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Heat_A Stone Billionaire Series Novel

Page 24

by Kaya Woodward

  Ava stares at me.

  “I’m sorry!” I say instantly.

  “I didn’t know what I was doing, I didn’t know anything then. I just needed to bail my father out of his gambling debts, and fast, because he kept getting in trouble with Ventretti and Elizabeth. I could barely keep up, so I had to do whatever I could. If I had known we were going to become such good friends, I wouldn’t have done it,” I confess.

  My voice cracks and I sob.

  “Oh! My God! Victoire, come here,” Ava pulls me into her arms.

  I hesitantly move closer to her.

  “You’re not mad?” I weep.

  “Look at how my life turned out! I have my husband, and my beautiful children!” Ava cries.

  “If it hadn’t been for you, Ava and I would’ve never met the way that we did,” Corban adds.

  “Listen to me,” Ava says, her eyes wet with emotion.

  “What do you always say?” she asks.

  “I don’t know,” I say sadly.

  “Everything happens for a reason,” she says, smiling.

  When I look at Evan, he just looks worried.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks.

  “I was afraid you’d be angry with me, that you wouldn’t see it for the way it was. I just couldn’t keep it a secret any longer. I feel so horrible,” I reply, distressed.

  “Hey, you’re right, you know? Everything happens for a reason. You were used and forced to do what you didn’t want to, so don’t feel guilty about that,” Evan whispers in my ear.

  “Really? You truly forgive me?” I plead.

  “Of course,” Evan and Ava both say.

  “Besides, you’re going to be my sister,” Ava says undoubtedly.

  Her optimism cheers me, even though she knows our engagement is a farce.

  It’s starting to feel real to me, almost like I have a family I didn’t even know I was searching for.

  It’s late, but I can’t sleep so I creep out of bed and into the movie theatre to find Corban alone, watching a James Bond flick.

  “You’re up?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I couldn’t sleep. I can’t believe the things that bastard said to you,” Corban says.

  “It’s nothing I can’t take. He did a lot worse. I’m just glad he’s out of my life. Took a lot of therapy to fix me after that,” I admit.

  Corban turns down the volume on the film.

  He looks at me, with a strange face, like he’s struggling with something.

  He pauses, thoughtful, then speaks.

  “What kind of stuff did Ava go through?” Corban asks.

  “She was a star, to be honest,” I reply.

  Corban leans in, listening carefully.

  “Isa never sent her on the harder jobs. She was the glamorous, mysterious woman, on the arm of a handsome man.”

  I sigh.

  “Not like me,” I continue.

  Corban stares at me, a quizzical look on his face.

  “My jobs paid higher but demanded more. Kinks. Fetishes. BDSM. That sort of thing. I needed the money. Ava just wanted to follow her dreams, I guess. I mean, in the end, Isa was Elizabeth, so I guess in a way, Elizabeth protected her,” I explain.

  “Well, she is her daughter, Vic,” he muses.

  “Still, thank you for that,” he says.

  “I feel better. After what happened today, I was worried I might get nightmares about some John screaming in Ava’s face,” Corban says, and sighs with relief.

  “Why did you go so far to protect your father?” he asks.

  “When he kept letting you down? At least that’s what it sounded like,” Corban says.

  I sit there, trying to figure it out for my own benefit.

  For a few minutes, we sit quietly.

  I think Corban maybe thought I wasn’t going to answer, because he turns his attention back to 007.

  “He’s the only parent I had. I just kept hoping that one day, he would smarten up, and I would just be able to relax,” I say.

  “And now?” he asks.

  “Now, I don’t know anymore,” I tell him the truth.

  Am I seriously debating the possibility of allowing Elizabeth to kill my father?

  The man gave us everything, and then ripped it away cruelly because of his gambling addiction.

  Was that addiction more important than his family?

  I think about it and watch with Corban as Daniel Craig tosses some thug off a scaffolding.

  He lands with a gratifying thud.

  Fantasy is not real life, I tell myself.

  There are always repercussions.


  Even if everything happens for a reason, I know full well that the effects of those things happening can be widespread.

  And, not always pleasant.

  Still, my father made his choices, and now he’s living with them.

  As am I.

  I’m not willing to let what I have here, with Evan and the Stones go.

  I try to convince myself that I’m also unwilling to let Elizabeth kill my father.

  But, am I?



  January 20, 2018

  We throw a party at Stone Manor instead of going out tonight.

  Vic’s birthday was a few days ago, Tinsley is twenty-eight weeks pregnant today, and the mood has lightened somehow.

  Maybe we all just want to forget, my father included.

  The prospect that my mother is behind the Ventretti Crime Family irks us all.

  So, we go on and pretend that nothing is wrong.

  Lucius, is of course, on guard.

  The rest of the security that my father has hired is on guard as well, because who knows what my mother, or Lauren, or Olivia for that matter, may try to do?

  Lucius has a bad feeling about this, and quite frankly, so do I.

  But Vic is the star of the show, in a sheer white dress with white lace strategically covering up the naughty bits.

  She’s elegant and breathtaking, and if I'm honest with myself, I do want to marry her.

