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The Dutiful Witch (The Ward Witches)

Page 8

by Lauren McMinn

  “I wasn't going to be.”

  “Then won't we surprise them this afternoon when you take the title?” He laughed, and she laughed with him.



  “Your family was really great yesterday getting me through that party.”

  “What was the problem? All of the air witches in the family felt your fear.”

  “And that was all it took to get your family to accompany me all day?”

  “We didn't want to leave you alone if you were that scared.”

  “I'm not good in crowds. I'll have to learn, I know. I'm pretty confident when there's only a few people. But there were a lot of people there I didn't know, and I didn't know what to say or do. Your family is so good at that.”

  “We've had a lot of experience. You'll get there too. The biggest thing is to not worry overmuch about messing up. Especially around witches, there will be a way to get back from a mistake if you make one. Be nice, be friendly, and don't try to be who you're not. And you've got the Wards, both the people and the power behind the name and title. Remember, you can read people's auras. You keep telling me that I shouldn't neglect my power. Don't neglect your own ability.”

  “You know, you're right. I think I shut down so much when I was confronted with so many people that I wasn't able to relax enough to see people's auras. But if I work on that, I'll at least be able to judge if they are receiving my message well or if I should steer to another topic of conversation.”

  “Exactly. Do you think you can do it?”

  “I certainly think I can try.”

  “I also remember what it was like when my first interview with Tanya aired in front of the Coven. I was nervous then, and I know you're nervous now. But I'm confident that you'll do great. So we're going to go down to the common room and watch what Tanya put together on you. And I'm going to be holding your hand through the whole thing. Then think about how I'll be waiting to get you back to this apartment after the meeting and prove to you how much I want you. I want you now, and I'll want you even more when you show my Coven that you're the strong and capable woman you've shown me that you are.”


  “Now we're going to be late if we keep talking.”

  She laughed, and he dragged her downstairs. When they got to the common room, they were just in time as Tanya's introduction came over the air. Some of the residents moved aside so that Seb and Fiona could find a place to sit, and he did indeed hold her hand as the interview started.

  Thirty minutes later, Fiona's heart was much lighter. Tanya made Fiona look like great as the future Coven leader. She cut out all the parts about now being Duchess yet, which after the decision to become the Duchess, Fiona was grateful for that. Fiona even looked like she really cared about the other witches in the Coven and making the Coven a part of the community, building on what Melanie had done. It was great.

  When Tanya signed off, the Coven in the common room clapped. Fiona went bright red under her white hair. She stood up. “Thank you all, and I hope to live up to everyone's expectations. Now I believe Skylar and Leo have set up the upstairs ballroom to hold our weekly meeting. Let's go join them, shall we?”

  Seb nodded and led the procession to the ballroom for the meeting. Skylar and Leo had indeed done a great job, and every place on the table had a report from the Coven secretary, Lara, paper to take notes on, and a pen. People sat down, and Seb started the meeting.

  He covered old business, reported on what had happened since the last meeting, and then started the new business.

  “And for our first order of new business, which admittedly isn't on the schedule, I'd like to introduce you all to my wife Fiona. You've hopefully met her around here by now, you came to our wedding shower, and you saw her on television. Now I'd like you to greet her as the official Duchess of our Coven.”

  Skylar started the cheer, and the others joined in. Fiona flushed red again, and she was glad that she could stand there beside Seb and have him look at her so proudly.

  When the cheering subsided, Fiona addressed the group. “As my first order of business, I'd like you all to look through your old papers and records for information on runes and sigils. Most modern witches don't use them, but we're starting to see their use again, and I'd like to be well-informed about what they do. So if you have anything perhaps from parents or grandparents, please bring it by. I'd love to take a look at all of that.”

  When she sat back down, Seb finished up the meeting. Everything went smoothly, and the meeting concluded in an hour. The majority of the Coven left, and they all stopped to congratulate her on their way out. And with her new insight about reading auras to read emotions, she could tell that they meant what they said. Skylar and Mona were in the kitchen with a few helpers making dinner for the residents, having excused themselves from the meeting early.

  Seb was looking to get a word in with Fiona, gently bringing her towards the hall that would lead to the Coven administration offices. Then she started to get dizzy and her vision started to blur. She knew precisely what was going on based on all of her parent's warnings, and it was something she had avoided her entire life, just to have it happen now. They were near Seb's office, so she grabbed his hand and dragged him in, pressing her finger to her lips for silence. She knew she was swaying and stumbling, but she had to get in there and sit down. Seb seemed to understand and supported her as he saw where she was going. She sank down in a chair and tried to hold off for a minute more.

  “Try... to link to me.... Don't say... anything. Don't let them know you can hear!” Fiona felt him make the connection from her tor his magic mere seconds before it took her, and she couldn't worry about him anymore.

  “Hello, Allegra,” a sickeningly familiar voice said in her head. “Though I see you call yourself Fiona these days. Married to a Ward, huh? Well, no matter. We finally found you, and we'll finally be able to take back what is ours.” The voice cackled in laughter.

