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Bride by Mistake

Page 12

by Shank, Marilyn

  As Ian started to walk off, Meg gripped his arm. “Don’t be too hard on yourself. You had a good reason for what you did.”

  He turned to meet her gaze. “Does being deceitful for a good reason justify the deceit?” Ian tipped his cap and didn’t wait for an answer. “Good night, Miss Liza.”

  “Good night.”

  This would change everything, Meg realized. Zach planned to propose to her based on the fact that Eloise was ill. But since she wasn’t, there would be no need for the proposal. Meg felt a tug in the area of her heart. While she wanted this charade to end, it hurt terribly to think of leaving Zach. And never seeing him again.

  As she watched Ian walk to the car, Meg sighed. How could she criticize the man? She and Zach were just as guilty of pretense as Ian. And they too wanted to please Eloise. But did that justify their behavior?

  Shakespeare had nothing on the Addison-O’Malley gang. There wasn’t an aboveboard relationship among them. Fortunately, everything could still be resolved—except for one thing.

  You’re falling for Zach. And it’s the head-over-heels kind of love. Liza’s words echoed in Meg’s mind as she went back into the condo. Was Liza right? And if so, what should she do about it?

  Meg shrugged. It didn’t matter now. Ian would tell Zach that Eloise was healthy, and their engagement would end. Tears stung her eyes as the pain of that reality hit home.

  She blinked back the tears. This was a great solution to her dilemma. With no reason to pretend, she could fly home and pick up her life where it left off.

  But deep in her heart, Meg knew that was impossible.

  Zach paced Liza’s living room as she walked Ian out to the car. Although the game between the Royals and the White Sox had been exciting, he could barely concentrate. His mind only focused on one thing.

  Liza O’Malley.

  One good thing had come of it. He’d made an important decision during that game. He had decided he’d have a serious talk with Liza. Lay his feelings—his heart, if need be—on the table.

  Liza reentered the house and walked toward him. She wore a pair of jeans and a sunny yellow T-shirt that made her complexion and auburn hair glow. As she joined him, Zach said, “We can’t go on like this.”

  Liza’s green eyes widened, and she looked more delectable than ever. Without giving her a chance to reply, Zach strode toward her and gripped her shoulders. “I’ve tried to go back to the way things were, but that’s not possible.”

  “Oh, dear.”

  Zach pulled her gently toward the couch and they both sat down. “When I asked you to pose as my fiancée, I didn’t intend to change our relationship. But I feel differently about you now. I think about you constantly. What’s even scarier is that I think about us.”

  “Oh, dear. Oh, dear.”

  “Liza, could you say something besides ‘oh, dear’?”

  “Oh, mercy.”

  “I haven’t told you this, but I went to see Jeff Thomason. You know, my psychiatrist friend?”


  Zach placed his hand gently over Liza’s sweet mouth. He couldn’t survive another “Oh, dear.”

  “I explained the feelings I’m having about you, or tried to. Do you know what he said?”

  “I’m afraid to ask.”

  “He said we should give our new relationship a chance. What do you think of that?”

  Liza shrugged those delectable shoulders. “I don’t know what to think.”

  “Neither do I. But I’m sure of one thing. Going back to buddy status isn’t going to happen.”

  Her lower lip trembled. “It’s not?”


  “So, what do you suggest?”

  “Are you willing to change our relationship?”

  “What do you mean, change it?”

  Zach looked into those magnificent eyes, and with all the sincerity in his heart, he asked, “Are you willing to date me, Liza?”

  Her hands shot up and covered her lips, and her eyes grew big as half dollars. Was the thought of dating him repulsive to her? he wondered.

  “You want us to date?” she finally parroted. “For real?”

  “I do. Then we can figure out what we mean to each other.”

  “Would this affect your grandmother’s party?”

  “Not in the slightest. We’ll go ahead and announce our engagement as planned.”

  “Because she’s ill.”


  “That’s the only reason, right?”

  He nodded. “Gram’s heart condition got this ball rolling. But I’m shocked at the momentum it picked up.”

  “Me too.”

