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Be My Princess - A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (Pretty Dirty Romance Book 1)

Page 8

by Dee Dee Jordan

  Nichole circled around Jenna’s side, stopping directly in front of her. “You’re such a pessimist? Why is that?”

  “Maybe life’s taught me to be that way. I wouldn’t call myself a pessimist. I would say I’m a realist.”

  “I get it. Just don’t let that realism sabotage something that could potentially be really great.”

  “I hear you.” Jenna turned, walking back the other direction. “Frankly, I didn’t come here to make anyone fall in lust with me. I just wanted a job. With the Great Lakes Conservancy.”

  “Yet another reason why you impressed him, I’m sure. I doubt any of his other girlfriends have taken an interest in conservation. It won’t ever earn him a dime in profit. It wasn’t meant to. But it’s his true passion.”

  And mine too.

  Maybe she did share enough in common with Rafe to at least be friends with him. She hoped so.

  She ended the conversation not feeling any more confident than when it had started.

  The prince found her interesting, different. That was all fine and dandy. But like she said, when that freshness wore off, he’d move on to the next girl—someone who his parents would accept.

  And she would be heartbroken.

  If she wanted a job at the end of this, she needed to pull back a little. Keep things, particularly her heart, in check. After what had happened before, when she had let her heart rule her head… well… she would be an idiot to make that mistake again.

  No, it was better to be smart and to ignore that crazy thrill she felt whenever he came near.

  So what if she ached for his touch? It didn’t matter. Soon she would be flying home. And this time on this beautiful island would be nothing but a memory. A fond memory.

  Maybe someday she’d tell her children, or her grandchildren, about the time she’d kissed a real prince.

  The roar of male voices broke through the silence, and Jenna swiveled toward the house.

  Nichole made a funny squealing sound, “Oh shit! They’re back!” She threw her hands in the air and shouted, “I’m in trouble now!” and sprinted down the beach.

  Bewildered, Jenna watched as Asher raced after her, launching his lean body down the path’s terraced levels like a hunter chasing a frightened doe. The other brother stood at the top, arms folded over his chest, head tipped back, laughing.

  What a life these men led. Full of laughter and lavish homes. Did they ever want for anything? Did they ever long for something they couldn’t have? Or regret a mistake? Or fear the unknown?

  She slowly climbed the path, aware of the burn in her thighs with each step. When she reached the top, her gaze met Vin’s.

  His features were every bit as handsome as Rafe’s. But she could tell they were different inside. Where Rafe was all business, Vin had the look of a wild child on the hunt for his next conquest.


  She hesitated.

  “Don’t be afraid, pretty girl. I won’t bite… hard.” A wicked gleam shone in his eyes.

  He was joking. She could tell. Teasing, but warning her too.

  What Rafe had said about him, it was true. If she wanted to have some fun with a prince, to have a sizzling affair with a handsome man, here was her chance.


  She peered over her shoulder. Nichole was gone. And Rafe? Inside somewhere. Working. Always working.


  From her.

  From his feelings for her, if what Nichole said was true.

  Well, if that was what he wanted to do, she would make it easy for him.

  “Want to go on a ride?” Vin motioned toward the boat bobbing next to the deck and waggled his brows.

  Ha, a boat ride? That wasn’t the kind of ride he was offering, was it?

  If she were a party girl, she’d gladly take the handsome prince up on that offer. He was a gorgeous man. And she had a sneaking suspicion he was a beast in the bedroom.

  She smiled sweetly at him. “No thanks.” Aware he was watching her, she moved toward the door.

  He stepped aside, blocking her. “Are you sure? You’ve been here for days. And my brother has been ignoring you the whole time. You’re bored. And maybe a little annoyed. Who wouldn’t be? Am I right?”

  He’d hit the nail on the head.

  An idea clicked.

  “Yes, but I’m about to change that.” Determined, she stomped into the house.


  Jenna felt a little sick.

  Her stomach was doing triple-flips.

  Her heart was twisting. But she knew she was doing the right thing. The wise thing. For both herself and Rafe.

  This was it.

