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The Tantric Shaman

Page 7

by Crow Gray

  “Oh fuck I'm coming,” Damian said, pulling his cock from between her tits and shaking it in his hand as it began to spurt. The thick cream jetted over her tits, the whiteness making a startling contrast to her dark skin as he covered her tits in his semen. “Fucckkkk,” he moaned as he shook the cum out, thoroughly drenching her tits.

  She looked down at her chest wide-eyed as she began to scoop the cum up with her fingers and swallow it. “I've never seen a load that big in my life,” she whispered in awe.

  He just smiled as he shook the few drops onto her dark nipples. He was fully healed now, all traces of the poison having been burnt from his system. He didn't feel as powerful as he had after the threesome with Bo and Candy, but that was an anomaly to begin with.

  “Fuck, I really needed that. Thank you,” Damian said as she slid over to lie beside her.

  “I feel like I should be thanking you,” Indigo said breathlessly.


  All four of them slept the rest of the night away. Damian switched to hawk form again and brought everyone fish for breakfast, which they all ate fully clothed in the clearing.

  “So what's next?” Bo said as he finished his meal.

  “I think now that we have Indigo with us we go back to Candy's clan and tell them what happened―at least as far as we know,” Damian suggested.

  “Do you think they'll believe that story though? I don't know that I would,” Bo said.

  “I think I can convince Grundar. I am still warmaster, and we rank just below the king. I don't think we should say the part I played in Horis's death, though,” Indigo said.

  “We won't. If it comes up, I killed Horis,” Damian said. “I'm more concerned with how the wolves will react, and also, how deep this all goes. We need more info. Shit. There's something I can do, but it can be dangerous.”

  “What is it?” asked Candy.

  “I can do a necromantic communication spell, literally talk to the dead. But if you're not careful you can release a ghost into the world.”

  “I say go for it. I've seen those spells, and I've seen sorcerers much less powerful than you pull it off. I think you can do it, no problem. But doesn't a spell like require some kind of sacrifice?” Indigo said.

  “I don't know that much about it, but if it tells us what the hell is going on, it's worth it,” Bo said. Candy just shrugged as if going along with what everyone else thought.

  “Okay then, you guys don't need to do anything but remain quiet. And I don't need a sacrifice. I'll be back,” Damian said. Candy, Bo and Indigo had buried the three corpses in a shallow grave when Damian had been unconscious. He shifted to a badger and quickly dug up Sam's body before turning back human and dragging it into the clearing. “I think Sam knew the most, so let's try it with him.”

  The other three gather around as Damian began to chant. His voice assumed many sounds, going from human speech, to the laugh of a hyena, to the screech of a vulture. All scavengers, the closest to the dead.

  The three were taken aback when they saw Sam's spirit rise from his body. It was just an amorphous blob of ectoplasm, but Sam's face was visible from time to time.

  “Why have you...called me back..” the ghost said.

  “I want to question you. What's going on here? Why were you working with those bears? Tell me, a ghost can't lie,” Damian said.

  “We were protecting our position...the warmasters only have power when there is war..when there is peace, we are not revered. A wedding between our clans could have mended things...we didn't want that,” Sam's ghost said, the voice wavering and going in and out like a bad radio signal.

  “But how did you meet? What set it up in the first place? What brought you together?” Damian asked.

  “A higher power did...arranged it all...told us we should work together if we wanted to stay in high regard...”

  “What higher power?” Damian said, his voice strained.

  “A higher power..” is all the ghost would say.

  “But how did you convince the others? How did you get the clan to agree with you?”

  “The higher power them to agree...convinced them we were right...”

  “What higher power?” Damian sounded desperate at this point. “Who was it? WHO?”

  The ghost just laughed and faded away.

  “Shit. He shouldn't have been able to do that. Someone―or something―aided them. Something powerful,” Damian said.

  “A higher power? So someone was helping them fool our clans? They did all this just to keep our clans at odds?” Bo said.

  “Seems that way. Honestly, I think someone was using them as pawns in some type of sick game. This whole thing seems fucked up,” Damian said.

  “No kidding,” Indigo said. “I still say we head back to Tennessee and to my clan. If we tell Grundar what happened I think he'll believe it, especially now that all the guilty parties are dead. We have no one to speak against us.”

  “He'll still punish you,” Candy said. “You know even though you were duped, as warmaster you'll be held responsible.”

  Indigo nodded. “I went along with that bastard's plan even though it felt wrong. I should be punished. I'll take my punishment, it's the honorable thing to do.”

  “Yeah, I think that's the best course of action. Candy, you are going to march right up to your father with Bo at your side and tell him the two of you are going to marry. I think he'll see this as a positive. This could be the chance for the clans to bury the hatchet. Lord knows it's time they did,” Damian said.

  Candy just nodded, and Indigo hugged her.

  “How do we get there? The Smoky Mountains are a good ways from here,” Bo said.

  “We take the bus,” Damian said, not wanting to risk a flight. “Tickets are on me, now let’s head to the bus station. It's only a few miles from here, I know the way.”

  “Thank you Damian,” Indigo said. “For trusting me.”

