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Alone: Book 4 in The Everett Gaming Series

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by Drew Sera


  Book 4 In The Everett Gaming Series

  Drew Sera




  1. Friday, January 10th

  2. Saturday, January 11th

  3. Friday, January 10th

  4. Friday, January 10th

  5. Saturday, January 11th

  6. Saturday, January 11th

  7. Saturday, January 11th

  8. Sunday, January 12th

  9. Sunday, January 12th

  10. Sunday, January 12th

  11. Sunday, January 12th

  12. Monday, January 13th

  13. Monday, January 13th

  14. Monday, January 13th

  15. Monday, January 13th

  16. Monday, January 13th

  17. Monday, January 13th

  18. Tuesday, January 14th

  19. Tuesday, January 14th

  20. Tuesday, January 14th

  21. Tuesday, January 14th

  22. Tuesday, January 14th

  23. Tuesday, January 14th

  24. Tuesday, January 14th

  25. Tuesday, January 14th

  26. Wednesday, January 15th

  27. Wednesday, January 15th

  28. Wednesday, January 15th

  29. Thursday, January 16th

  30. Thursday, January 16th

  31. Thursday, January 16th

  32. Thursday, January 16th

  33. Thursday, January 16th

  34. Thursday, January 16th

  35. Friday, January 17th

  36. Friday, January 17th

  37. Friday, January 17th

  38. Saturday, January 18th

  39. Saturday, January 18th

  40. Saturday, January 18th

  41. Sunday, January 19th

  42. Sunday, January 19th

  43. Sunday, January 19th

  44. Sunday, January 19th

  45. Monday, January 20th

  46. Tuesday, January 21st

  47. Tuesday, January 21st

  48. Tuesday, January 21st

  49. Wednesday, January 22nd

  50. Thursday, January 23rd

  51. Friday, January 24th

  52. Friday, January 24th

  53. Friday, January 24th

  54. Friday, January 24th

  55. Friday, January 24th

  Drew Sera


  Book Four of The Everett Gaming Series


  Drew Sera

  With special contributions from


  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. No person, brand or corporation mentioned in this book should be taken to have endorsed this book nor should the events surrounding them be considered in any way factual. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.


  This book contains sexually explicit scenes, adult language, disturbing scenes that may be considered offensive to some readers. This book contains content that is not suitable for readers under the age of 18.


  Please do not try any sexual practice, especially those that might be found within the scope of BDSM/Fetish kink without the guidance of an experienced professional. Author is not responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.

  Copyright © 2016 by Drew Sera

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author.

  Cover Design by © Depraved Eros

  Cover Model Kathryn Kienke

  Interior Design by © Drew Sera

  “Anthony’s” notes from the pen of HL37, Author & Poet

  Medical advice by D.P. Lyle, M.D.

  Proofreading services provided by J. Dickerson of Nerdy Girl Editing & Co.


  Greg – Your love, support and encouragement helped me push this book forward. Without you, “Sydney” would still be stuck in a dark place.

  Michael – Thank you for never letting me down and for everything you do for me and this book series.

  Randy – Thank you for walking next to me when I needed support, for walking ahead of me when I needed guidance and for walking behind me when I needed someone to watch my back.

  Aimee – Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dedication to this book and for loving these characters as much as I do.


  Friday, January 10th


  Just as I was getting ready to tee off, my cell phone rang in my pocket. I laughed as Colin and Anthony attempted to distract me - amateurs. I smiled and drove the ball nice, deep and in perfect alignment in relation to the cup.

  “Whatever, boys.”

  I drug my phone from my pocket as I dropped my club in the bag. It was Gina, and I moved out of the way of Colin and Anthony to answer. We tried to never answer our cells on the course unless it was Gina or Sydney, and the girls were out shopping this afternoon so I of course was answering.

  “Hi pet…” I didn’t even get the rest of my sentence out before her choked up sobs came through the phone. She was in hysterics, and it instantly gutted and terrified me. Gina used to have a tendency to get worked up and would slip into panic attacks. This is exactly where she sounded like she was heading, and she needed to calm down. “Gina...Gina, calm down, pet...I can’t understand you. Gina, take a deep breath…That’s my good little pet, now slowly tell me what’s wrong?”

  By now, Anthony and Colin had both abandoned their clubs and were standing close to me. I knew they could hear Gina crying on the phone. Colin had his phone out, and I’m sure he was trying to reach Sydney to see if he could get a calmer side of what was going on. Anthony already had his phone up to his ear and frowned. He pulled it away and mouthed “voicemail.”

  “She’s gone, Matt! I can’t find her!” she panted into the phone.

  I couldn’t comprehend what she could even be referring to, but I did know with certainty that she was on the verge of going into a panic.

