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Claiming Carter

Page 11

by W. S. Greer

  Then, just as my eyes closed and I began to doze off into a satisfied, euphoric sleep, I was almost certain I’d caught a whiff of something burning. It was coming from the kitchen.

  He was everything that I could have ever asked for, all rolled into one gorgeous man. Kelvin had brought me to orgasm twice in twenty minutes, and I’d fallen asleep with my thong still pushed to the side and my dress still pulled up to my waist. I never intended to stay the night in Kelvin’s penthouse suite, yet here I was still wearing everything that I’d worn on the motorcycle ride over. The only piece of clothing that I managed to get off were my heels, which apparently had fallen off at some point during sex. What an amazing night.

  I rolled over in the massive bed and glanced over at the clock on the glass nightstand. I didn’t do it on purpose, but somehow I’d woken up at five-thirty-seven in the morning, which was perfect because it was Thursday and I needed to get home so that I could change my clothes for work. Unforgettable night of sex or not, I still had a class of third graders to teach. It was a twenty minute ride back to my house, plus another fifteen minutes or so to drive to the school, so I knew that if I didn’t get up now I was going to be late for sure.

  After glancing at the clock, I sat up in the bed and looked around the room. It was still fairly dark outside so I couldn’t see much, but I did notice that Kelvin was nowhere to be found. Just then, I heard a faucet running from behind me. I leaned over and saw that there was a light coming from the bottom of a door to the left of the bed, and I figured it was the master bathroom, and that Kelvin was already up.

  Seconds later, the door swung open and Kelvin came strolling out, wearing nothing but his diamond stud earrings. It was dark in the room, but no shadow in the world could hide Kelvin’s impressive package as he strutted in and smiled at me, causing me to blush.

  “Hi,” I said with a bashful smile.

  “Hey,” Kelvin replied as he unleashed his flawless smile. The gorgeous man walked over to my side of the bed and leaned over to give me a soft kiss. His lips were just as smooth and full as I’d remembered, and the mere touch of our skin made my heart begin to race.

  As if he could read my mind, Kelvin lowered himself onto his knees and ran his hand up the outside of my leg. His hands were perfectly rough and full of strength, and he squeezed my outer thigh as if reminding me how powerful he was. I placed my hand on the back of his head and rubbed it gently, feeling as though I had no power to resist him.

  “Did you have fun last night?” Kelvin asked with a smile.

  I let out a shy giggle as I thought about just how much fun I’d actually had. “Yeah. I definitely had fun,” I replied. “Unfortunately though, I have to get ready to go. I’ve got a class to teach.”

  “I know. And I’ve got a meeting to get ready for,” Kelvin said. “But, I want to give you something before you go.”

  “Oh yeah? And what is that?”

  Just then, Kelvin grabbed my legs and pulled them out from underneath me, forcing me to fall onto my back. I let out a sound that came out somewhere between a shriek and a giggle as I fell backwards and Kelvin pushed my legs apart. I knew what he was about to do, I just couldn’t believe he was about to do it.

  An acute feeling of pleasure hit me like a tidal wave as Kelvin wasted no time pushing my thong aside and plunging his tongue as deep inside me as he could. The nerves between my legs fired off all at once and my body was suddenly sensitive to his every touch. Kelvin changed up his style from last night, choosing to massage the inside of my pussy with his tongue while he rubbed my clitoris with his thumb. I grabbed his head and held on as he shook his head from side to side rapidly, turning his mouth into his own version of a vibrator. This man was every woman’s dream, and I was lucky to have him as my reality.

  Kelvin switched techniques once again and began licking my clit up and down like it was an ice cream cone. He performed perfectly long strokes with his tongue as he continued to shake his head rapidly, and the urge to climax came roaring at me quickly, rendering me defenseless to stop it. I grabbed ahold of his head just as the orgasm blasted through me, forcing my legs to tighten and spasm and my toes to curl tightly. My body went limp as the tension eased once again and Kelvin stood up, smiling down at me. All I could do was cover my face with my hands as I breathed heavily, shocked that Kelvin had just given me my third orgasm in less than ten hours.

