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Be My Princess - A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (Pretty Dirty Romance Book 1)

Page 12

by Dee Dee Jordan

  Okay, maybe she’d almost convinced herself she had. In reality she knew now she hadn’t. Her feelings for him were as strong now as they’d ever been.

  All she could hope for was that he would be so busy with his work and princely obligations that she wouldn’t have to see him face-to-face. She knew for a fact if she did, she wouldn’t be able to pretend her heart wasn’t cracking into a million pieces.

  Please, please, let him be too busy to attend any of Nichole’s functions. Nichole had warned her their calendar was full. There were galas and fund raising dinners and meetings to attend. Sometimes a member of the royal family would attend, in a show of support.

  Jenna’s heavy body slouched against the seat. She’d arrived yesterday and was still battling jetlag. She should have put off this little ski outing for one more day. But Nichole had insisted, saying there wouldn’t be much time for fun.

  Speaking of Nichole… what was taking her so long? She’d said she wanted to invite the royal family’s ski instructor along, claiming he was not only a great teacher but also good company. Nichole had explained he’d planned to meet them at the palace and promised it would only take a few minutes.

  Oh well, at least she had plenty of room to grab a little catnap. With any luck, she wouldn’t dream about Rafe. Then again, maybe she would…

  Nichole ducked into the limo first. Rafe peered into the darkened interior as he slipped in after her. The American girl was sitting quietly toward the front of the vehicle, her head turned to the opposite window. Her hair was gathered into a knot on the top of her head, revealing the slender column of her neck. The sudden impulse to press his lips to that tender skin shot through him, and his body heated.

  Holy hell! He’d been abstinent for too long. The neck of this… stranger was making him hard.

  As he took his seat next to Nichole, the stranger swiveled around to face them.

  Their gazes collided.

  The air electrified.


  “I believe you two know each other,” Nichole said, casually.

  Jenna’s eyes widened. Her mouth formed a little O.

  If not for the look of utter shock on her face, he might have thought she’d planned this. The devious little American. But no, she’d been struck silent by shock, the same as he.

  Still, she looked more beautiful than ever.

  His body tightened.

  Nichole continued, “I thought we’d do a little skiing this afternoon and then have some dinner. How does that sound to you two? Or would you rather be alone?”


  “No!” Jenna and Rafe blurted at the same time.

  Nichole tossed a hand. “Very well. If you insist, I’ll play the third wheel.”

  “This isn’t a date,” Jenna said, her gaze still tangled with Rafe’s.

  “Exactly,” Rafe agreed, wishing he could talk himself out of this disaster but knowing Nichole would never let him back out now. “If anyone’s the third wheel, it’s me.”

  “Nonsense!” his underhanded, sneaky, manipulative friend said on a chuckle. “You’re the teacher. I promised Jenna skiing lessons. Ivan had a prior commitment, so you’re going to give them to her.”

  Jenna’s complexion turned as white as the snow outside. “Absolutely not!”

  “But you told me you couldn’t wait to learn how to ski,” Nichole insisted.

  “I did. But I didn’t realize… I didn’t know…” She visibly inhaled, exhaled. Rafe watched her pretty lips curve and her chest rise and fall. “You said a professional ski instructor would be teaching me. Can’t you hire another one instead?”

  “Rafe is an excellent skier and teacher. He taught me everything I know.”

  “Yes, of course. I’m sure he’s great.” Jenna gave Rafe a pleading help-me-out-of-this look. God help him, but he liked it when she looked at him like that. “I don’t mean to say he’s not great. It’s just that… the press—“

  “Won’t be there,” Nichole said. “Which I’m sure will be a welcome relief, am I right? We’ll be skiing on His Grace’s private property.” Nichole gave Rafe a sideways glance. “There will be no photographers. No reporters. No press.”

  So was that why she’d done this? Brought Jenna all the way here? Was she trying to help Jenna weather the press storm? If so, he admired her for that. Even he hadn’t considered doing something so rash, as to fly her out of her home country. And it was his fault she was being chased by the blasted photographers in the first place.

