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Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You

Page 13

by Marcus Chown


  Say an astronaut is in a room accelerating upwards at 9.8 metres per second per second, which is the acceleration gravity imparts to falling bodies near Earth’s surface. Think of the room as a cabin in a spacecraft whose rocket engines have just started firing. Now, say the astronaut takes a hammer and a feather, holds them out from him at the same height above the floor of the cabin, then lets them go simultaneously. What happens? Well, the hammer and feather meet the floor of course. How this event is interpreted, though, depends entirely on the particular viewpoint.

  Assuming the spacecraft is far away from the gravity of any big masses like planets, the hammer and the feather are weightless. So if we look into the spacecraft from outside with some kind of X-ray vision, we see the two objects hanging motionless. However, because the spacecraft is accelerating upward, we see the floor of the cabin racing up to meet the hammer and the feather. When it strikes them, furthermore, it strikes them both simultaneously.

  Say the astronaut has amnesia and has entirely forgotten he is in a spacecraft. The portholes, in addition, are blacked out so there is nothing to tell him where he is. How does he interpret what he sees?

  Well, the astronaut maintains that the hammer and the feather have fallen under gravity. After all, they have done the one thing a hammer and a feather experiencing gravity would do—they have fallen at the same rate and hit the ground at the same time (ignoring air resistance of course). The astronaut is further convinced that gravity is responsible for what he has seen by the fact that his feet appear to be glued to the floor just as they would be if he was in a room on Earth’s surface. In fact, everything the astronaut experiences turns out to be indistinguishable from what he would experience if he was on Earth’s surface.

  Of course, it could be a coincidence. Einstein, however, was convinced he had stumbled onto a deep truth about nature. Gravity is indeed indistinguishable from acceleration, and the reason for that could not be simpler. Gravity is acceleration! This realisation, which Einstein later called “the happiest thought of my life,” convinced him that the search for a theory of gravity and for a theory that described accelerated motion were one and the same thing.

  Einstein elevated the indistinguishability of gravity and acceleration to a grand principle of physics, which he christened the principle of equivalence. The principle of equivalence recognises that gravity is not like other forces. In fact, it is not even a real force. We are all like the amnesiac astronaut in the blacked-out spacecraft. We do not realise that our surroundings are accelerating and so have to find some other way to explain away the fact that rivers flow downhill and apples fall from trees. The only way is to invent a fictitious force—gravity.


  The idea that gravity is a fictitious force may sound a little far-fetched. However, in other everyday situations, we are perfectly happy to invent forces to make sense of what happens to us. Say you are a passenger in a car that is racing round a sharp corner in the road. You appear to be flung outward and, to explain why, you invent a force—centrifugal force. In reality, however, no such force exists.

  All massive bodies, once set in motion, have a tendency to keep travelling at constant speed in a straight line.1 Because of this property, known as inertia, unrestrained objects inside the car, including a passenger like you, continue to travel in the same direction the car was travelling before it rounded the bend. The path followed by the car door however, is a curve. It should be no surprise, then, that you find yourself jammed up against a door. But the car door has merely come to meet you in the same way that the floor of the accelerating spacecraft came up to meet the hammer and feather.2 There is no force.

  Centrifugal force is known as an inertial force. We invent it to explain our motion because we choose to ignore the truth—that our surroundings are moving relative to us. But, really, our motion is just a result of our inertia, our natural tendency to keep moving in a straight line. It was Einstein’s great insight to realise that gravity too is an inertial force. “Can gravitation and inertia be identical?” asked Einstein. “This question leads directly to my theory of gravity.”

  According to Einstein, we concoct the force of gravity to explain away the motion of apples falling from trees and planets circling the Sun because we ignore the truth—that our surroundings are accelerating relative to us. In reality, things move merely as a result of their inertia. The force of gravity does not exist!

  But wait a minute. If the motion we attribute to the force of gravity is actually just the result of inertia, that must mean that bodies like Earth are really just flying through space at constant speed in straight lines. That’s patently ridiculous! Earth is circling the Sun and not flying in a straight line, right? Not necessarily. It all depends on how you define a straight line.


  A straight line is the shortest path between two points. This is certainly true on a flat piece of paper. But what about on a curved surface—for instance, the surface of Earth? Think of a plane flying the shortest route between London and New York. What path does it take? To someone looking down from space, it is obvious—a curved path. Think of a hiker trekking between two points in a hilly landscape. What path does the hiker take? To someone looking down on the hiker from a vantage point so high that the undulations of the landscape cannot be seen, the path of the hiker wiggles back and forth in the most tortuous manner.

  Contrary to expectations, then, the shortest path between two points is not always a straight line. In fact, it is only a straight line on a very special kind of surface—a flat one. On a curved surface like Earth’s, the shortest route between two points is always a curve. In light of this point, mathematicians have generalised the concept of a straight line to include curved surfaces. They define a geodesic to be the shortest path between two points on any surface, not just a flat one.

