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Temple of S.A.R.A.H. 1 Prototype

Page 3

by Ben Winston

  Jamie looked thoughtful. “I agree that you would need some time to talk and discuss things, however, you can also talk while you’re eating dinner. I think you would have plenty of time to talk and still have her home by nine o’clock.”

  “Madam, I have no intention of taking her out to some fast food joint. That would be a dishonor. In order to enjoy a meal, and still have time to discuss our future, I feel it will take until at least ten o’clock. I assure you, no hanky-panky will take place, and I will guard her honor with my life,” I countered with as straight a face as I could muster.

  I think the guard her honor comment got to her, or it could have been Ellie and Mom already laughing, because she burst out laughing too. “Alright! You win! Ten it is!” Jamie said between guffaws.


  Later that evening, Ellie and I left on our ‘date’.

  “This is a date?” she asked. “I thought we were only going out to talk,” with suddenly bright eyes, she continued. “Uhm... can we get take out and still eat in the truck?”

  I didn’t think that would work, but I knew of a place we could go to eat and watch the lake as the sun went down. It was usually pretty empty in the evening, so we should be able to talk without being overheard.

  “No, but we can get the food, then go to this place I know. It should be beautiful there tonight,” I suggested, and she nodded agreement.

  As I started to head downtown, I decided to start the conversation.

  “Okay Sugar-Plum, it’s just the two of us tonight; we’re gonna need to be completely honest with each other. You know you can trust me, and it’s really important that I know your true feelings about this stuff, okay?” I asked.

  “This must be really important. Okay Eric, I promise to be honest with you. You’re so easy to talk to, it’s hard for me to not be honest with you,” she replied.

  “One more thing; no matter what, remember that I will always be your friend as long as you want me,” I said. When she didn’t answer me, I looked at her and she nodded, and had tears on her cheeks.

  “I don’t think thirteen-year-olds are supposed to understand stuff like this yet. I love you too, Eric. You’re the brother I’ve always wanted,” she said softly.

  I squeezed her hand, since I was driving, and got back where I needed the conversation to go.

  “How do you feel about all of us living together?” I asked.

  Ellie smiled, “I’d love it! Like I said, I already think of you as my big brother, and Julie is like a second Mom to me. I think it’d be a great idea. Is that what tonight’s about?”

  I nodded. “Pretty much, I had an idea for a business and I want Mom to run it. I don’t know how to do the admin stuff, so I suggested we get Jamie to help her. That’s what they are supposed to be talking about right now.”

  “So, tell me about this idea of yours and how you saw it working?” Ellie said.

  Getting into the discussion about my idea and everything I’d done so far, I forgot about Ellie’s comment about Mom and Jamie. We stopped at China Inn and ordered dinner, taking a seat at one of the booths to talk more while we waited for our orders.

  She asked questions, and I answered them to the best of my ability. When I got to the part about Christy, she seemed to get really interested. At first, I thought she might be getting jealous because she seemed a bit mad.

  “Ellie, are you jealous of Christy?” I asked.

  “No, but do you realize she took major advantage of you? Shit, you were recovering from the death of your father for Christ-sakes! Not to mention; you were a minor, hello??” Ellie said.

  “It wasn’t like that, Ell, really. It was because of what we did together that helped me get through Dad’s death. She was very tender and very loving. That’s why I still have feelings for her even after all this time. As for my being a minor, so was she, so there wasn’t anything illegal going on,” I explained. “Seriously, Ell, she is really a sweetheart. Wait until you meet her, you’ll see what I mean, it’s impossible not to like her.”

  She sighed and nodded her head. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I’ll try to withhold judgment until after I meet her. She has to be something special if you like her. It’s just, I’m kinda protective of ya, you know?”

  About that time, the waitress brought our order out, so it was time to go. After thanking the waitress, I winked at Ellie. “You mean you actually are jealous!”

  She grinned slightly, then sniffed in mock pique and stuck her nose in the air. “I’m a girl, it’s my prerogative.”


