Lacey's Warriors (Bondmates Book 6)

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Lacey's Warriors (Bondmates Book 6) Page 9

by Ann Mayburn

  Chel lowered her, inch by delicious inch, the large head stinging as it pushed into her, stretching her further than she’d ever experienced. The feeling was exquisite, and she wiggled her hips, feeling him pressing against different areas that had never been touched before. Her entire pussy contracted hard, and she leaned forward, capturing Gwarnon’s mouth in a kiss that was surprisingly tender. His love for her flowed between them, the feeling almost as good as his dick finally seated all the way inside of her.

  The thick length pulsed, the sensation enhanced by Chel’s lips on her neck, his heavy breaths warming her skin, the scent of their male pheromones filling the air. She leaned back against Chel’s chest, groaning as the men began to use her body like a doll, holding them between her and raising and lowering her on Gwarnon’s shaft like she weighed no more than a pillow. Once again, the feeling of being intensely feminine and sexy filled her, washing away old bitter memories in pure pleasure. She closed her eyes, losing herself in them, immersing her soul into theirs as much as she could.

  Chel’s thick shaft slid against her back, his precum making her skin slippery. She could somehow sense that he was immersed in Gwarnon’s mind right now, feeling what his blood brother experienced while fucking her. Curious, she opened her connection between herself and Gwarnon wider, and came almost instantly.

  He loved fucking her. Adored, cherished, desired, coveted—a million emotions she had no words to explain cascaded over Lacey. She was the center of his universe, the reason he existed, his eternal beloved. The words were almost shouted into her mind as her orgasm broke over her, bright lights shimmering behind her closed eyelids, the throb in her pussy a tingling bliss that raced through her nervous system. Chel shuddered behind her, his cock vibrating against her back and buttocks, while Gwarnon’s erection thrummed inside of her, drawing her orgasm out until she was gasping for breath, clawing at any bit of their bodies they could reach.

  “Enough!” Gwarnon roared, stumbling back from her before falling to his knees.

  Her body twitched, her mouth unable to form words as Chel somehow got them to the big bed before he crumpled with a grunt. Lacey tried to reassure them she was all right, but she wondered if she just came so hard, she had a stroke. Her body didn’t want to move, buzzing and tingling in the most wonderful way. It felt like a thousand feathers were being stroked over her skin, as if a thousand pound weight had just been removed from her soul.

  When Gwarnon managed to pull himself onto the bed next to her, he gave her a shaky smile. “Are you all right, my alyah?”

  Unable to form words, she gave him a smile and a thumbs up, her mind still floating in the clouds like she was high.

  Chel lifted his head to look at her hand, then flopped it back down on the bed. “That means she is fine.”

  Gwarnon gathered her to his chest, and Chel pressed in from behind, contentment radiating from the men, blanketing her soul in warmth just like their bodies warmed hers.

  “May I tend to you, my bride?” Chel murmured against the top of her head.

  Stretching out, she nodded while smiling, every muscle in her body free of pain and tension.

  To her surprise, Gwarnon gathered her against his chest as he laid back against the rounded wood head of the bed. Chel grabbed her ankles and spread them apart with a low growl humming deep in his throat. Suddenly aware of the unmistakable feeling of a man’s release dripping out of her body, she tried to shut her legs with a squeak as Chel laid between them.

  “What are you doing?” She tried to squirm out of a laughing Gwarnon’s arms, her cheeks burning with a blush. “I’m not—uh, clean. Let me wash up first.”

  “My love,” Chel laughed softly as he shook his head. “Do you think the taste of my blood brother would be a deterrent? Not in the least. I have enjoyed Gwarnon’s seed many, many times, but not as much as I will when it is coating your beautiful sex. This is a treat I have been dreaming of eating since I first started to fantasize about having a Matriarch of my own one day.”

