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Claiming Carter

Page 19

by W. S. Greer

  “You son of a bitch!” Tim yelled as blood dripped from the deep cut inside of his mouth. Kelvin didn’t even respond.

  Tim struggled to pick himself up off of the floor, but when he finally did, he made sure to grab his knife, and I wondered why Kelvin hadn’t tried to pick it up first. Just then, Tim ran at Kelvin and swung wildly at his face with the knife. Kelvin ducked, and countered with an uppercut to Tim’s stomach, and then followed it with another punch to Tim’s jaw. When his fist made contact, I heard a thunderous cracking sound that seemed to echo throughout the room.

  Tim fell to one knee and grabbed at his face with his hand. “Goddammit! My jaw. I think you broke my fucking jaw!” Tim mumbled.

  I looked up at Kelvin and the expression on his face told me that he’d had enough of listening to Tim talk. He reached back once again and seemed to swing with every muscle fiber that he had in his body, landing another punch square on the side of Tim’s chin. Tim fell backwards and his head bounced off of the floor. I had to look over my shoulder to see him, but I could tell his eyes were closed, and he was lying on the floor unconscious.

  I looked up at Kelvin, who was standing in front of me, staring down at his unconscious opponent. When he looked over at me, his expression softened.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I’m fine. Are you okay?”

  “As long as you are,” Kelvin replied. Then he reached down and picked up the knife that he’d knocked out of Tim’s hand for the second time, and used it to cut the rope from around my ankles and wrists.

  When I stood up, Kelvin pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him with everything I could. I didn’t know how he did it, and I didn’t even care. All I knew was that Kelvin Carter Jr. had just saved my life. He’d protected me from a man wielding a knife who intended to use it on me because I didn’t want to be with him anymore. How could I ever repay him for something like that? I felt like I was forever in his debt, and my desire to be with him seemed to multiply tenfold.

  “I’m so glad you’re safe,” Kelvin said as we embraced and he rubbed the back of my neck with his strong hands.

  “I could never thank you enough for what you did tonight. I could never repay you for saving my life. Thank you so much for being here and saving me,” I said as a tear built up in my eye and trickled down my face. “How did you know he would be here?”

  “I didn’t. I just had a feeling that something might go down tonight, and I couldn’t sleep because I kept thinking about it. I actually drove by the house once earlier just to kind of put myself at ease, but when I got back home, that feeling came back so I decided to come by again. That’s when I saw the Mercedes parked outside. I’m just sorry I didn’t get here sooner.”

  “What? No way. I’m just grateful that you came back. He would have killed me, Kelvin. I could see it in his eyes. He was going to do it.”

  “Well, he won’t be able to ever hurt you again.”

  “What do we do with him?”

  Kelvin seemed perplexed by the question and took a moment to think. He let out a loud sigh before he answered. “We have to call the police. Go ahead and call them. I will stay here and make sure he doesn’t wake up.

  I didn’t feel comfortable staying in the room with Tim, so I ran into the kitchen and dialed 911. I gave the police all of the information they needed and told them to hurry, because I thought the intruder might wake up soon. The operator assured me that the officers would be at my house any minute now.

  When I walked back into the room, Kelvin was sitting on the edge of the bed. He’d thrown the knife on the floor, next to the chair I had just been tied to. He looked up at me when I walked in and flashed a warm smile, accompanied by a small giggle.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked.

  “We got him. I’m just really glad that we got him. Don’t have to worry about who it is anymore. He’s the one responsible for everything, and it just puts me at ease knowing that we got the guy. It’s good. It’s really good.”

  I walked over and sat next to Kelvin on the bed. “You got him. If it wasn’t for you, I probably wouldn’t even be alive right now. You saved my life tonight, Kelvin. Do you realize that? You saved my life.”

  I placed my hand on top of Kelvin’s and leaned in to kiss him. My emotions peaked when our lips met and I could no longer hold back my tears. The night had been a total nightmare, but it ended with a rainbow at the end of the storm, thanks to my knight in shining armor.

