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Page 9

by Vicki Green

  “Hey, Harley! Where’s my beer, man?”

  I blink a few times and focus in front of me. “Oh, sorry! Yeah, sure.” I reach down, grabbing the customer’s beer bottle and then twist off the cap, setting the beer in front of him. He hands me his cash, and I turn and punch in the amount in the register, placing it in the drawer and getting his change.

  “No problem, man.” I lay his change on the counter, and he takes a swig, his eyes moving over to Pearl then back to me. “You’ve got it bad.” He laughs, and I look back over at Pearl. “I can see why though. She’s a real looker. But hey, I’ve been married for almost five years and love my woman. But if I was a single man, I’d be all over that.” My turns back to him and he winks at me as Pearl walks behind me, and I turn my head watching her walk down to the other end, leaning on the counter and helping a customer.

  “Yeah, well. Sometimes we can’t always have what we want.” I walk away to the next customer, my head and heart heavy but somehow there’s a little hope. I’ll take what I can get.

  I watch as she leans over, picking up two bottles of beer and then as she stands she puts her elbows on the counter as she sets them down, laughing and talking to a couple in front of her. Her dark hair spilling over her shoulder and cascading down her back until it reaches about the middle. My eyes then follow down her curves, down her legs. I see her unblemished tan skin on her lower legs as she wore her jean capris today, then down to her open sandal foot and her perfectly polished toenails. Damn, my cocks getting harder the longer I look at her.

  I’ve always cared about my daughter, enough for her to have a good life, sending money as often as possible to help with her care. I never thought it was possible that I’d find someone who I wanted to try to make everything right in my life for, until Pearl. I know she loves kids, as I’ve heard her talk about Stormy’s twins and how excited she is to become an aunt. I wonder if….

  “Harley!” My head swings around, my eyes refocusing, as another customer yelling my name. Damn, I need to get back in the game here before I lose my job.

  Chapter Eight

  Shit! He keeps looking at me, and I look so horrible in this. I should have worn something else, but I had no idea my appointment would take so long. But God! I feel better already after just one visit talking with Dr. Anderson, my healing process already beginning, and I can’t wait to see her again in a couple of days. I even talked to her about Harley, how I was feeling about him, how mysterious and private he is but also how tender, caring and sweet as he helped me through the incident the other night. She said maybe take it slow with him, get him to open up, and if he can get to where he trusts me, then maybe I can even talk him into seeing her too.

  The crowd begins to get heavier for the next several hours and then dwindles down after last call. I’m cleaning the counter as the last couple of people finish their drinks. Finally, Pete walks behind the customers towards the door, giving me a wave, and locking the front door behind him. My eyes shift over to Harley and then back when I turn around to the register, open the drawer and begin counting the cash and hitting the buttons to total the night out. After putting the cash in the deposit bag, I walk over to Harley and hold it out. He puts the cash from his drawer in it, winks at me, and hits the buttons to total the night out on his register.

  I walk down the bar and start to head out the side when I stop, turn and lay the bag down on the counter. I turn again and grab a bottle, a lime from the small fridge, a small knife and a salt shaker. Placing them on the counter next to the bag, I reach down and grab two glasses and put them beside the goodies. I walk around the side and around the bar and sit on a stool. I cut the lime, pour a shot, lick the side of my hand and pour salt on it. I grab my shot, downing it quickly and place the lime in my mouth. My eyes close as the burning liquid slides down my throat and when I open them, Harley is standing in front of me on the other side of the counter. My head tilts to the other glass, and I watch as he mimics my steps, but his eyes don’t close, they gleam into mine as he swallows.

  “Good visit with the doctor?” He pours more into my glass and then his. We both do our setups, then take the shot, and I hiss as the liquid moves into me, warming me up from the inside out.

  “Yes, actually. Very good.” I smile and watch as he licks his lips, his eyes burning into my soul and my heart starts feeling the warmth but not from the liquor.

  “Good. Is that why we’re drinking?” His lips turn up into a smile and my heart takes a dip and then soars. “I mean, I don’t have a problem having a few. Been awhile.”

  My hand grasps the bottle, our fingers touching and our eyes snap to each other’s as the tingling and little shockwaves travel from the tips of my fingers through my hand and up my arm. “Do you feel that?” I whisper. His head nods slightly but enough that I notice, and he removes his hand slowly. I just sit there, my hand still around the bottle and look at him. “What is that?”