  “Yeah, I have a way of knowing when people can be trusted. I think you're okay,” Damian said, and the three headed for the bus station.

  Damian carried several pre-paid debit cards, which was his usual method of currency. It was easier than cash, and not traceable like a credit card would be. He bought them tickets and they boarded the bus. They were a rag-tag group, but no one gave them a second look. Buses were used to drifters.

  Bo and Candy sat together while Damian and Indigo took the seats beside them.

  “You did that necromancy spell almost effortlessly. I've never seen anyone do it without a live sacrifice, and even then it usually takes a lot out of them. Just how powerful are you?” Indigo asked.

  “I still had plenty of energy from our playtime. It was enough. But enough about me. I don't mean to overstep my bounds here, but you did just help us kill your mate of many moons. Are you sure you're okay?”

  “I should have killed that sonofabitch long ago,” Indigo said with disgust. “He always treated me like shit, talked to me like I was worthless. He was a bad man, Damian. I won't mourn him.”

  “Candy said as much, but I wanted to hear it from you.”

  “Candy is a good person. I knew I wouldn't be able to watch her be killed, much less help. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I had planned to help her all along.”

  “You did the right thing, and I'll see that Grundar takes it easy on you. A tantric shaman has some clout in all shifter affairs.”

  “He won't do anything too bad. Not death or banishment, at least. Maybe a beating, but I can take it.”

  “We'll see.”

  The bear clan resided in the town of Gandy Holler, TN. It was a town of mostly shanties and trailers nestled in the smoky mountains. Most people just thought they were a bunch of semi-inbred hillbillies, but they seemed nice enough so most people just left them alone.

  As soon as the four got off the bus they began to get stares. Everyone recognized Candy and Indigo, but weren't sure what to make of Bo and Damian. No one stopped them or spoke, although s
everal had appeared to be about to. They all decided it best not to get involved, however, and soon the four were at the home of Candy's father.

  Damian had felt a sense of magical unrest as soon as he stepped off the bus. He used his own powers to push it away, much like you'd push your hand through a spiderweb. The odd feeling passed, and Damian was satisfied he had gotten rid of it. Whoever had put it there had not thought anyone with mystical abilities would come through town, as bears weren't known for sorcery. Someone of Damian's level, however, had no problems removing the town's enchantment.

  His house was the nicest in town, as would befit the clan chieftain. It was an old antebellum style mansion, painted with and surrounded by green grass. Candy walked up to the door and knocked, and her father answered.

  “Hey, daddy,” Candy said, eyes averted.

  Grundar was not at all what you'd expect. Instead of a big bear, he was skinny, with long gray hair. He wore glasses, which he now used to scrutinize everyone standing on his porch. He looked frail, but when he shifted he was anything but.

  “Candy, Indigo,” he said in greeting. “I don't think I know the other two.”

  “You know Bo,” Candy said, still not looking her father in the eyes.

  “Oh, I reckon I do. And wait, is that―Damian Ivory? Is that you?” Grundar said, genuinely surprised.

  “Hey Grundar, long time no see,” Damian said with a smirk.

  “No kidding. I heard you were dead. This must be pretty important to bring you here. Everyone come in,” Grundar said, stepping aside so they could enter.

  They all entered, finding Candy's mother Hannah waiting on them. She hugged her daughter until they were both in tears. Candy finally stepped away.

  “We need to explain what's happened,” Candy said. Everyone took a seat and the entire tale was recounted. Damian thought Grundar and Hannah had been drugged, or the magical equivalent. They seemed unsure about the chain of events, and didn't seem to even remember banishing their daughter, or whatever had really been done. To Damian, it sounded like the entire town had been bewitched. But what could have done that? Could it have been the wolf clan?

  Damian explained how Horis had been killed, embellishing it a bit but still getting the gist across. Once the story was completed, Grundar contemplated things for a while before speaking.

  “I am a bit unsure as to how all this happened, but I suspect magic has paid a part. I will get to the bottom of things,” Grundar said. “And also, Horis told us the Broken had escaped. I didn't realize he'd released them on purpose.”

  “I'm going to investigate myself,” Damian said.

  Grundar nodded. “In that case, I leave it in your very capable hands. If anyone can find out what's happened, it's the tantric shaman.”

  Damian wondered if perhaps Grundar suspected him. Grundar probably knew how tantric magic worked. Did Grundar suspect any of the sexual activity among the group?

  “First, the bad news. Indigo, even though I am sure you are mostly innocent, you went along with your mate even though it was against the clan,” Grundar said.

  “She had no way of knowing. Horis was acting alone,” Candy said in her defense.

  “Nonetheless, she should have come to me before embarking on something as serious as the death of my daughter. It was her error, and she must be punished,” Grundar said.

  “Your majesty, if I may,” Damian said. Grundar nodded, waiting. “I will take her punishment into my hand. I'm sure you know I have experience with this sort of thing. I'm assuming you wanted something milder than banishment or death, so allow me to administer the punishment she warrants.”

  “I agree,” Grundar said, and the tension in the room seemed ease at once. Grundar didn't really want to punish her, and the others were afraid the punishment would be too severe. “It will have to be a real punishment. I defer the chastisement itself to you, but the clan will need to see proof she's been punished. They will accept it as fair given the respect you have as a shaman.”

