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Five Masks of Sin_Reverse Harem Romance

Page 7

by Kelli Callahan

  “I’m not a cheater!” I stomped my foot angrily.

  “I’m definitely not into any of that.” Xavier shook his head again. “I don’t want to play whatever weird game you freaks have planned.”

  “Okay.” Simon exhaled and pulled the door open. “You can go if that is what you really want.”

  “It is—but.” He dug my pin out of his pocket. “Lyric? Are you sure you want me to just leave you here with these guys? You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”

  “I’m staying.” I exhaled sharply.

  “Okay.” Xavier handed me my pin and ran out the door without even trying to get his own back.

  “So how are we going to punish this little cheater?” Simon pushed the door closed and chuckled.

  “I don’t know.” Maximo smacked his lips and smiled.

  “I can think of a few ways.” Lenny chuckled and rubbed his chin.

  “I think we should start with a spanking. She already told me that she wanted one.” Simon stepped up and squeezed my ass.

  “I like it when you were inside me, I don’t want to just get spanked!” I pulled away and ran into Maximo, who grabbed my arms.

  “Yeah, I think a spanking would be a good place to start.” Maximo nodded. “It’s not really my thing, but would you like to do the honors, Simon?”

  “Oh, absolutely.” Simon walked up and started pulling my dress up.

  “Simon, stop it!” I struggled in Maximo’s grasp.

  “After your done spanking her ass, I wanna fuck it.” Lenny nodded. “I always wanted to bugger a pretty thing like her.”

  “What? No!” I shook my head back and forth as I looked over at Lenny. “You’re not fucking me there!”

  “Maybe we should all three fuck her asshole tonight and send her to bed without an orgasm.” Maximo smiled again.

  “What?” I looked back at Maximo and my mouth fell open.

  “That sounds like a good punishment.” Simon finished pulling my dress up and then pushed my panties to the floor. “Okay, you little cheater. Time for you to spend some time over my knee.”

  “You’re really going to spank me?” I looked at Simon and tried to pout. “Just do it like you did it the other night. I liked it then. You can spank me all you want if you’re inside me.”

  “That was for fun—this is for punishment.” Simon shook his head and wrapped his arms around my waist, which allowed Maximo to let go of me.

  I felt like madness had overtaken the three guys that had treated me so well up to that point. Simon carried me to the sofa and sat down, pulling me across his knee. My dress was around my hips and I had lost my panties somewhere along the way. My ass was on full display, and bent underneath his palm. He rubbed it slightly, letting his fingernails drift across my flesh. Maximo and Lenny took a seat across from us on the two chairs in the room. For a guy that didn’t like being called Daddy, he definitely seemed to like dealing out punishment like one.

  “Do all of you really think I’m a cheater?” I looked Simon and then over to the other two guys.

  “Yes.” Maximo nodded quickly. “I told you to go seduce a guy.”

  “Sounds like cheating to me.” Lenny nodded along with Maximo.

  “Fine...” I exhaled sharply and stared straight ahead. “Get it over with, then. Punish me for what I did—what you convinced me to do.”

  “You could have said no.” Simon chuckled and gave my ass a firm slap. “But I’m kind of glad you didn’t.”

  Hopefully this will give me a little time to figure out how I’m going to convince them not to fuck me in my ass.

  I might not have given Simon enough credit, because once the spanking started, the only thing I could focus on was the searing sting left behind by his palm. He really did intend to punish me. I started to fight against his grasp, but he held onto me without much effort on his end, despite my best attempt at escape. He kept his hand moving from one side of my ass to the other, making the sting more intense each time he smacked my flesh. I could feel my ass bouncing underneath his palm each time it came down. It definitely wasn’t as erotic or fun as the one I had from him when I was riding his cock. It started to really sting after I had been over his knee for nearly a full minute.

  “Ow!” I kicked my feet and squirmed on his knee.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to give her a few smacks, Maximo? It was your game she cheated at.” Simon paused and let his hand rest on my upper thigh.