  The arrangements were made, with a little help from Mikki.

  In a little while she would say goodbye to Rafe. Goodbye forever.

  Crap, she was going to throw up.

  Was there any chance Rafe would try to change her mind?

  No. Probably not.

  A knock sounded on her door. Although it was only a soft rap, it sent her heart rate up to the stratosphere.

  Was that Rafe? Had he heard she was leaving? Would he beg her to stay? Would he demand she remain the full two weeks?

  Her hand trembled as she opened the door.

  “Hey, girl!” Nichole bounced into the room. She halted abruptly, as if she’d smacked into an invisible concrete wall. “Ohmygod. Look at you.”

  Jenna swallowed her lunch for the zillionth time. “I’m leaving,” she announced.

  Nichole grabbed her arms and stared into her eyes. “What? Wait? When did this happen? Are you sure you want to do this?

  “Yes. No.” Jenna rolled her eyes. “Crap, I don’t know.”

  “Don’t leave. Stay here. With me. And Rafe. Give him a chance to get a clue.”

  “I don’t think there’s any point…”

  “I do.” Nichole dragged Jenna toward the bed then plopped down, forcing her to sit too. “Listen to me. I’ve known Rafe since we were kids. He’s like my baby brother. And when I tell you that he’s falling for you, I mean it. I haven’t seen him act like this in years.”

  “Well, that doesn’t mean anything, evidently.” Her eyes burned. Darn it! She was going to cry? Over a guy she’d only known for a couple of days? No way! This was stupid. It hadn’t been long enough. Not for anyone to develop any real feelings. She blinked hard. Once. Twice. Three times. “He isn’t going to fall in love with me, Nichole. I was just here to do a job. And he doesn’t need me anymore.”

  “Maybe he isn’t in love with you yet, but he’s getting there. And as soon as you’re gone he’ll realize it. You’ll see. He’ll chase you down and beg you to come back to him.”

  Jenna shook her head. Nichole was a nice girl, really nice. But she was a dreamer. A romantic, who believed those crazy things that happened in romance novels could happen in real life too. Like a prince falling in love with a secretary. In two days. Impossible! “He can’t. He won’t.”

  “I know him.”

  “Maybe you know him. And maybe a few years from now, when he finally realizes there’s more to life than just working and partying he will take a chance and fall in love. And maybe, just maybe, he’ll even fall in love with a girl like me. But for now he can’t.”

  “No, you don’t understand.” Nichole shook her head. “He’s been down this road once before. He’s fallen in love. And he learned a tough lesson from it.”

  And her point was what? Jenna wasn’t getting it. And, to be honest, she felt Nichole was blowing this thing way out of proportion.

  There was no doubt Rafe was attracted to her. That much he’d made clear. But falling in love? No way. She was trying to keep a level head about all of this. But Nichole was making it difficult, with all this crazy talk.

  “Look, I don’t want to be mean.” Jenna grabbed Nichole’s arms and gave them a slight squeeze. “You’ve been so nice to me. But this is crazy. Rafe doesn’t have time for falling in love. All he cares about is work. And even if he did have the time, we�
�ve only known each other a couple of days.”

  “Trust me. He has very strong feelings for you. And he can’t take the chance of losing you. He just needs some time to think things through, to come to terms with some things he’s been struggling with his whole life. .Yes, he works hard. But there’s a very good reason for it. Believe me. That man is worth waiting for.”

  Was she wrong? Was any of what Nichole said possible? Could Rafe, the playboy prince, have developed strong feelings for her that quickly? No. Absolutely not.

  Playboy bachelors like Rafe and Vin didn’t fall madly in love. They were shoved into a relationship with someone respectable and dragged down the aisle to seal the deal before they screwed things up by sleeping with a party girl in Vegas. “I like Rafe. I respect him for how hard he works and the causes he takes up. Maybe deep inside there is a great guy worth waiting for. But Nichole, I really like you, but you’re nuts. No man falls in love that fast. Especially a guy like Rafe.”