  What has all this got to do with gravity? The connection, it turns out, is light. It is a characteristic property of light that it always takes the shortest route between two points. For instance, it takes the shortest path from these words you are reading to your eyes.

  Now think back to the amnesiac astronaut in his accelerating, blacked-out spacecraft. Bored of experimenting with a hammer and feather, he gets out a laser and places it on a shelf on the left-hand wall of his cabin, at a height of say 1.5 metres. He then crosses to the right-hand wall of the cabin and, with a marker pen, draws a red line, also at a height of 1.5 metres. Finally, the astronaut turns on the laser so that its beam stabs horizontally across the cabin. Where does it strike the right-hand wall?

  It stands to reason that, since the astronaut has fired the beam horizontally, it will hit the wall exactly on the red line. So does it? The answer is no!

  While the light is in flight across the cabin, the floor of the spacecraft is all the time being boosted by the rocket motors. Consequently, the floor is moving steadily upward to meet the beam. As the light gets closer and closer to the right-hand wall, the floor gets closer and closer to the light. Or from the point of view of the astronaut, the light gets closer and closer to the floor. Clearly, when the beam hits the right-hand wall, it hits it below the red line. The astronaut sees the light beam curving steadily downward as it crosses the cabin.

  Now light, remember, always takes the shortest path between two points. The shortest path on something that is flat is a straight line, whereas the shortest path on something that is curved is a curve. What then are we to make of the fact that the light beam follows a curved trajectory across the spacecraft cabin? There is only one possible inter-pretation: The space inside the cabin is in some sense curved.

  Now, you can argue that this is just an illusion caused by the accelerating spacecraft. The crucial point, however, is that the astronaut has no way of knowing that he is in an accelerating spacecraft. He could just as well be experiencing gravity in a room on Earth’s surface. Acceleration and
gravity are indistinguishable. This is the principle of equivalence. What the experiment with the laser beam is actually demonstrating—and this shows the tremendous power of the principle of equivalence—is that light in the presence of gravity follows a curved trajectory. Or to put it another way, gravity bends the path of light.

  Gravity bends light because space, in the presence of gravity, is somehow curved. In fact, this is all gravity turns out to be—curved space.

  What exactly do we mean by curved space? It is easy to visualise a curved surface like the surface of Earth. But that is because it has only two directions, or dimensions—north-south and east-west. Space is a bit more complicated than that. In addition to three space dimensions—north-south, east-west, and up-down—there is one time dimension—past-future. As Einstein showed, however, space and time are really just aspects of the same thing, so it is more accurate to think of there being four “space-time” dimensions.

  Four-dimensional space-time is impossible for us to visualise since we live in a world of three-dimensional objects. This means that the curvature, or warpage, of four-dimensional space-time is doubly impossible to visualise. But that’s what gravity is: the warpage of four-dimensional space-time.

  Fortunately, we can get some idea of what this means. Imagine a race of ants that spends its entire existence on the two-dimensional surface of a taut trampoline. The ants can only see what happens on the surface and have no concept whatsoever of the space above and below the trampoline—the third dimension. Now imagine that you or I—mischievous beings from the third dimension—put a cannonball on the trampoline. The ants discover that when they wander near the cannonball their paths are mysteriously bent towards it. Quite reasonably, they explain their motion by saying that the cannonball is exerting a force of attraction on them. Perhaps they even call the force gravity.

  However, from the God-like vantage point of the third dimension, it is clear the ants are mistaken. There is no force attracting them to the cannonball. Instead, the cannonball has made a valleylike de-pression in the trampoline, and this is the reason the paths of the ants are bent towards it.

  Einstein’s genius was to realise that we are in a remarkably similar position to the ants on the trampoline. The path of Earth as it travels through space is constantly bent towards the Sun, so much so that the planet traces out a near-circular orbit. Quite reasonably, we explain away this motion by saying that the Sun exerts a force of attraction on Earth—the force of gravity. However, we are mistaken. If we could see things from the God-like perspective of the fourth dimension—something that is as impossible for us to do as it is for the ants to see things from the third dimension—we would see there is no such force. Instead, the Sun has created a valleylike depression in the four-dimensional space-time in its vicinity, and the reason Earth follows a near-circular path around it is because this is the shortest possible path through the warped space.

  There is no force of gravity. Earth is merely following the straightest possible line through space-time. It is because space-time near the Sun is warped that that line happens to be a near-circular orbit. According to physicists Raymond Chiao and Achilles Speliotopoulos: “In general relativity, no ‘gravitational force’ exists. What we normally associate with the force of gravity on a particle is not a force at all: The particle is simply travelling along the ‘straightest’ possible path in curved space-time.”

  A body travelling along the “straightest” possible path through space-time is in free fall. And, since it is in free fall, it experiences no gravity. Earth is in free fall around the Sun. Consequently, we do not feel the Sun’s gravity on Earth. The astronauts on the International Space Station are in free fall around Earth. Consequently, they do not feel Earth’s gravity.3

  Gravity arises only when a body is prevented from following its natural motion. Our natural motion is free fall towards the centre of Earth. The ground thwarts us, however, so we feel its force on our bodies, which we interpret as gravity. Just as centrifugal force is what we feel when a cornering car prevents us from following the natural motion in a straight line, the force of gravity is what we feel when our surroundings prevent us from following our natural motion along a geodesic.

