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Whispers of the Falls: Book one (Twelve Oaks Farm Series 1)

Page 9

by Teresa Greene

  Juan wasted no time and took the steps, grabbed a towel and began to dry off. “Come and have breakfast with us Grant.”

  When he looked at her for consent, Nina smiled and nodded. It would be nice to sit and have a meal as if they were one big happy family. Funny, she was already imagining him staying. Nothing would make her happier. He did say the farm helped him to relax. Maybe he wouldn’t go back to the war.

  Juan waited until they walked through the sliding door and closed it behind them. “Maybe tonight after dinner we can take another swim.”

  Grant waited until they were all seated at the table before he sat down. “I don’t see why not. I’ll teach you how to do the back stroke.”

  Across the table from her, Grant lifted a piece of bacon and took a bite. Nina couldn’t seem to keep her eyes off him. It was the first time she had been in love and the feeling was so exciting. She couldn’t wait to call Beth and tell her.

  Juan talked nonstop, but Nina didn’t mind. Grant had taken an interest in the boy, and for that she was grateful. Not having a father or another male in his life, he enjoyed Grant’s attention. “After we finish helping Nina clean the pool house, do you think we can play my new game? I bought it the other day with the money Nina gave me for helping her muck out the stalls.”

  Grant ruffled his hair. “I don’t see why not. Bet I’ll wipe the floor with you.”

  “No way. I’m king of Zombie Nightmare. I’m already up to the third level.” They listened to Juan relate the story of how he beat thousands of evil Zombies to save the world with a lot of enthusiasm.

  Maria spooned some grits into her son’s plate. “Eat something besides bacon, Juan. Grits are good for you.”

  Juan made a face before he scooped up a spoonful, tipped his spoon to the side, and let them drip back onto his plate. “Come on, Mom. I don’t really like them. How about I have some more eggs instead?”

  “Listen to your mama. If you want to grow up to be my size, you need to eat well balanced meals.” Everyone giggled when Grant flexed his muscles. “How do you think I got all these muscles?” He tweaked Juan’s nose. “By eating lots of whole grains and my vegetables.”


  Nina pushed away from the table. “I’ve got to get a shower and get moving. Five new guests will be arriving at twelve o’clock tomorrow and I need to get the pool house ready.”

  Grant stood, gathered his plate and glass. “I’ll get a shower and help you. I smell like chlorine.” He placed his plate and glass in the sink. His pants were wet from where he had been swimming in his underwear. “Thanks for breakfast, Maria. You cook much better than the cooks on base.”

  For the compliment, Maria gave him a sparkling smile. “Thank you, Grant. Maybe you can join us for dinner tonight? I’m preparing a traditional Mexican feast.”

  Nina had the feeling Maria was trying to do a little match making. She wondered if she knew Grant had spent the night in the house with her.

  “I love Mexican food.” His eyes roamed over Nina. “It beats eating alone.”


  No sooner had Nina stepped out of the house when she heard a vehicle approaching. At first she assumed it was her guests arriving a day early that had rented the pool house for a week. The moment the black Cadillac SUV came into view she felt sick. She wondered how many times she would have to tell Randle Collins their relationship was over. The man couldn’t get it through his thick skull she had no intention of resuming their friendship she ended three months ago. If his father wasn’t the sheriff of Taylorsville, she would take out a restraining order. But she would be wasting her time since the law did not pertain to him. His father always took his side.

  In the beginning of their relationship she thought him charming and considerate. In reality he was to her. He lavished her with flowers and jewelry. They dined at the fanciest restaurants. Still, she couldn’t tolerate his superior behavior. Everyone he came into contact with, he bullied and browbeat. That was the main reason she broke off their relationship after four weeks of dating. Randle had no respect for people. Rude and demanding, she thought him more of a spoiled child than a grown man.

  By the time he stepped out of the vehicle, her heart was pounding. With long purposeful strides he closed the distance between them. His perfect smile did little to ease her nervousness. A light breeze blew his blond, silky curls.

  “Hello, Nina.” His eyes sparkled with lust as he took her hand.

