Book Read Free

I Take This Woman

Page 22

by Chamein Canton

  Abby took a breath. “As crazy as it sounds, I do.”

  “Will you at least think about marrying me?”

  “I promise I will give it some real thought.”

  He kissed her hand. “That’s all I need to know.”

  “Wait a minute. What are you planning to do?”

  “I’m going to handle this thing with Maria and then I’ll be able to concentrate on a formal proposal.”

  “That’s great, but there are a lot of peripheral factors going on here besides Maria. There’s my son, my family, your career, your fans, the media, and don’t get me started about my ex-husband. It’s not going to be easy to ride off into the sunset together. There will be repercussions.”

  “I know. I’m not going to make any move before discussing it with you.”

  “I appreciate that. But you saw what happened when you bought flowers in town. It’s going to be much worse once we get back to the city.”

  “We’ll deal with it.”

  “That’s easier said than done, Sam. You may have hit it off with Justin, but I can assure you that my ex-husband won’t be a picnic.”

  “Why should he have a problem with me? I’m not trying to take his place as Justin’s father.”

  “He won’t see it that way. J.J. is used to having his cake and eating it, too. He knows that the simple fact that I’m in a relationship means that another man will be around Justin.”

  “So this is some kind of territorial thing for him?”


  “Again, we’ll deal with the issues as they come. There’s no point in getting worked up about them now.”

  “I take it you weren’t in the Boy Scouts.”

  “As a matter of fact, I was in the Boy Scouts. We’ll be prepared, okay?”

  “Okay. As long as you know what we’re getting into here.”

  “I do.” He got up and kissed her. “I really want to peel out of my clothes and take you back to the bedroom.” He started to kiss her neck.

  “This is going to get you in trouble.”

  “I like this kind of trouble.” Sam took Abby’s hand and quickly pressed her against the kitchen wall. He feverishly lifted her skirt and with a few well timed strokes, Abby and Sam had dessert before breakfast was over.


  With Abby’s directions, Sam was able to leave town undetected. Within two hours, he was back in the city, which gave him a bit of a head start on the media. However he didn’t head back to the W Hotel. Instead he drove to Reggie’s place on the Upper East Side. After he circled the block three times, he finally found a space to park three blocks away.

  As he walked to Reggie’s street, he dialed his phone.


  “Hey, Bo.”

  “Well if it isn’t the man of the latest news cycle.” He joked. “Are you still in Connecticut?”

  “No. I’m back. I’m heading to Reggie’s place now.”

  “I know he’ll be glad to see you. It couldn’t have been easy to be him for the last twenty-four hours with you M.I.A.”

  “I’m sure he’s going to tell me all about it.”

  “So what, or should I say who, was of interest in Wallingford?”


  “You spent the weekend with Abby? So that explains why Reggie couldn’t get you on the phone.”

  “Yes. I had a great weekend with her. I met her son. We had a good time. Everything was perfect and we didn’t have any distractions until…” he began.

  “You didn’t have any distractions until you bought her flowers in person.”

  “I played it low key. I was incognito.”

  “I guess your disguise didn’t work. Someone recognized you and called EEN’s story tip line.”

  “I know and now I’ve got to get a handle on the situation. That’s why I’m heading to Reggie’s place.”

  “So the media scandal aside, what’s the story with you and Abby?”

  “I love her, Bo.”


  “I know it doesn’t make any sense, but I’m in love with her and I want to marry her.”

  “Oh, boy,” Bo sighed. “You don’t want to make life easier for yourself, do you?”

  “What I don’t want to do is live another moment of my life without her in it.”

  “I do believe you’re serious.”

  “I’m very serious.”

  “Then I suggest you put all your cards on the table with Reggie. That means you’re going to have to tell him the woman in question is Abby.”

  “I know.” He arrived at Reggie’s building. “Well I’m here.”

  “Good luck, buddy.”

  “Thanks.” He hung up and took a deep breath.

  Reggie wasn’t crazy about high-rise buildings. He and his family lived in one of those quaint little apartment buildings in a relatively quiet enclave not far from Gracie Mansion.

  Sam pressed the buzzer.

  “Hello?” A female voice answered.

  “Hi, Danielle. It’s Sam. Can I come up?”


  The buzzer sounded.

  While Sam did like the warm comforts of Reggie’s building, he couldn’t help but flash back to football training camp as he hiked the five flights to get to the apartment. Once on his floor, Reggie had the door open.

  Danielle and Reggie’s apartment was sumptuous, inviting and cozy and it often served as Sam’s home away from home. The apartment was a mere 1,200 square feet, but Danielle and Reggie knew the trick to living well in Manhattan was the ability to make a small space appear larger. Their less-is-more approach to décor worked.

  “It’s nice to see you, Sam.”

  “It’s nice to see you, too, Reggie.”

  Reggie’s wife Danielle walked in. Danielle was a beautiful chocolate skinned woman, with skin so smooth it looked like velvet. Long and lean, her shape gave no indication that she had two children.

  “Hi, Sam.” She kissed his cheek.

