Lacey's Warriors (Bondmates Book 6)

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Lacey's Warriors (Bondmates Book 6) Page 8

by Ann Mayburn

  “Hey.” Lacey cleared her throat and dropped her hair so she could return Roxy’s hug. “Yeah, just woke up. How long was I out for?”

  “Only one day.” Roxy reached out and tugged a curl. “Chel thinks you went through the transition so quickly because your body was already altered a little by the slavers. That allowed you to easily adjust to the changes the Kadothian DNA made in your body, like I did. For some reason, your hair grew longer during your transition. I swear, your legs looked like a golden retriever had shed all over them. Don’t worry, I took care of it for you. That and the tumbleweeds you were growing in your armpits.”

  An unexpected laugh bubbled up from Lacey, and she grabbed Roxy for another hug. “Thank you.”

  Giving her cheek a kiss, Roxy pulled back with a smile. “Don’t worry about it. Anything for a fellow soldier. Look, we’ve only got a few minutes before your men barge in here, so we need to talk.”

  A warm wave of desire went through Lacey as she thought of Gwarnon and Chel, of how Gwarnon had touched her, how he’d driven her mad then basically seduced a kiss out of her. She’d be more irritated about it if she hadn’t experienced that brief moment of perfect romantic love with him through their bond before she’d passed out. Chel and Gwarnon loved her and were good men, despite her almost desperate need to believe otherwise. She didn’t know what her future might bring her, or how, but she knew her men would be a part of it.

  “Lacey,” Roxy sat on the bed and took her hand. “You are never going to find two men who will love you more than Gwarnon and Chel.”

  Lacey held up her hand, cutting the other woman off. “Don’t worry, I get it now. That connection you were trying to explain that you have with Cormac and Nosa? I felt it with Chel and Gwarnon. It was…there is…I can’t even begin to explain it. I could feel them, their souls.”

  “I know,” Roxy smiled, her dark eyes growing soft. “Isn’t it amazing?”

  “It seems almost too good to be true.” A shiver went down her spine and she shifted uncomfortably as her thoughts went in a rather dirty direction.

  Those happy thoughts died a quick death when Roxy said, “I think you should tell them about…you know who.”

  The pang of heartache and sorrow that tore through her chest made it hard for her to breathe. God, she missed her daughter and her mom so much and worried about them every hour of every day, but the less people that knew about Jillian, the better. On the other side of the wormhole on Earth, her daughter Jillian was safe from the dangers of the Bel’Tan Galaxy. According to the NevShoo, Lacey and Roxy’s identity had not been revealed to the rest of the Galaxy. The Baladium protected the identity of the fighters until the very last minute, so no one had an advantage in betting. Oh, their basic stats were given out, and odds were made and placed, but a human fighter was something new and unknown. The Baladium was working that angle to increase the enormous amounts of money being tossed around in the various betting pools.

  “Do we have privacy?” she whispered.

  Roxy’s dark gaze went distant, then she nodded. “As far as I can tell.”

  “Once we win, I’m going to find a way go home, get my mom and daughter then alert the Kadothian ship where I am. Hopefully, Gwarnon and Chel will be able to forgive me once they meet my mom and Jillian. I figure if they don’t know what I’m going to do, then they can’t get in trouble for it. The Kadothian High Congress is already going to be super pissed at them. Chel and Gwarnon will understand that I couldn’t leave my family behind, that it would kill my mom to lose us since my dad passed away a long time ago. Sure, she’ll have our extended family, but me and my mom are tight, and she thinks the sun rises and sets on Jillian. And I would burn down the entire galaxy to keep Jillian safe. I have to have my family with me, Roxy.”

  Roxy’s eyes grew wet with tears that she blinked back. “I wish I could bring my parents, but I understand why I can’t. At least they have each other and my older brother and his family. God, I’m going to miss them.” She swallowed hard and wiped the corner of her eye with the back of her hand. “But I agree with your reasoning, even though I worry about how it’s all going to work out. I still think you should tell your men, but I can’t argue with not creating anymore problems with the Kadothian High Congress. From what Nosa and Cormac have told me, there are elements within the government that do not like Earth females and would ban us all if they could.”