  “Gina, calm down. What do you mean that she’s gone?” She began mumbling, and I could tell she was probably pacing. “Gina, tell me exactly where you are. Stop moving and look around you. Where are you?”

  Colin and Anthony were both still on their cells again attempting to reach Sydney, no doubt.

  “I’m in front of Tuscany. Sydney and I were shopping, and I had to go to the bathroom. She was going to wait by the bench for me, and when I came out, she was gone.”

  I motioned for the guys to get in the golf cart. We needed to go to our girls. Gina wasn’t well, and I was worried that Colin and Anthony couldn’t reach Sydney. Anthony drove the golf cart back to Colin’s while I kept Gina talking.

  “Do you think you misunderstood, pet? Did Sydney maybe say that she’d meet you in a store? Think, Gina. Try to recall.” I could hear her labored breathing and knew she was upset. I haven’t heard her like this in a long time. “Pet, do you think that’s a possibility? Maybe she’s waiting for you in another store.”

  “No! She was going to wait at the bench! When I came out of the bathroom, I didn’t see her. I thought maybe she went to the bathroom and we just missed each other. I sat down and saw a bag of M&M’s on the ground next to her collar! Her collar!”

  Mother fuck. Until that bit of information, I was pretty sure they got their locations crossed or misunderstood one another. But wi
th that info, I knew something very wrong was going on. Gina’s crying and panting brought me back to the present. Even though she hadn’t had a panic attack in a long time, one was coming on. I needed to get her to a safe location and to calm the fuck down.

  “Gina, pet, go into Tuscany and ask for the manager. I’ll wait on the phone with you, honey.”

  “Matt, what about S-sydney? We have t-to f-find her!”

  “Gina, you have to breathe, pet. I need you to listen to me and go into Tuscany.”

  “Okay,” she sobbed.

  Hearing her in hysterics and under stress does bad things to me. I had broken out in a sweat and kept glancing at Colin and Anthony to see if either had reached Sydney. I heard her talking to someone inside the restaurant and then she came back on the phone and said she had the manager.

  “Good, hand them your phone and stay there.”

  “Hello, may I help you?” The manager had a friendly sounding voice, and I was grateful for that.

  “Yes, my name is Matthew Reid, and the young lady who is with you is my wife. She’s very upset, and I’m on my way to get her. Can you please keep an eye on her? Please don’t let her leave the restaurant with anyone. I need to know she is safe until I get there.”

  “Of course, your wife and her friend are in here often. I will keep an eye on her until you arrive.”

  He handed the phone back to Gina, and I told her I was on my way and to stay put. She began crying harder and asked about Sydney again. I told her we’d find her, or else this city would be torn inside out by nightfall. I ended my call and Colin and Anthony looked sick.

  “I can’t get Sydney on her phone. What happened, Matt?” Colin asked while the three of us jogged through his house to his BMW in the garage.

  When we reached the car, I went to the driver’s side and we all quickly got in. As we drove to Tuscany, I filled them in on what Gina told me. Anthony was in the back seat texting and dialing frantically while Colin did the same. Sydney’s phone was apparently just going to voicemail. Anthony said it wasn’t even ringing, and that it would just go to voicemail. So, most likely it was turned off.

  “Maybe she’s in a store,” Colin said without looking up from his phone.

  “No, Col. I don’t think so,” I said softly as we approached a stoplight and I came to a stop.

  “What the fuck does that mean, Matt?” Colin bit out at me, and then he reached over and grabbed my arm. Thankfully, we were stopped.

  Anthony reached up and pulled Colin back to the passenger seat and told him to calm down. We were all wrecks and worried about our girls.

  “Gina said when she came out of the bathroom and sat on the bench, she noticed a bag of candy on the ground.”

  “So? Fucking candy wrappers don’t mean anything, Matt.”

  “Next to the candy was Sydney’s collar.”

  I said it as gently as I could. Colin pounded his fist on the door. These two were going to fall apart!

  “Fuck! Hurry, Matt, please!” Colin quickly yelled.

  I drove as quickly as I could while maintaining control, and the two of them continued to try to reach Sydney. I had a sick feeling though.

  We got to Tuscany and ran inside. I scanned the restaurant for Gina and saw her sitting at a table with a glass of water. I ran to her with Colin and Anthony behind me. She ran into my arms when she saw me, and I held her tightly in my arms to calm her.

  “I have you, pet. You’re okay.’re okay.”

  Feeling her shaking as badly as she was tore me up. It reminded me of how it used to be in the beginning; she’d have panic attacks. I needed to keep her as calm as possible.

  The four of us went back outside and we walked to where Sydney was supposed to wait for her. Colin and Anthony were panicked and obviously upset. I was a little surprised that Anthony was as collected as he was, whereas Colin was falling apart by the minute.

