Claiming Carter

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Claiming Carter Page 1

by W. S. Greer

  Copyright © 2014 by W.S. Greer

  First edition published by B.O.S.S. Publishing

  Publishers Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  Cover design by Robin Harper/Wicked by Design‎

  Edited by Cynthia Boudreaux

  Interior Design by Angela McLaurin, Fictional Formats‎




























  “Okay, seriously, this is the worst movie I have ever seen. Why the hell are we still here?”

  “It’s not that bad, Abram,” Vlad said, as he laughed at the picture on the screen in the dark theater.

  Abram shook his head in disgust. “Not that bad? It’s a tornado made of sharks, Vlad. This is a waste of money, man. Let’s fucking go. I could have spent my money on McDonald’s or something.”

  “Alright, alright. We can go,” Vlad replied as he rose from his seat and started towards the path leading to the exit, ducking down to keep from blocking the view of the patrons who’d chosen to stay and endure the film. Abram stood and followed Vlad out, but he decided not to duck down. He figured if he blocked the screen, he’d be doing the other movie goers a favor.

  Once outside the theater, Vlad and Abram began walking towards the parking lot.

  “Dude, I have no idea where I parked the car. This place is surprisingly packed for a Thursday night. You’d figure people would be at home trying to get some rest for work tomorrow,” Vlad said.

  “Maybe they have the day off, unlike us. We’re the ones who should be in bed. I have to open tomorrow,” Abram replied. “My mom will be pissed if I don’t wake up on time. And I’ll be pissed if I don’t wake up on time just because I wanted to come see the most horrible movie ever with your crazy ass.”

  “Oh calm down, it wasn’t that bad. You’re just sleepy and cranky from working in that madhouse you and your mother call a restaurant, or meat shop, or whatever the hell it is. Ten-thirty was the best I could do to accommodate you and your busy ass work schedule.”

  “Well I appreciate the effort, bro. It was a total failure, but at least you tried. I’m off again on Saturday, so maybe we can hang again. We can bring some chicks over here or something. What’s up with you and the Chinese chick you were telling me about?” Abram said as he closed the door to Vlad’s 1987 Ford Mustang. The door squeaked and rattled loudly as it slammed shut.

  “Whoah, careful with my classic piece of shit, okay,” Vlad joked as he started the engine and pressed lightly on the gas pedal. “Anyway, yeah, me and Min are still kind of feeling each other out. But you mark my words, bro, any day now I’ll be telling you the story of how she begged me to have sex with her right there in the backseat. You just wait and see.”

  Abram let out a resounding laugh, smacking his knee. “Okay, so you are still feeling each other out. That’s the same thing you said about Mellissa Clark a few months back. If I recall correctly, she never got around to begging you to fuck her in your back seat, did she?” Abram mocked with a chuckle.

  “That’s not funny, man. We were this close to making a sex tape together and selling it to TMZ,” Vlad responded as he began laughing at himself. Vlad continued to giggle as he made a right onto Huntington Road. He was too busy laughing to notice the black Cadillac that had just began following them as they exited the movie theater parking lot.

  “Whatever, bro. Anyway, enough about me and my highly active sex life. What’s up with you and Sarah?” Vlad inquired.

  “We’re doing good. She’s pretty busy with her job and stuff during the day, plus I’m working my ass off at the restaurant, but then she is still doing work stuff at night, too. Papers, and shit like that, which she has to have ready by the morning when she goes back to work. So, she’s busy a lot. Busier than I am. But she is a great girl, and I hope that it works out. She hasn’t exactly asked me to have sex in the back of a car yet, but other than that, it’s all good.”

  What?” Vlad exclaimed. “You haven’t fucked this chick yet? What the hell is wrong with you? How long have you guys been dating?”

  “First of all, nothing is wrong with me, and we’ve been seeing each other for about six months or so. She’s a good girl, bro. She believes in building a relationship with a foundation of friendship first. That’s her thing. I kind of like it, actually.”

  “You are so full of shit!” Vlad said excitedly. “There is no way you like that shit. Since when do you like good girls who don’t want to fuck all the time?”

  “Since I met her, I guess. What can I say, bro, the chick is just cool,” Abram said calmly. “Slow down, asshole. You’re about to run the stoplight.”

  Vlad had to press hard on the brakes to keep from sliding into the intersection, and the Mustang came to a screeching halt in the middle of the crosswalk.

  “See there? Too busy thinking about fucking Min in your backseat to stop the car,” Abram joked.

  Just then, the black Cadillac that had been following the young men pulled up next to the passenger side of the Mustang. Vlad and Abram didn’t notice the black man that exited the backseat of the driver’s side of the vehicle until Abram’s door was being yanked open.

  “What the fuck!” Abram screamed as he turned and noticed the man, wearing a black suit with white pinstripes and a red tie, pointing a large gun at his stomach.