  “Yes. Some do. It happens.” Nichole gave Jenna a little shake. “If you must go home, then do it. But while you’re there, get ready to become Aragonia’s next princess. Prepare to move. Tie up whatever loose ends you have at home. Because Rafe will be coming for you. Very soon.”

  “Nichole, even if you’re right and Rafe does…” It was hard saying this out loud, it was so unlikely, “Have feelings for me, so what? I’m just a girl from Michigan. He’s a freaking prince. Princes don’t marry girls like me. They sleep with them and then toss them away when they get bored of them.”

  “No. Not Rafe.”

  “Adri,” Jenna shot back.

  “We talked about her, remember? She’s no girl from Michigan. And she’s not you. And that’s just two points against her. There’s plenty more.”

  Jenna didn’t know what to say to that. Was any of this possible? Could Nichole be right? She claimed to have known Rafe for years.

  Then again, why would Nichole lie? What would she gain by convincing Jenna that Rafe had feelings for her? Nothing that Jenna could see.

  Jenna’s droopy mood lifted.

  “Feeling better?” Nichole sat back and smiled.

  Jenna pasted a similar expression on her face and nodded. Was she convinced Rafe was falling madly head-over-heels in love with her? No, she wasn’t. Would he come chasing after her when she left, begging her to come to Aragonia to be with him? No, he probably wouldn’t. But still Nichole’s encouraging words had ignited a tiny spark of hope.

  Maybe, just maybe, someday Rafe would show up on her doorstep, begging to take her on a date. A real date. There was some chance of it happening. A teeny-tiny chance. But some. Up until now, she’d figured there was none.

  Nichole jabbered nonstop as she helped Jenna gather her things. She talked about all the places in Aragonia she wanted to take Jenna. The museums and touristy hotspots. And the places that were totally inappropriate for a soon-to-be princess, like the bars and clubs. She described every place with such detail, Jenna almost felt like she’d already been there.

  Before she knew it, her bags were packed.

  Nichole flung her model-perfect body at Jenna, wrapped her gangly arms around her, and gave her a mighty squeeze. “I can’t wait ‘til you come home!”

  “I doubt you’re right about any of this.”

  “Oh, I am. Totally! You’ll be calling Aragonia home before next Christmas.”

  Jenna couldn’t help chuckling. Nichole might be completely out of her mind, but she was sweet. “We’ll see.”

  “Have faith. It’ll happen.” She finally released Jenna. “You have me and Asher on your side. We all want to see Rafe happy.”

  “Thanks. For everything. Not just that. I don’t know if I would have made it through these past couple of days if you hadn’t been here.”

  “I’m so glad we met!” She hugged Jenna again. She smelled good, like sunscreen and the Caribbean Sea.

  Jenna inhaled deeply and hugged the boney girl back. “Me too. Very glad.”

  Nichole released her. “Promise me you’ll keep in touch!”

  “I will.” Jenna lifted her phone. “I promise.”

  “I’ll text you.”

  Feeling a little weepy, Jenna nodded.

  This was crazy. How could she feel so attached to Nichole already? They hadn’t known each other very long at all.

  And Rafe! How could she be so crazy about him after such a short time?

  Was she just wrapped up in this thing because all along she’d known it wouldn’t last? Rafe was the man she couldn’t have. And everyone knew about the allure of the forbidden.

  One thing was for sure--it felt real.

  Then she saw him.

  Yep, it felt all too real. Painfully real.

  He stood shouldering the door frame, arms crossed.

  Nichole swiveled around. “There you are!” She smacked his chest. “It’s about time you showed up.” She marched past him, hesitating for a brief moment to throw Jenna a wink.

  Now her former employer had her full attention.

  “I just received a call from the boat,” he told her. “It’ll be here in five minutes.”

  A quiver of anxiety raced through her. And it wasn’t because she was worried about missing the boat. She grabbed the handle of her carryon bag. “I don’t want to keep anyone waiting.”

  “They can wait a few minutes.” His hand caught hers. He tugged, coaxing her to him. She let her bag drop and took a step forward and waited, her breath caught in her throat.

  Tell me you want me to stay! Please!