  A chime came from the door, admitting four agitated Kadothian males. The gaze of the first two, Nosa and Cormac, focused on Roxy, while Chel and Gwarnon locked onto her like heat seeking missiles. She could feel their worry, then their growing happiness as she smiled at them. God, they really were the hottest men she’d ever seen in her life. Broad, huge, powerful and so masculine it made her ovaries ache. Both men had their hair down instead of back in the usual club-like braid. The blue streaks in Gwarnon’s wild mane of hair shimmered in the light as he knelt before her, relief filling his stormy dark blue and silver lighting streaked eyes.

  Chel knelt next to him, so they were arm to arm, hip to hip, and the soothing touch of his soul whispered over her own. Beneath the skin, they were more alike than different. Tears came to her eyes as she soaked in their love for her, no hint of deception in their hearts as they both opened their side of the bond wider, flooding her with affection. She didn’t even realize she’d started crying until she found herself on Chel’s lap with Gwarnon gently brushing away her tears.

  “Sorry,” she choked out. “I swear I’m not usually this much of a crier. You guys must think you got bonded to a basket case.” Seeing their confused expressions she couldn’t help but smile despite her tears. “It means a crazy woman.”

  Gwarnon’s tanned fingers were dark against the pale skin of her arm as he gently stroked her and Chel said, “There is no need for the embarrassment you feel. It is your body’s natural reaction to the enormous mental and physical stress you have been under. Anyone without the heart of a true Warrior would have collapsed by now. We do not think you are crazy. How are you feeling?”

  Taking a quick mental stock of her body, she let out a sigh of relief. “Good. I had some nausea when I woke up earlier, but that seems to have faded.”

  Chel rubbed his lips over the top of her head, his breath warm against her sensitive scalp. “We are pleased to hear this.”

  For a moment, they were quiet, and Lacey closed her eyes, sinking further into Chel’s embrace as Gwarnon lightly raked his nails over her palm. The motion sent little shivers dancing over her skin, and she squirmed against Chel, then felt something begin to grow beneath her butt. Something her body expressed instant interest in.

  A familiar ache began to throb between her legs, the same ache she’d been battling for days. When she wasn’t with Chel and Gwarnon, she was thinking about them, daydreaming and masturbating to unfulfilling orgasms. Desire furled through her blood as Gwarnon and Chel picked up on her desire, the heat of their passion sparking to life like a bonfire soaked in lighter fluid.

  “Lacey,” Chel shifted beneath her and his side of the bond closed off. “Are you ready for your crystal implant?”

  She was ready for more than that. The irrevocable choice had been made, the transformation to her body made. A sense of relief tinged with guilt filled her as she realized she belonged with them now and no longer had to fight her needs. That she could give into the craving for them that had started the moment she’d laid eyes on Gwarnon and hadn’t abated since.

  “No,” she said as she tried to sit up a little bit, but both men grumbled and held on tight to her. “I want to do something first. Lemme up for a second.”

  “I do not want to release you,” Gwarnon’s pout was almost too cute to resist, but she managed to control the urge to kiss it away.

  Chel, of course, did as she’d asked, and she managed to wiggle away from Gwarnon as he huffed in displeasure. Standing before them as they sat, they were almost eye level with each other. It was funny, she didn’t feel smaller than them and
it always came as a slight surprise at how big they truly were. Having always been the tallest woman in the room—and most of the time the tallest period, at six foot—she wasn’t used to feeling tiny and feminine next to a man. It was a weird, but nice sensation. For the first time in her life, she wouldn’t have to be careful not to hurt her partner if their bed play got a little rough. She could lose herself completely with the men, fight and wrestle them until they won her willing sexual submission.

  Her voice came out husky, thick with desire, as she said, “I want our first time to be without the implant. If you put it in now, I’ll be distracted, and I want to remember this for the rest of my life.”

  The men exchanged a long look, and she could almost feel the unspoken conversation happening between them. If she concentrated she could…sense the intent of the words they were speaking? It made no sense, but that was what was happening. She was so busy studying them through the bond that she let out a little yelp when Gwarnon swung her up into his massive arms. Tingles raced over her skin as he brushed his lips over her forehead.

