fridge. Ben closed his eyes and tried to breathe without moving too much. He’d had worse injuries and survived just fine. He’d do the same now. Just this time, the pain of the heart might be worse than the pain of the flesh.

  His mind kept wandering back to Irena and the asshole who had her, but Ben was useless right now and only sleep and a little time would see him well enough to rescue her.

  Why would that stupid woman sacrifice herself to save him? He didn’t need an answer to that question, because he’d seen it in her eyes. She loves you. And that realization frightened the shit out of him.

  Chapter 23

  Irena scooted over on the leather seat of the limo as far as she dared, trying to contain the fear that threatened to overwhelm her. One of the bodyguards sat in the back of the car with her and Fred and she wasn’t sure what to think of it. In the past, only Fred had ever laid a hand on her.

  “There is a private fundraising dinner tonight with a senator I am trying to get on board with my re-election campaign,” Fred said in a nonchalant voice as if the past twenty-four hours hadn’t happened and she wasn’t his hostage. “You have until six to make yourself presentable. Wear the black lace dress. I expect you to look like you just stepped off the runway.”

  Irena swallowed and obediently nodded, hating herself for it.

  “Of course.”

  But with the two bodyguards and the driver in the limo, her chances to revolt or run were non-existent. It was better to keep Fred calm and in a good mood. She’d play the good wife for now. That fundraiser event would most likely draw out until late at night, which would hopefully keep him from wanting to be intimate with her – or worse.

  “Edgar will stay with you.”

  “Edgar?” she asked, finally looking up.

  “Edgar and Paul. Your new bodyguards. One of them will be staying with you at all times from here on out.”

  Irena hid her dismay by looking down. He’s going to keep me under twenty-four hour watch? God, I hate myself for agreeing to this.

  Fred reached over and placed his hand on her knee. “Don’t disappoint me.”

  “I won’t. As long as you don’t harm Ben.” Her voice trembled and she hoped he hadn’t noticed it.

  “Sweetheart, I have no idea why you care for that low-life criminal, but if that’s what keeps you nice and willing, then so be it.”

  She looked down, biting her cheek so she didn’t give a pointed answer or push his hand from her thigh. The sight of it made her shiver in disgust. Fred leaned back in the seat and she could tell he was absolutely pissed, but controlling himself for the benefit of the bodyguards. He was a master at keeping up appearances, and she wondered how long it would be before he decided it was time for them to be alone.

  “Obviously, you will never
see Ben Moretti again. Or your friend Georgia for that matter. Neither of them are good for you.” He extended his hand. “Give me your cell phone.”

  Irena glanced at him. “Why?”

  “Now, Irena.”

  She reached into her back pocket and handed him the cell phone. Just now she remembered that she’d left her handbag at the bar when running. Hopefully Georgia had secured it.

  Ohmygod, Georgia. Despair settled in as Fred pocketed her phone. How would she now contact her friend?

  The limo arrived at their home and he stepped out and reached for her hand to help her do the same. Turning to Edgar, he instructed the man, “See that she’s ready on time.”

  “Aye, boss,” Edgar answered.

  When Fred moved to get back into the limo, she couldn’t help but ask, “You’re not staying?”

  “Unfortunately not. I have an important meeting.” He turned and pulled her into kiss before he slid into the limo. Irena waited until he was out of sight before she raised her hand and wiped her mouth.

  Edgar watched her, but she ignored him and headed for the front door of her prison. For now, she would be resigned to being Fred’s trophy wife again.

  Around five that evening, Edgar hollered up the curving staircase.

  “Ma’am, the limo will be here in forty-five minutes. Make sure you’re ready.”

  She stepped to the bedroom door and hollered back, “I’ll be ready.”

  Fred had requested she wear the black lace dress and she knew the reason. It was one of the few dresses she owned with long sleeves to hide the bruises on her arms. She primped her looks with makeup and an elaborate hair-do and when she stepped out of the limo an hour later, she looked like the perfect picture of a politician’s wife.

  Her fear abated in the midst of the small group of people and she did her part to make small talk and mingle amongst the other guests. It was like she’d never left her gilded cage.

  But her thoughts – and her heart – were with Ben. In contrast to the slick and plastic society men, he was the real deal. Rough, rugged, and one hundred percent masculine. She remembered the loving look in his steel blue eyes when he’d promised her she was safe with him. But she also remembered the rage and guilt when he hadn’t be able to do just that. An irrational hope flickered in her soul. He’ll come and rescue me. Not today, maybe not even this week, but he’ll stick to his promise. He’ll find a way.


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