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Dragon's Choice

Page 40

by Juniper Hart

  “I need something for this wall,” Killian spoke, pulling her from her thoughts.

  Charlotte glanced over to where Killian was pointing. The wall that shared the door was completely bare. It was an ideal spot for art to be displayed in the room, knowing any natural light that came in through the tinted glass would highlight the piece perfectly.

  Immediately, Charlotte knew what should go on the wall: an ode to nature. Nothing generic or bright, but something moody and dark. Something that held meaning as well as offered beauty. Already she was getting excited about the project, looking forward to the journey of capturing the photographs. Charlotte had learned from her past mistakes and would be a lot more cautious than she had been the last time.

  “So, do you have any ideas?” Killian asked.

  Charlotte looked up at him, realizing then that she had been staring at a blank wall. “I do, actually.”

  “Aye?” Killian sounded, genuinely surprised that she had some up with something so fast.

  “Well, nothing concrete. But I know it should be something that captures your beautiful surroundings. Something to do with nature. Not quite like the collection you just bought, though,” Charlotte explained, her eyes unable to stop themselves from tracing back to the empty wall. Her imagination filled in the blank space with various images that came to mind. Tall pines towering over fog, a starry sky, perhaps a close-up of a predator if she could manage to get one. But with her new inspiration from all the art at the gallery, she didn’t want to just do a collage like her previous work. She was excited to try something new.

  “I can’t wait to see it,” Killian said, snaking his arm around her waist. It caught Charlotte by surprise. “Why don’t you stay here while you work on the project? If you’re planning on photographing that scenery near my home, I think it’s best that you immerse yourself in it. I’ll have equipment and necessities delivered for you. That way you can focus on the project completely.”

  Stay in his home? Surely, he wasn’t serious… But his eyes locked with hers, sincerity and seriousness gleaming in the jade-green pools. How could she accept such an offer? She had only just met him. “I... I don’t know, Killian…It’s a nice offer, but I just met you and—”

  “And what better way to get to know me than to stay a week or so?” Killian interrupted her. He turned her to face him completely, pulling her lightly against his body. Charlotte was consumed by his presence, rendered breathless by how close she was to him. His cologne was intoxicating to breathe in, hints of cedar and pink pepper blending perfectly with his natural scent. Killian was muscular and lean, and his body was hard and cool against her soft, warm form. A cold shiver slowly traveled up her spine as his hands pressed to the small of her back. Charlotte’s chocolate-colored orbs focused on him, lost in the endless depths of his eyes. Killian overloaded her senses.

  “I like you, dove. And I want to get to know you properly. Perhaps staying with a man you just met isn’t traditional, but who cares? It makes sense for your work for us to get acquainted. If you have no other obligations, then there’s no harm. Stay with me, Charlotte.” His voice was husky and almost seductive, reminding Charlotte of a blues song.

  She could feel in the pit of her stomach that she was already trapped in his web, but she didn’t want to be anywhere else. Nobody would miss her, and she had no obligations. Why turn away a man like Killian Walsh when she didn’t want to leave his side.

  One of his hands left the small of her back and went to her chin. A gentle fingertip traced the outline of her jaw as his eyes left hers to fixate on her lips, her breath catching in her throat and her knees growing weak. “What do you say, Charlotte?” he said, lifting his gaze to meet hers.

  “O-okay…” she managed to get out weakly, her own eyes going to his full lips as he held her against him. She watched as they lifted into a wide grin.




  Charlotte struggled to get the perfect shots for the project. She spent her days wandering the forest surrounding Killian’s mansion, taking photographs of the animals, insects, and plants. Some of the stills she had managed to capture were stunning—but didn’t feel right for the project. It was because she was putting off what she knew she needed to do—go into the forest at night. She still harbored some anxiety after the run-in with the mountain lion. Killian had given her a walkie-talkie to carry with her just to be sure she didn’t get lost, and while it comforted her enough to venture bravely in the daylight, it still didn’t give her the confidence to wander into the forest after the sun went down.

  But she had a solution. Walking toward Killian’s office, Charlotte’s heart fluttered. The last three days had been surreal, as though she actually was living in paradise, spending her days wandering the wilderness and evenings with a remarkable man. The thing she liked most about her time with Killian, besides simply spending time with such a perfect specimen of a man, was how intently he paid attention to her. It was as though he hung on her every word and had long since memorized the details of her face. Nobody had ever made her feel like her thoughts and opinions mattered the way Killian did. Sure, she had dated during her high school and college days, but none of them measured up to her new client. All the guys she had dated before didn’t listen, but rather just waited for their turn to speak. They would look at her, but not actually see her. The last thing Charlotte felt like in Killian’s presence was transparent. She felt valued.

  Charlotte didn’t do all the talking during their time together. Killian shared some of his passions and insights about his past. The more he shared, the more Charlotte wanted to know. He was named after his great-great-grandfather who had founded the family company. Killian was thirty-five years old, never married, a Scorpio, an avid reader, unbelievably intelligent, and could make her heart melt at the drop of a hat. Every time they were within a few feet of each another, immense tension would rise in the air between them. On countless occasions, Charlotte had been close to breaking it by kissing him, but her nerves always got the best of her. And while Killian filled her head with sweet words and compliments, he never acted on his urges. Charlotte watched his body language give away how badly he wanted to lean in and kiss her, but he held himself back. She figured it was his way of being a gentleman and waiting for the right time, though it left her stomach in knots with anticipation. It also left room for doubts to fill her mind, wondering if he actually liked her in that way or if he was just playing games with her.