  “Nah, like I said, it isn’t really my thing. Lenny, why don’t you give her a few? Those big lumberjack hands probably pack a pretty good wallop.” Maximo chuckled.

  “Sure, why not.” Lenny started to stand.

  “No, Lenny—come on.” I tensed when he walked over. “I was so nice to you last night!”

  “I’ve never liked a cheater.” Lenny walked over and stood next to me.

  “Give her five right here.” Simon patted the center of my ass.

  “Lenny, no!” I put my hand back to try and block him before he could deliver the first one.

  “Okay, make it ten since she’s trying to fight.” Maximo grabbed my hand pushed it out of the way.

  “That’s not fair!” I kicked my feet.

  Lenny didn’t have the same finesse as Simon. Simon kept my ass burning with his hand bouncing from one side to the other. Lenny just laid ten straight in the middle without pausing between them. I was squealing when he was done and actually looking forward to having my punishment resume at Simon’s hands instead of his. Deep down, despite all of the fighting I was doing, and all of the noise I was making in the process, I did know I cheated. Maximo had been testing my skills and my abilities. He wasn’t testing Simon’s. I didn’t even really get to practice anything. I literally walked up to Xavier, said let’s fuck in words barely more eloquent than that, and led him out of the room by his cock.

  “Ouch! Haven’t I been punished enough?” I looked over my shoulder at Simon.

  “A good spanking leaves a woman’s ass cherry red. You’re barely pink.” He continued making his hand bounce across my cheeks.

  “You keep this up and I am going to start calling you Daddy!” I sneered at him.

  “You do that and you’ll get your ass blistered instead of reddened.” The smacks got a little harder and I instantly regretted my sass.

  He sure does seem to enjoy handing out discipline for someone who doesn’t like to be called Daddy!

  I could feel Simon’s cock pressed against the fabric of his pants as I bounced on his knee. It was hard as a rock. At least my discomfort was making one of us happy, even if it wasn’t me. I started trying to squirm against his cock. I thought the sensation might distract him some. It didn’t do much at first, but I was determined. My ass was practically rising up to meet his hand, just so I could get a little more rubbing in. I felt his cock start to move a little, getting harder, and then pulsating. It seemed to be working. His hand started to slow down some and I heard a slight moan pass across his lips.

  “I guess you’re red enough now.” He reached between my legs and started rubbing my clitoris.

  “Oh god!” I moaned and instantly felt my whole body get stiff.

  Something was wrong. I was more turned on than I had ever been up to that point. Just a few quick circles around my clitoris made me feel like I was about to erupt in bliss. I was so startled by what I felt that took me a couple of seconds to realize that the spanking had done it to me. I didn’t feel the vibrations the way I had when he was inside me because I wasn’t being penetrated, but they were still there. It was so faint that the pain drowned them out. I no longer cared about the spanking once he touched me. I started to squirm and breathe heavily, moving my hips against his finger to try and get the release I craved.

  “I bet you would have a powerful orgasm if I let you.” Simon pulled his finger away. “But I believe you’re going to bed without one tonight.”

  “No, please!” I shifted my hips rapidly, trying to find his finger, but it was

  “It’s a shame, too.” Simon held up his finger for Maximo and Lenny to see. “She’s wet as fuck.”

  “Maybe sending her to bed without an orgasm is a little too harsh.” Maximo sighed and nodded. “After we’re done fucking her asshole, we can let her have one.”

  “You hear that?” Simon squeezed my ass, which hurt from being spanked. “You’ll get to cum after all three of us have had a little fun with you.”

  My ass wasn’t just going to be fucked. It was going to be fucked by three very large men. I was fairly certain it was going to hurt a lot worse than what I experienced the first time I was with Maximo. The difference was that I was able to find pleasure in that once I adjusted to his cock. I didn’t think that was going to be the case with all three of them pillaging my tightest hole. I had lost the will to fight it. If they wanted to use me for their filthy desires, they could have anything they wanted. The reward would be worth the price because I was so desperate to cum I would have done anything at that point.

  “Hello?” There was a knock at the door and I heard a voice on the other side.