  Leaning up on his elbows between her thighs, he presented quite a sight as he grinned at her. The slightly foxlike quality to his features was heightened as his smile turned positively mischievous. Holding her gaze, he slid one finger through the mixture of fluids at the entrance to her pussy. Just that brief contact was enough to reignite her desire, or maybe it was the men’s desire awakening hers. Either way, she found her resistance melting as Chel brought his finger, shiny with Gwarnon’s purple release, to his lips and sucked it off with obvious relish. He opened the bond between them fully for a moment, letting her feel how much he liked it.

  Maybe it was because he was a healer, or maybe he was just intuitive, but Chel always seemed to know what she needed both physically and emotionally.

  He proved this when he settled back down between her legs and began to tell her how beautiful every part of her was, how hard she made him, and how he couldn’t wait to add his seed to his brother’s inside of her. A strangled moan left her when Gwarnon began to play with her breasts, weighing them in his hands, learning the shape of them with obvious pleasure. His cock was once again hard against her back, but his need wasn’t as urgent as Chels. When his side of the bond closed off a little more, she protested.

  “Gwarnon, don’t close yourself off from us.”

  Running his thumb over her straining left nipple, he kissed her cheek before saying, “I am letting you enjoy this moment with Chel, just as he will sometimes close down his side of the bond so we can have time to focus on each other. Bondmate relationships are give and take, we can feel what our mates need. Sometimes that is privacy, sometimes that is companionship, and sometimes that means being able to focus on these luscious breasts of yours while Chel satisfies his thirst between your legs.”

  Chel took a long, slow lick of her swollen sex, and she decided they would discuss this later…much later.

  Chapter 6


  Lacey spread her legs wide for him and arched into his mouth as he began the task of licking her clean of Gwarnon’s seed. If he had not already had his release mere minutes ago, he would have been unable to stop himself from mounting her the moment their combined taste hit his tongue. It was the perfect mixture of tart and sweet, the best treat he’d ever tasted, and he knew he was instantly addicted.

  “Holy shit, Chel.” Lacey’s flushed cheeks made her eyes look greener than normal as she watched him with wide eyes. “More.”

  He smiled before sliding his tongue through the plump curves of her outer labia, memorizing the feeling of her sex against his mouth, marveling at how plump and soft she was.

  And wet.

  It wasn’t just his blood brother’s release he tasted as he tongued at her entrance. No, the pure, fresh taste of her tart juices drove his desire even higher. He’d read the reports on Earth women, and how their sexual fluids contained high amounts of hormones, but he had no idea how intense the effects would be on him. His dick jerked and throbbed, the beginning of an orgasm threatening to tighten his sack. Lacey continued to moan and purr, to writhe against his mouth as she encouraged him to keep going, to suck her clit.

  Grasping big handfuls of his hair, he allowed her to drag him up to her clit. That intriguing bit of her anatomy was a small, hard pink pearl among the petals of her sex. He gave it an experimental kiss, the bond between them open so he could sense her reactions. The almost brutal pleasure that crashed through her had him grinding his hips against the bed as his balls began to tighten again. He had no choice but to close down their bond almost all the way as he began to experiment with her pussy, licking, biting, and sucking at the slick flesh until no hint of Gwarnon’s seed remained.

  Glancing up, he found Gwarnon kissing Lacey, his big tanned hand gently holding their beloved’s face. The sight sent a surge of love through him that took his breath. He had been looking forward to this moment his entire life. Giving Lacey’s straining clit a final lick, he then kissed the golden down of the curls on her pubic mound be
fore licking his way up her body. The salt of her sweat only added to his pleasure, and by the time his erection pressed against her sex, and his lips were against her neck, his rational mind had receded totally to the beast deep inside.

  And the beast didn’t care about anything but claiming their mate.

  Gwarnon shifted, moving Lacey slightly so Chel had a better angle for penetration.

  Reaching between them, Lacey helped guide him to her entrance, her breath coming out in harsh pants as the perfume of her arousal filled him.

  Even though Gwarnon had stretched her out, it was still an incredibly tight fit, and Chel had to work himself inside of her. Lacey wrapped her arms around his neck, biting at his skin with stinging nips that drove him crazy. Working his hips harder, he seated himself fully inside of her, the angle of her body from laying partially on Gwarnon making her already snug sheath even tighter.