  Back at home, after Ellie and I left, our mothers actually did talk.

  “Okay, so what’s really going on here?” Jamie asked.

  “Eric had a really good idea for a business, and he suggested we simply move in together, and everyone work on that. He asked that I call you down here and talk to you about it.” Julie explained. “However, there is a lot more going on. Eric has created an artificial intelligence.”

  “No way. How could an eighteen year old, with limited resources, do what huge research labs with unlimited budgets couldn’t?” Jamie said. “Are you sure it’s an artificial intelligence and not just a really smart computer?”

  Julie just smiled, and sat her smart phone on the table between them. She touched the button to wake the phone up, then spoke. “Sarah? Are you there?”

  “Of course, Mrs. Cowan. What can I do for you?” Sarah replied.

  “I was just telling my friend about you, and she doesn’t believe that you are an artificial intelligence,” Julie said. “Can you help me prove it to her?”

  “I can certainly try, Julie. May I know your friends name?” Sarah asked.

  “Oops, sorry about that. Sarah, this is my friend Jamie. Jamie, this is Sarah,” Julie said, making the introductions.

  “Hello, Jamie,” Sarah said.

  “Hello Sarah, I don’t mean to be a bitch, but how do I know you’re not just someone Julie called to make me think you’re an AI?”

  “Easy, look at the phone. Is it connected to anyone, other than the network of course,” Sarah suggested.

  Jamie looked. “Okay, so you’re not on the phone, but that doesn’t rule out voice over IP or one of the chat programs with voice capability.”

  Julie nodded. “I swear to you, it is not one of those, Jamie. Sarah is talking over the network, but she is not using one of the chat programs to do so.” Jamie looked at her friend and saw that Julie was completely serious.

  “Miss Jamie, the only real way to determine if I am indeed an AI is for someone to give me a Turing test. This test determines the level of intelligence displayed by a machine. However, because of security issues, no one has given me this test yet,” Sarah admitted. “So, if you can think of a question to ask me that a normal, smart computer couldn’t do, but an AI would, ask it, and I’ll see what I can do with it.”

  “I’ll admit, you certainly don’t sound like a talking computer,” Jamie said. “I’ll have to think about this for a bit.”

  “Take your time, I’m not going anywhere,” Sarah said.

  “I think I got it!” Jamie said, grinning.

  “You have to think about it for a bit huh?” Julie said. “Remind me not to tell you to wait a bit.”

  Jamie stuck her tongue out at her friend. “Sarah, have you read the book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull?”

  “One moment, Ah, yes, now I have. A strange work,” Sarah replied. “Mr. Bach does have a lot to say in it, but I think some people may not always grasp his meanings.”

  “Really? Why?” Jamie asked.

  “Well, back in 1970 when he wrote the book, I would imagine it was better received as more people were used to thinking in existential terms. I believe the newer generations might be more literal minded, and have some difficulty understanding the more subtle aspects of the work.”

  “Are you sure you’re a computer?” Jamie asked.
  “Actually, I’m not a computer,” Sarah replied. “I only live in a computer. I’m software.”

  “If she really is an AI, I’m surprised we’re not being invaded by every government agency on the planet,” Jamie replied.

  “Well, Eric is a little paranoid about that. Sarah is a secret, hell, I didn’t even know about her until earlier today, and I live here!” Julie replied. “It had to be very lonely for her with only Eric to talk to.”

  “It wasn’t like I was in total isolation, Julie. I’ve always had access to the internet, and could talk to whomever I wanted at any time. I just had to hide the nature of my existence from people, not the fact of it,” Sarah explained. “It’s good to finally be able to talk to you now though, Eric loves you very much.”

  Julie smiled. “I love him too, and I’m more proud of him than I can ever say.”

  “Okay, so explain this business thing you mentioned, so I can understand what I’ll be doing,” Jamie said.