  He reached up and rubbed my cheek, wiping away my tears. Suddenly, I heard a shuffling sound coming from the other side of the bed. Kelvin seemed to hear it too, and he pushed me off of the bed just as the knife went into his shoulder.

  I heard Kelvin scream, and I looked up to see Tim standing behind him holding the knife and trying to stab Kelvin a second time. He swung again, and Kelvin dodged, but the tip of the blade still grazed Kelvin’s upper arm. I immediately noticed the blood seeping through his white shirt.

  Kelvin was now on his feet, moving from side to side as Tim feinted at him with the knife. I didn’t know what to do. Was I supposed to jump in and try to help Kelvin? The last thing I wanted to do was be a distraction, but Kelvin looked like he could use my help, so I took a step forward.

  “Stay back, Lilliana!” Kelvin yelled, the moment he noticed me moving.

  Then, Kelvin faked like he was going to rush Tim by taking a quick step forward. Tim fell for it and swung wildly with the knife, hitting nothing but air. Kelvin took full advantage of Tim’s wild move and lunged forward, grabbing him by the wrist and pushing him back, slamming him up against the wall next to my window. They wrestled around, pushing each other back and forth, each of them trying to gain control of the knife. Then, Kelvin grabbed Tim by his shirt and lifted him off of the ground. I watched in amazement as Kelvin turned to his side and thrust Tim over his leg, causing Tim’s legs to go flying in the air as his head slammed violently against the floor. Kelvin reached up and punched Tim in the face three times, and blood splattered across the wall next to them.

  Kelvin grabbed the knife that was now lying on the floor, and held it up against Tim’s neck. I held my breath as I saw blood beginning to lightly trickle down the blade of the knife as Kelvin applied pressure.

  “You stupid motherfucker!” Kelvin bellowed. “You stabbed me in my fucking shoulder! I should kill you right now. For everything you have done. For everything you have put Lilliana through. I should kill you right here.”

  “Do it, murderer,” Tim said as blood spilled out of his nose and mouth. “It’s what you do, isn’t it? Go ahead, kill me. Slit my throat. Do it! Kill me so she can see the animal you really are.”

  Kelvin’s fingers tightened around the handle of the knife, and my heart sped up as the amount of blood coming from Tim’s neck transformed into a steady pool as Kelvin began to apply pressure.

  Then, all of a sudden, Kelvin loosened his grip on the handle and looked up. His head turned to the side, and I could tell he was trying to hear something. Then, I saw the lights flashing from down the street, and heard the sirens as the police made their way down the road towards my house.

  Kelvin had a look of disappointment spread across his face as he looked back down at Tim, still holding the knife to his throat. He let out another loud sigh just as he leaned over and put his face directly in front of Tim’s.

  “You should thank them when they get here,” Kelvin said angrily as he stared daggers into Tim. “They just saved your life.”

  “Thanks, Wayne. I really appreciate it,” I said before I hung up the phone and turned to Kelvin.

  “What did he say?”

  “He’s giving me the week off. He’s always been a very understanding principal. I know it’s going to be hard to find a permanent replacement for Tim, seeing as how he won’t be coming back, but I’m sure Wayne will figure it out. How’s your arm?”

  Kelvin looked down at the large bandage on his shoulder, and
the smaller one on his upper arm. “I’m fine. I got lucky, honestly. I moved out of the way just enough to prevent the blade from going too deep when he tried to stab me from behind. The paramedics bandaged me up, no problem. The second time he got me was just a flesh wound. I’m good.”

  “Good. I’m so sorry that happened to you.”

  “It’s not your fault. I’m good as long as you’re good.”

  “Thanks to you, I am good.”

  I stood at the window, staring at the show being put on outside by the dancing police lights. Once again, my neighbors were staring out of their windows, wondering just what the hell I had gotten myself into this time. My concern wasn’t for them, however. I was only interested in watching the police putting Tim in the back of one of their cruisers, with his hands cuffed behind his back. His face and neck were still bloody and bruised from the beating he’d received from Kelvin, but the paramedics had cleaned him up a little. He still held a look of defiance and anger on his face as the cruiser pulled away, and he glared into my window until he could no longer see it.