  Moaning softly, Lacey closed her eyes, lifting her hips to meet his as he thrust into her, their bodies slapping as he held her closer. Gwarnon growled encouragement to them both, telling them how he could feel them, letting them feel his arousal. Unable to help himself, Chel kissed Gwarnon as he fucked their bride. His cock rubbed some spot inside of her that had her stiffening and he did it again, and again until Lacey clawed his back hard enough to draw blood and screamed.

  His roar joined hers a moment later, the vibrations traveling from his balls to his cock as he began to cum. Lacey gave another hoarse cry, another orgasm following on the heels of the first, then another as Gwarnon shifted, then shoved his erection into her waiting lips. His blue and black hair swayed as he fucked her mouth, careful not to go too deep as she continued to coast from one orgasm to another, her pussy sucking Chel’s cock dry until it was almost painful.

  As he withdrew from her clutching body, Gwarnon let go with his own release, and Lacey came so hard in response that her legs shook like she was being electrocuted.

  A little bit of Gwarnon’s seed dribbled out of her mouth before she swallowed the rest, her pink tipped breasts shaking with her every breath.

  Chel collapsed next to her, exhausted and wrung out in the best of ways.

  Reaching across Lacey’s damp body, he pulled the sheet over them so it could absorb their sweat and clean them off as they relaxed. The soft material felt better than usual as it fell over his body, and Gwarnon gave him an almost drunk looking smile from Lacey’s other side as he leaned up on one arm. Chel reached out and cupped the back of his blood brother’s neck, then leaned forward and kissed him, careful not to crush their precious alyah between them.

  “No more,” Lacey mumbled. “Stop being sexy.”

  Laughing, Chel did a quick evaluation of her and found that she was feeling good but was also very tired. No surprise considering she’d just gone through her transformation and had been well loved by her mates. Pride swelled his chest as he looked down at Lacey, smoothing her soft blonde curls back and marveling at their texture. Everything felt…better.

  “Do you feel that?” he asked Gwarnon on their mental link

  “Feel what?” his blood brother replied. “Bliss? Yes, I feel it.”

  “Yes, bliss, but something else as well. Everything feels better somehow. The bed more comfortable, the sheets more enjoyable. Even the very air I breathe somehow feels better.”

  Gwarnon nodded in understanding before replying on their link, “This is another step in the completion the bonded men are always talking about. It will be even better after we have our bonding ceremony.”

  “When Lacey awakens, we will give her the new crystal implant. As much as I would like to hide her away, we do not have that luxury. The time of the Baladium draws near, and I pray the Lord of Life is rooting for our bride.”

  Chel gripped Gwarnon’s hand tight as they watched the large screen above the arena in the Baladium, his fear for Lacey so thick, he nearly choked on it.

  Seated in a special viewing area of the Baladium’s stadium, Gwarnon and Chel, along with Cormac and Nosa, all watched the battle taking place in the arena below. Chel currently switched his view between the live action before them and the different views available via his crystal implant. Those watching the Baladium games wanted to see every scream, every tear, every drop of blood spilled on the killing floor, so he had plenty of views to choose from.

  The one he currently watched was Lacey screaming as a lizard jumped out of a hole in the volcanic rock.

  But even though he hated to see his alyah gritting her teeth in pain from the bite, his real fear was the battle ahead.

  Somehow, by some cruel twist of fate or sadistic plot on the Baladium’s behalf, Roxy and Lacey had been paired against the Hive in their final round, and the setting was the volcanic Fields of Gidien.

  The moment Chel and the rest of the Warriors realized their women would be fighting the Hive, one on one, they’d all gone deadly silent.

  Chel switched the view to the Hive members, his skin crawling as they made their way across the dangerous volcanic landscape to the area where the weapons were. Both the humans and the Hive had to face the same challenges, and Chel had nearly passed out when Lacey almost got crushed by a flaming boulder erupting from the lake of lava in the center of the pit. Unlike the NevShoo ship, this lava was real and could easily kill his beloved.