  Jenna’s lovely lips thinned. “If they were able to snap pictures of us when we were marooned on a private island in the middle of the ocean, then they can catch a few of us on top of a mountain.”

  “The area is under constant surveillance,” Rafe assured her, suddenly feeling the urge to sooth her, protect her. “And I’m sorry for the situation you’ve had to face back in your country. I’ve seen the papers. They cast you in a very unfavorable light.”

  “That’s a slight understatement,” Jenna said, her voice lifting with a tiny sarcastic giggle. She rolled her eyes. “I’m the evil gold-digger who is out to steal your heart… and empty your bank account. I’d love to know how it happened, how the press got their information.”

  “So would I,” he said.

  Her eyes widened. “Then you don’t know either?”

  “No, of course not. But I have my suspicions. Nothing confirmed.”

  “Will you do anything to set them straight?” she asked.

  “No, we’ve found that it’s best to keep silent and let the scandal die on its own,” he told her, his hand itching to reach out and settle on her knee. Or wrap around hers, which were wringing, in her lap. Damn, those photographers had her on edge. It was worse than he realized. Maybe because he was used to it, those kinds of things didn’t bother him so much. But for Jenna it would be different. “It will, Jenna. With time. I can assure you. You just have to wait it out.”

  “Easy for you to say, living in a freaking castle. With guards, no doubt.”

  “Which is why I brought you here,” Nichole said, once again, giving Rafe a squinty look.

  He should have done this, insisted on finding her somewhere safe to wait out the worst of the scandal.

  “Then I’m not supposed to work for you?” Jenna asked.

  “No, of course not!” Nichole laughed. “I hired you to get you out of that hornet’s nest, not to make you work. Did you really think I’d make you work while you were here?”

  “Well…” Jenna’s pretty face flushed pink. “You’re paying a hell of a lot of money for me to be here.”

  “Yes, well, we all must eat, right?” Nichole shrugged. “I saw those pictures. I knew you couldn’t take a month-long vacation from your life without some sort of payment. I’m not totally out of touch with how most people live… unlike some people.” She glared at Rafe.

  He might have argued against her statement, but after this conversation, maybe he was out-of-touch with the average person’s challenges. What concerned him more, however, was the length of time Jenna would be in his country. A month was a long time. Granted, she wouldn’t be staying with Nichole. But he knew Nichole well enough to expect they would accidentally run into him regularly.

  Not to mention, if he were being honest with himself, he would admit he would be equally tempted to accidentally run into them as well.

  No. That couldn’t happen. He could not let the alluring Jenna distract him yet again.

  He had a goal. An important one. That would require his complete focus.

  Not to mention, she’d already suffered enough for his weakness. He would not, could not, let her suffer anymore.

  Jenna didn’t know what to think, to feel, to say. Yesterday she’d been in her ugly apartment, packing for what was supposed to be a four-week work trip. Now here she was, in a limo with Rafe, the man she dreamed about almost every freaking night since she’d gotten home.

  He did not look happy to see her.

  Within the fir
st few seconds she’d spent in that limo, all hopes that he might have feelings for her were squashed. Obliterated.

  If it were up to him, Nichole would be turning the car around and driving her back to the airport.

  She felt awful. Unwanted. Uncomfortable.

  Why did Nichole do this to them? Why?

  She’d never been in a more awkward situation. Given her choice, she would go home. Right now. Today. To hell with the photographers!

  But she couldn’t. Not when Mikki’s mother was counting on that massive paycheck. And after all the trouble she’d caused for Pacello Personnel, that commission was the least she owed.

  Like it or not, she had to suck it up and stay.

  But as far as skiing today, that was out of the question. There was no way she was going to let them strap her feet to a pair of slick boards and shove her down a hill! Not happening.

  No, really. Not. Happening.

  “You’re going to love skiing!” Nichole proclaimed, eyes all sparkly. “The exhilaration as you’re flying down the slope is totally addicting!”

  “More like the terror,” she mumbled.

  Rafe chuckled.

  He couldn’t have heard her.

  She raised a brow and he grinned.