  Kelvin walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, filling me with an instant comfort. It felt so good to be in his arms again, especially after having been tied to a chair in the middle of the night.

  It was now three o’clock in the morning, and my night was finally coming to an end, as was the nightmare that had been taking place over the past few days. It was hard to believe that Tim was the person who was behind all of the craziness. I guess I’d always known that he had a bit of an unstable side, but I never thought that he would have done anything like this. Especially if his intent was only to keep me from seeing Kelvin. It was all so strange, and as Kelvin held me tightly in his arms, the uneasiness of it all finally melted away.

  “I can’t believe it ended the way it did, but I’m so glad it’s over,” I said, placing my arms on top of Kelvin’s.

  “Me too. I’m just glad you’re okay. I don’t know what I would have done if he would have hurt you. Especially now, after finding out that he was doing all of this because of me. That would have been too much for me to handle, I think.”

  “Well, thanks to you, it’s over and he is on his way to jail. Hopefully for a long time. He obviously needs some help. Although, I think the ass whooping you gave him tonight may have helped a little.”

  “I was only trying to protect you. That’s all I really cared about. You’re my girl, and that means that nobody gets to mess with you. Ever. But, now that everything is good to go, I guess I’ll be on my way.”

  Kelvin gave me a kiss on the cheek and started walking towards the front door.

  “What?” I said eagerly. “What are you talking about? Why are you leaving?”

  Kelvin turned around at the door and looked at me. “You want me to stay?”

  I walked over to him and grabbed him by the hand and started forcing him to follow me into my bedroom. “Of course you’re staying.”

  I led Kelvin in to the room and forced him to sit on the edge of the bed next to me. I knew that we’d just solved one problem, and now it was time for me to make sure that we didn’t have another problem. I was ready to give myself to Kelvin completely, mentally, physical, and emotionally, but I needed to know everything first. So, I took a deep breath, and finally asked the question that had been burning inside me for so long.

  “Okay, I know this is a weird time to ask this, and it’s a weird question to ask someone in general, but there is something that I have to know, Kelvin. I know he doesn’t exactly have a lot of credibility, but a few days ago, Tim told me that you were in the mob. I mentioned it to Lexy, which is why she brought it up a couple of days ago. It’s been on my mind, and now Tim goes on this whole rant about what it is that you do, and how you’re accused of murder and all that. That’s a lot of information for somebody to just make up. Even though I don’t believe Tim, I need to hear it from you. Are you in the mob?”

  Kelvin stared at me briefly without blinking, then he put his head down and let out a loud sigh. It took him a few seconds to gather his thoughts, and the longer he took to answer, the more worried I became. When my heart felt like it might explode from beating so heavily, Kelvin finally looked at me and spoke up.

  “I am not a mob boss, Lilliana. I work for my father, who is a casino owner. Our business meetings are about our casinos and businesses that we run out of those casinos. I don’t do anything illegal. Okay? You can rest assured, I am not a mob boss.”

  “You promise? Because I am ready to commit myself to you one hundred percent. I need everything to be on the up and up. So, you promise you’re not a mob boss?”

  “I promise, I am not a mob boss,” Kelvin said with a smile. “The only thing I care about is you. Every day, the only thing I think about is how I can please you. I just want to make you happy. I’m not worried about anything else. I’m not into anything else, except being with you. Okay?”

  I stared at him for a moment, taking in everything he’d said to me, and before I’d gathered all of my thoughts, Kelvin smiled his flawless smile. When I saw his blemish-free, pearl white teeth, I couldn’t help but smile back at him. All of the drama had distracted me from just how beautiful this man was—both inside and out. When I saw that smile, I knew that he couldn’t be a dangerous mob boss. Although there was a part of me that felt like there was more to Kelvin’s story than he was willing to let on, I knew that whatever it was, it wasn’t anything dangerous or illegal. He wasn’t a killer. He was business man. A business man who’d just swooped in and saved my life.

  I smiled back at him and rubbed his face with my palm. “You’re amazing, you know that?” I said. “All you think about is pleasing me? Well, tonight you don’t get to. Tonight, you’re going to lose control, and let me please you.”

