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Deadlier than the H-Bomb

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by Leonard Young

  Most of the above section on finance has been taken from an essay on the subject by a friend, Mr. R. L. Duck, because it appeared to be very suitable for the purpose, but the whole subject is dealt with exhaustively in the books by Robertson, Douglas, etc., to which reference should be made by anyone anxious to study it. Robertson explains that a study of history shows that the world is an organism suffering from a disease with a wide variety of symptoms which always appear in a definite order. They appear in every part of the globe, except its “uncivilised” parts, and, irrespective of race, nationality, climate or position. The symptoms are the whole range of social disorders, the main ones being poverty amidst plenty, civil and political disorder, frustration, loss of liberty and strife of every kind, finally ending in war. They appear under every condition except one, being found in countries on the gold standard or off it, in ones with blocked currencies, managed currencies or on barter; in countries with free trade or on tariffs, in countries full of gold or those with none, in those with access to all raw materials and those with very little, in industrial and in agricultural societies and in countries which chiefly export and those which do not. Also they appear with equal indifference under all political systems, in monarchies (constitutional or not), in plutocracies and democracies, under dictatorships of race or proletariat, under Conservatism, Liberalism, Socialism or Communism, or any other kind of politics so far tried; and also under every religion or none. They also appear under Federal Union.

  An examination of the factors present in these various cases shows that there is only one which is common to all and that is financial credit—the international money system, which has almost escaped notice. The money system must therefore be the basic cause of all the troubles. This is proved to be true by the fact that where the money system is the most powerful the disease is worst and by the fact that the only communities free from the symptoms are the “uncivilised” ones which have not been fully corrupted by the money system.

  History shows how disastrous have been the effects on all peasant societies when a usurious money system has been introduced, whether in ancient Rome or, of more recent times, under the British in India, Fiji and Tanganyika, etc.

  It will be noted that in the Bible and in the Koran, usury is strongly condemned as an evil thing. By usury is meant, not merely the charging of an inordinately high rate of interest, but the charging of any interest at all. If a usurious money system is introduced into a community, it is inevitable that the value of the money must continually depreciate and that the public must come into irredeemable “debt” to the people who have the power of creating and destroying the money.

  It must also be realised that, as Douglas puts it, “power comes not from charging interest but in creating new claims and appropriating them.” When the usurer lent the original gold coinage, he created a debt claim and appropriated the interest. When, however, he began to create and lend money, he appropriated both interest and capital. The bankers' wealth and power finally derive from this credit creation and we are now reaching the stage where the bankers can view the disappearance of interest with composure so long as they are left in sovereign control of money creation. So it would be no use just stopping the charging of interest while allowing money only to be made by being lent into existence.

  History shows that all societies with a usurious money system have collapsed in time. Do not forget that banks operated as long ago as in ancient Greece and Babylon. Rome was destroyed by the same means as those by which we are now being destroyed. Will we never learn? See Guglielmo Ferrero's The Greatness and the Decline of Rome and Dr. G. T. Wrench's The Restoration of the Peasantries and Reconstruction by Way of the Soil. The system always has the effect of destroying the sturdy peasantry, the aristocracy and agriculture and of breeding rootless urban mobs who are ultimately at the disposal of the unscrupulous financiers because of their control of the sources of information, propaganda and bribery.

  6. Some Effects Of The Usury System

  A STUDY of the facts shows that nearly all war and civil strife from the internecine struggles of the Greek City States, through the rise and fall of Athens and of Rome, to the wars of Napoleon were really misdirected efforts to escape the bondage of the usurers. The American War of Independence was caused by the oppressive legislation necessary to sustain the debt structure of the Bank of “England”.

  The Napoleonic wars were the direct outcome of the growing might of the international moneylenders and of Napoleon's realisation of it and of his attempt to break the grip so as to be able to develop France in prosperity and free of the foul debt system. He was beaten because Rothschild, through his control of the City of London, was able to use the British people against him.

  But the part of Freemasonry in this must not be overlooked. Napoleon was a Mason and had the assistance of the sect in his rise to power. Robespierre, another Mason like nearly all the French Revolutionary leaders, was his earliest patron. Although he remained in spirit and, in effect, a Freemason all his life, Napoleon was eventually betrayed, hoodwinked and led to his ruin by Masonry. An extremely interesting book on the subject is Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power behind Communism. It is a reprint of lectures delivered by Monsignor George F. Dillon, D.D., in Edinburgh in October, 1884. It contains a review of the rise and progress of atheism; its extension through Voltaire; its use of Freemasonry and kindred secret societies for Anti—Christian War; the union and “Illuminism” of Masonry by Weishaupt; its progress under the leaders of the first French Revolution and under Nubius, Palmerston and Mazzini; the control of its hidden “Inner Circle” over all revolutionary organisations; its influence over British Freemasonry; its attempts upon Ireland; oaths, signs and passwords of the three degrees, etc., etc. From it we find that:

  “In his earlier days, Masonry was on Napoleon's side and, as now, the secret resources of the Order, its powers of hidden influence and espionage were placed at the disposal of the cause which was serving the purpose of its conspiracy. But when Masonry had reason to fear that Napoleon's power might be perpetuated, when his alliance with the Imperial Family of Austria and, above all, when the consequence of that alliance, an heir to his throne, caused danger to the universal republic, it could otherwise assure itself of at his death; when, too, he began to show a coldness for the sect, and sought means to prevent it from the propagandism of its diabolical aims, then it became his enemy and his end was not far off. Distracting counsels prevailed in his cabinet. His opponents began to get that information of his movements which he had obtained previously of theirs. Members of the sect urged on his mad expedition to Moscow. His resources were paralysed and he was sold by secret and invisible foes into the hands of his enemies. Weishaupt and his party, in Germany, prepared secretly for his downfall. And so he died on the rock of St. Helena, abandoned and persecuted by the dark sect which had used, abused and betrayed him as it has done the same with every usurper or despot whom it lures into its toils.”

  Possibly Mgr. Dillon's estimate of Napoleon was slightly biased by the latter's opposition to the Pope and the Roman Church and by the former's apparent failure to realise the significance of Napoleon's opposition to the international money lenders.

  The opposition of the people of Ireland to English rule has always been caused by the depredations of the London usurer.

  In considering the American Civil War it is necessary to remember that American Society, particularly in the Southern States, had developed on lines similar to those that obtained in England before the Revolution, i.e. a cultured society of landed gentry, more or less self-supporting and free of the moneylender's grip. The war was really brought about by the desire of the northern moneylenders, who were Jews, or tools of the Jewish Money Power, to get control of the country and to destroy the aristocratic southerners. The slavery issue was propaganda put out to raise feeling against the south. Abraham Lincoln fought the war to preserve the Union but he would have pursued a policy of reconciliation after i
t had been won. The Jews knew this and they also knew his ideas on currency. He had financed the war by the issue of Government debt-free money, known as “Greenbacks” and, on the evening of his announcement that he intended in future to finance U.S. loans on a similar debt-free basis and introduce a policy of reconciliation, he was assassinated by the Jew, Booth, obviously acting on the instructions and with the assistance of the secret powers. (See Douglas Reed's Far and Wide.) Lincoln, having been murdered, a policy of the utmost repression was carried out in the Southern States for the next dozen years, in order completely to ruin them but it did not entirely succeed in its object. And, of course, America remained in the grip of the moneylenders.

  By the time of the revolutions of 1848, the Jews were in control of the system of the Illuminati and we know from Jewish sources that they organised the revolutions. It will be noted that the aim of Masonry and kindred secret societies is to work for the destruction of the Christian faith and the spread of atheism, socialism, internationalism, the destruction of royalty and aristocracy and the eventual setting up of World Government and the rule of Anti-Christ. The same aims as those of the Sanhedrin.

  It is significant that the “Glorious Revolution” of 1689 in England resulted in the Bank of “England”, the French Revolution converted France from a Monarchy into a Bankers‘ State and the revolutions of 1848 fastened a central banking system on Germany.

  7. Two Jewish Plans

  DURING the last half of the 19th century, there grew up side by side among the Jews or Khazars of Russia, two rival schools of thought about how to achieve world dominion. There were those who favoured the Communist revolution method in Russia, to be followed by the spread of Communism about the rest of the world and those who favoured the Political Zionist method, i.e. the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine which should rule the world through the medium of Jews at the control of affairs in every nation. The protagonists of the two schools were apt to be in bitter opposition but both produced men of energy who met with remarkably good conditions for furthering their purposes.

  Asher Ginzberg became the leader of the fanatically nationalist Zionists. He met with, but overcame opposition from the much more assimilated Jews further west who were divided into the two camps of the Rothschilds and the German-Jews in Germany and America. The German-Jews had invested a large part of their capital in German industry and shared, or pretended to share in the plans of Pan-Germanism.

  It was at this time that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion came to light. They detail in very direct, forceful language the appalling plan of the Jews for obtaining complete mastery over the Gentiles. The remarkable thing is that they have continued to the present day to be carried out with complete fidelity and diabolical efficiency and all our politicians do about it is to vie with one another in currying favour with the international financiers by doing all they can to help them to destroy us. The Protocols should be studied by everyone and it is helpful to read them in conjunction with such books at Waters Flowing Eastward, by L. Fry, and Hidden Government, by Lt.—Col. Creagh Scott, and B. Jensen's books, listed in the bibliography.

  It will be noted that the wars and revolutions of this century have all led steadily to the furthering of the Jewish purposes of Communism and Political Zionism. During the last fifty years this comparative handful of Jews have met with astounding success and have completely transformed the world. Probably the most astonishing thing has been the way in which politicians, particularly the British ones, have hastened to help them destroy western civilisation and Christendom. It only goes to show the astonishing control of affairs the Jews have obtained by means of finance, Freemasonry and control of all the means of publicity.

