The Hero and the Fat Girl (New Hampshire Bears #3)

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The Hero and the Fat Girl (New Hampshire Bears #3) Page 19

by Mary Smith

  I stop at the pharmacy to get her medication and see a text from Mom saying she’s cooking. Maxima is resting in the car. She had a sandwich at the hospital, but I need to feed her more.

  After I pull up to the house, I rush over to Maxima to help her out of the car. I don’t want her to fall.

  “Remington, I can walk.” She giggles.

  “I know.” I hold her arm and keep her close to my body. She doesn’t pull away and lets me take her all the way to the door.

  “We’re home,” Maxima announces as we cross the threshold.

  Arabella comes bounding from the kitchen, and I grab her before she hits Maxima full force.

  “Easy, you can’t push on her stomach,” I tell her nicely. I don’t want her to think she’s in trouble.

  “Are you okay, Mom?” Arabella’s suddenly concerned.

  “I’ll be fine,” she tells her.

  “What did they say?” Mom asks as she and Dad come into the living room.

  I look at Maxima first. I’m dying to tell them, and it’s not like we can keep it a secret. Maxima smiles.

  “They’ll figure it out. Might as well tell them.” Her face is glowing.

  “Maxima’s pregnant.” I quickly tell them before she can change her mind.

  Mom and Dad gasp with excitement, hugging us both. The shocker is Arabella, who isn’t saying anything. She’s just standing there.

  “Arabella, you’re going to be a big sister.” I reach out for her, but she pulls away. She never does that to me.

  “I’m going to play.” She runs upstairs without another word.

  We all look at each other. Arabella never acts this way. “I’ll go talk to her,” I tell them.

  When I walk into her bedroom, Arabella is laying on her bed, crying into her pillow. My heart breaks. Why is she crying?

  “Arabella.” I pick her up and cradle her in my arms. She’s crying uncontrollably, and I hold her tighter, trying to calm her down.

  It’s several minutes later before she stops. I take her into her bathroom and wipe her face with a warm washcloth. I attend to her, but she isn’t saying anything. I take her back to the bed and put her on my lap.

  “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Mom told me if you have a baby, you won’t love me anymore.” I can see her tears building up again. “Then I’ll have to go back to Maine.”

  “What? Arabella, my love for you will never change. You will forever be my daughter. No matter how many kids Maxima and I have, you will be my first. I love you.”

  “But, how can you love another baby?”

  “I have a lot of love to give, and you’re not going anywhere. I want you to forget all about whatever your mom said. I love you, and I know Maxima does too.” I kiss her cheek. “Do you feel better?”

  “A little.” She shrugs.

  “Whenever you feel bad or unloved, you need to find me, because I love you.” I hold her tighter to my chest. I can’t let my daughter think she’s not loved. I don’t care what shit Rickie spouted off to her, she’s my daughter. She’s my first born. She’s my love.

  “Okay. I love you too.” She gives me a small smile.

  “Let’s go have dinner and then we’ll go watch a movie tonight, just the two of us, in the TV room, okay?”

  She gives me a bigger smile. “Okay.”

  I kiss her cheek again and we go downstairs.

  I wake up with my wife snuggled against my side. It’s a great feeling. I did spend time with Arabella last night and told Maxima I’m going to do it more. Training camp is coming up quickly and then a new season. I won’t fail her. I won’t fail any of them.

  I head downstairs to have coffee with Mom and Dad. They’re happy and excited about a new grandchild. I love my parents and can’t wait for them to come back.

  When they leave, I head down to the gym to run for a bit before I make my girls breakfast. I have a lot to focus on now. I have to get my priorities together. Making sure my girls are protected and loved is first and above all most important. Everything else is second.

  I will be their hero.

  “Just lay back and relax,” the nurse tells Maxima. “We have the reports from your first ultrasound, but we’re going to take another look.”

  Maxima nods, and I hold her hand.

  The nurse rubs the wand all around Maxima’s belly. She doesn’t say anything; she just keeps moving the wand.