  “What are you doing?” She relaxed in his hold, knowing that carrying her weight for a Kadothian Warrior was the equivalent of a human carrying a small house cat or a pillow.

  His voice rumbled through his chest and into her body as Gwarnon said, “We are taking you back to your quarters so we can properly pleasure you.”

  Her nipples tightened at the anticipation, demanding and primal, that teased down their bond. “Oh…”

  It felt like they flew down the deserted hallway leading to her—well, now their—quarters.

  The door slid silently shut behind them, and the men carried her straight to the large bedroom, past the small sitting and dining area. The massive circular bed, covered in soft cream sheets and pillows, took up most of the space, large enough to fit all of them comfortably. After all, Kadothian families were polyamorous. Earlier, Roxy had quickly filled her in on the nature of Kadothian men and what it meant to be a blood brother. Sure, the concept had seemed weird and a little abnormal at first, but she’d watched how both Gwarnon and Chel, and Cormac and Nosa were around each other and understood their relationships better now.

  As Gwarnon gently sat her on the edge of the bed, one of them must have sent a mental command to the ships computer, because the lights dimmed and the far wall turned into the scene of a lovely city in what looked like a forested mountainous region. Except the forest was filled with trees with white trunks and shades of blue and green foliage. Something large flew over the city, a creature that resembled a stingray with skin the color of clouds. With graceful undulations, the creature swam in the air over the mountains, dipping and spinning in unseen air currents.

  “Lacey,” Gwarnon said in a loud, bemused voice. “We are over here, my bride.”

  She didn’t even realize she’d stood up and wandered over to the wall, trying to get a better look at everything.

  “Where is this?” She pointed to where the stingray like creature continued to dance. “And what is that?”

  The scene on the screen changed, the entrancing city view gone, replaced by a smooth, pale gray wall.

  “Hey!” She turned around, and the words died in her throat at the sight of two very, very naked Kadothian Warriors watching her with lust almost glowing in their eyes.

  They prowled toward her, Chel’s long dark hair falling over one shoulder, trailing down almost to his six-pack. No— eight pack. And his large, mushroom headed, purple erection. That sight made her do a double blink, and she glanced over at Gwarnon, his shaft a similar purple, but darker because of his tan skin. She knew they bled purple, both men had sustained minor injuries while training her, but had never considered how it would look rushing to fill a substantial cock.

  A cock that now jerked beneath her regard. Both men had a light smattering of hair leading from below their belly buttons down to their pubic area, but none on their testicles which were tight to their bodies. Her pussy throbbed as she unashamedly stared at them, dimly aware that they were both closing down the bond between them slightly, but too horny to care about anything but finding relief.

  “Do you like what you see, my alyah?” Chel reached down and stroked himself, a tiny bit of lilac purple pre-cum wetting the tip. “Lord of Life, I need to close down my side of the bond before you make me spray in the air like an untried Warrior.”

  That moisture glimmered and she reached out, Chel’s groan of pure pleasure making her bold as she wiped off the head of his cock, collecting the pearl of precum there. Lifting her thumb to her mouth, she sucked the taste off. Her eyelids fluttered as his essence burst on her tongue, the taste of him sweet and oddly floral but good.

  Her hormones surged, all thoughts disappearing before the rising tide of her desires. The pale green dress felt heavy on her body, scratching against her skin like cheap fabric instead of the space age silky marvel that it was. Both men watched her as she lazily sucked the remainder of the taste from her thumb, each trembling with need. Their muscles flexed and jumped beneath their skin, each male in his prime and brimming with the need to mount her. There was a visceral, animalistic quality to them that all the training in the world could not get rid of. An untouched spirit both savage and protective.

  Hints of their emotions came through their partially closed spiritual connection, flashes of burning lust and a driving need that had her lifting the dress over her head. She’d barely gotten the hem past her ears when two sets of eager hands joined hers, ridding her of the garment in an instant. Once the fabric was clear of her eyes, she felt a sudden flash of the walls when she was lifted between them. Facing Chel, she wrapped her arms and legs around him as he easily supported her weight with one hand. After a lifetime of feeling like a giant compared to most men, she found it positively intoxicating to be able to trust that she wasn’t hurting or straining her partner with her size.