  The women sustained more and more injuries as they made their way around the treacherous lava lake, each wound slowing them down until they moved at nearly a crawl. Lacey’s leg was injured, and even with their accelerated healing, he could tell each step was painful for them to take. He’d always known his alyah was tough, but watching her walk on what appeared to be a broken ankle elevated his respect for her to a whole new level.

  “Come on,” Nosa growled, “Keep going. Faster. They are going to beat you to the weapons if you do not hurry, my alyah. Faster.”

  Chel ignored him, his entire focus on the injured women as they fought to get to the weapons first, but they were going to be too late.

  His stomach sank and darkness washed through them as he knew, without a doubt, he was about to watch his Matriarch die.

  “No!” screamed Gwarnon, a cry echoed by all the men as the Hive approached the weapon filled table.

  He braced himself, waiting for the moment when his life would end, holding Gwarnon close and praying that the Lord of Life make her death swift, that she didn’t suffer.

  After a few moments of praying, he realized that he could still feel Lacey, could feel her fear and confusion, but not her death.

  Flashing through the cameras, he at first thought something had gone wrong with the video, because the women were all still, Hive and human alike.

  The Hive, with their pale skin and shaved heads, stared at Lacey and Roxy in a way that made his skin crawl. He’d witnessed firsthand the killing stare of the Hive on the battlefield, and knew the women were mentally fighting the Hive in a way he could not see but could feel. Lacey struggled, mumbling something about demons, as Roxy held her close. Then they all went still again, and Chel strained with all his might to feel her through their bond.

  But her side was closed off, and it didn’t feel like her mind doing it. No, it was the Hive, and their mental barrier squirmed against his mind like a wall of poisonous worms. Still, no matter how much it repulsed him, he tried to break through that wall, to get to Lacey on the other side. He could almost feel her, could pick up just the faintest strain of her roaring fear before something odd, yet wonderous, happened. Love. A great, powerful, all-consuming love the likes of which he had never experienced came blasting through their bond like an exploding star.

  If he had not already been sitting, he would have collapsed as he swore the love of the Lord of Life washed through him.

  Chel was still recovering from the psychic blast when Nosa and Cormac, who evidently hadn’t felt it, began to shout.

  Forcing his dazed mind to focus, he stared at the viewing screen in astonishment as the two Hive members sprinted into the lake of lava and
killed themselves.

  “What in the name of the Lord’s dick just happened?” Cormac whispered.

  “I do not know,” Gwarnon responded as Roxy and Lacey slumped together, both panting and crying. “But I believe…I believe our women just defeated the Hive in mental combat and won the Baladium.”

  Chapter 7


  Darkness. She was surrounded by darkness. On all sides, everywhere she looked, nothing but malignancy and rot. Minds so twisted, it was like being submerged in a stream of toxic filth. She was drowning in their hate, in their almost mechanical and constant stage of rage. Here and there, brief bursts of green light exploded in a shower of sparks somewhere deep in the river, and the darkness would swarm there like sharks on a chunk of meat.

  A softly glowing shield of glowing blue light surrounded her, cutting her off from the flow of evil, shielding her from their direct touch. But their whispers reached her, hissing promises of cut flesh and broken bone, aroused moans while speaking of the joy of breaking a man’s mind. Of watching a victim chew off their own tongue as the pain overtook them. The vile, crazy ravings of a billion female voices screamed for her attention, demanding that she join them in their unending search for the bliss of causing someone pain.

  “No,” she tried to shout. But, in the way of dreams, her voice came out in a whisper.

  The darkness surged at that sound, and she became aware of a terrible, ancient presence swimming through the dark river of souls in her direction. The broken spirits around her began to flee, leaving her floating strangely alone in…nothingness. Through that abyss, a massive presence swam closer, a mind so powerful it would crush her as easily as a child stepping on an empty robin’s eggshell. Panic urged her to go, to flee, to get the hell out of this things way before it came any closer.


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