  “Okay.” The nurse cleans up the machine and Maxima’s belly. “The doctor will be in in a moment.” She smiles and leaves.

  “I love you.” I kiss her lips.

  “I love you. Do you think everything is okay?”

  I smiles. “Yes, it’s going to be fine.” I can see she’s nervous, but she’s trying to hide it.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Rosin.” A tall female doctor comes in. “How are we doing?”

  “I’m well,” Maxima answers.

  “Good.” I say at the same time.

  “Great. I looked at everything, and I know your history. There’s no reason why you can’t have a healthy baby. My only concern will be the cervix, but if it comes to it, we’ll do a C-Section.” She’s upfront, and I like it.

  “So everything’s okay with the baby?” Maxima’s voice shakes a little.

  “Your baby is fine. Be sure you’re eating a balanced diet because we don’t want you to faint again. There’s no reason you can’t have a successful pregnancy.”

  “Okay.” I can see the relief in her face, and I can feel it in my body.

  I’m going to make sure we have a happy, healthy baby.

  I lean against the door frame of Arabella’s room. She and Maxima are reading their chapter of the night. Maxima is having Arabella read more. We also found a group of kids her age at the library. It’s similar to a book club. Arabella seems very pleased with it. I leave them alone and jump in the shower.

  When I finish, I grab my iPad and check out the latest hockey news. I’m ready to get this season started, but at the same time, it’s the first time I sort-of don’t want to leave home.

  “You all right?” Maxima sits on my side of the bed. “You look upset.”

  “I’m good.”

  Maxima leans in and kisses me. “We’ve been very distracted these past few days.”

  I can see the twinkle in her eye, and immediately, I put the iPad up and grab her face. Maxima giggles, but straddles my hips.

  “You’re so beautiful.” I push her hair behind her ears. “I’ve always loved your eyes. I hope our baby has them.”

  A slight blush crosses her cheeks. I sit up higher, griping her ass tight, running my tongue between her breasts.

  “I want you, baby,” she moans.

  “You have me. Always.”

  Tonight, I will show her how much she means to me. All night long.

  I skate as hard as I can, controlling the puck with my stick. I see Kyson to my right. I do a quick pass and skate faster toward the net. Kyson shoots it back to me, and I slap it into the net.

  “The dynamic duo is back,” Keaton yells, and I shake my head.

  “Okay guy, I’m done.” I tap my stick on the ice.

  The three of us have been on the ice for over three hours. My legs are burning, and I need to get home to Maxima and Arabella.

  “Come on and grab a bite with us,” Kyson says as we head toward the locker room. “We’ve not seen you in forever.”

  “Aw, do you miss me?” I push out my bottom lip in a pout.

  Kyson flips me off. “I’m just saying.”

  “Well, I need to tell you why.” I smile. “Maxima’s pregnant.”

  Kyson and Keaton both freeze.

  “You can say congratulations.” I pull my shirt off.

  “Didn’t you say you weren’t having any more kids?” Keaton asks, removing the top of his skates.

  “No. I mean, I wanted more kids and with Maxima, but wasn’t sure it could happen,” I explain.

  “Why not?” Kyson questions. “I figured by now you kn
ow where babies come from.”

  I roll my eyes. “I know where babies come from, ass. I meant, Maxima thought she couldn’t have kids.”

  “Huh?” They say together.

  “Why would she think that?” Kyson’s questions continues.

  “Just cause.” I shrug.

  “That’s not a fucking answer.” Keaton calls me out.

  “It’s private,” I finally say.

  “We understand, and if you’re happy, then we are,” Kyson says and shakes my hand before Keaton does too.

  “I’m guessing our girls don’t know yet.” Keaton chuckles.

  “Not sure.” Maxima hadn’t said if she told Harlow and Meadow. “She’s still early on and might be waiting.”

  “You hoping for a little boy?” Kyson is full of questions today.

  “A healthy baby would be my wish.” It’s true. I’m praying Maxima has an easy pregnancy and our baby comes out perfect.