  “Danielle, you are as lovely as ever.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled. “Can I get you anything?”

  “I’ll take a bottle of water if that’s not too much trouble.”

  “No trouble at all. I’ll be right back.”

  “Have a seat, Sam. We have a lot to discuss.”

  “I know.”

  Danielle returned with two bottles of Pellegrino. “Here you go, gentlemen. I’ll leave you to your business.”

  “Thanks, honey,” Reggie said.

  Sam opened the bottle and took a sip. “Are the girls at home?”

  “No. They’re with my parents this weekend. They’ll be back later.”

  “Oh.” Sam paused. “I guess you’re waiting to hear the story.”

  “Yes. After spending the last few hours fielding calls and fending off vultures, I think I deserve to hear the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God.”

  “I don’t know where to start.”

  “Then tell me, is there another woman in the picture now?”


  Reggie’s face fell. “I was afraid of that.”

  “You wanted to know the truth.”

  “But like Jack said, sometimes you can’t handle the truth.” He sighed. “Was it just a fling? If it was, then we can downplay it.”

  “It’s not a fling. I’m in love with her.”

  “Who is she?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Yes. I need to know if she can be discreet until we figure out how to handle this. Antonia and her people have been waiting for something they can use as a salvo to fire your way.”

  Sam paused for a moment.


  “It’s Abby.”

  “Abby who? What’s her last name?”

  “It’s Abigail Carey.”

  Reggie looked dumbfounded. “I’m sorry. Did you say Abigail Carey?”


  “You’re talking about the same Abigail Carey that I called
in to edit your book?” he asked, incredulous.


  “I don’t believe this.” Reggie looked like he’d been punched.

  “Are you all right?”

  “You and Abby? I know you said you thought she was attractive, but I would have never guessed this in a million years.”

  “Why? She doesn’t seem like the type of woman I’d go for?”

  “No, it’s not that. You’re an athlete, and after J.J. I thought she’d sworn off athletes.”

  “Technically I’m a former athlete,” Sam said, trying to inject a bit of levity.

  “Any other time I would laugh, but this is serious. I don’t understand how she went from your editor to your new girlfriend. Is she the real reason you broke up with Maria?”

  “No. As much as I tried to ignore it Maria and I had grown apart. We weren’t the same people we were when we first met, and getting married wasn’t going to make it better.”

  “I get it.”

  “I didn’t cheat on Maria. I wasn’t sneaking around with Abby. We didn’t set out to fall in love. It just happened. And though I’ll admit I did the chasing. I didn’t do it until after we’d broken up.”

  “In this media world that’s just splitting hairs. Don’t forget Maria’s alleging that you’ve been supporting a mistress. It won’t take them much to jump to Abby as being the woman you’re supporting.”

  “That’s crazy. The bank statements Maria found were from more than a year ago. I just met Abby a few weeks ago.”

  “Since when does the truth matter in an entertainment news cycle.”

  “You’re right.”

  Reggie sighed heavily. “You realize that you’re going to have to keep your involvement under the radar for a while.”

  “We are still working on my book together.”

  “So when paparazzi show up, you’ll just say it’s a work session?”

  “You know Abby, if she says we’re working on the book. We’re working on the book.”

  “I can’t say that there’s ever been a dull moment working with you. Although right now I’d kill for something perfectly boring.”

  “What fun is that?” Sam joked.

  “All kidding aside, you have to be ready for the questions once this comes out. I love Abby like a sister, but they’re going to say some not so nice things about her.”

  “What kind of negative things can they say? She’s sexy, smart and successful.”

  “She’s also older than you, African-American and full-figured.”


  “Maria fit the profile most athletes go for: tall and thin.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “In a perfect world, nothing,” he said, hands clasped. “However, this world is very concerned with appearances, so there will be comments.”

  “Let them say whatever they want to. I love her and that’s what matters.”

  “Okay. In the meantime I have a lawyer I want you to meet with.” Reggie went into his wallet and pulled out a business card. “Her name is Blake Campion.” He handed the card to Sam.

  “Is she any good?”

  “She specializes in family law. She’s smart, focused and she’s the only attorney Toni Redstone has ever lost to.”

  “I’m impressed. How did you manage to get her?”

  “Abby and I went to college with her. She was a Political Science major.”

  “And you’ve stayed in touch?”

  “Yes. She’s a good friend and a Yale-educated attorney. I know you’ll be in good hands, but she’s a busy woman. She’s going to call me when she has an opening in her schedule. Once she does, you’re going to have to be ready to meet with her right then and there.”

  “If she’s as good as you say she is, that’s not a problem.”

  “Good. Remember no communication with the other side, that’s what the lawyers are for. They will do all the talking and negotiating. Are we clear?”

  “We’re crystal clear.” Sam looked at his watch. “It’s getting late. I’d better get going.” He stood up.

  Danielle entered the living room. “You’re going already, Sam? I thought maybe you’d like to stay for dinner.”

  “That sounds tempting, but I’m a little beat. I’m going to head back to my hotel. But thank you for the offer. Can I get a rain check?”