  “Jenna… I… I wish you safe travels.”


  “I upgraded your ticket to first class. It’s the least I could do…” he didn’t finish his sentence.

  “Thanks,” she said, staring into the world’s most mesmerizing eyes. “I’m sure it’ll be pleasant, though I’m in no hurry to get back to Michigan. It’s snowing there. I hate snow.”

  His eyes twinkled. “Then you wouldn’t like Aragonia. We get a lot of snow. More, I believe, than most parts of the United States.”

  She grimaced. “All right, I’ll admit, snow is pretty. I don’t know. Perhaps if I lived someplace like this, warm and sunny year round, I might even miss it. A little.”

  He arched his brows.

  She smiled. “Or not. Tell me, besides the snow, what’s your home country like?”

  “Beautiful. With a rich history. And culture.”

  “I love history.”

  “Maybe someday you’ll visit Aragonia. You’ll enjoy it. More and more Americans are visiting every year, though we don’t get the numbers of tourists they do in other parts of Europe. France. Italy.”

  “Yes, maybe someday.” Her heart crumbled. He hadn’t invited her to visit him. He’d intentionally worded his suggestion in a broad and vague sense, as if she was a tourist, booking a vacation.

  Nichole was wrong. He was done with her.

  And she had no right to be upset about it. After all, he had warned her. Many, many times. He’d been upfront, honest.

  She lifted her chin and pasted on her happy face. “Not that you need it, since you’re a prince. But I wish you the best.” She offered her hand, a goodbye handshake.

  He glanced down at her extended hand then gathered her into his arms, hugging her tightly.

  Hugging him back, she inhaled deeply, wishing she could freeze this moment and make it last forever. She counted the thundering beats of his heart while he tenderly stroked her hair. One, two, three…

  He smelled so good.

  Four, five, six…

  And she felt so safe and warm in his arms. He could keep her warm anywhere. Even in the coldest, most desolate place.

  Seven, eight, nine…

  This would be her last hug. The last time she would ever see Rafe, or touch him, or smell him. Or hear his heartbeat thud in her ear. Her nose burned.

  No, she would not cry. God, she was being such a baby about this!

  She eased away from h
im, letting her hands fall to her sides. “I should go.”

  “Very well.”

  “Thank you for everything. I’m sorry to leave before my contract is up. But I felt it was better for you.” She reached for her bag again, but he beat her to it, grasping it tightly.

  “I’ll carry this for you,” he offered.


  He motioned her out, and she walked for the last time through the spectacular house and out the back door. Her gaze flicked to the pool, and the memory of him swimming—in his suit—played through her head. She searched the area for Nichole as she made her way down to the dock where the boat was bobbing on the gentle waves. A uniformed man stood on the deck, presumably waiting for her. He offered a hand onto the boat then accepted her bag from the prince, thanking him politely.

  Jenna took a seat. She couldn’t help looking at Rafe, standing on the deck. He was so striking, so regal. It was easy to imagine him as a king, standing on a balcony, waving to his people as they cheered, “Long live the king!”

  She’d been one of the luckiest girls in the world, to have had the chance to know Raphael Karposh Stojanovski, the man, and not just the prince.

  She would never forget that.

  A second uniformed man came stomping down the deck. He paused to speak to Rafe then boarded the boat. As he hurried past Jenna, he smiled. “We’ll depart in a few minutes.”

  She nodded and turned her attention back to Rafe, who was still standing on the dock. The boat’s engine rumbled. Water gurgled. Rafe untied the ropes securing the boat to the dock and tossed them onto the deck.

  This was it.



  He waved and, the world turning into a blurry watercolor, she waved back.


  A boat ride that afternoon, followed by an overnight stay on St. Lucia, and an eight hour flight later, Jenna’s bestie shouted, “Welcome home!” as the travel-weary Jenna tossed her suitcase into her backseat.

  Then, shivering her butt off, Jenna flopped into the passenger seat. Holy cripes, was it cold! Her face was on fire. Her eyes were watering so badly she could barely make out Mikki’s face. And her teeth were chattering so hard she was afraid they would crack.


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