  We spent the next twenty minutes getting dressed, occasionally glancing at each other and exchanging flirtatious smiles back and forth. Kelvin donned a black suit with dark grey pinstripes, and the same pair of shiny black and white shoes he’d worn to the restaurant on our first date. I didn’t want to let him know just yet, but Kelvin made me feel like I was a high school student with a huge crush on the most popular boy. He had all the makings of the “too good to be true” type of guy, except nothing was wrong with him that I knew of. It wasn’t too good to be true, he was just that perfect.

  I walked into the hallway just as the doors to the elevator were closing and Kelvin was rolling a metal table into the kitchen. The table was covered with a white sheet, and I knew right away that Kelvin had ordered room service. Six o’clock in the morning and he was already putting smiles on my face.

  “I figured we could eat some breakfast together real quick, before you go,” Kelvin said as he removed the sheet from the table, revealing two plates with eggs, toast, bacon, and sausage neatly placed on them.

  “Wow. How thoughtful,” I answered. “We’ll have to make it quick, but that looks too good to pass up.”

  Kelvin poured each of us a glass of orange juice and we sat at the bar eating our breakfast. It seemed like everything was better because of Kelvin. Maybe I was going too far and giving him too much credit, but I felt like the food tasted better because I was eating it in his house. The sun seemed brighter because it was shining through his window. I was totally crushing on Kelvin Carter Jr. I figured a night and morning full of heart-pounding orgasms would make you feel that way.

  “So, I saved our lives last night,” Kelvin said as he rose from his seat and placed his plate back onto the metal table.

  “Oh yeah?” I answered. “How’s so?”

  “Well, apparently we were too caught up in getting straight to dessert to realize that we had forgotten about the dinner in the oven and on the stove. After you fell asleep, I came back into the kitchen to find it filling up with smoke from the burnt pork chops and baked potatoes in the oven. It was crazy.”

  I let out a chuckle as I remembered smelling smoke just as I was dozing off last night.

  “Wow. Good thing you came back in here. That could have been bad,” I said as I placed my own plate on the metal table.

  “I know, right. I was surprised the fire alarms didn’t go off,” Kelvin said.

  Kelvin and I stood in front of each other for a moment, staring at each other. It was obvious that neither one of us wanted to have to say goodbye, even if it was only for a little while.

  “Okay, well, I hate to say it, but I have to get going, unfortunately,” I said, with a disappointed sigh.

  “Yeah, I know. I called for a car to take you home. They’re already downstairs waiting for you on the first floor.”

  “Okay. Thank you,” I replied. “Umm, thank you for a great night, and for the breakfast this morning also. I had a great time.”

  “So did I. I had fun,” Kelvin responded. “We’ll talk again soon.” Kelvin grabbed me by the hand and pulled me forward. Just as our bodies touched, he leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss. It only lasted about five seconds, but it was enough to make me want to call in sick for the day. “I’ll be in touch, but you also have my number now, so you can call me whenever you want to.”

  I smiled when I realized that he’d just invited me to call him, instead of saying that I should wait for him to call me. “Okay. I might just do that,” I said as I pressed the button on the elevator and the doors quickly slid open.

  “Okay. Bye, Lilliana,” Kelvin s
aid in his seductive tone, just as the elevator doors closed, ending our passionate encounter.

  I made my way down to the first floor, where I was approached by a tall black man wearing a white tuxedo with a red tie. He was obviously an employee of the Red Chip Hotel and Casino, and I followed him as he led me outside to a white limousine with red rims. It was a little over the top, but it was better than taking a cab home.

  Once inside, I marveled at the red leather interior. I figured the limo was usually reserved for the high rollers who came to the casino to gamble, and Kelvin had pulled some strings to get me a ride home. Once the driver finally stepped on the gas, I pulled out my cellphone and began typing a message to Lexy.

  Me: I’m being driven back to my house in a limousine right now!! OM fucking G!! I have so much to tell you!!