  “Eye for an eye,” the man uttered as he pulled the trigger. The two shots from the nine-millimeter pistol rang loudly inside the vehicle as the bullets struck Abram in the chest and stomach. Some of Abram’s blood splattered onto Vlad’s face and clothes as the gunman walked back to the vehicle, climbed into the back seat, and the car meandered away as if the getaway driver were out for a Sunday drive.”

  “Oh my fucking God! What the fuck! Abram, you’re fucking bleeding, man! Talk to me. Are you okay?” Vlad screamed in a terrifying panic.

  Abram clutched his stomach as blood poured out of his wounds in a steady pool.

  “I’m not okay. I’m hit, bro. Oh my God! Somebody fucking shot me!” Abram bellowed.

  “Oh my God! We have to get you a fucking hospital,” Vlad said as he opened his door and ran to Abram’s side of the car and closed the door. He then ran back to the driver’s side, quickly climbed in and stomped on the gas pedal before he even had his door closed.

  “The hospital is only two blocks away. You’re going to be okay, Abram. Just hold on, bro. Who the fuck was that? I don’t get it. Who the fuck would do that? He didn’t even try to rob us. What the fuck?” Vlad rambled as he shifted the Mustang into fifth gear and sped down the road, blowing past every red light he passed on the empty street.

  Vlad reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. “Abram, I need your mom’s number so I can tell her what the fuck just happened and to meet us at the
hospital. What’s her number?”

  Abram shook his head slowly from left to right.

  “What, Abram? Don’t you fucking die on me, man. Come on, bro. Just hold on! We’re almost there,” Vlad screamed.

  “No, don’t call my mom,” Abram mumbled as he began to slip into unconsciousness.

  “What are you talking about?” Vlad asked. “We have to call your mom!”

  Abram continued to shake his head slowly as his eyes began to close involuntarily. “No,” he said. “Call my dad. We have to call my dad.”

  “Alright, class, be sure to push your chairs in before you leave, and don’t forget to tell your parents about the parent-teacher conference next week,” I said as the bell rang and my classroom full of third graders began migrating towards the exit.

  I stood at the door as the students walked past me and smiled at each of them. Their little grinning faces had always brought me joy and reminded me of how glad I was that I had chosen to be a third grade teacher. There was nothing better than knowing that I was making a difference in the life of a child who could someday become President of the United States, or win a Nobel Peace Prize. It was an honor to be a teacher, and as the last child walked by, I patted her on the back, gave her my proudest smile, and she smiled back at me in return.

  “See you next week, Ms. Hayes,” little Rebecca Ford chirped as she turned the corner heading towards the buses.

  “Okay, sweetie. Have a good weekend,” I replied with a wave. As Rebecca went around the corner, I noticed movement out of the corner my eye. I turned and looked into the classroom across from my own and noticed Timothy Bulger sitting at his desk as his students left. He wasn’t standing by the door wishing his students a good weekend as they departed. He was basically ignoring them. It didn’t surprise me, however, because I knew from experience that Tim Bulger was a gigantic asshole. I glanced at him as his last students filed into the hall, and when I saw him beginning to look up, I whirled around and walked back to my desk. I didn’t want him to know that I had been looking at him. He didn’t need anything making his head any bigger.

  I sat at my desk for the next thirty minutes grading papers from today’s lesson on adding fractions, trying not to look across the hall at Timothy. I was happy that most of my students seemed to be grasping the concepts of the math we’d been learning throughout the year. It was only my first year of teaching my own class after two years of being a teacher’s aide and a substitute while I finished getting my degree. Now, I had an aide of my own, and I was only just beginning, but from what I could tell, the class was actually learning and it seemed like I was doing a good job. Now all I needed to do was get my love life in order and everything would be great.

  I placed the last quiz on top of the stack of graded papers on my desk and finally stood up from my seat to stretch out and get ready to leave. As I reached for my purse, I heard a shuffling sound coming from the doorway. I looked and found Timothy Bulger standing by the door with his arms folded and his mouth twisted into an arrogant grin. His tan slacks were pressed so well that the creases in them looked like they could cut you if you ran your finger across them. He was wearing a white button up shirt with tan buttons and a black tie, and just by looking at his stubbled face, you could tell just how awesome he thought he was.

  “Getting ready to head out, huh?” Tim asked as he smiled at me. It was a dumb question, and I was in no mood for Timothy Bulger or his dumb questions.

  “Pretty obvious, isn’t it?” I snipped in return. I slung my black purse over my shoulder and walked around my desk towards the door. I exhaled loudly at the thought of having to walk past him just to be able to get out of the room.

  As I approached, I tried to walk a wide path around him, but he seemed to have figured out my plan and took a large side step and stopped right in front of me.

  “Jeez, Tim, what is it? Why are you in here?” I demanded, placing my hand on my hip to add emphasis to my attitude.

  “I’m sorry, Lily, I’m not trying to bug you or anything. There’s just something that I thought that you should know,” Tim said as he began smiling his arrogant smile again, revealing a crooked set of off-white, coffee-stained teeth.

