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Dragon's Choice

Page 26

by Juniper Hart

  Kai turned back to her. “Unquestionably, but I want you to know what this entails. Being a dragon’s mate is permanent, just two of us for life.”

  Coral sighed to herself. “Eternity is a long time. I can’t say that I am totally convinced that fate exists,” she breathed.

  Even she knew her words were not true. Everything felt so right. Coral knew exactly what Kai was talking about, she felt her soul yearn for him. She wanted to take him in her arms and make love until the sun rose. She wanted to explore his world.

  She wanted him. Every part of him.

  Kai took her hands and stroked them. “I hope to change that.”

  Her ears picked up the sound of crackling food.

  “The food’s burning,” she told him, although eating was the last thing she could think about at the moment. She couldn’t quite pull her gaze away from him.

  Kai laughed at himself with a funny look on his face. “You know, I just don’t care right now.”

  He walked back to the stove and turned it off. Then, he picked Coral up from the stool and kissed her.


  Their lips met passionately. Instinctively, Coral wrapped her legs around his waist as he held her up easily.

  The kiss lingered. No need to hurry. If he was right, they had eternity to explore each other’s bodies. She allowed herself to relax. She closed her eyes and simply enjoyed the taste of his lips.

  It finally ended, leaving her exhilarated. She felt alive, more alive than she had ever felt before. Kai’s touch stimulated every nerve in her body and felt incredibly erotic.

  Kai placed her on the island countertop and moved his hands up her legs, lifting her dress until her black lace thong was visible. He brushed his fingers across the outside of the fabric, across her outer lips. Applying pressure, he began to toy with her, massaging her in slow, sensual circles. Her body reacted strongly as her nectar soaked her thong’s cotton lining.

  His hands, strong enough to rip steel, felt her with incredible sensitivity.

  She sucked gently on her lip as he fondled her lovingly. “What the hell did I do to deserve someone like you?”

  “I wouldn’t know that,” Kai purred. “After all, you’ve been a bad girl…”

  “Oh, terrible.” Coral pushed her hips forward against his fingers to intensify his touch.

  She reached down to massage the bulge that grew in his pants. After unbuttoning the top button, she slid her hand inside, under his boxers, until she firmly grasped his cock.

  “Oh, God,” she murmured. “You’re huge.”

  “I won’t make you do anything you’re not comfortable with,” he assured her.

  “I didn’t say that was a bad thing,” she said with a smile as she began to stroke his shaft in a rhythmic motion.

  Kai kissed her again and then wrapped his arms around her, cupping her ass. She removed her hand from his pants and then ran her fingertips across his bare back, which was strong and defined. She wanted to feel muscle and power, and with Kai, she did.

  She slid her hand down his abs and then back down inside his pants. He let out a low groan.

  His pants were tight from his erection as his rod tried to escape its bounds with increasing determination. She wasn’t going to let it be that easy for him.

  “You’re a tease,” he accused her with a moan. “Let’s see how you like it.”

  “I’m all yours.”

  Kai kissed her neck before he moved to her slender jawline and then down her chest. He slipped her dress off. The fabric caught on her full breasts for one moment before he lifted it over her head.

  Coral couldn’t help blushing. She had never felt so exposed before, and the last thing she wanted was for him to reject her now.

  It turned out that she didn’t need to worry about anything.

  “You’re breathtaking,” he whispered before kissing the very top of her breasts. She arched back as he moved his lips across her bare skin down to her nipple. He grazed her nipple with his tongue before putting his teeth around it and lightly biting her. Every touch made her want him more.

  Coral slid off the counter and onto her knees on the floor.

  She ran her index finger along the distinct imprint of his cock, hesitating a moment on the head. She looked up at him and saw that his eyes were wild and excited, and she couldn’t wait to do what she wanted.

  She unzipped his pants and pulled them to the ground, exposing all of him to her. Kai stepped out of his pants and kicked them to the side. She grabbed his cock in her hands and applied pressure to his shaft with deep, long strokes. She placed the tip in her mouth and gently sucked before stimulating him by swirling her tongue around the head.

  Taking as much of his length as she could into her mouth, she expertly moved her lips over him. Her hand worked in perfect unison with her mouth, massaging him while simultaneously licking and sucking his throbbing manhood.

  A loud growl from deep within Kai’s throat let Coral know he was on the verge of climaxing, so he lifted her up and laid her back against the cool, hard island countertop. She wanted it all, and she wanted it right then. No waiting. No slow, drawn-out process. Now.

  Kai ripped off her panties with his teeth and inserted two fingers into her sex. He bent over and applied pressure to her clit with his tongue while massaging her g-spot. The intense sensation sent her over the edge within moments. He didn’t allow her body a second of relaxation before removing his fingers and thrusting his cock into her core.

  Coral couldn’t suppress her loud moans as he moved in and out of her, over and over. He grabbed onto her hips and guided her movements to his, sending him deeper within her.

  She met his eyes and saw a storm begin to form. Rain began to pour down outdoors as lighting crackled all around the house.