  Liza hadn’t answered his question, Zach realized. Hadn’t told him whether she would date him or not.

  While he felt he might explode if he had to wait another second, he must tread carefully. “Do you feel the same about me?” he probed.

  Liza hung her head. She didn’t seem pleased about changing the status quo. She took a deep breath, and her green eyes met his head-on. When their gazes locked, Zach’s heart skipped wildly.

  “You aren’t the only one who’s confused about our relationship. I feel things that…” She stopped speaking and looked away.

  Zach lifted her chin so her gaze met his. “Go on.”

  “I feel things for you that are surprising. Startling.”

  “Good startling or bad startling?”

  “Powerful.” She bit her lip, then continued. “What I feel for you goes far beyond friendship.”

  Zach’s pulse beat faster than a drummer in a rock band. Liza did care for him! Far more than just as a friend!

  “So is it okay to date? For real this time?”

  “We’re moving awfully fast. Why don’t we wait twenty-four hours before we decide? If we feel the same tomorrow evening, we’ll start dating.”

  Zach felt a stab of disappointment. “I don’t plan to feel any differently tomorrow.”

  “Things can change, Zach. But if we feel the same, we’ll go ahead.”

  Zach was glad she hadn’t turned him down cold. “All right. I guess that makes sense.” He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. While he wanted to do far more than that, he could wait until tomorrow.

  “Good night, Liza.”

  “Good night, Zachary.”

  As Meg watched Zach walk toward his car, her heart pounded so hard that she could hardly catch her breath. Zach wanted to date her! For real, not pretend! She could scarcely believe her good fortune. For several moments, she basked in that wondrous thought. Gloried in it. Dating Zach, a fantasy she’d had in high school, was becoming reality.

  Don’t be a fool, her conscience nagged. Multiple roadblocks stood in their way. Her relationship with Martin, for one. And the minute Ian told Zach that Eloise wasn’t ill, their pretending would end and Zach would leave her. Just the thought of it tore at her heart.

  His footsteps clicked on the sidewalk, taking him farther away from her with each step. Suddenly something inside Meg snapped. She just couldn’t let Zach go.

  “Zach?” she called.

  He turned to face her. “Yes?”

  “I’m glad you want us to date.”

  He took an eager step in her direction. “You are?”

  She raced down the stairs toward him. “Yes. And I don’t need more time to think about your proposition.”

  They were just a few feet apart now. She could still use good sense and say she’d decided not to date him. That it was a stupid idea, which it was.

  Instead she said, “I would love to date you, Zach Addison.”

  The words burst out of her before she could stop herself. She had to know what it was like to have Zach care about her—even if their romance lasted only a few hours.

  He covered the distance between them in several long strides. Then he swept Meg into his arms and pulled her to him. As his arms wrapped around her, Meg felt passion she’d never experienced.

  The scent of honeysuckle and
the brightness of the moon intensified the magic. Zach held her close and when he kissed her neck the sensation took Meg straight to heaven.

  “You know something?” he whispered. “That’s the best news I’ve ever heard.”

  Rapture stirred Meg’s heart as Zach stroked her hair and gazed into her eyes. “Oh, Liza, Liza. I don’t know what’s happening to us, but let’s run with it and find out.”

  “Yes, let’s,” she said, raising stupidity to new heights.

  Zach’s magnificent eyes penetrated her very soul. And for an instant, Meg thought she saw love reflected there. Love! When he bent to kiss her, Meg came fully alive. For the first time in her life.

  She responded to his kiss with a sense of joy and pure delight. She pressed against Zach, into Zach, wanting to get as close as possible.

  She wanted to absorb him—to drink him into her very being.

  A soft moan escaped his lips, and Meg’s knees nearly buckled from the ecstasy of kissing Zach. Of holding Zach. Of having him hold her.

  When the kiss ended, he stroked her hair again and she felt more like a fairy princess than a ballet teacher. “I won’t rush you,” he promised. “We’ll give this all the time in the world.”

  She nodded. “Do you want to come in?”

  “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do. But I’m going to use good sense and head for home. We’ve taken enough giant steps for one day.”