  He had?

  “It isn’t as hard as you think, really,” Nichole promised. “It’s a little scary at first, but—“

  “A little scary?” she asked.

  “We’ll start you on a beginner slope, of course,” Nichole informed her.

  Beginner slope?

  Jenna looked at Rafe, stewing in silence across from her. Wow, he was so happy. Not.

  Then she peered out the window.

  Those mountains were huge, the sides reaching toward the sky at insane angles. How beginner would a slope be out here? “You know what? I’d rather just hang out in the lodge.”

  “Absolutely not!” Nichole cried. “You came all this way to see the sights and explore our country.”

  Actually, she’d come all this way to do a job, but evidently that was no longer relevant.

  “I could explore your cuisine. Or shops,” she offered. She probably wouldn’t break her freaking neck shopping. “They wouldn’t be so… dangerous.”

  “You can’t be sure about that,” Rafe cut in, an evil (and totally adorable) twinkle glittering in his eyes. Well, that was better! At least he was engaging in the conversation a little.

  But she wondered what he meant by his playful warning. “Oh no!” Jenna exclaimed, “What am I in for? The European version of Japanese Fugu? Or just disgusting like fried brains?”

  “Maybe both,” Rafe said.

  “Don’t let him scare you!” Nichole tossed a dismissive hand. “We have some of the most amazing restaurants in the country, right here in Karin. You’ll see that tonight, when we dine.” She turned her attention to Rafe. “You will join us.”

  It wasn’t a question.

  “No, I’m sorry, I can’t,” he said.

  Nichole lifted one eyebrow. “Are you sure about that? You have no other plans.”

  “As a matter of fact, I do have plans. I plan on having a quiet meal at home. While I work.”

  “Then we can join you there! It’s a holiday. You won’t be working tonight.” Nichole tapped Jenna’s knee. “The palace has the most accomplished cooks in the entire continent, maybe the world. What will be served tonight?” she asked Rafe.

  “I don’t know. Something simple,” he grumbled.

  “No matter.” Nichole tossed a hand, dismissing his clear implication. He wanted no dinner guests. Period. “It’ll be delicious. I have no doubt.”

  Ugh. It was time to have a little heart-to-heart with Nichole.

  Nichole was being too pushy. Wayyyyy to pushy. Jenna was starting to feel like the mangy, flea-infested dog nobody wanted in the dog pound.

  Rafe wasn’t having it. Not today. Not at all. At least when it came to shoving a certain American down his throat.

  Rafe and Nichole traded glares.

  Jenna decided to take matters into her own hands. Nichole had been a genuine sweetheart for paying to get her out of the spotlight. That was enough. She didn’t have to play matchmaker too. In fact, she’d rather Nichole give that up entirely. “Actually, I’d rather call it a day early.”

  “No way! You have only a short time here in Aragonia. We have to make the most of every moment.” The car stopped, and Nichole peered out the window. “Ah, speaking of making the most…”

  The door swung open, and out they filed..

  Nichole led the way into the lodge, a building Jenna had totally imagined wrong. In her head she’d seen a log building with a sharply pitched roof, like a chalet.

  This was a stone mansion.

  Inside the first thing she noticed was the massive fireplace, nearly as tall as Rafe. A roaring inferno threw out heat that rivaled that of the sun. Then she noticed the many dead animals staring at her from the walls. Creepy. And the wall of glass, showcasing the breathtaking view outside. And the comfy looking couches arranged in front of the fireplace.

  Now that was where she wanted to spend her day. Cozied up in front of a fire. She went straight for it, shedding her coat as she walked. “This is great! I’ll just hang out here, where it’s warm—“

  “We have everything you’ll need to ski,” Nichole said, catching Jenna’s elbow and pulling her from the fireplace. “Let’s get you hooked up.”

  “No. Really. I don’t need to ski.” Jenna dragged her feet because she really, really didn’t want to ski. For one, she could tell Rafe didn’t want to ski any more than she did. For another, she wanted to put some distance between herself and Rafe, to ease the tension. And finally (but not necessarily the least) she didn’t want to make a total idiot of herself in front of Rafe…

  Or die.