  Strange to say, the only real opposition these Jews have met with has been from individual Jews, probably mainly Sephardim, who have objected to the foul policy and have seen that it must inevitably end in great harm to the Jews, as being contrary to God's purpose for the return of the Jews to Israel, which they awaited Him to bring about in His own good time.

  It has been calculated that no more than 8 per cent. of the Jews now living, and known as Jews, can be descendants of Judah or Israel. Consequently, the great mass of those who have gone to Palestine and evicted the Arabs, with the connivance of the United Nations, have not even got in their support the very feeble argument that they are descendants of the original Israelites. Possibly this explains Revelation ii, 9 and iii, 9.

  The writer is in no way “Anti-Semitic”, whatever is meant by that term. Neither is he “Anti-Jew”. He is only opposed to the vile circle of power-lusting men who are working for the creation of an Anti-Christian World Government. This Sanhedrin, which has existed throughout the ages, has become remarkably cunning in subverting and using leading Gentiles to serve its purposes and it is quite happy to allow them to enjoy great wealth and power so long as they toe the line. Foul and atheistic Gentiles have been leading lights in the development of Masonry and other secret societies. International Finance is not entirely composed of Jews. In these days, the majority of the Gentiles who rise to high position, particularly in the English-speaking world, do so because they are considered suitable by the Sanhedrin and they are soon removed if they show any signs of getting awkward from the Sanhedrin point of view.

  While it is ridiculous to suppose that all the Jews in the world spend their time plotting world wars, etc., it is probable that most of them are tools of the Sanhedrin to a greater or lesser extent. And the Sanhedrin would be quite callous and unscrupulous in using them as might be expedient. For example, a large number of the Jews, or rather Khazars, who entered Palestine after the war were almost certainly driven there by fear of the Sanhedrin.

  The basic purpose of the Sanhedrin being to destroy the Christian faith and set up an atheistic world order, it obviously includes the pollution, perversion and destruction of any truly religious elements in Jewry which might therefore in time turn to the Christian faith and also, probably, the destruction of Nordictype Jews along with the other Nordic peoples, as it is in the remnant of the Nordic descendants of Shem via Abraham and Israel that the earthly part of God's purpose in Christ is to be worked out, assuming that it is correct that the Israelites were originally Nordic.

  The stupendous development of recent generations is well covered by a study of the books by Frances E. Newton, C. H. Douglas, A. K. Chesterton, B. Jensen, Douglas Reed, Colin Jordan, etc., mentioned in the bibliography at the end.

  8. The Poison In Britain

  VERY briefly it should be noted that in Britain we received, during the latter half of the 19th and earlier part of the 20th centuries, an influx of German and Russian Jews, including Ludwig Mond, Sir Ernest Cassel and Chaim Weizmann. Mond and his son, Sir Alfred (lst Lord Melchett) were leading lights in the process of foisting upon this country the policy of monopoly of key industries together with the transference of information and control to so-called international bodies, the focus of which was then German, e.g. Imperial Chemical Industries and LG. Farben. The Germans received information of our processes, but it was largely a “one-way street“. These large monopolistic firms like I.C.I. are a source of great weakness to us. They are under international financial control working for Zionist purposes of procuring a world government for “Israel“. In the past, the control of money, gold and credit has been the primary weapon of the Zionist, but as the money myth has been exploded as shown earlier in this paper (although not yet as far as the general public is concerned), legal control of raw materials is essential to the pursuit of the policy to a final and successful issue. Genuine and unfettered private property of any description whatever is absolutely fatal to it; and the liberal financing of any movement, “Commonwealth“, “Liberal“, “Socialist“, “Henry Georgite“, “Single Tax“, or “Communist“ which attacks the idea of private ownership in anything whatever, can be traced, without difficulty, to Zionist bankers. That is why the richest body of individuals in the world subsidises attacks on w
ealth. Not a single one of the movements mentioned has ever attacked the Money Power or the Jews. But as it was impossible entirely to ignore the subject of finance, after the publicity given it by such events as the election of a Social Credit Government in Alberta, all the Left Wing parties have included the “nationalisation“, i.e. central control of banking in their programmes. The objective is similar to that involved in the “Nationalisation“ of coal. The object of the nationalisation of industries is to provide the international loanmongers with control of the assets, rather than the mere taxing power of the country. Nationalisation robs the people of their assets, besides being very inefficient and destructive of individual freedom.

  The real conflict in the economic world is not between cartels, monopolies and nationalised industries and property, but between all three and small businesses and privately owned property. The three are merely different forms of monopoly. Socialism is monopoly. Monopoly is the policy of the Sanhedrin and it is expressed in the various forms of cartel, “public corporation” like the “British” Broadcasting Corporation, the London Transport Board, the Tennessee Valley Authority, or outright State ownership of the Russian type. They all lead up through the stages to “nationalisation” in the individual states and on through various national groupings, where national sovereignty is surrendered, e.g. European Union, N.A.T.O., the Soviet bloc, Anzus Pact, United Nations, to the ultimate object of World Government. All the stages, as they are achieved, have the effect of bringing the organisations concerned more firmly under the control of the Sanhedrin.


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