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R.E.solve (Rain Experience Book 2)

Page 10

by Thomas W. Everson

  “You’re probably right, but I would still rather it be me than you.” I sigh. “The question is; how much do I change things before it’s too much? Are we safe from paradox effects? Or if I change something which prevents us from ever meeting will we become caught in a loop?”

  “We’ve never had that kind of question come up because our interaction was never very memorable.” Agatha’s voice is soothing, but her words are not. “Evalyn might know because of her previous travels before all of this, but this was much more of an accidental situation than her planning out every detail of what would happen when we change times.”

  “The despairing souls want me to be their hero. Their ‘champion of light’. Despite their insistence, I’m not sure how well I can fulfill the role.” I look at them.

  It seems I keep trying to be the hero. But is it worth it?

  “Why you?” Eve asks and I’m not sure if she wants an answer or if the question is rhetorical.

  “What do they want you to do? Right now I mean,” Ami asks.

  “They want Denis stopped,” I answer. “I can sense a strong ill will toward him. They want me to…”

  “Sounds like a good idea to me! I’ll help you Rain!” Emma insists.

  With a shake of the head, I stand with my plate before she can persist. My intent is to wash the plate, but a headache begins to rage through my skull. My eyes water and I become light headed. Rubbing my neck, I crane my head in an attempt to alleviate the pain, but it continues. The women look at me with worry but I ignore it and move to the swinging door to the living room.

  “I need to rest.”

  “Rain, I think it would be a good idea if we all kept an eye on you,” Agatha mothers me.

  Half way through the swinging door I look back and nod. Climbing the stairs I long for the soft mattress to take away the aching. I hang up my cloak and sword and stare at them for a moment. I chuckle.

  The adventure I was seeking has found me instead.

  While my body craves rest, my mind starts going stir crazy as soon as I’m lying down.

  I wish Agatha hadn’t stopped me. I need to feel like I’m doing anything but sleeping. How much time have I spent sleeping lately? Between shifting through time and this problem I have now, I feel like all I do is sleep, but there are things to be done.

  As I lie there hoping the headache is gone when I awake, I hear the women coming up the stairs. Ami is talking and I notice her voice seems hushed, and distant. She’s laying down rules for watching over me and the shifts they will take.

  “There will be absolutely no climbing in bed with him, Eve,” Ami states clearly and accusingly. “You can sit at his bedside.”

  “Would I take advantage of Rain while he’s not feeling well?” I can hear the grin in Eve’s voice.

  “Yes, you would. I might just have to sit with you so I can keep an eye on you both at the same time,” Ami grumbles.

  “What about me?” Emma asks.

  “Same rule. No one gets in bed with him!” Ami speaks with exasperation.

  With my eyes growing heavy, I can’t stay awake. Time itself seems to stop and I enter into ominous darkness.


  Though I’m positive my body is asleep, I am fully aware in my dream, trapped in darkness. Unlike past times where I floated along, it feels as though I’m on something like ground. It reminds me of the white void, how there was nothing, but it was solid, only it’s completely black and again I am the only thing illuminated. Though I am asleep, I assume I’m inside the despair. For a while I’m alone and I walk in a straight line, or perhaps a circle, or maybe not at all. My projection appears to be walking, but there’s no sense of movement.

  It’s endless.

  Finally something appears, a body. While darkness surrounds everything, I can clearly see the person, as if the light is coming directly from them as it is from me. Expecting an unknown person from the city, I am a little stunned when it’s someone I know. Eve’s figure stands in the darkness with me. For a moment I begin to think that instead of the subconscious reality of the despair collective, that this is actually a bizarre dream. The notion dissipates when I find myself overwhelmed with despairs from Eve’s figure.

  “I’m lost, bumbling through time with people who don’t care about me.”

  “My people are without me as their leader. I abandoned them for Rain. Were they killed? Or taken as slaves by another faction?”

  “Did Kohan lead them well? Did they make it to the mountains?”

  “How many people died because of me? How many people have I killed?”