  He continued to ravage her until once again she felt her body tense and she shattered around him, as her unrelenting orgasm pulsed throughout her body. One more thrust and Coral felt Kai spill his seed inside of her.

  He pulled out and wiped her clean with a warm wash cloth before helping her off the counter.

  They walked to the living room and sat down on the couch. Kai pulled her into his arms and she rested her head against his shoulder.

  “So what now?” she asked.

  “You’re mine. I want you to stay with me, and become part of my world.”

  Coral looked up into his blue eyes. “Stay here?”

  “Yes,” Kai said. “And I will bring you to my kingdom, which is where I spend most of my time. I only keep this house to protect the Tree of Life.”

  She smiled at him and laid her head on his chest. “This feels right. It feels like you are supposed to be in my life. You really want me to stay though?”

  “I have no doubts,” answered Kai. “I’ve been alive more than five-thousand years and I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

  “Yes,” said Coral. “I want to stay with you.”

  “Soulmates,” he repeated, and Coral felt the word ring true down to her bones. “I will cherish you for every moment you grace me with your presence. Every morning, with you beside me, my world will become more alive and joyful. And when the time is right, you will become like me.”

  Now Coral realized that meeting him at the bar had only been the beginning of their journey. She realized that she had specifically chosen Kai for a reason. Smiling, Coral kissed him on the lips. She knew, without a doubt, that she’d made the best choice of her life.


  Bonus Content: Shifter Pursuit

  By Lucy Penn


  The party was in full swing, a swarm of laughing women toasting each other in a sea of disbelief and happiness as they sipped champagne.

  None of the other guests had arrived at the Kappa Mu Pi house, but the idea was to bask in the glory of the year’s end and exam finals amongst just the girls.

  The din was nearly deafening, and half a dozen juniors stole away from the hub of activity and made their
way into the backrooms toward MJ’s, where they had agreed to meet, giggling at the secrecy of the assembly.

  “This is just like pledging,” Molly whispered, her eyes wide and amused.

  “Hopefully with less abuse,” Megan replied worriedly, and the others chuckled in agreement, knocking gently on the door.

  From inside, MJ’s voice called out, “Come in.”

  They ventured into the room and curiously looked around at the small group gathered there.

  All of them were juniors about to embark on their senior year. Of course they knew each other, if only by name, but they were a family after all, bonded by the sisterhood of the sorority.

  Their eyes—all of them a different color: blue, brown, green, and hazel—studied one another with mild interest. but unlike the rest of the house, the room was filled with a moderate quietness, as if an air of anticipation sat heavily above them.

  None of them could say for certain why they had been called to the gathering, and each was eager to find out.

  “Is that everyone?” MJ asked, doing a head count while the other fourteen girls stood, unsure of how to respond.

  “What is this about?” Erin demanded, glancing at her watch as if she had somewhere else to be. “I have—”

  Her sentence was abruptly cut short as an extension door opened and Sylvie entered, her long gown sweeping across the ground to make her appear as if she was floating toward them.

  Mouths gaped to the floor in unison as they stared at her, licking their lips in nervousness.

  “Good afternoon, ladies,” Sylvie called sweetly, plopping onto MJ’s bed and staring at them with startling blue eyes. “Congratulations on making it to your senior year.”

  There was a nervous murmur of collective “thank yous,” but the women could not stop staring at the eerily beautiful actress, who had been president at Kappa Mu Pi during her years at college. It looked as if she hadn’t aged a day, even though she had to be at least thirty-five years old.

  She was an icon in their circles, an internationally known thespian. Never had she graced them with a private meeting in the past.

  “This is something huge,” Courtney whispered, and Beth nodded in agreement.

  “I imagine you are wondering what this is about,” Sylvie continued, smiling brightly at them, and her statement was met with a variety of nods.

  The icy blonde beauty sat back and closed her eyes for a long moment.

  “Since the day Kappa Mu opened its doors in 1901,” she said, “we have been blessed with something other sororities cannot claim, something… ethereal.”

  The women held their breaths, hanging off every word she spoke, even though no one understood what they meant.

  “Perhaps it was the women we chose to join our path,” Sylvie continued, “or the unity we created. For whatever reason, it exists, and it is our duty—your duty—to maintain the integrity of our sorority.”

  She waited for the words to settle in as looks of confusion began to pass from girl to girl.

  “There are beings in this world, ladies. Beings you have met dozens of times in your life, whether you understand it or not, but you have felt their hands, heard their words. They are as real as you or I appear, but beneath the surface, they are different. They are shifters.”

  A combination of giggles and gasps filled the room, and Sylvie allowed them, a serene smile on her face.

  “I know,” she went on. “It sounds unbelievable, but I assure you, it is so.”

  “Like werewolves?” Kellie chortled.

  “And dragons?” Sarah laughed.

  The snickers grew louder.

  Abruptly, Sylvie’s face contorted, her canine teeth elongating as she flew up from the bed, hissing as she levitated toward the ceiling.

  “And vampires,” she snarled, baring her fangs.

  The women fell back, terrified and awed.

  Sylvie fell casually back to the bed as if nothing had occurred, examining her nails.