  On the drive home, I can’t wait to see Maxima and Arabella. I love how relaxed she is now, especially with me. Our relationship…no…our marriage is perfect. In fact, everything is falling into place. This makes me worry. It’s going too well.

  Arabella is in the TV Room with Maxima and they’re watching Toy Story. I’d never admit I like this movie, but I do.

  “Hi Dad.” Arabella looks up for a brief second.

  “Hi, honey,” I kiss the top of her head before going to Maxima and giving her a quick kiss. “How are you feeling? Did you eat?”

  “We just ate. I’m fine.” She sighs.

  I don’t care if she gets annoyed with me asking her; I will make sure she’s okay. I take a place in between them, and Arabella stretches out with her head on my thigh while Maxima rests her head on my shoulder. This is perfect, calming, and exactly where I can to be.

  Until my cell phone rings…

  My heart drops as fast as a puck on a face off when I see it’s my attorney. I excuse myself and go to the kitchen.

  “Mr. Nance, how are you?”

  “Remington, you and Maxima need to come in.” His tone is serious, and I know it’s bad.

  It has to be.

  “Could you tell me why?” I hear and feel the shakiness in my voice.

  “Just get here as soon as you can.” His voice remains stern.

  “We’ll be there soon.”

  I end the call and go back to the TV room. I tap Maxima on the shoulder. She looks up and instantly sees my worried expression. She gets up and follows me back to the kitchen.

  “Mr. Nance needs to see us. Right now.”

  “Oh no.” She covers her gasp with a hand over her mouth. “What’s wrong?”

  I shake my head. I don’t trust my own voice at this time. This could be really bad.

  “But we’ve not gone in front of the judge yet. We’re supposed to do that first, right?” Maxima’s trying to keep her voice down, but a small sob slips through.

  Maxima needs to remain calm. She can’t upset herself or the baby. I hug her to me. I know she’s trying not to cry, and I’m the same way.

  “Let’s take Arabella with us,” Maxima suggests. “She can set in the lobby, but I want her with us.”

  I nod and she takes a deep breath and goes into the TV room to get Arabella. A million thoughts are running through my head. Am I going to lose her? It’s the one at the forefront. I can’t lose my baby. After everything I now know about what’s been happening with Rickie’s life, my daughter will not be going back to that world. I won’t allow it. I will fight tooth and nail until my last breath.


  I look up to see Maxima and Arabella standing in the kitchen.

  “We’re ready,” Maxima says.

  I try to put a smile on my face, but it’s fake. There’s only worry pulsing through me.

  We make it to the attorney’s office; I can feel Maxima shaking as I hold her hand. Maxima gives Arabella the iPad and ear buds while I check in with the secretary. We explain to Arabella that we have an appointment and she needs to focus on the iPad until we finish. While she doesn’t spend a lot of time with hand-held electronics, Arabella does play games from time-to-time, but this situation certainly calls for exceptions.

  Mr. Nance is one of the best attorney in New Hampshire and Maine. I needed a tough ass attorney, and I’m hoping he’s worth it. The secretary leads us to a large conference room. Maxima sets Arabella up in one of the conference chairs on the back wall with the iPad and ear buds. I then lead Maxima to one end of the conference table where we take a seat and wait.

  A few moments later, Mr. Nance comes in. The man is older than Dad and has a large beer gut. His black suit is tight but well-tailored. He shakes our hands before taking a seat.

  I feel on the verge of a panic attack when he opens the large file and shuffles some papers around.

  “Okay.” Mr. Nance glances over at Arabella. “May we talk in front of your daughter?”

  “She can’t hear us,” I say. “Now, tell us what’s going on before I lose my fucking mind.”

  Maxima grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly. I’m a wreck and ready to scream my head off.

  “I’m sorry for being so cryptic on the phone, but this needed to be said in person.” Mr. Nance looks at us both.

  “It’s bad.” Maxima is now having a hard time holding back her tears.

  “Nope.” He smiles.