  “That’s our feelings for each other escalating as we touch.” His eyes burn into mine, and I swallow hard. I only nod and watch as he pours us another drink. I take mine down quickly, forgetting the salt and lime and feel the burning but not sure if it’s the liquor or desire.

  “Why don’t you trust me?” I whisper.

  His eyes turn soft as his brows crease as he takes his shot. “Trust seems to be the hardest thing to find but it’s also the easiest thing to lose, especially for me.”

  My mind wraps around his words, and I tilt my head. “But how do you know if you can trust if you don’t try?”

  He looks down, closes his eyes and then when he reopens them, they turn hard. “My parents abandoned me after I was born. I ended up in a foster care home and they were okay until I reached the age of nine. I started rebelling, wanting to know who I was, where I came from and why my parents didn’t want me. I became too much for my foster parents to handle so I was forced to go into another home.” My heart bleeds for him as it beats rapidly listening to his words. “The next ones weren’t too bad but the foster dad was a bit stricter but he didn’t have the backbone to follow through. The boys I hung around with taught me how to smoke at the age twelve, gave me drugs and pretty soon I was shipped off to yet another home.” I pour us another shot, and he doesn’t hesitate to down it quickly. “This foster dad didn’t take shit off of me. In fact, he beat the shit outta me, quite regularly. His thought was I needed discipline so I would behave properly but all it did was make me act out worse. He treated his wife almost as badly.” Harley stops, leans down and brings up a beer. His eyebrow raises, and I nod. He gets another, twists off the caps and sets mine down on the counter and takes a big drink from his. “I was almost eighteen when things really turned to shit. He demanded I do something and I refused. He was beating me to where I couldn’t take anymore so I finally agreed to do what he asked. It was too late, because the next thing I knew, I looked up to see him aiming a gun at me. I was weak, hurting and bloody, but my reaction was to lunge at him, both of us struggling to get the gun. When it went off I thought ‘This is it. I’m dead and finally free’. When I crawled off his body, I saw his eyes were open, lifeless and blood was all over his shirt. I looked down at my body, patting around with my bloody hands, but there was no gunshot wound.” My hands are over my mouth. All the blood has left my face, my eyes wide, and I know I have to look as pale as a ghost.

  He takes a big drink of his beer until it’s gone, tosses the empty bottle into the trash under the counter and brings up another. He gives me a look, and I shake my head. My hands are cold from squeezing my bottle, and I haven’t even taken one drink. He nods, twists off the cap, and takes another huge drink.

  “I didn’t know what to do so I called the police. They arrived about the same time as my foster mom. Shock was not evident on her face at all, in fact, she looked relieved. They cuffed me, took me to the station, had someone clean up my cuts and gave me a jumpsuit to wear. They took me into a room, had me describe what happened and then threw me into a cell. They told m
e I’d be going to juvenile detention the next morning until I could get a trial since I was not eighteen yet. They informed me I could still be tried as an adult depending on what the judge said. I wasn’t even scared as I sat in the cell. Darkness was around me as I sat with my back against the wall on a hard cot, the blanket itchy and all I could think was that I was free of him.”

  “Harley, I’m….”

  “Don’t. Don’t feel sorry for me. Not you.” He takes another drink of his beer, and I watch as he starts to walk towards the kitchen. “I need a smoke.” My heart breaks and I feel like he may run. That had to be hard for him to tell me. I begin to stand when he reaches the kitchen door, his hand lying flat against it, and he turns his head to me. “I’ll be back.” And then he was gone.

  I don’t know what to do, so I get up and start cleaning up our mess. That didn’t take long enough, and I feel so energetic all of a sudden, so I start cleaning the counter. My head turns as he walks through the swinging door, into the side of the bar and grabs me. His mouth is covering mine in an instant. His warm lips, his strong hands on my back and his fingers in my hair pull me against him firmly. “Thank you,” he whispers in my ear as his soft skin and the bits of scruff rubs against the side of my face. “I’ve never told another living soul that before.”

  My breathing is erratic, and my breaths are coming out in pants as are his. I feel my own warm air blow back as I whisper in his ear. “Thank you for trusting me.” His lips move across the side of my face until they are pressed against mine once again. Our tongues searching each other’s as our kissing becomes heated.

  Finally, his lips leave mine but are only a breath away. I open my eyes and see the hunger in his. “God, I want you so badly.”

  “Take me.” My voice quiet and hitches at the end.