  Nina jerked her hand out of his grasp. “What are you doing here? I told you never to come here again.”

  “You know why I’m here. I love you. I want you to give me another chance. I can make you happy.” Dark eyes peered into hers as he took a step forward, Nina took one in retreat.

  How many times had she heard him make that promise? Past experience led her to believe Randle would never change. He was much too selfish to think of anyone but himself. Wary, she put her hands up to halt him. Kindness wouldn’t work to deter him. She hated to be abrasive but saw no other alternative. She pointed toward his car. “Leave, Randle. Do not come back!”

  Quick as lightening, Randle reached out and caught her arm, pulling her against his rock hard chest. “If memory serves me right, we had something special once. I will not give up, Nina. You are mine.”

  With an unladylike snort, she snapped, “We had nothing. You have a wild imagination.” At the most they had six dates. She had been so busy with the farm she had only managed a few late night dinners out and two movies with Randle. “Our relationship went no further than friendship.” His grip tightened. “Let me go, Randle. You are hurting me.”

  Eyes snapping with anger, he hissed, “Could it be you are sleeping with the Marine you had dinner with last night?”

  So that was why he decided to pay her a visit. The gossip had already made the rounds and he discovered she went on a date with Grant. Extremely jealous, he had never been able to tolerate anyone even looking at her. Once a valet at Roland’s Restaurant in Raleigh smiled at her, and Randle threatened to punch him in the face. In fact that had been the last straw. That was when she ended the relationship. They had a monumental argument about his jealousy. She ended up having to get a taxi to drive her home.

  Perhaps she shouldn’t have gone out in public with Grant. Randle wasn’t the type of man someone wanted for an enemy. It had not taken her long to discover he had a sinister side. When he was angry, he scared her. The thought of him harming Grant worried her. “Who I have dinner with is none of your business.” She jerked away from him, and stepped back out of his reach. Her voice was frigid when she screamed, “Leave!”


  Hands against the light, blue tile, Grant let the water cascade over his body. Despite the heat of the shower, he shivered when he thought about Nina. He became so hard he ached. Last night when he saw her standing in the middle of her room wearing nothing but her bra and panties he knew he had to have her. Then to discover she was a virgin made it even more special. Something about her pulled at him. Yes, she was beautiful, but there was more to her than her looks. The way she had taken Maria and Juan into her life spoke volumes about her character.

  He felt a quick pang of guilt. He let his defenses down and now an innocent woman would be hurt by his callousness. The timing was all wrong and he shouldn’t have taken advantage of her. Under other circumstances he would love to date her, spend time with her. Truth was he had a job to do and that was to find out if she knew about the marijuana being grown on her property.

  Early that morning while she slept he hid the bugs his uncle gave him; one in the kitchen, one in the living room, and the last in the dining room. Then he changed his mind and retrieved them from their hiding places. Deep down he knew it was a waste of time. Besides, anyone listening to the conversations taking place in the house might discover he was sleeping with Nina. No way was she involved in the drugs. No one could convince him she was part of a drug ring.

  He turned off the tap and dried off. Towel wrapped
around his waist, he stepped into the bedroom. He glanced out the window to find a man talking to Nina in her front yard. Grabbing the binoculars from his bag, he focused in on the pair. His gut churning, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. It was the same man Grant had seen on Nina’s land right in the middle of a huge crop of marijuana. Randle Collins reached out and took her hand.

  Grant couldn’t get dressed fast enough. He donned the pair of shorts lying on the bed. He hustled out the door pulling a tee shirt over his head. Not bothering with shoes, he jogged across the yard in his bare feet.

  Randle Collins’ glare could only be described as menacing as it stopped on him. “I guess this is the man you were seen with at Talbert’s last night. I can’t believe you’ve already let him move in.”

  “He is a paying guest, Randle. You do remember that is how I make money, renting out the barn and pool house to people. He is staying for another week.” Nina balled her hands into fists and gritted her teeth. “Why am I explaining myself to you? I owe you no explanation. You have worn out your welcome. Leave!”