  “Hmm.” Maximo stood with a startled look on his face. “I didn’t order room service or anything.”

  He opened the door and I heard some muffled voices. I was concerned, because nobody had come to the room when I had been with Maximo before. I hoped it wasn’t someone from the World Ball telling us that we were being thrown out because we had played loose with the rules. Technically, people were supposed to leave together, and it was supposed to be a trade of pins, not a group affair. Simon lifted me up and held me in his arms as I watched Maximo. A second later, he stepped away from the door and I saw Xavier. He was dressed the same way he was when he left, but he didn’t look quite as confused or scared. He walked into the living room and Maximo followed, smiling from ear to ear.

  “So, it looks like Xavier wants to play after all.” Maximo patted him on the back.

  “Actually.” Xavier exhaled and looked around the room. “My name is Dane. That wasn’t even my pin.”

  “Well.” Maximo chuckled and shook his head. “Not only did you break the rules, you managed to pick up some guy who wasn’t even a real guest at the ball!”

  Chapter 11: Maximo

  Lyric’s proposal had intrigued me from the moment it left her beautiful lips. She really was what I needed, but I didn’t know if I could make her my wife. That kind of commitment, especially one that included a baby, was going to last a lifetime. I tried so hard to feel jealous. I pushed her towards Simon. I pushed her into a threesome with Lenny. I even sent her out into the wild to pick up someone on her own. I didn’t feel the way I should have felt about someone like her. I felt more attached to her in a short time than I had with anyone before, yet I couldn’t make myself fight for her. That scared me. It was actually quite terrifying.

  What if she tries to leave one day? What if I give her this much freedom and then I feel possessive? I can’t close the box once it is opened.

  All I could offer was a hard maybe. I was torn up inside about it. I sat alone in my suite after she left with her new dress and tried to put my thoughts together. Knowing that she might leave the ball with someone else didn’t bother me, but what did bother me was the thought of her striking out. I felt panic when I thought about her trying to seduce someone and feeling the humiliation of rejection. She was far too beautiful and amazing for something like that to destroy the confidence she had built up since I took her virginity. That led me to add another player to the game—Simon.

  At least he was there to save her.

  With any other woman, it would have infuriated me to know that she was picking up a random guy to fuck. The only part that bothered me about her being with another man was my worry that he wouldn’t treat her as well as I did. That was why I insisted she bring them back to my suite. If nothing else, I could make sure she was safe while she got the pleasure she sought. Simon was the one to suggest punishment for her alleged cheating. He believed that she was the type of girl that would like it. He described how he spanked her while they were fucking and how hard it made her cum. He swore he wouldn’t actually hurt her and she wasn’t the first girl to go across his knee. I had to let her suffer a little to see if it was another step on her journey to a true sexual awakening.

  It definitely was. I could see her pussy getting wetter with every smack.

  I could tell that it surprised her to learn how turned on she got from the spanking. It didn’t surprise me at all. She was special. She wasn’t the kind of woman that would be able to marry a man and live a traditional life. She might have done that had she not come to the World Ball, but the emptiness would have remained. It wouldn’t have even had a name. It would have been something that she endured in silence, never knowing that she was a vibrant sexual creature. I had been around the world and spent time in a lot of different beds. I had never met a woman like her. She was unbelievably gorgeous, remarkable in every way, and she deserved to have everything that lay beneath the surface of her delicate skin unlocked. Pain. Pleasure. It didn’t matter. It was all part of the journey she was on—the journey I started.

  The journey that might end with a ring on both of our hands and groomsmen that have all fucked the bride. Groomsmen that may spend the night in our marital bed.

  Chapter 12: Lyric

  Simon carried me to the bedroom. I wasn’t sure who was going to enter me first. The sudden arrival of Xavier—or Dane, as it seemed—had not changed their intentions. All four of them planned to ravage my virgin asshole. I felt a tongue and looked back to see Maximo kneeling on the bed. He started licking around the circumference of my tender hole, making it quiver from his touch. That part didn’t feel bad, but when he started to push a finger inside me, I winced. It didn’t necessarily hurt to just have one finger in my ass, but it didn’t feel good. That was going to be the easiest part though, because what they intended to push inside me was definitely bigger than a finger.