  Probably, it seems unnecessarily complicated to view massive bodies as moving under their own inertia through warped space-time rather than simply moving under the influence of a universal force of gravitational attraction. However, the two pictures are not equivalent. Einstein’s is superior. For a start, the thing that is warped is not merely space but the space-time of special relativity. The picture, therefore, automatically incorporates the peculiar interplay between space and time necessary to keep the speed of light a constant. Einstein’s picture also predicts new things.

  Think of those ants on the trampoline. There are more things you can do with the material of the trampoline than merely depress it with a heavy mass like a cannonball. For instance, you could shake one corner up and down. This would cause ripples in the fabric to spread outwards across the trampoline like ripples on the surface of a pond. In the same way, the vibration of a large mass like a black hole out in space can generate ripples in the “fabric” of space-time. Such gravitational waves have yet to be detected directly, but their existence is a unique prediction of Einstein’s theory.

  The fact that waves can ripple through space-time suggests that space is not the empty, passive medium imagined by Newton. Instead, it is an active medium with real properties. Matter does not simply pull on other matter across empty space, as Newton imagined. Matter distorts space-time, and it is this distorted space-time that in turn affects other matter. As John Wheeler put it: “Mass tells spacetime how to warp and warped space-time tells mass how to move.”

  The distortion of space-time caused by a massive body takes time to propagate to another mass, just as the distortion of the trampoline by another cannonball takes time to reach the corners of the trampoline. Because of this, gravity—warped space-time—acts only after a delay, in perfect accord with the cosmic speed limit set by the speed of light.

  The fact that space-time has some of the qualities of a real medium like air or water has implications for large bodies like planets and stars. When they rotate on their axes, they actually drag spacetime around with them. NASA has measured the effect, known as frame dragging, with an orbiting space experiment called Gravity Probe B. Frame dragging is tiny in the case of Earth but overwhelming in the case of a rapidly spinning black hole. Such a body sits at the eye of a great tornado of spinning space-time. Anyone falling into the black hole would be whirled around with the tornado, which no power in the Universe could defy.


  Einstein’s novel take on gravity is now clear. Masses—for instance, stars like the Sun—warp the space-time around them. Other masses—for instance, planets like Earth—then fly freely under their own inertia through the warped space-time. The paths they follow are curved because these are the shortest possible paths in warped space. This is it. This is the general theory of relativity.

  The devil, however, is in the details. We know how a massive body like a planet moves in warped space. It takes the shortest possible path. But how precisely does a mass like the Sun warp the space-time around it? It took Einstein more than a decade to find out, and the details would fill a textbook as big as a phone directory. However, Einstein’s starting point for the general theory of relativity is not difficult to appreciate. It is none other than the principle of equivalence.

  Recall again the hammer and the feather in the blacked-out spacecraft. To the astronaut, they appeared to fall to the floor under gravity. To someone watching the experiment from outside the spacecraft, however, it was obvious that the hammer and the feather were hanging in midair and that the floor of the cabin was accelerating upwards to meet them. They were completely weightless.

  This observation is of key importance. A body falling freely in gravity feels no gravity. Imagine you are in an elevator
and someone cuts the cable. As it falls, you are weightless; you feel no gravity.

  “The breakthrough came suddenly one day,” Einstein wrote in 1907. “I was sitting on a chair in my patent office in Bern. Suddenly the thought struck me: If a man falls freely, he does not feel his own weight. I was taken aback. This simple thought experiment made a deep impression on me. This led me to the theory of gravity.”

  What is the significance of a freely falling body feeling no gravity? Well, if it experiences no gravity—or acceleration, since the two are the same—then its behaviour is described entirely by Einstein’s special theory of relativity. Here then is the crucial point of contact—the all-important bridge—between the special theory of relativity and the theory of gravity sought by Einstein.

  The observation that a freely falling body does not feel its weight and is therefore described by special relativity suggests a crude way to extend special relativity to a body experiencing gravity. Think of a friend standing on Earth and very obviously experiencing gravity pressing his or her feet to the ground. You can observe your friend from any point of view you like—from hanging upside down from a nearby tree or from an aeroplane flying past. But one point of view provides a big payoff. If you imagine things from a point of view that is in free fall, then you will be weightless, subject to no acceleration. Since you feel no acceleration, you are justified in using the special theory of relativity to describe your friend.

  But special relativity relates what the world looks like to people moving at constant speed relative to each other and your friend is accelerating upwards relative to you. That’s true. But if you do not mind a lot of laborious calculation, you can imagine your friend travelling at constant speed, a second, say then at a slightly higher constant speed for the next second, and so on. It’s not perfect, but you can approximate your friend’s acceleration as a series of rapid steps up in speed. For each speed you simply use special relativity to tell you what is happening to the space and time of your friend.


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