  Grant closed the distance and stopped mere inches from Collins. “You heard the lady. You are not welcome and need to leave.” Suspicious, he got an eerie feeling deep in his gut. What if he was wrong and Nina knew of the drugs growing on her property? What if he was there to give her money? The thought caused a rage he couldn’t control. He balled up his fist ready for a fight.

  “Grant!” With one sharp word, Nina stopped him from punching Collins. She placed her hand on his shoulder.

  Nothing would give him more pleasure than to beat the hell out of the man. He moved to her side and twined his fingers with hers. She tensed and pulled her hand away. Did that mean she had feelings for Collins? Maybe she didn’t want Collins to know they had made love.

  An awkward silence ensued until Collins peered at him curiously and asked, “You look familiar. Have we met before?” His eyes glittered with danger as he tried to remember where he had seen Grant.

  He thought Collins didn’t notice him at the bar the night of Nina’s birthday celebration. He should have been more careful and worn a disguise. “I don’t think so. I haven’t been here but a few days and I rarely leave the farm.” Grant hoped that would appease Collins. If he became suspicious, he might start asking questions. The last thing he needed was for the man to discover his uncle was an FBI agent. If his cover were blown, then not only would he be in danger, so would Nina.

  A loud bark interrupted the conversation. All eyes turned toward Juan and Shadow as they raced around the side of the house. The moment Shadow saw Collins the hair on his back stood up. A low growl erupted deep in his throat.

  Grant smiled. “It seems Shadow doesn’t like you very much.”

  Nina ordered, “Sit, Shadow.” Immediately, the dog sat on his haunches, but he was still tense and taut.

  “I’ve told you in the past that dog was going to bite someone.”

  Juan dropped to his knees and rubbed Shadow’s head.

  The tone in Nina’s voice softened. “Please leave, Randle. You are not welcome here.”

  If looks could kill, Grant would now be dead. The man had the gall to point his finger at him threateningly before he climbed back into his expensive SUV. A vehicle no doubt bought with drug money. He started the engine and drove out of sight.

  Heat in his voice, Grant ordered, “Go back in the house, Juan. I need to talk to Nina in private.”

  Even though he was curious, the youngster did as asked. “Come on, Shadow.” The dog and boy disappeared inside.

  Grant took Nina by the arms and turned her to face him. “How do you know him?”

  She pulled away and crossed her arms over her breasts. “I dated him. I ended the relationship three months ago, but he will not leave me alone.”

  “Get your purse. We’re going into town to take out a restraining order.”

  “It will do no good. His father is the sheriff of Taylorsville and Randle Collins does exactly what he wants. Matthew Collins has always gotten his son out of any trouble he finds himself tangled in.”

  Grant raked his fingers through his hair. “How in the hell did you get involved with a man like him?”

  “What do you mean a man like him? Do you know something about Randal Collins?”

  Grant took a deep breath. He needed to think before he spoke. If he wasn’t careful, he would cause Nina to become suspicious. “I have never seen the man before today, but I can tell by his demeanor he is dangerous.” He cocked his head to one side. “How did you meet him?”

  “That is none of your concern.”

  He wanted to yell and scream at her for being so naïve to let a man like Collins control her life. Fearing Juan would hear if he did, he pulled her to his chest and then slung her over his shoulder.

  “Put me down. I can take care of myself.”

  Grant didn’t stop until he was in his bedroom in the barn. He dumped her onto the bed and peered down at her. When she stood, he pushed her back down.

  Her face contorted with rage, she shouted, “I was wondering when the big, bad, Marine would show up! You’re no better than Randle!”

  “I’m nothing like him. If a woman told me to leave her alone, then by God I’d leave her alone.”

  Her eyes went to slits. “Then leave me alone.” Again she stood, this time pointing to the door. “Gather your things and leave. I don’t need you or anyone else telling me how to handle my affairs.”

  “You didn’t have an affair with him. You were a virgin. You’ve never slept with Collins or any other man for that matter. I was your first.” He scrubbed his sweaty palms over his shorts.

