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Guarding His Body

Page 18

by A. C. Arthur

  Expertly he looped and tied the tie, then buttoned the high vest before donning the single-breasted tuxedo jacket. He didn’t dress up often, but looking in the small mirror he conceded to cleaning up well, when needed. He’d already brushed his hair until it was smooth and almost gleamed in the fluorescent lighting. With a couple extra strokes of the brush he tended to his light mustache and shadowed goatee. Decidedly finished dressing, he adjusted his pants and opened the bathroom door. He had his accessories bag in his hand and was headed to the bedroom that he and Sabrina had been sharing to deposit it and withdraw her so they could be on their way. It wouldn’t look good for the owner and his date to be late for the opening.

  Bree had just taken a step toward the door, ready to go downstairs and wait on her date that she believed was still in the bathroom. She held the small purse in her right hand after she’d slipped her gun and cell phone safely inside. There was absolutely nowhere she could conceal her weapon on her person. This dress was unforgiving in that regard. She was just about to reach for the doorknob when she saw it turn. Her heart lurched. This was the moment of truth. On instinct she backed up and waited with bated breath for him to enter.

  Opening the door and making his way into the room, Renny was about to call out to her, but his accessories bag fell to the floor just inside the threshold and he cursed again before kneeling down to pick it up. He caught sight of shoes that looked like colored stilts disappearing behind shimmering red material. Like a man in a trance his eyes traveled north, taking in every seductive curve, every swish and sway of the material before stopping at the most kissable lips he’d ever seen.

  He swallowed. Hard. All the blood rushed from his head to his groin in seconds, leaving him breathless.

  Instinctively, as if beckoned, his eyes returned to her breasts, where pebbled nipples peeked through the material. He took a deep breath and willed his legs to raise him up, to carry him closer to her. “You are stunning,” he said in a gruff voice.

  She giggled nervously. “Stunning? Are you serious?” She’d admitted to herself that she looked good, but stunning was a long shot. Still, he was looking at her and slowly moving closer like a man who knew what he was talking about.

  She took a moment before he was too close to quickly examine his attire. The tuxedo was Christian Dior. She knew because she’d carried it to the car when they’d stopped at the men’s store to pick it up this afternoon. Every cut, every angle seemed to be made especially for him. His shoes, Dolce & Gabbana, shone right up to the bow tied at the top. On his right ring finger was a gold and diamond encrusted insignia ring with his mother’s Brazilian crest embedded in its center. On any other man it would have seemed gawky and ornate, but on Renny it was the perfect blend with his charming yet forceful good looks. She released a low cat whistle that she knew was out of character for her ensemble. “Can a man be stunning?”

  He smiled as his hand extended and he toyed with a tendril of hair that seductively grazed her collarbone. “Stunningly handsome, I believe.”

  Her smile faltered when his fingertips touched her skin. “Then that’s what you are,” she whispered.

  “That means we’re the perfect match.” He saw something in her eyes shift. “For tonight at least.” There it was again. Almost unnoticeable, something had changed in her. He wondered briefly if she’d finally opened herself to the possibilities between them.

  “We should go.” Nervous and afraid she was going to say something to embarrass herself, Bree tried to move around him.

  Big mistake.

  Renny caught a glimpse of the back of her dress and raised a brow. “Not just yet. Turn around and let me see this dress.”

  There was a small train in the back, one that Bree knew by the end of the night would be on her nerves, so she took a few steps away from him and turned around. Heat pooled between her legs and she knew the exact moment his gaze rested on the small of her back where the dress ended its alluring drape.

  “Damn, are you planning on torturing me all night with that thing?” He was close now, but careful not to step on the dress. It took no effort at all to slip his hand inside until he felt the warmth of her skin. Nudging her hair aside with his cheek he placed light, wet kisses along her back.

  Bree sucked in as much air as she could, else she was sure she would have expired right then and there. “Do…you…think it’s…mmm…too much?”