  Gina retraced their steps, and we decided we needed to call the police. I went to the security desk while Colin and Anthony split up. They were going to go from store to store and ask if Sydney had come in. They each had pictures of her on their phones and could show them to employees and patrons.

  After Gina and I talked to security, I sat down on the bench where Sydney disappeared from and called the police. I waited on hold until a desk officer answered and told me that until it’s been twenty-four hours, they couldn’t do anything. We couldn’t even file the fucking missing persons report. Fucking crazy. We couldn’t see security footage until a police report was filed either. Basically, we had to sit around with our dicks in our hand for twenty-four hours. Anything can happen in twenty-four hours. A lot of really bad things can happen in twenty-four hours, but I wasn’t going to voice that to Colin and Anthony.

  Gina and I stayed put on the bench, waiting for Colin and Anthony while I placed a call to Blake. Blake ran in lots of different circles and I thought that possibly, one of those circles would pay off. I prayed for it. Blake said he’d make a few calls and would call me back. I shot off a text to Anthony and Colin.

  MR: Security won’t let us see the surveillance until a police report has been filed. Police say we can’t file a report until it’s been twenty-four hours. I called Blake.

  I didn’t get responses from the guys, but I knew they had seen the text. Blake called and told me that he was able to speak with a friend of his at the police department, and they were sending two detectives to Colin’s house tonight to get the report filed. Blake also said he was going to head over to Colin’s now. I sent the guys a text and within a few minutes, both were at the bench with Gina and I. They looked like they had aged during the past few hours. Gina sat numbly on my lap and clung to me.

  “Two detectives are going to be at the house in just a little while. We should go,” I said calmly to them.

  They looked defeated and Anthony started to pace and protest. “Maybe I should stay here and keep talking to people.”

  “Anth, we can’t do anything else here, man. Let’s go home, talk to the police, and go from there. Come on, Matt will drive.” Colin said while keeping his hand on Anthony’s shoulder.

  “Fuck!” Anthony was now unraveling. His face was red, and he was rubbing his chest. He needed to try to calm down. Colin starts to freak out whenever he sees Anthony rubbing on his chest. I think it’s a nervous habit that maybe Anthony has had all of his life, but it’s coming out again as a response to certain things with regards to Sydney. I’ve checked his heart out and he’s healthy, but I wanted him to try to calm down and keep his hand off his chest so Colin would calm down, too.

  I managed to get them to agree to come home and was able to get Gina to walk on her own. I worried about her and began to fear she was shutting down. Gina hasn’t had a shock episode for a while, but I think it was all setting in for her now. When we got to the car, she wouldn’t let go of my hand.

  “Pet, I need to drive. Colin and Anthony are too preoccupied. Sweetheart, sit in the back seat, and I’ll reach my hand back so you can hold it while I drive. Okay?”

  She nodded, and when I let go she started to cry and shiver. Colin went to her and held her against him.

  “It’s going to be okay, Gina. We’ll find her. Come on, I’ll hold you in the back seat.”

  I nodded my thanks to Colin, and they got in the back while Anthony sat up front with me. The drive back was difficult. It was quiet except for Anthony swearing every few minutes due to not being able to make contact with Sydney via phone. We had all of our phones out and turned up loud so we wouldn’t possibly miss a call.

  We stopped at the security stand at the gated entrance of our neighborhood to let them know that Blake was coming over and that we were expecting the police. I briefly told the gate attendant what had happened, and he said they’d keep an eye out for us.

  I pulled up in Colin’s driveway and we all went inside. Gina and I would go back tomorrow to get her car. Maybe we’d get Seth to give us a lift. Colin managed to get some lights on whi
le Anthony sat at the breakfast bar and concentrated on trying to reach Sydney with the cell phone.

  The two of them were disconnected and quiet, and Colin paced while we waited for the police. He saw Gina was still curled up on my lap at the kitchen table and frowned. He went to the great room and came back a few moments later with a throw and set it over Gina.

  “I’m sorry. Let me get you some water for Gina.”

  “Col, it’s okay,” I told him. I didn’t want him to worry about playing host when his world just got thrown into hell.

  He set the water down and Gina started to squirm on my lap. I stilled her though.

  “Calm, pet,” I gently said.

  “I have her collar in my pocket,” Gina explained.

  I understood that she wanted to put it in their hands. She fished in her pocket for something very symbolic to Anthony, Colin, and Sydney. Anthony had turned to look at Gina as she set the collar in Colin’s outstretched hands.

  It hit him hard once the collar was set in his hand and he sat motionless, staring at the collar. Colin didn’t look well, but I don’t think anyone would be doing well in this situation.


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