  Indigo seemed unsure how to react, as she had been silent through the whole exchange. She felt better with Damian in charge, but still wondered what game he was playing. The bear clan wouldn't accept a fake punishment, and they had ways of knowing.

  “On a happier note, I will allow you to wed your fiancee, and I say we make it happen as soon as possible. I am not sure how your clan will react to this announcement, Bo, but I will invite them all to the ceremony,” Grundar stated.

  Everyone was quiet, stunned by the announcement, but soon Bo and Candy were elated and congratulations were passed around.

  “I'll have the invite to your clan done immediately, and the wedding will be in two weeks,” Grundar said.

  “Two weeks?” Candy bleated. “That's not nearly enough time! We must have--”

  “Candy, don't press our luck,” Bo said. “Two weeks will be fine, Grundar. I'm not sure how my clan will react, but perhaps given this new information it will be favorable.”

  “I will be sure to tell them the entire story, and hopefully we can finally have peace between our clans,” Grundar said.

  “Your majesty, I would like to travel with your party to the wolf clan's home in Arizona. There are some things I need to see for myself,” Damian said.

  “Who said anything about traveling there? I'm overnighting them a letter,” Grundar said.

  Damian laughed. “Sorry, I forgot some traditions have changed over the years.” He scratched his chin. “Can I see the letter before you send it? Or at least the envelope?”

  Grundar shrugged, “Sure. But I'm afraid we need to get the formalities out of the way first. Indigo's punishment needn't be public, but we do need proof. Can you handle that now?”

  Damian looked at Indigo. “I would like to use my own place. I have one not far from here. I can do it tonight and have her back by morning.”

  “So be it,” Grundar said.


  Candy and Bo were staying at Grundar's house until the wedding, so Damian and Indigo headed out alone. There was much confusion as to exactly what was going on, with Candy being even more worried than Indigo. However, they all trusted Damian enough to know he had to have a plan. Damian placed a spell on the envelope Grundar would be using. Once it was delivered to the wolf clan, it would be like a magic bomb, and it should disperse any spells that had been placed on them. Damian didn't like doing it that way, but he wasn't sure if he'd have time to go to the clan himself.

  Now Indigo and Damien walked nude down the sidewalk, still getting looks. The townsfolk were more open now, but still wary. The sight of people walking nude in town wasn't that unusual, although Indigo was still a nice sight. Damian wasn't bad himself, and the two found themselves ignoring a lot of stares.

  “Where are we going?” Indigo asked.

  “I have a cabin only a few miles from here. I try to keep a place near all of the clans,” Damian answered.

  “How many homes do you have?” Indigo asked.

  “Several, none of them very nice,” Damian said with a chuckle.

  “What are you going to do to me?”

  “You'll see. It's the only thing I could think of, I was worried Grundar would be too harsh. It won't be easy on you, but it's better than anything he'd have done.”

  I bet you have something in mind for her Damian. Oh so noble, aren't you? Trying to save the fair maiden, trying to ease her pain? This is about you and your cock, you slut. Admit it!

  “Damian?” Indigo said.

  “Yes?” Damian said, not having heard her.

  “I said how are we going to get there?”

  “Oh. You run, and I'll fly. When we reach the right area, you just head due west about 3 miles. I'll be there when you arrive. You'll find it, my scents all over the place.”

  “What if I just decide to escape?”

  “And live your life in exile? What I have planned isn't that bad, trust me. Alright, this is good. Due west from here, and soon you'll catch my scent. See you soon,”
Damian said, shifting to a hawk and flying away with a screech.

  Indigo hesitated just a second, then shifted to full wolf form and bounded after him. She found his scent easily, and was soon at the cabin just as dusk started to fall. The door was open, so she shifted to human and entered.

  Her heart raced as she looked around inside. Damian had been serious about her punishment, but whether you could truly call it “punishment” was subjective.

  There were silk ropes tied to the bedposts, and an assortment whips and sex toys were placed on a table nearby. Some of the items did look a little scary, but Indigo found herself more excited than scared.

  “When we had sex, I caught some vibes from you,” Damian said from behind her, causing her to jump. She turned and saw he was still nude, his cock already half hard. “I think I can get away with calling this punishment, and make everyone happy.” Yes, especially yourself, you horny bastard.

  Indigo was wide-eyed as she examined the various items, running her hands over them lightly. “I've never done anything like this before. Horis liked―let's just say we had an open relationship. Once a couple came over, and they brought gear like this. We watched them, and I was so excited I could barely catch my breath. But Horis didn't enjoy it, and we never tried any of it ourselves.

  “He only liked slapping me to make him feel more powerful, he never did it in a way to give us both pleasure. He called himself a Dominant, but he was really a little bitch,” Indigo said.

  Damian could actually sense her excitement, her heart thudding faster with each new toy she saw. “When I take power from someone, I also break down inhibitions. Sometimes I get glimpses of things. I saw that you craved this. No one else has to know. The clan will think you were punished. I thought you'd go along with this...”


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