  “You’re right, of course.”

  “Until tomorrow.”

  Zach placed a gentle kiss on her lips, then strode to his car and climbed in. Meg watched him drive off into the night.

  She went to sit in Liza’s porch swing to bask in the wonder of the latest surprise. Zach wanted to date her. For real, not pretend. And his kisses, on a scale of one to a hundred, ranked right at a million. Some of Zach’s aftershave still clung to Meg, and she delighted in the masculine aroma.

  She sighed contentedly. Maybe Liza was right. Maybe she did love Zach. And maybe he loved her too.

  Finally her conscience had had enough. You’re delusional, it declared. Zach’s caught up in the pretending. He’s falling in love with the idea of love, not with you.

  While that hurt, it held a ring of truth.

  Then her conscience dealt the final blow. Have you forgotten that Zach thinks you’re Liza?


  I’M DATING LIZA. For real.

  Those words echoed through Zach’s mind as he shaved and showered the next morning. Before dressing, he slipped on a terry cloth robe, poured himself a cup of strong coffee, and headed for the sunroom. Inkblot tagged along and curled up at his feet.

  Zach sipped his coffee, realizing that for once his life felt comfortable. Even happy. Tonight was Gram’s party, when he’d announce his engagement to Liza. Even though Gram’s illness made him sad, at least this birthday, possibly her last, would be a happy one.

  The doorbell rang and Zach went to answer it, accompanied by his yipping puppy. When he opened the door, he found Ian on the porch. “Good morning,” Zach said. “What a surprise.”

  Ian smiled. “I brought homemade pecan rolls. I know how much you like them.”

  “You’re right about that. I could eat my weight in pecan rolls. Thanks a lot.”

  Since Ian made no effort to leave, Zach said, “Would you like to come in for some coffee?”

  “I’d like that very much. If you have a moment, there’s something I wish to discuss.”


  Zach felt a wave of concern. Was Gram’s health deteriorating? Good thing the party and the announcement would happen this evening.

  He led Ian, closely tagged by Inkblot, into the sunroom, poured coffee for his guest, and the two sat down.

  “You’ve surprised me twice, Ian. Last night at Liza’s and again this morning.”

  “I had a pleasant chat with Miss Liza last night. She’s a remarkable young woman.”

  “I agree.”

  “You do?”


  “I’m glad to hear it.”

  Zach’s attraction to Liza swept through him like a river surging toward the sea. “Can I tell you something, Ian? In confidence?”

  “Of course.”

  “For years Liza and I were just friends. She was like a kid sister to me.” Zach leaned across the small table toward Ian, who also leaned forward. “But any brotherly feelings I had for her…”

  Gram’s butler’s eyes grew large, and he waited patiently.

  “…are gone.”

  Ian quirked an eyebrow. “You don’t say? And in their place?”

  “To be honest, everything has changed. I’m strongly attracted to Miss O’Malley. In a most unbrotherly way.”

  A grin spread across Ian’s face and lit his brown eyes. “I’m so happy for you, Zachary. You struggled after your divorce, and I’d like nothing better than to see you happy again. When the right woman comes along, a man has to act. Often that only happens once in a lifetime.”

  The light in Ian’s eyes dimmed and he glanced down at his coffee cup. “May I share a confidence with you?” he asked quietly.

  Zach nodded. “Of course.”

  Ian took a deep breath then started to speak. “I loved a young woman once many years ago. Her name was Jane. She wanted us to marry, but I hesitated. My work always took priority, and I didn’t want to rush into marriage.” He paused a moment and then continued. “I’m sorry to say that I waited too long, and Jane found someone else. To be honest, I’ve always regretted my choice.”

  Zach felt stunned that Ian would share such a personal confidence. “I’m sorry, Ian. Losing Jane really changed your life.”

  “Yes, it did. But don’t misunderstand. I’ve always loved working for your grandmother. My life has been full.”

  Zach nodded. “I know that.”

  Ian’s gaze caught Zach’s and held for a moment. “But don’t make the same mistake I did. If you feel strongly about a young woman, don’t wait too long to act.”