  Either one was bad. And the way she saw it, those were two very strong possibilities.

  “Of course you have to at least try. You couldn’t have a better teacher. He won’t let anything happen to you. Trust me.” Nichole steered her into one of the bedrooms and shut the door. She leveled a listen-to-me glare. “I did not go to all this trouble and expense to get you out here with Rafe for you to fight me every damn step of the way.”

  Really? Nichole was going to get bitchy with her?

  Now was her chance. She had to put her foot down, or the next few weeks would be hell. Nichole had to stop playing matchmaker. Now. Today. But Jenna wanted to be nice about it.

  “I don’t want to appear ungrateful, but Rafe—”

  “Trust me. He wants this,” Nichole interrupted. “I’ve known him since he was in diapers. He’s been an absolute asshole since he came back from the island. And it’s because he misses you. So shut the hell up and, if you’re going to fall, fall into his arms. He just doesn’t want to admit it. You don’t know him as well as I do.”

  “Stop.” Jenna smacked her arms across her chest. Damn it, she was trying to be nice about this, but Nichole wasn’t giving her any choice. If she had to be a bitch, then so be it. It was time to put an end to the madness. “Quit shoving me at him like the ugly girl at prom. You’re wrong. He doesn’t like me. So please give it a rest.” She added, “Please.”

  “I can’t give it a rest. I brought you out here to spend time with Rafe. He’s here. You may not get—”

  “I thought you brought me here to get me out of the spotlight,” she cut Nichole off. “Or was it to do a job?” Jenna shook her head. “Look, I don’t want to be a bitch about this, but you’re practically shoving me down the man’s throat. No man would want that.” She stabbed an index finger at the closed door. “I don’t have to have known Rafe all his life to see he’s clearly annoyed by our intrusion. What makes you so sure his ugly mood was because of me anyway? Couldn’t it be a lot of other things? Something related to his work, maybe?”

  “Fine!” Smiling, Nichole tossed her hands into the air. “I’ll stop. After you go skiing. Because he already agreed to teach you.
He’s here. So shut the hell up and ski with him.” She yanked a pair of jeans out of the closet and practically threw them at her.

  “Why are you being so stubborn about this skiing thing?” Jenna grumbled as she fiddled with the pants fly. What the heck were these? They looked like blue jeans but they had an extra black, stretchy waistband above the regular one. And there were black flames painted down the legs, encrusted with sparkly crystals. “I’m going to fall on my ass. I might even break a bone. Who will that impress?”

  “You’ll be fine.” Nichole tossed several more articles of clothing onto the bed. Several long sleeved pullovers, socks, hat, gloves, goggles and a jacket. She winked. “Rafe respects a woman who can stand on her own two feet. But he also loves it when she falls and trusts him to catch her. Get it?”

  She did. She got it. Rafe liked to be the hero. But if she could avoid falling, she was going to. This girl did not fling herself recklessly off her feet for any man. Even a prince. Especially a certain prince who wasn’t interested in her.

  She bundled up in the clothes Nichole gave her, not exactly thrilled by how snug everything fit. Were they meant to be that way, to cling to her boobs and butt like that? Or were they too small? Trying to ignore the row of stodgy people glaring at her from the old portraits lining the hallway, she trundled out to the great room with the big fireplace to find Rafe was dressed similarly, though with a few less layers.

  And there was no way to ignore how delish the snug shirt and pants looked on him. His jacket hung open in the front, showing off those scrumptious t-shirt clad pecks. And when he turned, she got a drool worthy look at the world’s most perfect butt.

  Who knew ski apparel could be so sexy?

  His gaze flicked her way but his apathetic expression didn’t change.

  Nichole’s wrong.

  Jenna forced a smile. “Well, I guess this is it. You won’t let me kill myself out there, right?”

  “Of course he won’t,” Nichole responded, answering for the glowering Rafe. She motioned to the door. “Go, go! The weather’s perfect! I’ll change and meet you in a few.”

  Perfect weather.

  Perfect prince.


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