  I don’t have time to think about that now.

  Guests are already arriving, and the house is packed with people.

  It’s not a dinner event, just a low-key party, with plenty of friends.

  Ava even brought out on old Tiara from the vault for Vic to wear as the birthday girl.

  Nothing about Tinsley has changed, she’s still as slim as ever, except for the baby bump when she turns around.

  She hasn’t even gotten that big really.

  “It pops out all once, I’ve been told,” Tinsley tells me.

  “Tins, you look amazing!” I tell her.

  She kisses my cheek in return.

  “You’re always the charmer, Evan,” she says.

  “How big is the baby now?” I ask.

  “About the size of an eggplant,” Tinsley says.

  With her hands on her stomach, she absolutely glows.

  “Wow, that big?” I ask.

  “And growing every day,” she smiles.

  “Evan,” she says quietly.

  “Yes?” I reply.

  “I can see the stress on your face. I know Elizabeth is causing problems, but we can’t focus on what she may or may not be doing. We still have to live our lives,” she says sagely.

  “You’re right,” I admit.

  “It’s just so hard when it’s my mother, who continues to do all of this,” I say.

  “Your father just got in the way Evan. We all know that island was the breaking point,” Tinsley says.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “Well, your father seems to think they were using the island for illegal activities. Somehow, Michael Bishop had some controlling interest in it. When he lost it to Noah, it interrupted the trafficking, or whatever they were up to. If your mother was behind the Ventretti’s, you can see why she would want to make him pay,” Tinsley says.

  “All this over one hand of poker,” I say, sh
aking my head.

  Michael Bishop is a major factor in this tragedy, I think to myself.

  He is also Vic’s father.

  Vic, whom I love so deeply.

  I just can’t manage to reconcile the two ideas in my head.

  There must be a bigger picture beyond this.

  Suddenly, I want to distance myself from Vic.

  “There’s my nephew,” Jude says.

  He claps me on the back.

  “Uncle Jude, how’s it going?” I ask.

  “Good, good to see you and your father again,” he says lightly.

  “Is it true you think my father would shirk his duties if he becomes a Duke, because of Tinsley?” I ask in a rush.

  Jude’s face falls into confusion.

  “I don’t understand, who told you that?” Jude questions.

  “Is it true?” I pester.

  “Well, of course, it isn’t true. I wouldn’t readily give your father’s Dukedom back to him, unless asked by The Queen, I suppose. But if it were something the Monarchy really felt necessary, then of course I would acquiesce to the request. And, Evan, Noah Stone is more than capable of stepping up for this honor,” Jude says.

  “So, you didn’t say anything of the like to Duke Whittaker?” I confirm.

  He goes pale.

  “Duke Whittaker,” he says.

  Then, he swallows hard.

  “What is it?” I urge.

  “I can’t talk about the Duke, not here,” Jude says.

  “Why?” I persist.

  Jude sighs.

  “He’s very manipulative,” Jude whispers.

  “And he is not to be trusted. What you did for your father, you had to do. Whatever he asks of you next, could destroy you. Be very careful Evan, be careful,” he adds, nodding.

  I simply nod with him.

  “So how are my cousins, or uncles?” I ask confused.

  “They’re your Uncles,” Jude laughs.

  “All married with children, my oldest, Jude the II, is set to inherit the Dukedom, as long as your father allows it,” Jude says.

  “I’m sure he will, I can’t see him taking away what he gave to you readily,” I say.

  I think back to Fiji.

  The times I’ve spent there with my father.

  He just wants a simple life with Tinsley.

  That’s all he wants.


  “Keep me informed,” Jude says.

  “I will,” I nod.

  “I’ll let you know, but my father hasn’t discussed the Dukedom with me, so I’m sure he’ll allow it,” I correct myself.

  Should anyone listen in, it should appear that’s all we’ve spoken about.

  “Is your son here?” I ask.

  “No, his oldest son is receiving some sort of award, so he opted to be with his family,” Jude says.

  “It’s good, to be a family man,” I say.

  We are approached by a few people who need Jude’s immediate attention.

  I am left wondering if I am a family man, after all.

  There’s still that excitement to go back to flying, and I probably would still be in the military if my dad hadn’t needed me.

  My father came first.

  My family does come first.

  That now includes Victoire.

  I feel that pang of melancholy, for what I’ve given up.

  I’m about to walk up to my dad, when I see Victoire across the room, with Lucius.

  I look from my dad to Lucius just in time to hear the shot and everyone in the room screams.

  My dad tackles me to the ground just in time for me to see Lucius take the hit for Victoire.

  They both tumble to the ground.

  I instantly look up, and see Lauren, the woman with the gun, as she pulls off her wig.

  “I’m coming for you!” I scream.

  She sees me, and snarls.

  Lauren takes off running, but I am faster.

  I hear my dad shouting in the commotion, but I’m already out of the house and running across the grounds as she makes for a car parked at the end of the drive.

  She’s fast, but I ’m faster, and I pin her to the ground before she even knows what’s happened.