  Charlotte blinked. How long had she been standing in front of his office door? Swallowing the lump in her throat, she raised her hand gave it a quick rap.

  “C’mon in,” Killian called from within.

  When the door opened, she instantly spotted him behind his desk. His eyes were on her, taking in her appearance. She wore high-waisted skinny jeans, a red short-sleeve crop top, and little sneakers, looking downright adorable.

  He liked how form-fitting the ensemble was, able to make out the curves of her legs and the shape of her perky breasts, but his lusty look shifted to a look of bewilderment. Charlotte normally wore those clothes when she went out on a hike, which she did at dawn. It was well into the evening, the sun starting to set over the horizon.

  “Those are your hiking clothes. Where are you going? Not that I’m going to complain; I love what you’re wearing,” he chuckled suggestively.

  A tingling sensation conquered her entire body as she stepped farther into the office. As she sauntered over to him, sensual fantasies played through Killian’s mind. He wanted her in his lap or to be bent over his desk as he ravaged her from behind. He didn’t want his mind to go to such places, but he couldn’t help it. When Charlotte stepped around to his side of the desk, hope rushed through him that she would do something bold, such as straddle him in his chair or kiss him with such voracity that they both allowed themselves to finally succumb to their desires. But she leaned against the desk, her hands resting on the wood as her cocoa eyes
found his. All his hopes deflated.

  “I need to get some photographs at night. I was hoping you could join me…” she explained.

  Killian loved the soft hum of her feminine voice. Charlotte’s voice was a little higher in octave compared to other females, but it was gentle. It didn’t matter what she was saying; her voice alone soothed his tired soul, but she had intrigued him with her proposal to go on a hike with her. He certainly didn’t want her wandering the dense forest alone at night, and it sounded like fun to keep her company and see her in action.

  “I’d love to,” Killian smiled to her. “Wait for me downstairs. I’ll get changed, and we’ll head out.”

  Her plush lips pulled into a smile of their own, doing her best to hide the excitement bubbling beneath the surface. Giving him a nod, she stepped out of the office and headed down two flights of stairs. Killian’s office was located on its own floor because even though he worked primarily from home, he liked to keep the two separated. Charlotte couldn’t wait to see what he was like outdoors in a natural setting. So far, he had been working every time she hiked. Charlotte knew he had a deep connection to the forest surrounding them. He would be right in his element.

  By the time she reached the back door, Charlotte heard footsteps coming down the stairs. She gaped a bit. How had he changed so quickly? Killian walked toward her, only stopping at a coat rack to grab them each a jacket. He was dressed in a black v-neck t-shirt and straight leg jeans. Charlotte couldn’t help but marvel for a moment. She had only ever seen him in suits, button-ups, and slacks. The man was so stunning that he even made the casual attire look runway ready. When Killian approached her, he handed her a jacket he had bought for her. She slid it on, still looking at him in amazement that he had changed so quickly.

  “Ready?” he asked her as he grabbed the hem of her jacket and zipped it slowly.

  Charlotte stopped breathing and looked away with a nod, knowing it had been evident she was staring at his body. A cold hand wrapped around hers and pulled her out the door. The wind instantly whipped her pecan locks about her face, and the cold Washington air filled her lungs. Even if it was nippy outside, Charlotte loved it. She loved how well she could breathe while outdoors. The lush green hill his mansion rested on led down to a small clearing in the trees. A worn path guided them over the soil and grass that covered the forest floor. After a few minutes, she parted from the path and headed up another incline.

  “You better be glad I know this forest like the back of my hand,” Killian said, still clutching her hand tightly. “You’d be lost in no time.”

  “Well, you’ve gotta be of some use.” Charlotte teased him with a weak smile.

  Killian put his free hand over his chest, his brow lifting as he glanced down at her with big sad eyes. “Ouch. That hurts, Charlie. You didn’t want me along for any other reason?”

  Charlie? Well, that was a new nickname. Most people she knew opted to call her Char or Charlotte. “Don’t be a drama queen, Killy. That would be like me asking if you only wanted me to stay with you to complete the project,” she sounded to him, purposefully calling him by a lame nickname to fire back at him calling her Charlie.

  “Kíli, eh? Do I look like a hairy dwarf to you?” Killian retorted with a serious expression before his resolve cracked and he let out a hearty laugh. “All right, Charlotte. You got me there.”

  Charlotte was impressed by his Tolkien knowledge, not having pegged him for the fantasy type.