  “Am I alone? Without love?”

  “What’s does Ami have that I don’t?”

  I’m led to question whether these are being absorbed from Eve now, or if Eve died in despair at some point in the future and through some means is a part of me now. As other despairs of hers crop up I begin to understand her a little better. Despite her selfish and brash front, I can see that deep within her, she’s no different than the rest of us.

  “My friends, my family, my home. My parents, lost to the war when I was a child. Everything I knew is gone. I’ll never see them again. What do I have to show for it?”

  “Why did the cataclysm have to happen? If it hadn’t, maybe my life would have been different.”

  Her body fades back into the darkness and I’m left alone again for a time. Because it’s unclear how long I will be here, I start walking again. Other bodies crop up every once in a while but their voices are too muffled to understand. They disappear completely as I move steadily. A speck of light appears in the distance and it gives me hope. Heading for it as I had last time, it grows larger. I begin to run. Another muffled voice can be heard but it’s not coming from the darkness. The closer I draw the clearer the voice becomes. It’s Emma’s.

  “Rain, you can’t leave me here again. Don’t you understand? I just found you again and it feels like we’re going to have to say ‘goodbye’ all over.” She’s crying.

  The white light surrounds me and I jolt awake, my eyes open wide. I gasp for air feeling like I have been holding my breath. Emma is next to my bed in the dark of night. She’s startled at my sudden awakening, but while I see the sheen of tears streaming down her face, my mind is preoccupied with Eve.

  Standing up quickly, I stumble as my vision goes white. I’m light headed. Emma holds me up. I regain my composure and move away from her without a word. Exiting the room I look down the stairs and find all is dark down there.

  Is she in her room?

  The door is closed and I press my ear to it for a moment, listening intently for any sound of her presence. Emma moves next to me.

  “Rain, what are you doing?” she whispers, confused.

  I look at her and gently shush her with a finger to my lips. Knocking lightly on the door I twist the knob and open it a crack. Eve’s is lying motionless on her bed against the wall near her window. I listen for her breathing; it’s quiet but it’s there. She’s fast asleep, but a nagging in my mind urges me to wake her. Despite knowing she’ll be irritable, or more likely try to seduce me, I move into her room and kneel by her bed.

  She’s sprawled out, no covers on her, and one of her two pillows is on the floor. Her nighttime attire of a lacy bra and matching panties would normally embarrass me, but my mind focuses on waking her. Lightly I place my hand on her shoulder and jostle her. She swats at my hand. I narrowly miss a smack. When she returns to her former position I try again.

  “Eve, wake up.”

  She groans and opens her eyes, staring blankly at me for a moment before reaching for my face. Grabbing her hand before she can pull me in, my mouth takes over.

  “Eve, I understand what you’re going through,” I whisper.

  She gives me a puzzled look and grunts.

  “I had a dream, or something, and you were in it. I know about the war and that you lost your parents when you were a child. I’m sorry you lost everything important to you
. I’m sorry you’ve felt alienated…” she cuts me off before I can finish.

  She rips her arm from my hand and points to the door, barking angrily, “Out!”

  I’ve provoked a negative response, though it had only been my intent to comfort her. I stand. She pulls her blanket up and crosses her arms over her chest. She looks away. Unable to tell if she’s angry or embarrassed, I can’t help but feel this midnight timing is just a poor choice in wanting to talk about a sensitive subject. Moving to the door I look back. Her scowl is intimidating and I step out. Emma has retreated to the stairway. I turn around to try again, but Eve moves swiftly to the door.

  “Eve, I…”

  She slams it in my face.

  “Eve, I want you to know I’m here to talk about it if you need to,” I tell her and sit down, my back against her door.

  “Rain, go away. Go back to sleep,” she grumbles through the door.

  “No, I’ll stay here.”

  Emma looks behind her and then turns to head down the stairs. I hear her at the bottom of the stairway talking with someone. Picking up the sound of Ami’s voice, I try to listen in, but I’m unable to make out what they’re saying.