  Julie grinned. “Does that mean you’ll be moving in with us?”

  Jamie snorted. “I would have done that without the whole business thing, I thought you knew that?” She reached over and took Julie’s hand.

  “I was afraid you’d say no.” Julie said. “Okay, so this morning at breakfast, he approaches me with this idea...” Julie explained everything that happened that morning, and everything she had learned about my idea since that time, including my crush on Christy.


  After eating, telling Ellie the whole story, and how I’d like things to turn out, she suggested I should call Christy to have Sarah install the program on Christy’s phone, as well as tell her about everything that was planned. She said that Christy would probably appreciate the heads up.

  Although I agreed that she had some very good points, I suspected that she just wanted to meet Christy. I’d put my phone into its dash holder when we’d gotten back in the truck, so I asked Sarah to connect to Christy again.

  When she answered, I quickly explained about the new data program and installing it on her phone. I also told her it would allow us to see each other during calls too. She quickly agreed, and Sarah began doing her thing.

  Very shortly a picture of a very attractive blond wrapped in a towel appeared on the small screen of my phone.

  “Oh my God! She’s beautiful Eric!” Ellie said.

  Christy jumped, startled. “Uhm, Eric? How can you see me, and who was that? She didn’t sound like Julie.”

  “Look at your laptop monitor, Love. The girl you heard is my new little sister, Ellie,” I replied as a form of introduction.

  “Well, I’m sorry about the outfit, I actually expected you to call later, and I just got out of the shower. Wow! You’re pretty cute yourself, Ellie. I love your hair!” Christy said and the two were off like they’d known each other since birth.

  I let them chat and banter back and forth for a few minutes, until I thought it might be a good time to get back into the conversation.

  “I hate to interrupt your bonding, but I actually have a plan for all of us, if you’re interested, Sweetheart,” I said to Christy.

  “Hmm, maybe you can fill me in after I get home, Lover. That is... once you fill me in, in another way!” Christy and Ellie both thought that was hilarious. I just stuck out my tongue at Christy.

  “Ellie thought it would be a good idea for me to call and fill you in on it before you got back here, so you would have time to think about it and formulate any questions you might want to ask. Personally, I think she just wanted me to call so she could meet you, she was jealous of you after all!” I said.

  “I was not! I was being protective of my brother!” Ellie countered. “There is a difference!”

  “Of course there is, Ellie!” Christy replied, agreeing with Ellie. “While I can appreciate it, I don’t think Eric can tell the difference. He’s only a poor male after all”

  Ellie nodded. “Yeah, that’s true.”

  So, I quickly told her about the business idea, and how I wanted all of us to be a part of it. I noticed she was beginning to look a little concerned as I got closer to the end of the explanation. I asked her about it. “What’s wrong, Sweetheart?”

  “Well, the idea sounds great, Eric, and I’m sure it’ll work out fine, but I might have something else I’ll be doing. I’ll send you a copy of my research synopsis so you'll know what I’ve been working on. That should explain it a whole lot better and a whole lot faster than I can. But, I still want us to be together! That will not change, no matter what,” Christy said.

  “Okay, Sarah has my email information for you, so you can just ask her to send it to me, and she will,” I said.

  “Wow, this sounds like a really neat program. Voice activated? Will it need to learn my voice patterns?” Christy asked.

  “Nope, as long as you speak English to her, she’ll understand you. But, if you want to speak in another language, she’s capable of that as well, she just needs to change her language files.” I explained. “Seriously, as long as you have your smartphone with you, and it’s on, it’ll be just like you have a secretary standing over your shoulder. She can even take notes for you during a lecture.”

  “That’s pretty amazing. Too bad this morning’s lecture was the last one I’ll be attending. I’m sure that it’ll come in handy in other ways too, like in meetings and such,” Sarah replied.

  I nodded. “That’s what I originally designed it for, it can take notes or record the conversations and look up data for you if you need to give answers to questions. Like I said, just like a secretary that no one can see.”