  “You have a duty, ladies,” she repeated. “You must keep your eyes open and find these creatures, for they are your mates. Every senior Kappa must find her mate in these shifters. When you pledged, you were chosen because of your ancestry. All of you have a direct lineage to shifters, and some to vampires, although your shifting abilities are dormant since you are many generations removed.”

  “Are you saying you want us to… sleep with these beasts?” Lisa gasped, her face pale.

  “You are being forced to do nothing,” Sylvie assured her. “You may find yourself pleasantly attracted to them. You likely have been before.”

  Amy scoffed. “Not likely,” she growled.

  Sylvie only continued to smile warmly. “Never say never, my dear,” she replied, winking. “The heart wants what the heart wants.”

  The women looked at each other, uncomfortable and unsure of how to respond, but there was no need for them to say anything.

  Sylvie had vanished into thin air.

  A long silence ensued until one girl finally broke it.

  “That was ridiculous!” Kristy spat, turning to leave. “And with party tricks, too! I don’t have time for this ridiculousness. I’m leaving on a summer trip, and I have a million things to do. I’m out of here.”

  The other women murmured in agreement, following behind her.

  But no one could deny that Sylvie’s words echoed heavily inside them and followed them around for the rest of the summer.


  Shifter Pursuit: Stood Up

  Uh-oh. It sounds brutal, the text read. Are you going?

  Kellie smirked, her fingers working expertly over the keyboard as she responded.

  What choice do I have?

  You could bail. Claim you have the stomach flu, Lisa texted back. I can think of a thousand excuses.

  Kellie didn’t doubt it—few people were as crafty as Lisa.

  I better go. It sounds serious, but who knows with him? It might just be a ploy.

  Lisa texted back. LOL let me know how it goes. I’m crossing my fingers for you!

  Kellie laughed aloud and dropped her phone on her bed, turning back to look at herself in the mirror. She was going to need more than prayers.

  She was glad she had thought to message Lisa before her lunch date, though. Her friend always knew just what to say to boost her spirits, no matter how short-lived that boost might be. Lisa was like an energy drink: instant high followed by a terrible crash.

  Kellie examined her reflection, tossing her dark hair over her shoulder.

  I don’t know why I’m bothering. Nothing is ever good enough for him, anyway, she thought, but that didn’t stop her from applying mascara to her long lashes and stepping back to study her face.

  She didn’t want to risk looking anything but perfect. Her presence seemed to antagonize Senator Cole enough without pushing her luck.

  I look worried, she realized, narrowing her eyes to get into character. He can’t see me looking worried. It will give him the upper hand.

  Kellie glanced at the sports watch on her wrist and contemplated her impending afternoon.

  If I get this over and done with, I can still get to the gym this afternoon, she reasoned, even though she did not have high hopes for a quick and painless escape.

  It never was, after all.

  Well, I guess I’ll have to play it by ear, she told herself begrudgingly, spinning to leave her bedroom. She hoped the skirt and blouse combo she had chosen was dressy enough for him.

  There had been a time when she hadn’t worried about every little detail. Although she could barely recall it, she knew it had existed, and its absence made her sigh deeply.

  “Where are you going?” Bianca called as she walked into the kitchen, seeking out her keys.

  It was offensive to Kellie that she was required to rent a place to stay while she was home for the summer.

  “Meeting his Highness,” she muttered, despite knowing that her roommate had no idea who that could be. They barely knew each oth
er. They were just strangers who were sharing a place for three months.

  “Sounds like fun,” Bianca chirped. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”

  Kellie didn’t know whether to laugh or grimace. “If I do, I’ll make sure to use a safe word.”

  Bianca stared at her blankly, and Kellie resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Instead, she gave Bianca a tight smile and left their apartment.

  It was nothing against Bianca. She seemed like a nice enough girl, but Kellie had nothing in common with the hookah-smoking blonde. They were complete opposites, even down to their physical appearances.

  Kellie was renowned for her athletic abilities and type-A personality. She could not sit still, unlike Bianca, who loved incessantly binge-watching Netflix and discussing “Game of Thrones.” The slender brunette was ambitious and active, leaving everyone in the dust as she climbed toward her goals.

  You don’t get to be on the University of Colorado volleyball team by sitting around, smoking flavored tobacco, Kellie thought.

  She didn’t resent Bianca, but she knew they would never be anything more than roommates, no matter how friendly Bianca tried to be.

  It’s only until school starts up again, Kellie reminded herself. Then I will be back in Colorado at the Kappa Mu Pi house, where I belong.

  If her father hadn’t insisted to come to San Francisco for the summer, Kellie would have happily remained at school for the summer. There was nothing for her in Northern California—not anymore.

  In fact, remaining in the city was a distraction, one that Kellie could do without. But her father refused to pay her tuition if she didn’t return for the summer. He barely made time for her, so she didn’t understand his reasoning. She assumed it was just another way he could control her.

  Her phone chimed as she ran to catch the trolley, and she ignored it, seeing the red vehicle with black trim heading toward the stop. Kellie broke into a sprint, her long legs carrying her swiftly to the car before it reached its destination.


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