  Even better, with their rampant arousal pounding through their bond, she had no doubts about their desire for her. Their passion was close to overwhelming her, and she wondered how much stronger it would be once their bond was complete. Her mind was ripped back to the present as Chel captured her lips in a long, soft, wet kiss that had her rubbing her pussy against his stomach. The hard press of his washboard abs over her clit was heaven, and she gasped when a hot tongue licked along the curve of her buttocks.

  Turning to look over her shoulder, she found a naked Gwarnon on his knees behind her, his glorious blue and black hair falling down his back all the way to his heels. Giving her a mischievous look, he bared his sharp teeth a second before he bit her bottom hard enough to sting.

  “Hey!” she giggled as he licked her bottom. “Watch those teeth near my delicate bits, buddy.”

  Gwarnon let out a throaty groan that had the hair on her arms standing up as he smiled and cupped her buttocks with both of his hands. “You have the most perfect bottom in existence. You cannot blame a man for wanting to take a bite out of such a juicy little plemas.”

  “A what?” she struggled to whisper as Chel lifted her so he could suckle on her neck

  “A ripe, juicy fruit that is as tart as an earth peach with a mellow honey aftertaste,” Chel whispered into her ear, his smooth voice stroking over her senses like soft fur.

  “Your sex is equally juicy,” Gwarnon’s hands gripped her hips, tilting her back so her bottom stuck out, exposing her pussy. “I must taste you. Please, my bride, give me permission to pleasure you.”

  “Please,” she whispered against Chel’s lips.

  The world spun and she found herself with her back pressed to Chel’s front, his strong hands gently gripping her thighs, holding her open for the still kneeling Gwarnon.

  Thunder pulsed through her veins as he stared up at her from beneath his dark, arched brows, a positively sinful passion flaring in his deep blue gaze.

  “She smells so good,” Chel groaned into her ear as he nuzzled the side of her head.

  “You called these your delicate
bits,” Gwarnon’s gaze fell from hers down to her spread sex. “I can see why. Your sex is as delicate as the frills of a flower. And you smell as sweet.”

  Normally she would have been embarrassed to be so exposed, to have a man audibly smelling her pussy, but with the soul bond the shared she knew how sexy they found her, how beautiful. Their lust had an edge of almost worship to it, and she was more than happy to be the source of their powerful feelings and emotions. The sense of anticipation heightened further as Gwarnon slowly leaned forward, his hair falling off his shoulders as he reached up with one hand and stroked her clit with his thumb.

  Her immediate reaction was to arch in Chel’s arms and groan, her pussy contracting almost painfully with the need for more.

  “I had meant to take my time with you, alyah,” Gwarnon growled, “but our need for each other is too strong. Perhaps in a hundred years, I will have the patience to explore your body as you deserve, but right now I must feel what it is like to have you orgasm on my tongue.”

  Reaching behind her head, she looped her arms around Chel’s neck, burying her hands into his hair as she arched her back, pressing her pussy into Gwarnon’s face.

  Chel laughed softly, but she ignored him because Gwarnon was licking her with a long, surprisingly rough tongue. A shiver of pure pleasure raced up and down her spine, ending in her tightening sex. He quickly found her clit, and started to caress it with gentle licks, the pressure of his caress growing until he had her rocking against his mouth.

  “That is it,” Chel purred into her ear, his hands shifting to hold her wider for Gwarnon. “I can feel the pleasure he is giving you, how much you love having his face between your legs. Lord of Life, that feels amazing. Keep doing that, brother. Suck on her clit. Earth women love that.”

  A finger breeched her pussy just as Gwarnon pulled her clit between his pursed lips and sucked. She went crazy, writhing her hips against his face, pulling on Chel’s hair as the pressure built to an unbearable height. Before she could go over the edge, Gwarnon stood and placed the thick mushroom head of his cock against her pulsing entrance.


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