Book Read Free

The Praetorian

Page 17

by Dawn L. Chiletz

  Does that mean I did well? Last time the people in the back were the best scorers. But Bobby? Cedric is in front and Kari is right next to him. Raul is directly behind them, wearing his immunity medal. I need to get that thing. It would make the day a lot less stressful.

  Roman speaks. “Raul, you have immunity for this challenge. You can have a seat. To the rest of you: if your light goes out, you have the highest score and have won immunity for the next challenge.”

  The lights under our feet flicker and flash. When the drums stop, my light is still on. A female laughs from the front of the room. Leaning to see past Logan, who’s directly in front of me, I watch as Bryce puts the medallion on Kari. I smile. I’m happy for her. I got to speak to her today and she’s nice. I’m so glad a woman won. These men need to see us as the threat we are.

  “Congratulations, Kari. You impressed me not only with your ability to find all six threats in the car, but also your professionalism in handling me, as well as your sick driving skills.”

  Six. There were six. I panic. I messed up. Oh shit.

  “If your shield goes out, you are safe for now and can have a seat.”

  The drums begin again and one by one, Akio, Cedric, Logan and even Bobby’s lights go out. That leaves me, Tori, and Matt. The drums continue and with the final boom, my light is out. Relief rushes over me as I take my seat, but then there is fear as I realize two of my favorite people might be sent home.

  “Tori and Matt, you had the lowest scores. To say I’m disappointed would be an understatement. I suggest you use your time during dinner to beg your fellow contestants to save you. After dinner, you’ll have a few minutes to make a statement before the voting begins.”

  Roman speaks sternly. When he’s finished, Bryce wraps up and Esto lets us know we can head to dinner.

  As I stand and walk to the dining room, I wonder if the light order indicated the lowest scores. If that’s the case, I was in the bottom three. Preoccupied with my thoughts, I almost leave without waiting for Tori. I turn back around and watch for her as the rest of the group goes past me. No Tori. Did she leave before me?

  Searching, I see her in the back corner of the room speaking to JP. Her arms are crossed, and her posture is weak. She keeps rubbing her face as she speaks. Then she stomps her foot suddenly and marches away from JP. Her expression changes when she sees me; she tries to smile.

  “Hey, thanks for waiting. I could use a friend.”

  “What was that all about?” I ask.

  “Oh, that? Nothing. I asked him what I did that was so wrong, and he wouldn’t tell me. I kinda wonder if there’s even a method to the judging, or if they only keep who they like.”

  “Hm, yeah I don’t know.”

  “It would make sense, since you’re still here.”

  I stop in my tracks. She takes a couple more steps before she notices, then turns to face me.

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  “Chill out, Reed. Damn, do you always get so pissed about everything?”

  “You just implied I’m not here based on merit.”

  “You’re overreacting. I only meant that I can see Roman likes you. I know you know your stuff. I meant it must be nice to have an in with the boss.”

  “Why in the world would you think he likes me? He’s been mean as hell to me since the very beginning.”

  She laughs. “What’s that saying? Guys always pick on the girls they like?”

  My eyebrows furrow. “That saying is one of the reasons so many women stay in abusive relationships. Implying that a guy can be a nasty son of a bitch because he loves you makes young girls think it’s okay to be treated like they’re nothing when they grow up.”

  She shrugs. “You’re overanalyzing everything I say. Jeez, Reed, I could be kicked off the show and when I need support, you’re dead set on picking a fight?”

  Sighing, I decide to let it go for now. But damn if everyone isn’t pushing my buttons tonight. “You’re going to be fine. Let’s go talk to Kari. I’m willing to bet she and Logan can help us come up with a plan to save you.”

  In the dining room, I’m surprised to see the king has lowered himself to eat with the peasants. Cedric and Raul are in deep conversation with him as Matt listens and I purposefully sit at the opposite side of the table. The only chair available, after Tori takes hers, is at the head of the table, directly opposite Roman.

  Ugh. I won’t even look at him.