  “So, does he have a brother?”

  I let out a chuckle as I took another bite of my chicken sandwich from McDonald’s.

  “I’m not kidding!” Lexy barked. “Does he have a brother? This guy is unlike anything I have ever heard of, and if there another man out there with his same DNA, I want to meet him.”

  “I don’t know if he has a brother or not, but I don’t think Mike would like that too much, Lex,” I joked.

  Lexy took another sip of her diet Coke and placed it back inside her cup holder. “Sshhh, he never has to know. This could be our little secret. Don’t be selfish, Lilliana. I want to have multiple orgasms too.”

  “I thought you said Mike knew how to fuck you. What happened?”

  “He does, for the most part. But, Mike does doesn’t sound like anything compared to what you just experienced. You lucky bitch.”

  I let out another laugh just before I took another bite out of my sandwich. Lexy and I had decided to go to McDonald’s for lunch today. Sitting inside the teacher’s lounge was starting to get old, and I was growing sick of seeing Angela come sauntering in wearing her stupid scrubs, pouring her coffee into her hideous Packers mug.

  I’d made it to work this morning about five minutes before the bell rang to start the school day, so I didn’t have time to go into the lounge and give Lexy the rundown on how my night with Kelvin had gone. Instead, I’d run into my classroom and cruised through a calm morning of teaching third graders. I didn’t know what it was about the day, but class seemed easier this morning, and I wanted to say that that had something to do with the way Kelvin had started mine.

  Now, sitting in Lexy’s Toyota Tundra, I’d given her the graphic details she’d been begging me for. As I recounted each moment, I felt like I was still in Kelvin’s fancy penthouse and I began to get excited all over again. Lexy, on the other hand, looked at me in astonishment. I couldn’t say I blamed her. Kelvin was a ridiculously good looking man who didn’t seem to have a flaw, so I understood if Lexy was a little bit jealous—and a little skeptical.

  “Okay, let’s get serious here, Lil,” Lexy said as she placed the truck in gear and pressed lightly on the gas. “I am totally excited that this guy seems so perfect. I mean, who wouldn’t want a man who looks like that, and is the best sex you ever had, and is rich. However, life experience tells me that there has to be something wrong with this guy. No one is perfect … wait, let me rephrase that. No man is perfect. I don’t want you to go letting your guard down too early, okay?”

  “I know. It does seem a little too good to be true. I’ve pretty much been thinking that since the day I met him. On the other hand, what I am supposed to do? Not trust him, just because I think that there has to be something wrong with him? That’s not really fair to him, is it?”

  “Maybe not. Maybe it’s not fair to him, but it’s fair to you. You have to look out for yourself, that’s all.”

  “Well, he hasn’t given me any reason not to trust him, and until he does, I’m not going to get all caught up in it. I don’t want to mess this up.”

  “No one said you had to mess it up,” Lexy countered. “Okay, look, let’s do it this way. Let’s see just how much you know about him, alright. Okay, what does he do for a living?”

  I tilted my head as I thought about it. “Well, his dad own some casinos in the city, and he works for his dad,” I answered.

  “He works for his dad, doing what?” Lexy prodded.

  “I don’t know exactly. He’s always going to meetings and stuff, but I don’t know exactly what his job is.”

  “Exactly. For all you know, this guy could be a waiter in one of his dad’s casinos,” Lexy snipped.

  “He’s not a waiter,” I said with a giggle.

  “But you don’t know that for sure. How do you know if he even has a job? What if he is a lazy ass who is just mooching off of his rich father?”

  I knew that Lexy was right, I just didn’t want to admit it to her face, so I didn’t respond.

  “That’s my point. Just don’t get ahead of yourself, sweetie. Take your time and get to know this guy before you go booking the caterer for your wedding reception.”

  “Well, that’s exactly what I’m doing, Lex. I mean, I haven’t asked the guy to marry me. We just went out on a couple of dates and had some unforgettable sex. We still have a lot to learn about each other.”