  Before Kelvin could say a word, I leaned over and kissed him. I felt his tongue begin to massage mine aggressively as I reached down and began pulling his basketball shorts off. I felt him trying to push his hands underneath my nightgown, but tonight would be my night to please him, so I grabbed his hands and shoved them to his sides. As we continued kissing, I felt him smile in amusement. I beamed in return as I began pulling down his shorts.

  Kelvin lifted his waist up so that I could pull his shorts off, and the moment I saw his erect cock, I immediately dropped down to my knees and ran my tongue up the entire length of his shaft. Kelvin let out a pleasant groan that made me want to taste him even more. I continued licking his dick as he moaned. I could feel him becoming harder and harder as the anticipation grew. I knew he wanted me to take all of him in my mouth, but I was in the mood to be in control, so I kept on teasing him. I kissed up and down his cock with my lips and my tongue, while I held his hands in place with my own.

  “You want it, baby?” I asked, looking up at him. Kelvin’s head was leaning back and his eyes were squeezed shut. I knew that it was hard for him to let me take control, but I was having so much fun toying with him. But, teasing is only fun if the payoff is worth it.

  “Fuck. Yes, I want it. You know I want it,” Kelvin replied. I could feel the anticipation emanating off of him. “Suck my cock, baby. Take all of it.”

  The bass in his voice was like an aphrodisiac, and I instantly felt my pussy become wetter. I couldn’t hold out anymore, and I did exactly as Kelvin requested. I opened my mouth as wide as I could and shoved Kelvin’s hard cock all the way to the back of my throat. He was much too big for me to take in all of him, but I took it as far as I could, and I could feel him throbbing.

  I started slowly, caressing his cock with my lips while I let my tongue slither up and down his veiny erection. Each time my tongue touched the head of his dick, I felt Kelvin tense up and gasp for air. Knowing that I was pleasing him made me want him even more, and I let my tongue dance on the tip of his cock while he moaned loudly and gripped the covers on my bed with all his might.

  “Holy shit, Lilliana. You are so good, baby. You suck it so good.”

  The tast
e of his hard cock made my pussy unbelievably wet. I reached down and rubbed my hand over my clit and tensed up at how sensitive it was. I was beyond ready for him to be inside of me. Suddenly, Kelvin quickly slipped his hand out from underneath mine, and grabbed me by my hair, pulling it upward so that I would stand up as he sat on the bed in front of me.

  “You know what would please me?” he said. “You letting me taste how wet you are.”

  Suddenly, Kelvin grabbed my leg and forced me to raise it over his shoulder, scrunching my nightgown up to my waist. I had to hold on to his massive shoulders so I wouldn’t lose my balance, as I stood with one foot on the floor and the other dangling over his shoulder, but I made sure to avoid his injured arm. Kelvin quickly pushed his middle finger deep inside of me, immediately finding that little ball of nerves that he’d obviously perfected locating, while simultaneously gliding his tongue over my clit. I almost fell over from the intensity of the sensation, but I grabbed Kelvin’s head to maintain control of my body.

  My clit seemed to be pulsating from the intense pleasure Kelvin was blessing it with. He worked his tongue so masterfully that it felt as though my clit and his mouth were perfectly made for each other, and I struggled to control my breathing as Kelvin worked his mouth and his finger in conjunction with one another.

  “Oh my god, Kelvin. You are amazing. Please don’t stop, baby. I’m so close.”

  “You know what I want, Lilliana. I want to taste it. I want to taste your cum in my mouth. Come for me, baby. Let me taste it,” Kelvin urged as he thrust his fingers in and out of my gushing wet pussy.

  The curve in his finger hit that perfect spot once again, just as he brushed his plump bottom lip across my clit, and the orgasm hit me like a freight train. I felt it come up from my toes and rush into an explosion that sent sparks to every part of my being. My knees buckled and I started to fall over, but Kelvin did the impossible, and stood up with my leg still dangling behind him, lifting me into the air. If his knife wounds were giving him any pain, he did an amazing job of not showing it. He continued fingering me while he held my body on top his shoulders, and I held his head, squeezing the back of his neck as the orgasm lingered on for what seemed like an eternity.


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