  “This is so fucking tight.” Maximo exhaled sharply and I felt his breath against my scorched flesh. “I don’t think I’ve ever been the first one inside a woman’s ass.”

  “I think you should let one of us have first shot at it since you did take her virginity.” Simon walked over and I felt his finger joining Maximo’s, spreading me even more.

  “I guess that’s fair.” Maximo’s reply was calm.

  “I’ve never done it before at all, so I don’t care if I’m first or last.” Lenny’s voice echoed through the room. “Do you have a preference Xavier Dane?”

  “Just Dane.” Our new partner’s voice was smooth and he had a southern accent. “And no, if you guys knew how long it had been since I actually had sex with something besides my hand, you’d probably kick me out.”

  “Nah.” Maximo chuckled. “You’re part of the family now. If you’d prefer to have her pussy, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.”

  “I’d prefer that!” I looked over my shoulder and nodded. “You did say it was okay if I cum!”

  “Maybe you can take her pussy while Simon takes her asshole.” Maximo pushed his finger in harder.

  “Wait, that wasn’t what I meant.” I shook my head.

  “I don’t think you reddened her ass enough, Simon.” Maximo’s hand came crashing down. “She’s still defiant.”

  “I don’t think I can spank that out of her.” Simon laughed. “Dane, you want to give it a try?”

  “No.” Dane’s reply was ice cold. “I don’t like that at all, even when it’s playful. If she’s into it and you guys are, that’s fine, but I just can’t participate.”

  “I like Dane.” I smiled. “He would never spank me.”

  “Luckily you’ve got the rest of us to take care of this naughty ass for you.” Simon gave me a smack on the other side of my ass.

  Maximo and Simon continued to loosen me up for the inevitable penetration I was going to get, moving their fingers inside me and coating my asshole with their saliva. When they fin
ally decided I was ready, Dane got on the bed and I straddled him. It wasn’t hard for him to go inside my pussy considering how wet I was from everything that had happened so far. The pleasure was instantaneous and it consumed me. After I bounced on his cock a few times, I felt everything just cave and my eyes rolled back in my head. I came so hard that I thought I was going to pass out. Simon, Lenny and Maximo just kind of paused on the bed, barely breathing, as I rolled in bliss on Dane’s dick.

  “I thought I was the one that was going to cum in two seconds.” Dane exhaled and gasped. “What did you guys do to her while I was gone?”

  “A lot.” Simon chuckled. “But not as much as we’re going to do.”

  Simon positioned himself behind me and pushed me down until I was pressed against Dane. I felt his cock slowly being pushed into my asshole. It hurt a lot when he broke the ring, but then it started to stretch to accommodate his girth. I was lubricated enough that the friction itself didn’t hurt, but the pressure that came with it certainly did. The fact I had just orgasmed helped because I was more relaxed than I would have been without that temporary relief. Dane slowly brought his hips up to thrust inside me, but it was gentle enough that all I felt was a temporary surge of bliss. Simon continued pushing, stretching me more with every inch I endured.

  “Nice and tight, just like I thought it would be.” Simon exhaled and gasped. “God, I may cum before I even get it all the way in if Dane keeps thrusting like that. It’s like getting a cock massage while you’re buried inside someone.”

  “Yeah, your dick feels pretty good on this end, too.” Dane let out a light grunt. “That’s something I never thought I’d say.”

  Maximo and Lenny laughed. It even got a chuckle from me as well, but then the pressure started to build even more. Simon was so deep that his dick was really starting to hurt. Luckily, Dane’s thrusts made up for it and kept me from squealing. I finally felt Simon go all the way inside me and his pelvis rested against my punished ass. He kept his dick buried there while Dane’s gentle thrusts continued. Simon finally started to move and Dane picked up the pace. The pleasure surged through when I started to feel Simon’s thrusts. It wasn’t the anal sex that brought it on, but the combination of the two was unbelievable.


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