  The two of them were all smiles as they moved through the trees, Charlotte trying to find the best spot to snap a few good shots. They neared a tree covered hilltop, the setting sun’s final rays of the day bleeding through the foliage. When Charlotte looked up to say something to Killian, her breath caught in her throat. The golden sunlight was catching the side of his face perfectly, making his cheekbones and angular jaw appear even more dramatic, and his jade-green irises looked as vibrant as a spring meadow. Hanging back a step, Charlotte managed to raise her camera and take a picture before he jerked away from the sunlight. The sound of the shutter lens caught his attention, shifting his eyes to hers in a less-than-serious glare.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” he challenged in a huff.

  Charlotte looked down at the camera to pull up the picture, and before it could load, Killian playfully snatched it away from her.

  “Hey! Don’t be so self-conscious, you know you’re handsome. Besides, I just wanted to see how much you looked like Kíli,” Charlotte teased as she tried to grab the camera back from him.

  Killian playfully held the camera high above his head and completely out of her reach. “C’mon, little dove. Gotta try harder than that!” Killian joked, stepping back a couple of feet.

  Charlotte paced around him, standing up on her tiptoes with her arm fully extended as she tried to reach the camera, laughing all the while. As he lunged back from her again, Charlotte missed her footing and tripped over a tree root. Instantly, she stumbled backward, and her footing slipped on leaves littering the ground. Her body was immediately tumbling down the hillside, twigs, and pebbles scraping against her exposed skin and ripping at her clothing.

  “Charlotte!” Killian called after her.

  Her head then smacked against a rock at the base of the hill, her vision instantly tripling while her head was consumed with pain. A groan escaped her before she tried to pull herself to her feet. Then, a sudden gust of wind kicked up leaves around her, and Killian kneeled before her. Wha…? Where had he come from?

  “Hey, hey, take it easy,” he spoke quickly and softly to her, a hand going to the back of her head to help her keep it level. His eyes searched her, taking note of every abrasion and bruise. “Are you all right? You took quite the fall…” he said her, trying to see where exactly she had hit her head on the rock.

  “I... I’m all right. My head hurts worse than anything,” she mumbled.

  Giving her another moment to rest, Killian got to his feet and gradually pulled her up. “We need to get you back to the house. We can come out another night, but for now, you need to take it easy.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Charlotte managed to get out.

  Her eyes surveyed around them, her vision still tripled. Charlotte leaned into him for stability; Killian happily wrapped his arms around her tiny waist. The part of her head that hit the rock rested against his chest, his cool exterior relieving some of the pain. She focused on breathing deeply and blinking slowly, trying her best not to get sick from the dizziness while she tried to correct her vision. His chilly hands reached under her shirt and ran them up and down her back in gradual motions. For the first time, Killian’s touch didn’t leave her with a racing pulse and clammy palms. Instead, it was just comforting.

  When her vision was back to normal, her brow instantly furrowed. Something was eerily familiar about this place… Could she hear running water? Charlotte peeled back from him to get a better look around. “Are you all right?” he asked her, hands going to her hips to keep her near to him.

  She had been there before… Maybe on one of her adventures the last couple of days? Why didn’t that feel like the right answer? Snap. Snap snap snap. Snap. What in the world was that noise? Charlotte could have sworn it sounded just like a camera taking pictures…

  Charlotte raised a hand to her head. “I think I hit my head a bit harder than I thought…” she admitted. In one motion, Charlotte was suddenly in Killian’s arms, bridal style. She blinked at him, “I can still walk, though…”

  “I wouldn’t dream of you doing such a thing in your condition,” Killian hushed her, already starting back up the hill. And really, Charlotte didn’t have it in her to protest. With her arms wrapped around his neck and her head rested on his shoulder, she closed her eyes and tried to ease the pain in her head as much as possible.

  By the time they returned to the house, the sun had set completely, and it was pitch black outside. Killian didn’t set her down until they were in the kitchen. He set her down on the cou
ntertop, and she immediately took off her jacket. Killian stepped away to get an icepack from the freezer, walking back over and placing it on her head. Charlotte held it in place, giving him a weak smile as a thank you. He stepped away again and returned with a first aid kit. Killian washed his hands and then began to clean her wounds carefully. None of the abrasions were deeper than a scrape, and she didn’t have very many, but he still took his time with each one. Charlotte noticed he had a strained look on his face as he analyzed each injury.

  “Are you all right?” she asked, concern swimming in her eyes.

  “Huh?” he asked, glancing down to see a worried expression on her face. He shook his head, “I’m fine. Just focused, I suppose.”

  Once all her little scratches were medicated and left alone to breathe, Killian then very carefully took her head in both hands. Turning her face to the ground, he inspected the top left portion of her head. “You got a nasty bruise, but no external bleeding or anything,” he told her. “Just keep that ice pack on there for now. And no sleeping tonight.”

  “Figured as much,” Charlotte sighed heavily with a pout. As soon as her head collided with that rock, she knew she would have to stay up for the night to be sure she didn’t have a concussion.

  Killian didn’t like seeing her upset and in pain. “Aye. But maybe some good food will make you feel better.”

  As Killian made his way to the refrigerator, Charlotte jumped down from the counter and walked over to the wine fridge. Killian had already given her free range of his kitchen and told her to help herself to anything she wanted. As soon as she plucked a sweet Riesling from the fridge, Killian was next to her with a cold hand over hers on the neck of the wine bottle.


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