  “I don’t want you to think that I’m not happy for you, sweetie, because I totally am. I just don’t want to see you get hurt that’s all. Because, if he hurts you, I will hunt him down and shoot Mike’s harpoon right through his balls. So, just be careful so that I don’t have to harpoon his sexy ass.”

  Lexy always knew what to say to make me laugh. “I know you’re looking out for me, Lex. Don’t worry, I’ll be careful so that you don’t have to shoot him with a harpoon. I got you.” I gasped when I said the words. It had only been a few days and Kelvin Carter Jr. was already starting to rub off on me.

  We pulled into the school parking lot and exited the vehicle. As we made our way inside, I pulled out my cell phone and scrolled through my contacts to find Kelvin’s name. As the phone began to ring, I felt the butterflies beginning to take flight in my stomach.

  “Hello?” Kelvin answered.

  “Hi, it’s me. How are you?” I said. I immediately felt giddy from the sound of his voice.

  “Hey, beautiful. I’m doing good. How are you?”

  “I’m fine. Headed back into the school to start the second half of my day. How did your meeting go this morning?”

  “It was okay, I guess. Nothing major. I’m actually about to go into another meeting right now, so I can’t really talk.”

  “Oh … okay,” I replied, feeling deflated all of a sudden. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you.”

  “No, no, you’re not bothering me. It’s just bad timing, that’s all. It’s just one of those days today. A lot going on.”

  “Okay, well, will I be able to see you again tonight?”

  Kelvin paused briefly. “Umm, unfortunately, I probably won’t be free tonight. I have some business stuff I have to take care of.”

  I looked over at Lexy who had just turned the corner to enter her classroom. Because of our conversation earlier, I immediately became skeptical about Kelvin’s business.

  “Oh, okay. I guess I’ll talk to you later then,” I said, trying to hide my frustration.

  “Definitely. I’ll call you later. Maybe we can set something up for tomorrow since it’ll be the weekend.”

  “Yeah, sure. That’d be great. Talk to you later.”

  I walked into my classroom on edge. I never intended to become skeptical of Kelvin or what he did for a living, but Lexy had unintentionally made me feel nervous and somewhat suspicious of him now. I knew, however, that I needed to keep it under control. I couldn’t let it consume me and take a chance on ruining something that was just beginning and seemed to have so much potential. We were still in the very beginnings of our relationship, and we both had a lot to learn about each other. So I swallowed my skepticism, and finished out the rest of the school day.

  The bell rang and the day ended as it always did. Lexy had an
appointment earlier in the afternoon and had already left, so I didn’t have her around to talk to or to save me from Tim if he decided to show up anytime soon. Luckily, I didn’t have any papers left to grade because Mrs. Butterfield had already taken care of them for me.

  So, with a clear schedule in front of me, I hurriedly changed into my gym clothes and rushed out the door. The drive to the gym was short and sweet, and when I walked through the door of the gym and showed the guy at the front counter my membership card, he tried to hit on me as usual. I made my way over to the Stairmaster like I always did and did my usual hour of stepping, then decided that it was too early to go home, so I did another twenty minutes on the treadmill.

  When it was all said and done, I’d worked out for an hour and twenty minutes straight and was in need of some food and a thorough shower. I walked out of the gym at five-eleven in the evening and the sun was beginning to go down. The parking lot was full of cars from the dedicated gym-goers, and I had to walk quite a way to get to my car, but once I made it there, something immediately caught my attention. Timothy Bulger’s blue Mercedes was parked next to mine. When I made it to my driver side door, Tim popped his door open and stepped out.

  “What the hell?” I blared. “What are you doing here, Tim? Have you been out here waiting for me this whole time?”

  Tim was still wearing the clothes that he’d worn to school today, so I already knew the answer to that question.

  “I’m sorry, Lily. I’m not stalking you or anything like that. I just wanted to talk to you,” Tim said as he adjusted a strap on his suspenders.

  “Talk to me about what? We don’t have anything to talk to about.”

  “Yes we do.”

  “Oh yeah? Like what? What could we possibly have to talk about?”


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