  “I see you haven't changed either, Redman. But I'm not one of yours. I don't use blood magic, and I don't want any part in your operation.”

  “But we gave you your powers. You belong to us, Fiona, and we intend to take you back. If you don't cooperate, we have ways of bringing you home. Your parents are anxious to meet you.”

  “I thought they were dead.”

  “Oh no, lucky you, they're still alive. They want to be your parents again, and they want to make up for lost time. How well do you know those Coven people? They don't care about you. Your family is here with me, Fiona. And you'll be stronger and better for coming home.”

  “I am home, you bastard. You killed my aunt and uncle who I loved.”

  “They were no good for you. And their blood gave powers to humans. It's their legacy: humans who were made into witches. We couldn't have done it without them. Think about my offer, and I'll contact you again on how to come home to us.”

  Fiona could feel her whole body shaking as she Redman broke the link and she returned to the room. Seb was crouched in front of her on his knees, holding her hands and watching her face.

  “Did you hear that?” Fiona croaked out, her voice raspy as if from disuse.

  “Every word. You made sure of that.”

  “Good.” She felt dizzy and like she might pass out.

  “Are you alright?”

  “No, I'm not.”

  “Then we'll talk about what happened later. I want you to sit here and catch your breath.” He positioned her with her head down between her knees.

  Moments later, Leo appeared with a glass of ice water. He didn't say anything, just left the way he came. Seb came back and pressed the water into her hands. “Drink slowly.”

  Fiona did, and the room gradually stopped spinning.

  “Any better?”

  “Yes. Thank you. How did Leo know?”

  “I contacted him across the house. He was in the kitchen with Skylar and feeling useless anyway. I told him I needed a glass of ice wate
r, no questions. He came.”

  “That's good. You'll have to tell him later, I'm sure.”

  “Probably. But first you and I need to figure out what happened. And we're not talking about anything until you're feeling better.”

  “Thank you.”

  He just stayed there on his knees, his hands over hers for a long time while she tried to recover. It was probably at least ten minutes before she looked up.

  “I think I'm feeling better now. Let's talk.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I need to get it off my chest, I think.”

  “How did you know him?”

  “I've been warned that if he can find me, he can contact me like that. I've heard his voice before, too. I really hate talking about this.”

  “You don't have to say any more than you need to.”

  “But I need to. So you'll understand. It just wrenches my heart to talk about it.”

  “I'm here for you.”

  “My aunt and uncle died a year ago.”

  “I remember you saying that. That's when you moved to Boston, right?”

  “Yes. We had lived in Chicago before. But then he killed them. There was a tape. That slimy bastard taped the whole thing, so I had to listen to him torture my parents. He told me exactly what he was doing, too, as he did it, allowing him to torture me without having any real images. It was a first for him, apparently, giving their power to non-witches. They'd experimented with giving witches more power when I was a child. But this was the first with non-witches becoming witches. He was so proud of himself,” she said, disgusted. “And they still told me that they loved me and wouldn't change a thing.” She started crying.

  “Hey now. They loved you.”

  “They did, and he killed them.”

  “Do you still have the tape?”

  “I do. I'll give it to you, but I won't listen to it again.”

  “That's fair. So you recognized his voice?”

  “I did. He said similar things on the tape about how I should come to him to come home. He said I was his. My magic came from him, and I owed him my life. So I should come and join him. He promised me money, power, anything I wanted. All I had to do was join him.”

  “But you didn't.”

  “No, I didn't. I was taught that blood magic was wrong, and I've felt the evil of it firsthand. Then he killed the only two people who loved me, and he thought I was going to join him? There's no way. I started researching Covens, though it was a long time before I had recovered enough to come out here and talk to someone about it.”

  “You're a strong woman; don't forget that. Now you're Duchess, and you've got the strength of the Coven behind you. We will not let you down.”

  “I know. And I know you are here for me. That makes a big difference. I felt the greasy evil of his mind in contact with mine, but you were there too, and it made it less bad.”

  “I'm glad. What did you think when he said your parents were still alive?”

  “Those people did nothing for me but provide genes. They gave me to him for his experiments. They chose to taint an infant with black magic. They are nothing to me.” She was vehement about that.

  “That's fair.”

  “I haven't been around the Coven for long, but I do know some things. The Coven is my family now. And more importantly, you're my family, Seb.” She leaned in and kissed him softly. “There is something not just in our magic, but in us that is meant to be together. I'm not going to discard that for any empty promises from a murderer.”

  “It does my heart good to hear you say that. I've been looking for a bond-mate and a wife, and I'm glad that you're the one I found. You're a great woman, Fiona, and I'm glad to call you my family.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I've had a question that you might be able to help me with.”

  “If I can, I will.”

  “The Dark Order was active when you were born, and for the past two years or so. What happened between those times?”

  “I've asked myself the same thing. I don't know. But I'd like to.”