  Renny growled and removed his hand from her skin because if he didn’t they would definitely be late. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against him as he continued to nuzzle her neck. “Too much of a good thing never hurt anybody.” Even though he was so hard it was almost painful.

  Bree was so focused on the exquisite feelings coursing through her that when her purse began to vibrate in her hand it scared her and she jolted.

  “What’s wrong?” Renny asked, pulling slightly away.

  “Huh?” She was confused for a second until it vibrated again and she frowned. “Oh, it’s my phone.” Digging her hand in her purse, she retrieved it and pressed Talk without looking at the number displayed. “Hello?”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing you again, Sabrina.”

  “Harold?” she whispered before she realized that was the wrong thing to do. Renny’s hands tensed around her just before she felt him draw away and come to stand in front of her.

  “Yes, sweetheart. It’s me. Did you like the flowers I sent?”

  She hadn’t heard anything from him since he’d sent the flowers and she’d almost believed that he’d changed his mind and decided to leave her be. “No, I didn’t like them. They were inappropriate. Just like you calling me is inappropriate.”

  “Shh, darling. It’s okay now. I fixed everything for us. It’s okay for us to be together now.”

  “What? How did you fix it?”

  Before she could hear the answer Renny grabbed the phone. “Colonel Richmond, it’s a pleasure to finally speak with you.”

  “Who is this? I want to talk to Sabrina!” Harold screamed into the phone.

  “That’s not going to be possible now or ever, Colonel.” Renny gave Sabrina a steely glare when she looked like she was going to reach for the phone again. “Now I want this to be the last time you contact her in any way. Is that understood?”

  Renny’s question was answered with a low grumbling laugh that soon escalated to a sick, ugly pitch that had his insides clenching.

  “In just a short time there will be no need for me to contact her because she’ll be with me, where she belongs.”

  “If you come anywhere near her—”

  Harold cut him off. “Shortly. I promise you it will be shortly.”

  “Richmond!” Renny yelled just as the line went dead. He tossed the phone across the room until it shattered against the wall. Then he grabbed Sabrina by the shoulders, giving a little shake. “I want you to tell me everything about you and this man and I want you to tell me now, Sabrina!”

  “Renny,” she whispered, shaking her head.

  “No! No! You will not deny me. Not again. I want to know what happened between you two and why he’s come back for you.”

  He was angry; his eyes showed it, and his voice left no further doubt. “It’s…nothing. It’s over. And…and…I don’t want to talk about it.”

  He released her because he knew that with the rage soaring through him he’d likely hurt her by squeezing her so hard. He walked away, taking deep breaths as he did. “Sabrina, this is ridiculous. I told you I needed everything. That I wanted everything from you. You said you would give it to me. I’ve been patient. I’ve tried to wait until you were ready. But you have no intention of ever telling me, do you?”

  Bree went to the other side of the room to retrieve her phone and attempt to put it back together. “There is nothing to tell, Renny. It’s my past. I don’t ask you to rehash your past for me.”

  “My past isn’t hunting me down!” he yelled.

  “Oh, it isn’t? Then who the h
ell masturbated on your bed, leaving you a little souvenir?”

  “I don’t have any idea who would have done that. And I’m not the one shaking like a leaf when flowers are delivered or I receive a phone call, now, am I?”

  “Well, go ahead and shout the roof down, you two.” Lynn entered the room in an elaborate silver creation. “I can hear you clear down the hall in my room and I had my door closed. What seems to be the problem?” She looked from Renny to Bree.

  Embarrassed and furious with Renny for putting her in this position, Bree stuffed the remnants of her phone into her purse and moved toward the door. “Nothing. There is no problem.” She tossed Renny a heated glare that soon softened with the curve of her lips into a shaky smile. “Everything is fine. Renny and I just needed to clear the air a bit. I’ll be waiting downstairs.” Then she was gone.

  Lynn didn’t believe that any more than she believed in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. “You want to tell me what’s really going on?”