  I hear the satisfying sound of the wind knocked out of her as she tries to reach for the gun.

  I swipe it from her grasp.

  The car no longer waits; within seconds, it’s gone.

  Lauren Darlington writhes and scratches beneath me.

  Lucius comes up behind me.

  “You got her?” he asks.

  “I’ve got her,” I say.

  I stand up, gripping her arms in a military police hold.

  We both turn Lauren around.

  There’s something odd about how she looks.

  Suddenly, with a strength I can’t imagine, she breaks my hold, and rips off a face mask.

  “No, you didn’t, you fools!” the woman spits in our faces.

  “Well, whoever you are, you’re going to jail now,” I say.

  “Have the cops been called?” I ask Lucius.

  Suddenly, I realize that I’ve missed something.

  “Wait, weren’t you shot!” I scream.

  “Bulletproof vest,” Lucius says, tapping his chest.

  There’s a dimple right over his heart.

  He shrugs.

  “Handy,” I say.

  I turn to the woman.

  “Who sent you? Lauren?” I ask.

  “Who sent me doesn’t matter! All that matters is what they took, while you were distracted!” she yells.

  Then, the woman spits in my face.

  Lucius looks at me, and then slugs her hard in the chest.

  The breath whooshes out of her.

  She collapses, and we look at each other.

  “Feel better?” I ask.

  He rubs his chest.

  “This is going to leave a bruise, Evan,” he says, smiling.

  Lucius walks off, just as the police show up.

  January 21, 2018

  “We’re all here,” My father says.

  During the attempted assassination, none of the staff were injured or went missing.

  No one was hurt.

  The twins are safe.

  Tinsley was upstairs with Ava when it happened.

  Nothing is missing, as far as we can tell.

  “What could they have possibly taken?” I say.

  “It’s a distraction,” My father says.

  Lucius has gone through the entire house with a fine-tooth comb himself.

  Not a thing is gone.

  “What kind of distraction could this have been?” Corban asks.

  “That woman tried to kill Victoire! For what reason?” I yell at them.

  “There has to be something more to this!” I add loudly.

  “Well, who knows who could’ve died if you hadn’t gone recklessly chasing after that woman?” my father says, sardonically.

  “It was reckless,” Victoire says.

  “But, at least she didn’t just disappear into the night,” I tell her.

  I’m somewhat calmer now.

  The rage can take over, but I can control it.

  “Did Aidan say anything?” I ask my father.

  “Not yet, he’s got a guy in MI5 that’s about to look into it,” he explains.

  “Jesus, MI5, the FBI, what did she get herself into?” Lucius says.

  Noah perks up at this.

  “See if you can get anything else, from your people at the CIA, about Elizabeth and Lauren Darlington,” he sounds exhausted.

  The endless back-and-forth is about to take its toll on all of us.

  “For now, we have extra security, no one comes in this house uninvited, is that understood?” Noah says authoritatively.

  We all just nod.

  It’s like my worst nightmare.

  Someone almost killed the woman I love, and I was too busy distancing myself from her on a whim to stop it!

  Thank god
for Lucius.

  If he hadn’t been there, I don’t want to think about the alternative.

  “Let’s go for a swim,” I urge Vic.

  “It’s cold?” Vic is confused.

  “No, there’s an indoor pool, come on!” I tell her.

  Vic follows me into the pool room and gasps.

  “This is gorgeous!” she says.

  “It’s original to the house, but restored,” I explain.

  I strip right down and slowly walk down the tiled steps into the pool.

  Vic follows suit, and then we are both enveloped in warm water.

  The air in the pool room is always warm, almost like a tropical effect to the room.

  “I can’t believe this in your home,” Vic says.

  She stares up at the intricate sunlight, as streams of light illuminate the room.

  “It’s cold outside, but warm in here,” I growl.

  “Evan,” Vic laughs.

  She splashes me, playfully.

  I laugh and splash her back until I finally dive under and drag her with me.

  When we resurface Vic glows, she’s gorgeous and wet, and all I can think of is how much I love her.

  There’s no searing passion underneath like usual.

  Just love.

  “You know I love you,” I tell her seriously.

  “You do?” she asks playfully.

  “Yes,” I tug her into my arms.

  “And, I know you love me,” I remind her.

  “Do I now?” she says, her eyes bright.

  “You do, you want a life with me, you want a family with me, you want to be my wife,” I tell her.

  Then, before she can reply, I kiss her because I know she will protest.

  Vic kisses me back warmly, and I’m enthralled with this woman.

  This is no longer about the sex, I can feel her give in to what I want.

  In any other situation, she would try to turn this into sex, but she’s not.

  When we resurface from our kiss, Vic laughs.

  “So, what if I don’t want all of that with you?” she teases me.

  “I just want to make it clear, I’m not going anywhere, and you’re going to get a real proposal at some point, when we’re ready,” I tell her.

  I don’t know if I’m ready now, but I want to give her everything.

  Vic sobers up slightly.

  “Isn’t it slightly backward? What we’re doing? Engaged, but still dating?” she laughs.

  “Shhhh, no one’s supposed to know!” I laugh.


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