  “Well, nothing we can do about it now then. Let's get you out of here and back to our room. I think getting in some pajamas with a big tub of ice cream would do you some good.”

  “That does sound pretty excellent.” She let him help her up since she was still unsteady on her feet. They made their way silently back to their apartment. Luckily everyone was in the common room eating dinner or had left, so they didn't see anyone.

  He brought out one of his old shirts and some of her pajama pants. Gratefully, she put them on, and he hugged her tightly. “Thank you, Seb.”

  “I'm happy to help.” Back out in the living room, there was a pint of Ben and Jerry's on the coffee table waiting for her. “Apparently Phish Food was the only flavor in the freezer.”

  “How did you manage that one? Surely Leo's gone home.”

  “He did, taking the comment about no questions to heart. But I contacted Melanie, who was busy with the babies and sent Justin to get it and bring it here.”

  “That's so nice of them.”

  “It's nothing less than what family does for each other. If the roles were reversed, I'd do it for them.”

  “So would I.”

  “There you go. I know you skipped dinner. So eat.” He paused, then turned to her with a grin. “I don't know how you're feeling, but I've got a movie called The Masque of Red Death if you're up to it.”

  “Let me guess, it starts Vincent Price?”

  “That it does.”

  “Give it to me. I'm willing to take the Vincent Price challenge.”

  “That's my girl!”

  He slung an arm around her as she dug into the ice cream. He had a plate of food of his own, and together they watched Vincent Price be, well, Vincent Price. Her evening turned towards great pretty quickly. She looked over at her husband, and Fiona was glad to be his wife and his family. She was certainly falling in love with him, if she wasn't already there. That was right where she wanted to be.

  Seb watched fondly as his wife passed out minutes after the credits rolled. She made it all the way through though. He debated on picking her up to bring her to bed, but decided against it. Her long white hair was draped across his chest, her own chest lightly moving in peaceful slumber.

  She was a strong one, but sweet and generous too. He knew that she would do anything in her power to help her Coven. But more importantly even, she would go to any lengths for those she loved. Sitting there with her, any doubts he had were gone.

  Seb loved her, and he loved her a lot.

  In a matter of days, really, she had gone from a problem to the solution. He felt certain that as long as he had her, he could do anything. He wanted to protect her and keep her back here so that he could enjoy being with her all the time. But at the same time, he wanted to get her out there, part of running the Coven he loved, part of the family he loved even more, and see what kind of wonders she would produce. Because he had no doubts that there were miracles to come and that Fiona would be at the helm, making things happen.

  It was a heady thought that he had fallen in love with his wife, and it made Seb feel like the happiest and the luckiest man there was. But now he needed to find a way to keep her safe from Redman. He'd protect her with his life, but he couldn't be with her all the time. If Redman was in her mind, Seb would need to find a way to keep him out. And more importantly, Seb needed to find a final solution for Redman that would keep him from hurting anyone's loved ones ever again.

  With those thoughts rolling around in his head, Seb sat on the couch and contemplated the blank screen until he noticed it was one AM, and it was high time to go to bed if he wanted to be any good at work the next morning. It would be Fiona's first day in the office, too. That would be exciting.

  After careful debate, he carried her gently into bed and pulled the covers over her. Hopefully she'd sleep well and not dream of that monster.

  Seb was excited as he woke her up. �
��Good morning, Duchess.”

  “Good morning,” she said sleepily. “Is it time?”

  “It is.”

  “I've got the perfect outfit.”

  “I knew you would. You and Skylar put together a great wardrobe.”

  He let her get first crack at the shower, and when he got out of his, she was finishing her makeup.

  “You look beautiful.” And she did, in a blue pin-striped suit that managed to be both alluring and professional.

  “But do I look competent?”

  “More than that. You look confident.”


  “Wait for me to get ready, if you don't mind. I'd like to open up the office and give you the key myself. Call it sentimental.”

  “No problem. I like that.”

  Seb got ready in record time. His heart was light as he went into the second bedroom to grab the Duchess's office keys, which had been in the nightstand of the second bedroom since his mother died. While there, he slid an extra keyring on it and slipped them in his pocket. Then he headed down the hallway with Fiona to her new office.

  Mona had used the spare keys to clean up the office the day before, so Seb was able to do his best flourish as he opened the door. Fiona smiled when she stepped in. She took a few minutes to look around, taking it all in.

  “It's great. I've never had an office that was really mine before, and I love it. Thank you.” She turned to him, and Seb saw all he needed in her eyes.

  “Your keys, milady.” She laughed when she saw the oversized emerald ring dangling from her keys. “Since you're not the type to want a diamond.”

  “And you're not the type to settle for anything less than what you want.”

  “Better believe it. Now give me a kiss before I send your first assignment in to you.”

  She gave him a big kiss, and he left with a grin to start his own day.

  Skylar popped her head into Seb's office at nine while Fiona was arranging her furniture next door. “So is she settled?”

  “I hope so. She certainly seemed to like the office. Are you ready?”

  “I'm ready.”


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