  What was the point of jumping out of bed at night and waking her up? I probably could have waited until morning. But why would I be shown Eve’s despairs if not to act upon it right away? Why Eve’s? Why not Emma, Ami or Agatha? Could I just be absorbing from people near me as well as what I already have or did Eve die in despair at some point in our future?

  I have to try to make it right. Maybe I am strong enough like the despair said. And if I alter things for people while still alive, the despair will lessen and perhaps I will regain some semblance of control of my body and mind.

  Eve opens her door abruptly and I fall backward, my arms flailing out in an attempt to catch myself but I’m unsuccessful. Thudding to the floor I look up at Eve, still in her undergarments. This time I blush heavily and I look away.

  “You’re breathing too loud.” She glares at me while I lay there.

  Trying to lighten her mood a little I suck in air, hold it and puff my cheeks out. Though she’s staring at me, it’s too dark to tell if her expression has changed. After a few moments she picks her foot up and places it on my chest. She pushes down and I’m forced to give in, exhaling and breathing heavily through my nose to try and catch my breath.

  Returning to her bed, she sits down at the head of it, placing her back against the wall, covering up with her blanket. She hasn’t closed the door and I assume she’s inviting me in so we can talk.

  When I enter, she motions to close the door. I do and she reaches over to a nightstand to turns on a lamp. Her room is fairly empty with a single wardrobe in the far back corner, a desk against the wall closest to the hall and the table with the lamp. Her bed is built for a normal sized person, but is clearly too short for her height.

  Moving to her bed I sit down on the opposite end from her and following her lead, place my back against the wall.

  “I don’t keep a diary and I know you weren’t there, so how do you know about my past?” She’s hostile.

  “The despair within me. I don’t have a definitive answer, but while I was asleep a few minutes ago I came across you in my dream and it was like I could hear your thoughts.”

  “What did you hear, exactly?”

  “That you had terrible experiences as a child with losing your parents and friends to a war. You feel lost and not cared about. You’re alone. Something about a cataclysm.”

  “Well that’s a bit presumptuous of your dream isn’t it? I don’t know how you learned about my past, but I am just fine.” Her face is pained while she tries to put on a strong front. The despair within urges me onward.

  “Maybe on the surface Eve, but I can sense from you what I was shown is true.”

  She scowls and yells, “Yeah? What do you know? I’d be better off without the lot of you.”

  Turning toward her I reach forward and grab her hand which is outside the blanket to hold it in place. A sliver of empathy surfaces. “I’m sorry you’re stuck here with us. I know you don’t want to be here and if I could take you back I would.”

  She snatches her hand from mine, pulls her knees up to her head and hides her face from me. Were it not for some quick inhales and hiccups, I would simply think she was angry, but she’s crying. I’ve hit a sensitive nerve. Scooting closer to her I can’t help but feel the sorrow she is feeling as I put my arms around her. To my surprise she doesn’t fight me.

  “Eve, I’m sorry if…” I start but she sits up and puts her finger to my lips. She replaces her finger with her lips.

  Pushing me over, she collapses onto me and pins my arms while kissing me passionately but before I have an opportunity break away, she does it for me. Lying there, she hovers over me and I stare into her green eyes while she examines me.

  “It’s okay, if you’re here Rain,” she says quietly. “I’m okay with being here as long as you’re here.”

  “Eve, I…” before I can finish Eve’s door bursts open.

  Ami has kicked it open and Emma stands beside her with her hands covering her mouth in shock. Ami’s eyes burn with fire as she raises a fist to threaten Eve. Eve notices and all semblance of sorrow is gone. She grins antagonistically. Before I can explain what’s happened, I see Ami’s disapproving look as Eve quickly asserts herself.

  “Rain and I have declared our love for each other!” Eve sneers. “Looks like you two are out of luck!”

  “Whoa there Eve. Not even close!” I state and look at Ami. “Ami she’s lying! I was just talking with her and she threw herself at me, like she normally does!”