  The staff brings plates of roast chicken and vegetables to the table and my stomach growls. I’m going to gain ten pounds while I’m here if I’m not careful. Good thing I’m upset right now; I’m not sure I can eat, even if I am hungry.

  “Bobby, can I count on you?” Tori asks in a whisper.

  “You bet you can. Matt’s been at the bottom twice now. I don’t think he knows what he’s doing.”

  I place a chicken breast on my plate, along with sweet potatoes and broccoli. I start to build a small forest. Glancing up I notice Kari is smiling at me.

  “The potatoes would help the trees stand if you smooshed them along the perimeter.”

  “Thanks.” I lean my head on an open hand. “Congrats by the way,” I say, gesturing to her medallion. “You deserve it.”

  “Thanks. You okay?”

  “Meh. I’m pissed at the world today.”

  She laughs, and I genuinely smile. Her potato border idea works, and my broccoli trees stand in a circle. I glance up briefly and he’s watching me.

  Even though Raul is speaking to him, Roman’s eyes are on me. For some reason, I feel heat from across the room. I look away, like I couldn’t care less, but I feel his warmth, like he’s right next to me.

  He must be jealous of my creativity. I convince myself that’s why he’s staring. Yep, I’m a master at food art, kingpin. Guess you’re not the best at everything after all.

  I push away from the table without eating a thing and decide to go up to my room. I need some alone time to calm down. I’m so irritable, I want to punch something… or maybe someone.

  Lying on the bed, I stare at the ceiling and focus on taking long, deep breaths. After about ten minutes, I splash water on my face and decide I should head back downstairs. Opening my door, I hear Kari’s voice. She sounds upset. I close the door slightly and try to listen in.

  “No one knows. Stop worrying.”

  Is that Logan?

  “Did you see the way she was looking at me? She’s smart, Lo. She’s on to us.”

  “If she knew something, she’d say it. Cops speak up. She’d have questioned me by now if she had any clue. Trust me.”

  Are they talking about me? What is it they think I know? More importantly, what are they up to?

  “After the vote, the person leaving us tonight is…. Matt Xavier,” Roman says. “You’ve been caught off guard. Your gig is up. Looks like you’ll be buying a ticket to my next show, along with Naya. See ya.”

  As Roman motions with his fingers, Matt waves to us and exits the forum. I’m sad to see him go but relieved Tori’s still here. I need to tell her what I heard in the hall. Now that I think Logan is covering something up, I doubt everything he said to me about Tori and I trust her more than before. At least I hope she’s been honest with me.

  Tori smiles brightly as she takes her seat. She slaps the hands of Raul and Bobby as she passes them. I guess they helped sway the vote in her favor.

  Esto releases us for the night and tell us to dress comfortably tomorrow. He adds, “Prepare to get dirty.”

  I wonder if that means actual dirt or playing dirty. You never know around here.

  Tori and I hug, and she wraps her arm in mine as we head out of the forum. We need to celebrate! There has to be some liquor around here somewhere.

  “Raul had beer last night at the pool. I’ll ask him where he got it,” Kari says.

  Raul stops talking to Akio as she approaches. She points at us and he smiles at me. I’m not as pissed off as I was before, but I wish everyone w
ould stop looking at me all the time. Do I have a star on my head?

  Kari returns. “We’re going to start a fire. Raul said he’ll grab the drinks. He said there’s a whole cabinet of booze in the kitchen. Looks like we’ll be doing some shots!”

  We gather around the fire pit by the pool. It’s a beautiful night and it’s just what I need. A few hours and a few too many shots later, I make my way back to the room and crash on the bed.

  After a few minutes, I hear a voice. Is that Logan? He opens the door so hard, it crashes into the wall. He stomps over to my bed and yanks my arm, pulling me upright. I can’t speak. I’m shocked.

  “What did you do?” he asks accusingly.

  I’m dumbfounded. I have no idea what he means.

  There’s a flicker of light from the doorway, and a Roman guard dressed in full gear appears. “Come with me.”

  “No!” I shout.

  “I said, come with me!”