  “That’s good advice, Ian. Now, I’ll share a confidence with you. While I’m not ready for marriage yet, I do plan to propose to Liza at Gram’s birthday party. Liza and I discussed the matter and because of Gram’s health, we want to speed things up with a pretend engagement. We think it will make Gram happy.”

  Ian’s smile returned and so did the sparkle in his eyes. “That’s a wonderful idea. Nothing could please Mrs. Addison more. And while you’re just proposing for show, do you think you and Miss Liza may have a future together?”

  “If I have anything to say about it, yes.”

  “That’s marvelous news. Let me be first to extend my congratulations. Now I know you have things to attend to, so I’ll be going.”

  “Wait a minute,” Zach said. “I got so caught up in my own concerns that I didn’t give you a chance to talk. You said you had something important to discuss with me.”

  “Oh, yes.” Ian bit his lip and a bright flush colored his cheeks. While he’d appeared comfortable throughout their conversation, he suddenly seemed stressed.

  “What’s the matter? Is Gram’s condition worsening?”

  “Nothing like that. All I wanted…” He paused and cleared his throat.


  He hesitated a moment longer and then said, “I wondered if you thought we should ride to the country club together, or if your grandmother and I should meet you there.”

  The important subject didn’t seem terribly important, Zach thought. Not significant enough for Ian to drop by bearing pecan rolls.

  “Since Gram thinks it’s just the four of us going to dinner, Liza and I’d better pick you up. Around seven.”

  Ian nodded agreeably. “Very good, sir. We’ll be ready and waiting.”

  After seeing Ian out, Inkblot accompanied Zach to his dressing room. “Unusual visit,” Zach said as he took slacks and a white shirt from his closet. Inkblot picked up the slipper he’d just taken off and started to chew. “I’ll take that, lit
tle man,” Zach said, managing to salvage his footwear.

  As he dressed, the sense of excitement dimmed. The attraction he felt for Liza could lead to a serious relationship, and he’d even told Ian they might have a future together. That would require a serious commitment. And Zach had avoided commitment like a giant mud puddle ever since Denise had left.

  His relationship with Denise had led him down a path of deception and difficulty. Remnants of that journey still lingered.

  Would it be different with Liza? Or was he setting himself up for more anger, resentment, and heartache? He’d had enough of that to last a lifetime.

  Meg hurried to the door and found Zach on the porch, clutching a florist’s box. In a white dinner jacket and black slacks, he looked like a model for GQ. He seemed taller than Meg remembered, and his hair and eyes darker. Tonight Zach Addison looked larger than life.

  She took a steadying breath. “Good evening, Zach.”

  “Hi there, Liza. You look lovely tonight. I brought a corsage, but I’m not sure where to pin it,” he said, gazing at her strapless gown.

  “May I see it?” Meg asked. “If we’re lucky, it will double as a wrist corsage.”

  Zach stepped inside and together they managed to secure the flowers on Meg’s left wrist. “It’s beautiful,” she said. “I love the pink rosebuds and miniature white carnations.”

  “I’m glad. There were lots of options, but I remembered how you loved Gram’s roses.”

  Meg smiled. “You did well.” She expected Zach to mention Ian’s confession and how it would affect their evening. But since he seemed happy at the moment, she’d wait and let him bring it up later.

  Zach glanced at his watch. “Are you ready for the big event?” he asked. “We’re due to pick up Gram and Ian shortly.”

  “I’m ready. Just let me grab my wrap.”

  Meg retrieved the silver shawl from Liza’s bedroom, hoping a few moments away from Zach would calm her nerves. Tonight was their big event, and she hoped all would go smoothly.

  Zach didn’t seem angry, so he must have taken Ian’s news in stride. Meg hoped so. She wanted this evening to be perfect, for Eloise’s sake.

  Moments later they drove toward the estate to pick up the guest of honor. Ian opened the door looking dapper in a dark suit, crisp white shirt, and maroon tie. And Eloise looked radiant in a soft gray suit accented by pearls.


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