  Eve looks at me and plays sweet, “Don’t tell me our kiss meant nothing, babe.” She looks up at the other two and nods, “He was comforting me…with his lips.”

  My face becomes hot. My cheeks fill with blood while embarrassment, shame, and anxiety set in. Looking at shocked Emma and angry Ami I realize I’m in a ‘no-win’ situation. There’s no room for further attempts to try and defend myself against the oncoming storm. Ami’s in like lightning and grabs me under the armpits, attempting to wrench me out of Eve’s grasp. When Eve pushes her away Emma jumps in to help.

  “Get out of my room and leave me and Rain in peace,” Eve squawks.

  “Shut up and let go of him!” Emma yells, wrapping both of her firm arms around one of mine to tug.

  “Eve, you need to stop pretending he is going to cave in to your vile will,” Ami snaps while pulling.

  “Oh he will. He and I shared a very tender moment.” She playfully keeps me pinned under her weight.

  Amidst the battle over my body, Ami and Emma finally pry me free from Eve’s clutches and drag me down onto the hard, wood floor. My feet land with a thud and Eve giggles as I’m dragged out of the room.

  “Bye lover,” Eve jests.

  Clear of Eve’s room I’m expecting to be hauled to my room, but instead the two women drag me down the stairs forcefully. I dare not attempt to stand for fear of knocking us down to the bottom in a heap. Ami motions for Emma to open the door and I know what’s coming next. Emma flings the door open and Ami shoves me out.

  Before I can respond the door is closed behind me and I hear the latch of the lock. I jiggle the handle and look in the small window, expecting to see Ami or Emma there. Instead they’ve retreated into the hallway and they’re gone. Sighing, I sit down on the last step attached to the porch and plant my bare feet in the grass. It’s nice and cool.

  What have I gotten myself into? I don’t know what I was like in the past, but even as a king I can’t imagine being fawned over this much. At least Emma has a reason. I still don’t understand Eve’s pursuit. Perhaps it’s because she knows she can’t have me? I don’t know if that’s how women work, but it’s my only explanation.

  Emma won’t be staying with us, and she will be one less to worry about soon enough. But no matter how much I try to push her away it’s going to hurt. She wil
l just have to live her own life after we’re gone.

  Eve though. I think even if Ami and I declared we were going to pursue something together, Eve would still interfere. She’s too stubborn.

  Lying back, I place my hands behind my head and stare up into the night sky. The stars can be seen, but not as powerfully as when there are no city lights to contend with. I let my mind go blank and drift like the gentle wind passing by.


  Whether I slept or not is a mystery, as I seem to have been somewhat aware while lying there. But there was no darkness, no dream. I’m called back to reality as the sun peeks over the horizon, beginning to illuminate the city and beats on my eyelids. Were it a winter night, I’d have frozen to death, but the temperature stayed warm and it wasn’t uncomfortable.

  The horse neighs and I wonder about the one we lost in the void.

  Strange it wasn’t pulled back in. Perhaps the darkness got to it. Maybe it died? Or maybe it’s was being pulled back and just didn’t make it in time. I would rather something dreadful have happened to it than it starve to death. A quick merciful death.

  Would it be possible to get far enough away to stay in a specific time? If it couldn’t pull us back fast enough, we might just break away. We’d have to find a way to land safely. I will need to ask Agatha and Evalyn if this would be a good idea.

  The broken cityscape greets me beyond the boundary of the dead park when I open my eyes. Husks of their former glory, it puts me in a melancholy mood and I think about their better times before getting up. It was crowded, but it was full of life.

  I stretch my back, which aches from lying on something hard for too long, and let out a satisfactory grunt. A brief gust of wind makes me want to climb into my cozy bed and wrap up.

  The door is still locked and I anticipate the kitchen one to be also. I bide my time by drawing up a bucket of water to take to the horse tied to the recovering apple tree. He drinks slowly and I look up at a branch in reach. New leaves and buds have begun to form.


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