  I didn’t respond to Tim’s obvious bait. When we were dating he always did things like that. He loved to give me half of the information just so I would have to beg for the rest of it. It was something I found adorable in the beginning. Now, in the end, I found it unbelievably aggravating. So, instead of asking for the rest of the information, I simply looked down at my watch to let him know I was running out of patience.

  “Okay, okay. Sorry,” Tim said. “I just wanted you to know that Angela and I broke up last night. I’ve been waiting to tell you all day.”

  I stood in silence for a moment, taking in the information that I had refused to beg for. Timothy and I had broken up about a month ago, after I caught him getting his cock sucked by the school nurse in her office one day during lunch. It was probably the most embarrassing, disgusting thing that had ever happened in North Park Elementary School, mainly because I was bringing one of my students to visit the nurse after he’d fallen off of the swing and scraped both of his elbows. I was pretty sure little Derrick Fisher was scarred for life after seeing his nurse on her knees with a dick in her mouth. All I could do was try to close the door as fast as I could before Derrick put everything together, and surprisingly, the school never got a visit from Derrick’s parents to complain about their son being subjected to oral sex for the first time. Luckily, he hadn’t seen as much as I thought he had—or as much as I had.

  “What do you want me to say, Tim?” I said. “We were together for almost six months, and you were getting blow jobs from the forty-eight year old nurse for two of them. So, what do you really want me to say?”

  Tim rubbed his chin and tried to look as suave as he could. He put his head down and looked up at me while he played with the whiskers on his chin. I knew that look. He was trying to seduce me. In the beginning of our relationship, Tim was great. He was always pulling out chairs for me and opening doors for me, and when he gave me that look—the one he was giving me right now—he knew I was his. The day before we broke up he had given me that look, and we ended up fucking right there on the desk in my classroom. The thought of him getting his dick sucked only hours before that sent anger coursing through me all over again.

  “I want you to say that you miss me, Lily,” Tim said, still rubbing his chin. “I want you to say that you miss the fun we used to have before things went bad. I want you to say that you want me.”

  Tim had me right where he wanted me—well, almost, because he apparently wanted me on the desk again. The last month of my life had been so boring and sex-free that I was almost willing to forgive Tim’s indiscretions. My life wasn’t full of passion and excitement. I’d gone through four years of college and had only had one orgasm before I met Tim. In every category, he was the best that I had ever had, and it was difficult for me to say no to him, even after all he’d done. I wanted someone to swing in and sweep me off my feet. I just didn’t want it to be Tim.

  “She doesn’t want you, Tim,” a voice said from the door. I glanced around Tim’s body and spotted my best friend, Lexy Farrington, leaning against the door with her arms folded, scowling.

  “Nice of you to join us, Mrs. Farrington,” Tim replied, rolling his eyes.

  Lexy whisked into the room, her black dress flowing with each step she took. At age thirty-five, Lexy was beautiful and full of confidence. Her makeup was perfectly applied on her pale face, and her curly red hair spilled down her back, stopping just past her shoulders. She’d befriended me as soon as I’d began working at NPES, and we seemed to hit it off right from the beginning. If there was one thing I knew about Lexy, it was that you didn’t want to get on her bad side.

  “Good thing I walked in. Who knows what kind of slick shit you would have tried to pull on the woman whose heart you broke just last month. You didn’t think she was going to fo
rget that shit, did you? Sorry, but, the image of your dick going in and out of Angela’s mouth isn’t just going to fall out of her head after, like, thirty days,” Lexy barked as she came and stood next to me, placing her arm around my shoulder.

  “I didn’t mean for that to happen,” Tim replied.

  “Oh please! You didn’t mean to get caught! You bastards always say the same thing when you get caught with your dick inside of some girl. ‘I didn’t mean it.’ We ladies are tired of hearing that same lame old excuse. Go find someone else to play your stupid games with. This one here is ready to move on from your BS.”

  Timothy stood there a moment without saying a word, choosing to stare at the floor instead. After about ten seconds he finally looked up.

  “I really am sorry about that, Lily. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me someday,” he mumbled.

  I was about to reply, but Lexy cut me off before I could finish my first word. “She won’t. Now go on about your business.”

  Tim scratched is chin, gave me an insecure smile, and then turned around and walked out.

  “Jeez, Lex, you really stuck it to him,” I said with a smile.

  Lexy lightly punched me in the shoulder and shot me a dirty look. “Why the hell were you even talking to that asshole? I mean, seriously, how much crap are you going to take from that guy?”

  “What do you want me to do, punch him in the face every time he tries to come talk to me?” I growled, rubbing the spot on my shoulder where Lexy punched me.

  “Yes! That’s exactly what I want you to do. That’s exactly what that bastard deserves. He got his dick sucked by Angela Bronson. If he’d fuck her, there’s no telling what else he would do. You can’t keep letting them walk all over you.”

  “I’m not letting him walk all over me,” I said as we walked out of my classroom and I closed the door behind us.

  “I’m serious, Lil,” Lexy continued. “You have to be tougher with these boys. If Michael ever cheated on me I would cut off his dick and put it in the oven on three-fifty!”


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