  “Sure.” She kissed him on the cheek. “It was good seeing you. Hang in there.”

  “I will.”

  “Dinner will be ready soon, Reggie.” She said as she went back to the kitchen.

  “Okay, baby.”

  “I’ll let you two enjoy the rest of your alone time.” Sam winked.

  Reggie walked him to the door. “Remember to keep it low key.” He opened the door.

  “I got you. I’ll see you later.” Sam stepped out into the hall.

  “Take care, man.”

  “You too, Reggie,” Sam said as he made his way down the stairs.

  Sam made it to the lobby in record time. Not bad for a guy that just retired. Then again, coming down is a whole lot easier than climbing up. I guess that’s true for more than just stairs.


  Once she said her goodbyes to Brad and Nannette, Abby took to the back roads of Wallingford to make her way out of town. She was back in Manhattan in a little over two hours.

  Happy but exhausted, Abby parked her Land Rover, grabbed her roses and suitcase and went through the back to the elevator.

  When the doors opened to her apartment, she stepped out. “Home sweet home,” she walked into her living room and saw Shana on the sofa.

  “Hello, Shana.”

  “Welcome back, Miss Parents’ Weekend.” She got up. “How was it?”


  “Girl, don’t try to pretend. I heard Sam was in Wallingford. I mean, what are the chances?”

  “I need to unpack.” Abby tried to head to her room.

  “Unpacking can wait. Did you spend the weekend with Sam?”

  Abby looked away.

  “Oh, no you don’t.” Shana stood in Abby’s path. “Look at me.” Shana studied her. “Oh, my God, you’re in love.”


  “It’s written all over your face.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Abby continued to head for her bedroom.

  Shana followed her.

  When she got to the bedroom, Shana stood in the doorway. “Abigail Carey I’ve known you for a long time, and, though it was a lifetime ago, I remember how you looked when you loved J.J. You have that same look on your face now, and you’re carrying quite a bouquet of roses to boot.”

  Abby put her suitcase down and placed the flowers on her night table. “But it doesn’t make sense. How can I be in love with a man I essentially just met?”

  “Ever hear of a little thing called love at first sight?”

  “I’m forty-one years old. That doesn’t apply to me.”

  “What has age got to do with love? Obviously there was something about him that made you run from him in the first place. Lucky for you, he ran after you.”

  “Oh, God,” Abby sighed as she flopped onto her bed. “What’s going on with my life? A couple of weeks ago I was a happy publicist.”

  “And now you’re a happy woman who is living her life for a change.”

  “As much as I hate to admit, I’ve lived more in the past four days than I have in years.”

  “Not to mention you had great sex too.”

  “Shana,” Abby groaned.

  “Please don’t deny it. I don’t think ET’s finger glowed as brightly as you are right now.”

  Shana and Abby laughed.

  Shana sat down on the bed and nudged Abby. “So how was it?

  “You know I never talked about this before, and I’m not going to start now.”

  “Okay. On a scale of one to ten, where did he fall?”

  Abby thought for a moment. “I’d say he was a twenty.”

  “Woo-hoo! Or a
s the girls in the office say, the man can ball.”

  “Yes he can. Whatever that means.”

  “Did Justin meet him?”

  “Yes. They spent an afternoon together and became fast friends.”

  “That’s good. Did Justin realize there was something between you two?”

  “Yes. I think he did. Though I am pretty sure he hasn’t figured out the extent of the relationship yet.”

  “It’s the new millennium, Abby. You’re nuts if you think he doesn’t know you and Sam have had sex.”

  “You think so?” Abby sounded mortified.

  “Kids these days are really perceptive when it comes to these things.”

  “He didn’t say a word to me about it. I would have thought he would have asked me.”

  “Seriously, Abby, what kid wants to ask their parent about their sex life? I’m forty-three and I’d rather subscribe to the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy when it comes to my parent’s sex life.” Shana shuddered as she made a face.

  Abby made a face in kind. “When you put it like that, I see what you mean.”

  “So everything was cool.”

  “It was cool until this weekend when the news got out about that.” She pointed to the flowers.

  “I heard. It’s been all over the internet sites and the entertainment networks.”

  “It seems they flooded Wallingford last night. It was like some warped version of Paul Revere’s midnight ride. ‘Sam’s mistress is coming!’ ”

  “Speaking of cameras, how did Sam get out of town unseen?”

  “I gave him the directions to leave the back way to avoid the camera crews.”

  “That was good.”

  “Yes.” Abby looked around. “I guess it’s time to get back to the grind.”

  “I should hope so.” Shana winked.

  “You’re terrible.” She got up and unzipped her suitcase. “Now that we’ve talked about me to death, how was your Valentine’s Day weekend?”

  Shana lay back on Abby’s bed. “It was really nice. We had room service at The Plaza for two days. It was heavenly. He gave me this.” She held her wrist out to show her diamond tennis bracelet.

  “It’s gorgeous.” Abby said as she looked at it closely. “Where is Raymond? Is he downstairs at your place?”


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