  Renny dragged a hand down his face. “Harold Richmond called her again and I tried to press her into telling me what happened between them.”

  Lynn shook her head. “Stubborn as a mule, that’s what Gramma Ruby says about her.”

  Renny gave her a grim look. “Maybe I should call Gramma Ruby and ask her for a potion that’ll make her talk.”

  “You don’t even want to go there.” Lynn laughed. “But let’s not deal with this tonight. This is a big night for you and your career. Let’s just go and celebrate that.” She moved closer to Renny and linked her arm in his. She’d liked him from the start and after having him stay here and watching him fall deeper and deeper in love with her baby sister she’d already started treating him as a brother. “She’ll come around.”

  Renny walked alongside Lynn. “Let’s hope it’s not too late when she does.”

  An hour and fifteen minutes into the evening and Silhouette was a smash. Cameras hadn’t stopped clicking and the champagne hadn’t stopped flowing. The gallery was jam-packed with art critics, agents, artists and the media. Bree had never smiled so much in her life. Her cheeks were hurting, she was tired of standing on these stilts and she was hungry. Nerves had prevented her from eating all day and being on Renny’s arm while he was constantly being interviewed prevented her from partaking of the buffet there.

  “This is lovely, dear.” Beatriz gave her son another kiss on the cheek. “I am so proud of you.”

  Marvin had approached with his wife. Over his shoulder Sabrina saw Luke, Sam’s replacement. Somewhere throughout the crowd were Sam and Trent and the rest of the Desdune Security crew. A part of her itched to meet up with them to go over the game plan and layout of the gallery one more time. But Sam had been clear that she was to stay as close to Renny as she possibly could this evening. And so she’d been doing just that.

  “I have to agree. While the pieces require a certain taste, it seems that you’ve hit on something with this particular crowd. I look forward to seeing a positive article about you in the morning paper,” Marvin said.

  Renny grinned. “For a change, I do, too.”

  Beatriz shifted her assessing gaze. “And, Sabrina, you look beautiful tonight.”

  Bree ran her tongue quickly across her teeth. That was the only way she was going to manage another smile. “Thank you, Mrs. Bennett. A contribution from your daughters and my sister.”

  “They did a marvelous job. Isn’t she gorgeous, Marvin?”

  Marvin had noticed how good Sabrina looked the moment his son walked in with her on his arm, just as he’d noticed the totally smitten look his son had on his face. There was definitely something there and he wondered if Renny was smart enough to identify it and move forward. While he didn’t exactly agree with her line of work, her family seemed to be a solid one, a fact he’d concluded after his investigation of them and then meeting them earlier this evening. They were a lively bunch and they supported their children. To Marvin, that was good enough. “Yes, she looks stunning. Nobody would ever guess you were a bodyguard.”

  Bree smiled genuinely at the compliment. “Thank you, sir.”

  Renny, however, had winced at the mention of Sabrina’s official title. Ever since their first night together he’d thought of her as a woman, not a bodyguard. In fact, he’d gone through great pains to forget that was her job. To acknowledge that fact would remind him of the constant state of danger she was in and how much that irritated him. His arm tightened around her as if by instinct and he glanced around the room again. He’d been doing that most of the evening.

  “Excuse me?” Yolanda said, appearing suddenly as if she’d been standing close by all along.

  Bree looked at her nemesis draped in a stunning turquoise confection this evening that glittered and sparkled more than the twinkling lights strategically placed throughout the room. She gave Bree a cursory glance before settling her high-beam smile on the Bennetts and then, of course, Renny. “I think they’re ready for the unveiling now.”

  Renny agreed. The opening was only slotted to last three hours, something decided at the last minute because of the security issues. He’d reluctantly agreed, but then recognized the advantages. One, he’d be home early with Sabrina; two, by giving the customers a little bit at a time it would increase their curiosity and most assuredly bring them back faster; and three—he thought with an inner grin—he’d be home early with Sabrina. “I think you’re right. Why don’t you have them refill everybody’s glass and we’ll move to the center podium and get ready?”