  I immediately stand and draw my sword. My sword? Where did I get a sword? Now we’re in the middle of the forum. It’s only me and the guard. He pulls his sword and we battle. He swings upward, and I block him, pushing him away.

  “It’s no use, Reed. You can’t beat me.”

  “The hell if I can’t!” I shout.

  We swing high and low for what seems like forever, until he misjudges my move and I hit his leg. As he bends, I go in for the kill, stabbing him. The sword pierces his armor and blood seeps out through the silver lining.

  I stand over him proudly as he arches back in pain. He reaches out for me. I snicker and lean over to remove his helmet. I pull it off and gasp. I stabbed Roman.

  “Help me, Reed. Help me.”

  I wake in a cold sweat, wondering if I screamed out loud. Turning right and left, I remember where I am.

  Just a dream, I tell myself. It’s pitch dark in the room, except for the bit of moonlight coming through a crack in the curtains.

  Staring at Tori’s bed for a few minutes, I realize she’s not here. Her bed is still made. There’s a piece of paper on her pillow. I take a deep breath, grateful she didn’t hear me freak out in my dream.

  Lifting the note from the pillow, I angle it toward the little light in the room. “Sleeping at Kari’s tonight. See you tomorrow.” Scrunching the note into a ball, I roll it in my hands as I walk to the window and pull the curtains aside to get a better view of the moon.

  Why do I keep having these dreams? Why do I keep having a sword fight with Roman? It’s so fucked up! And now Logan is in my dreams too? I check the time; it’s 3:00 a.m. There’s no way I’m going to be able to go back to sleep after that dream.

  After cracking my neck from side to side, I slip out the bedroom door. I’m a bit nauseous after all the drinking I did on an empty stomach, and I go in search of crackers.

  Once I’m in the pantry, crackers no longer sound as appealing as the bag of chocolate chip cookies next to them. I should have eaten dinner. As I shove a cookie into my mouth, I hear the mumblings of voices.

  I tiptoe through the kitchen to the hall, thankful that I never turned on the lights. I edge my head around the corner as I try to chew quietly.

  Roman steps into the hall and says something to someone before opening the back door and going outside. He’s got a bunch of towels in his hands and I’m fairly certain he’s wearing swim trunks.

  It’s a little late for a swim. Is he going out alone? As the door closes behind him, my heart aches a little. I only killed him in my dream, not real life, so why do I feel guilty?

  Leaning against the wall, I pull my slipping hair tie and retighten my hair into a ponytail. I decide this is a perfect time to get some answers. I’ll have him all to myself. Shoving another cookie in my mouth, I place the package on the counter and round the corner. My stomach growls. I reach back. Looks like the cookies are coming too.

  I place the final towel over the last outdoor camera and finally feel at ease. Sitting at the edge of the pool, I have a little pep talk with myself.

  You can do this. It’s not a big deal. Nothing is going to happen. I bet you can even stand up in it.

  I slip one foot into the water and swallow hard. It’s colder than I thought it would be. Why does this have to be so difficult for me?

  “Whatcha’ doin?”

  Her voice makes me jump. I twist at my waist and see a barefoot Reed standing behind me, holding a bag of something and chewing loudly.

  “Want one?” she asks, elongating her arm. She holds out the bag in mid-air like a two-year-old. She’s eating cookies. She shoves another into her mouth with her free hand as she waits for an answer. Her hair is a mess. Half of it’s in a ponytail and half is hanging out in a disheveled, frazzled heap. I don’t know why, but I find her even more beautiful.

  “What kind are they?” I ask.

  “Chocolate chip.”

  “I mean what kind. Are they crispy, soft, or medium hard?”

  She rolls her eyes and looks at the package. “Never mind. You can’t have one.” She strolls over and casually sits next to me at the pool, crossing her legs.

  “What do you mean, I can’t have one?”

  “You asked a stupid question and now I don’t want to share. They’re cookies. Who cares?”

  “It wasn’t a stupid question. I prefer soft cookies.”

  “Aww, do the crispy ones hurt your precious little chompers?” she asks mockingly, pouting her lower lip.