  “What?” Did I hear him right? “It’s good?”

  He nods. “I got off the phone with your ex-wife’s lawyer. The paperwork you sent over shed a lot of light to the subject. The former Mrs. Rosin is in more legal trouble than on this paper.” He points to the file. “She has agreed to relinquish her claims to Arabella as long as you continue her alimony payments.”

  My mouth drops. Her alimony payments are nothing compared to the child support checks I sent. “Why? Not that I’m not over the moon right now, but what made her change her mind?”

  “Her lawyer has been very blunt with her. No judge in his, or her, right mind will ever give Arabella to your ex-wife. She’s decided to take what she can and give you what you want.”

  Even through his explanation is simple, I feel as if there’s more. I’m waiting for the bad news.

  “Mr. Nance, it can’t be this easy.”

  “Well, no, she can still change her mind, but she knows the information we have isn’t going to change. Now, all I have to do is submit this paperwork here—” he pulls out a couple of documents and explains what they are. They say I retain full and complete custody of Arabella and Rickie forfeits visitations and child support. “Just sign here.”

  I quickly do so.

  “I’ll send these overnight to her lawyer and once she signs it, it’ll be filed. Her lawyer should have it signed with a few days. This will eliminate any need for a court date.” He gathers everything up. “By the end of next week, you should have the final order.”

  I’m not sure if I should jump with joy or wait until we have the final order. My head is spinning. My emotions are everywhere. Joyful, relieved, but worried that Rickie will just pull a trick on us and still fight for Arabella to be returned to her.

  “Remington,” Maxima’s soft, sweet tone pulls me away from my crazy thoughts. “Are you okay?”

  I nod. We all stand, shake hands, and I walk over to Arabella, who smiles up at me. She’s forever my baby girl. I remember the second the nurse placed her in my arms. Arabella had my heart from that moment on.

  “We’re going home?” she asks, and I take her hand to lead her out of the conference room, Maxima next to me.

  On the drive home, none of us speak. I want to get home and keep the three of us locked away until we have the official word. I want this to go through. For all of us.

  When we walk through the front door, Arabella wants to finish watching her movie, and I let her while Maxima and I go to the bedroom to talk.

  “Should we tell her?” I ask Maxima.

  “I figured you would right away. Why do
you want to wait?” She sits on the bed.

  “She could change her mind.” I lean against the bathroom door frame.

  “She could, but I don’t think she will.” Maxima tries to sound upbeat.

  “The alimony is well less than half of what the child support was.” I know Rickie will figure out the difference and then she’ll come back.

  “She’s cutting her losses. She knows she can’t win.”

  “I’m still scared,” I whisper.

  “Then we’ll not say anything until you’re ready.” She stands and kisses me before heading back downstairs.

  It’s going to be a long week.

  Chapter Fifteen



  It’s been a long week. I’ve been taking appointments with more Bears’ players and even some of their extended family members. Remington has already made plans to turn the guest room into the baby’s room, but I want to finish the office first and ordered a few things. He seems to be fine with me taking over more and more.

  “So, what are we going to store or sell?” Remington asks as we walk through my house.

  “I told the realtor if she finds a buyer who wants anything, they could consider it part of the price.” I don’t have a lot because I never needed very much. Considering I have everything I need at Remington’s house, I won’t be taking much.

  “Maxima, you hardly have anything in the house.” He walks into the kitchen.

  “I didn’t need a lot of stuff.” I shrug.

  “It’s fine. Whatever you want to do.” He stands in front of me.

  “Let’s see if whoever buys it wants anything, then we can go from there.” I kiss him softly.

  “Perfect idea.”

  Remington has been tense since we left Mr. Nance’s office last week. He plays it off when Arabella is around, but it’s still there. I can see it.

  “I need to get back home. Vance is coming today.”

  “Right.” He nods and guides me out of the house.

  My home is with Remington and Arabella. I feel comfortable there. Obviously, I wasn’t at first, but now we’re a real family. I can’t imagine my life without them. And now our family will be growing even more.


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