  “Fine. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, if you’ll follow me I’ll make sure you’re situated right up front so you won’t miss a thing.”

  As Marvin and Beatriz prepared to follow her Renny grasped Yolanda’s elbow. “Find the Desdunes and make sure they have a good spot, as well.”

  Yolanda’s frown was brief and didn’t quite reach Sabrina personally, but she’d seen it nonetheless. “I can do that, Renny,” Bree offered, not because she particularly wanted to save the woman any trouble, but more so because she didn’t want her parents having to deal with such an unsavory creature.

  “No. I need you by my side for the unveiling and its dedication.” His eyes met hers and he felt the swarming of emotions that had been brimming in him since he’d awakened this morning. He had so much he wanted to tell her, so much he wanted to share. He’d finally decided what he wanted for them both, and the sooner he told her the better.

  “But—” Bree tried to argue.

  Yolanda waved a hand. “Nonsense.” She tossed Bree a cool glare. “It is my job.” And then she was off.

  Bree raised a brow and looked at Renny. “I hope I don’t have to deck her again. This dress is not fit for fighting.” Absently she smoothed a hand over her hip.

  His heated gaze followed that movement and he accepted the urge to pull her close. Around him he saw the flash of more cameras and knew the headlines would be juicy tomorrow. Deciding earlier this evening that he truly didn’t care since this time they’d be right on the mark about his obsession with this woman, he let his hands find the smooth skin of her back and held his breath only a moment while she hesitated in reciprocating the embrace.

  Sliding her palms from his chest to his shoulders and wrapping her arms around his neck, she let her gaze rest on his.

  “That dress is made for one thing and one thing only,” he murmured, his face moving closer to hers.

  Her breath hitched. “And what’s that?”

  He passed her lips and moved to her ear, lowering his voice to a sexy growl. “To drive me absolutely crazy.” One hand moved farther down to the small of her back, a finger daring to go beneath the silky material. “My God, Sabrina,” he gasped. “You’re not wearing anything under here, are you?”

  Bree shrugged, nuzzling closer to his neck, seductively rubbing against his growing arousal. “Nothing would fit.”

  “Mmm.” His growl and his erection grew until he knew he had to release her or his unveiling would come second to the shocked star
es at a fully aroused nonstatue. “Later we’re going to discuss you and your lack of undergarments,” he said as he pulled away from her.

  He was as hot for her as she was for him, and that thought only made her hotter. “You sure we’ll need to discuss it? I was simply thinking of an unveiling of my own.”

  He raised an eyebrow. When she said tempting things like that it heated his blood, as well as astonished him. No one would ever guess she was a little on the freaky side. But he was more than fine with that being his secret. “We can discuss it after your unveiling.” He laced his fingers with hers and started moving to the main room. “Long after,” he added over his shoulder after a few steps.

  Bree smiled, biting on her lower lip in anticipation.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” Yolanda began from her position behind the podium. “All evening I’ve been asked about the covered piece to my right and all evening I’ve been telling you how special it was and how much you were going to love it.”

  She had the crowd’s complete attention. Bree looked out into the audience and saw first her parents, hugging each other closer, still so obviously in love. Then she saw Cole with some woman on his arm—a different woman than had been on his arm only thirty minutes ago. Lynn was standing more to the center of the front row with Adriana and Gabrielle standing with her. The three musketeers, Bree thought with an emotional tug. The remaining Bennett men stood to the left of them, tall, strong and oh so good-looking. The single ladies in this room were probably having a field day. Sam held his position near the entrance, looking quite debonair himself in a tuxedo, while Trent and the other crew secured the doors and outer perimeter. Briefly she wondered if anyone was walking the length of the gallery including the back offices, but at the sound of the audience’s applause her thoughts shifted back to the matter at hand.


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