  “Are you drunk?” I’ve never seen her so carefree before.

  “I don’t get drunk. I drank some stuff, but I’m fine. Mostly.” She giggles and pops a cookie in the air, catching it in her mouth. Her mouth is full, so I struggle to make out the words. “If I were drunk, could I do that?”

  I can’t help but smile. “Give me a damn cookie.”

  “Nope,” she says, pulling the bag away. “Go get your own.”

  I try to reach around her, and she laughs.

  She gazes at the towels I’ve strategically positioned in the backyard. “I like what you’ve done here,” she says, pointing at them. “Redecorating?”

  “No, hiding cameras.”

  “Ah, good call. So why are you out here without a guard?”

  “Technically I have one. She’s more interested in her cookies at the moment.”

  “That’s not an answer and this isn’t a challenge. I’m off-duty.”

  I nod and brush my hand over my face. I realize my foot is still in the water; I forgot all about it. That’s definite progress. “I’ll give you an answer if I get a cookie.” She peeks into the bag as if she’s counting them, and I laugh. “Oh for fuck’s sake, Reed, why are you so difficult?”

  “Me? I’m not difficult. You’re just an asshole.” Her eyes grow wide. “I didn’t say that out loud, did I?” she asks.

  I’m not sure why, but I’m not even the slightest bit angered. “Yeah, you did.”

  “Shit.” She pauses, shrugs and eats another cookie.

  I can’t stop staring at her. The moonlight lines her blond hair and makes it appear almost silver. The way the light reflects in her eyes makes her seem angelic. I wish I could draw her.

  “How about one cookie per answer?” she asks.

  I nod. She holds a cookie in her hand in front of her. “Why are you out here alone?”

  “I didn’t want to wake Dawson and I needed some time to myself.” I extend my hand, and she places the cookie in it.

  She immediately holds out another. “Why are you really doing this show?”

  I wrinkle my nose. “Because I could use some good publicity.”

  She places the other cookie in my hand. I haven’t even touched the first one, but she immediately holds out another. She smiles, and I smirk.

  “Why are you such an asshole?”

  I laugh and grab the cookie out of her hand, shoving it into my mouth.

  “Hey. You didn’t answer. That’s cheating.”

  “You called me an asshole twice, and I didn’t get mad. I think I deserve a
cookie for that alone.”

  Her head teeters back and forth like she’s mentally accepting my words.

  These are probably the worst chocolate chip cookies I’ve ever had in my life, but they come with the best company I’ve ever had, so I’ll eat every single one of them. I’d answer anything she asked to spend more time alone with her.

  She offers another cookie. “Why did you run up the stairs so fast today?”

  My face drops. “I think I’ve had enough cookies.”

  “Come on, Rome! We’re just getting to the good stuff.”


  “an,” she adds playfully.

  “Not a game I want to play,” I respond.

  “Ugh,” she moans, putting the package on the ground. She rolls her jeans at the ankles and places her feet in the water. Watching her, I try to be brave. I place my other foot in the water as well and cringe.

  “Too cold for you?” she asks.

  “Too hard for me.”


  I’ve said too much. “Don’t you think you’ve had too many turns? When do I get to ask some questions?”

  “Ask away,” she says.

  I think for a moment. “What’s something that gives you pleasure?”

  She laughs. “Now you’re making fun of me.”

  “No, I really want to know. It’s a good question.”

  “Pleasure…” Her eyes dance as if she’s looking around outside for an answer. “I get pleasure from putting bad people behind bars.”

  I roll my eyes.


  “Never mind. I can see you’re not taking this seriously.”

  “I am too,” she says, touching my arm. I glance down at her hand and she immediately removes it.

  “Put it back,” I say, staring into her eyes.

  “Put what back?”

  “Your hand. It was nice.”

  “Now you want me to touch you?”

  “Now?” I question.

  “Never mind.” She leans back on her hands and gazes at the moon.

  I’m doing my best not to smile, because I like where this is heading. “Are you referring to when you kissed me?”

  “Nope. That was very unprofessional and will never happen again.”


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