  “That doesn’t mean you own me. We’ve only known each other for a week.” A tear slipped over her cheek. “I think I’ve made a huge mistake.”

  Sunlight spilled through the window. Her blond hair looked magnificent in the rays of light. Her skin so perfect and glowing because of her anger aroused him. The fury in her eyes added to her allure. His eyes swept over her breasts, her stomach, and her hips. Before he could stop himself he caught her hand in his, pulled her against his chest. Arms wrapped around her, he touched his lips to hers. A streak of lightening ripped through his body. She pushed against him, still too angry to even think of making love with him. His hunger was too strong and he would not be denied. The need to touch her was so overpowering he gripped her bottom and pressed her against his crotch. The feel of her hardened nipples against his chest felt glorious.

  She tore her mouth away from his and snapped, “Don’t you dare…”

  He ignored her protest and devoured her full, luscious lips. He felt her resolve soften as she succumbed to the kiss. Her hands moved over his back, gripping his muscles almost painfully. His blood sizzled everywhere her hands touched. She cried out against his greedy mouth as her fingers dug into his shoulders. Her pulse beat against his mouth as he went lower and kissed her neck. She smelled of sunshine and nature.

  Grant gripped the edge of her tank shirt and jerked it over her head. Then he unfastened her bra and caught a hard nipple between his teeth and bit the puckered tip. She arched her back and fisted her hands in his hair.

  “What have you done to me, Nina? You’ve possessed me. I’ll never be able to get enough of you.”

  He threw her on the bed, unzipped her shorts, and jerked them over her hips. Hand splayed across her flat stomach, he kissed her belly button causing her to wiggle. Grant raised his head and looked at Nina. She had the most intense look on her face. He ordered, “Open your eyes and look at me.” He pulled her to a sitting position. Suddenly shy, she opened her eyes but refused to look at him. With a finger under her chin, he forced her to look at him. “You are beautiful.” He pulled his tee-shirt over his head before unzipping his shorts and kicking them across the floor.

  Her hand wrapped around his penis and she held it tight. When her fingers wrapped around him, he whispered, “Nina, you are a natural. I want you so bad.” It didn’t take long and she se
emed to enjoy touching him, exploring every inch of his pulsing shaft. His control was in shreds as she gripped harder and moved her hand over his hardness. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her into the pillows. His mouth feasted on her swollen lips, his tongue dived deep.

  Her voice husky, she whispered, “I’ve never felt anything so wonderful in my life. Take me, Grant.” There was strength in the hands that gripped his back, pulling him tighter against her.

  The pleasure was so piercing he bit his lower lip to keep from groaning. Heat pumped through his blood as he spread her legs and entered her ferociously. She gasped and let out a little scream of surprise. He waited until she grew accustomed to his size. In seconds she began to move under him, bucking her hips against his shaft. She wrapped herself around him bringing him as deeply into her as possible. She shuddered beneath him. Grant rolled over onto his back bringing Nina with him. She sat up, hands on his chest. Her throaty cries intensified as she slammed against him time and time again, writhing, moaning as she straddled him. He gripped her buttocks and squirmed against her as his orgasm exploded. A great shudder moved through him. She gave a savage, powerful, upward thrust of her hips. Several thrusts later she collapsed onto his chest. Thick, gold hair covered his chest, neck and cheeks. She fell to the mattress gasping for air. “That was wonderful.”

  Even though he didn’t say it, Grant felt something powerful with Nina. No woman had ever touched his soul as she had. For long moments Grant lay unmoving considering his actions. He felt ashamed.

  Chapter Eight

  “I love you.” Nina felt him tense. Making small circles in his chest hair with her fingers, she smiled. “It’s okay, Grant. I know you are dealing with a lot right now. I don’t expect you to return the feelings.” Head propped on her elbow she looked at him. “You are one bad ass Marine. I have a lot of work to do and I’m too weak to get out of bed.” Everything ached. Never in her life did she think she could be as wicked as she had been with Grant. She felt like she had been in a fight.


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