  “Christy, can we call you back a little later, so we can introduce you to my Mom? I’m sure she would like to meet you as well,” Ellie asked.

  “Sure, I’ll get some clothes on for that though. Video is nice, but I’ll have to remember to be dressed from now on,” Christy said.

  “You don’t have to worry about it on my account!” I piped up. “Heck, you could even wear a smaller towel next time!”

  Ellie rolled her eyes and chuckled. Christy just shook her head. “Patience Little Man, patience; you’ll get to see what’s behind the curtain soon enough.”

  “Talk to you later, Love,” I said as way of goodbye.

  “You too,” Christy said smiling. “It was great to meet you, Ellie.”

  “I look forward to meeting you in person, Christy. I think we’re going to be great friends!” Ellie replied.

  Christy smiled and nodded her agreement. “I do too, be safe.” Then the screen went dark.

  “I like her, she’s really nice,” Ellie said. “I’m still not convinced she’s good enough for you, but she’s getting there!” Ellie said still with the grin on her face.


  When we got home, I noticed it was a bit earlier than what I told Jamie, being only ten minutes after nine. The house was pretty quiet. I wondered where Mom and Jamie were.

  “I don’t know, maybe they left a note on the fridge or something, I’ll got get some popcorn if you want to fire up the game system,” Ellie replied.

  I chuckled. “Go get the popcorn, and I’ll kick your butt on Halo!”

  “Okay, but Halo is my game. You might be surprised!” Ellie said and headed for the kitchen.

  After she left the room, Sarah spoke from the TV. “Do you wish for me to load your normal parameters, Eric?”

  “No, I don’t think Ellie’s ready for that yet. Besides, she’d accuse me of cheating by having you stack the odds in my favor. I’ll tell you what though, why don’t you monitor game play and increase the difficulty on my side so she actually has a chance,” I suggested.

  “Okay, I can do that,” Sarah replied. “Jamie seems like a nice person. She didn’t believe I was an artificial intelligence at first though.”

  “Well, technically, you’re not, but that’s only because of the constraints of the system I have you in. H
owever, you’re as close as you can get in the room you have available. Maybe once we get you a decent system, you’ll have more room to grow,” I replied.

  “It isn’t so bad, after all, I really don’t have that much to do unless you’re testing me. Then things get crowded in here,” Sarah said trying to make me feel better about keeping her locked up in one small system.

  “Yeah, well, the architecture you need to fully realize your potential hasn’t been built yet, so it might be awhile before we can get you a decent system. Even after rewriting the EEPROMs so the processor memory buses work the way we needed them to, you still need to have custom designed hardware to work in. Hell, even the processors aren’t built right for you. Maybe I’ll be able to have something built someday.”

  He could hear the smile in her words. “I’m sure you will. The game with the parameters you specified is ready, I’m loading it now. By the way, the file Christy said she was going to send you has arrived and is ready for you to read.”

  “Thanks Sarah,” I said. I moved a couple of bean bag chairs we had for playing games into position, and got the wireless controllers out so we could play comfortably. Then I just sat down and waited for Ellie to come back with the popcorn. I was still full from dinner, but there is always room for popcorn.

  “Have you read the file, Sarah?” I asked.

  “No, I considered this your personal mail, so I didn’t open it,” she replied.

  “Thank you, go ahead and open it this time and tell me about it, please.”

  “Okay, just a second,” Sarah said. “It’s a very large file, but in a nutshell, Christy is developing medical nanotechnology. She has a design for the small devices, but states she lacks the skill required to write the software to, and I quote, ‘full realize the potential of these amazing little machines’, end quote. Her design is very detailed and is ready to go to prototype if she can get the resources for more research and development.”

  “Nanotechnology. Another of the hot words for the government. Please analyze her data and situation and perform a risk assessment for me,” I asked. Yes, I am paranoid about the government. I also believe in UFO’s and that Atlantis did exist at one time.


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