  His lips turn up into the most beautiful smile, his thumb runs across my still slightly bruised cheek. “I want to, believe me when I say that. But you’re still healing and I’m not doing anything to stop that from happening, baby. I’ll wait as long as you need me to, as long as you need to wait. I’m not going anywhere.” My heart flutters at his words and his mouth covers mine again. I can feel the wetness down below and know that much more of this and I will end up making a big mistake.

  “I know you’re right but damn, you’re making this difficult.” He laughs and I smile but he has no idea. “I want to be truly healed before we are together. I don’t want anything to get in our way my first time.”

  His eyes widen and the surprise on his face is unmistakable. “You’re a virgin. I’d forgotten.” His low, raspy voice making that sound so much sexier than it is. Then his face changes, his eyebrows lower and it almost appears like anger takes over his gorgeous features, his arms stiffen around me. “And that asshole almost took it.”

  My fingers go to his lips, then my mouth takes their place, and I feel his body relax. I move back a bit and search his eyes that have now softened. “Shhh. That’s over and we need to move on. I’m trying to move on. It could have happened, but it didn’t. There’s nothing good that comes from reliving the past.”

  He smiles, gives my lips a quick kiss and then leans his forehead against mine, his eyes staring straight into soul. “How’d you get so smart?”

  “I’ve had good teachers. Stormy, Bo, my parents and Dr. Anderson. Maybe….” He gives me a questioning look and I fake a big yawn. “Oh, nothing. I’m tired. You ready to go upstairs?” He nods and turns, taking my hand. He flips off the lights as we walk to the kitchen door and once there I stop, pulling on his hand a little. “So, we’re waiting but will you hold me again while I sleep? You keep my nightmares away and well…. I want to be near you.” Heat rises in me and I feel like I should be blushing, but I’m so comfortable with what I said to him.

  He leans into me. His mouth kisses my lips, and he smiles against them. “Nothing could keep me away.” I can’t stop my smile from forming as he pulls on my hand, his other pushing the door open and holding it while I walk through, then he walks beside me all the way upstairs.

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  My eyes slowly open to the sun shining in through the blinds and I raise my arms over my head, stretching and letting out a yawn. I blink a few times as my hand lands on the mattress beside me to find it empty. Turning my head, I look down and see Pearl is gone. I lay there for a few minutes, thinking about last night and feel like a little weight has been lifted. I told her. I told her one of my horrible secrets, and she still wanted me. Her face was not full of pity but of concern as I spilled my guts. And then holding her in my arms, her head on my chest breathing her warm air onto me, her arm over my waist and her body snuggled into me gave me a feeling of determination and want. Maybe things are changing, maybe there’s a chance I can be finally happy or maybe things will catch up to me and I’ll lose her. Fuck! Quit being a baby and let things happen naturally then see if there’s something or some way to fix things, make things right. What I wouldn’t give to see my daughter, to hold her, tell her I’m her daddy and have her in my life. I shake my head, get out of bed and head across the hall to my room and the shower. One thing at a time, my friend, one thing at a time.

  “Ah, you’re awake.” She walks over to me as I come into the kitchen, her hand carrying a spatula as her arm moves around me and her lips kiss mine. “Hmmm, you taste minty.” Her smile breaks my heart wide open.

  I flick the powder from her nose with my finger and put it in my mouth. “And you taste like syrup.” She giggles and the feelings that rush through me make my heart soar. She turns and walks back to the stove, and I stand there feeling a little useless. “Can I help with anything?” Her head turns to me and then tilts to the breakfast bar where a pitcher of orange juice and two glasses sit.

  “Can you pour the juice?” I give her a quick nod and walk over to the counter, pour juice into the glasses and take them to the table. By the time I set them down she is standing beside me, setting the plates down, and I take her in my arms.

  “Thank you for last night, for not pitying me.” I kiss her lips and when I release them they turn into a frown.

  “I would never pity you. However, I felt concern, worry, and fear for you. What you went through was horrible, I just can’t even imagine and you were only a boy. No one should have to grow up that way, without love, compassion, caring and then what that man did to you.” I feel her body shake as she shivers, and I pull her close to me. “I’ve led such a normal life while you were out there being beaten, been cruel to and I feel…. I don’t know how to feel.”

  I rub her back and kiss the top of her head. “Hey now. We’re both on the road to happiness so let’s not drudge up things to stop that from happening.” Her head lifts and she puts her lips against mine. “Now, let’s eat. I’m starving!” She giggles and I lightly smack that cute ass of hers as she turns and sits down. Picking up my fork, I cut into my pancakes and take a huge bite, closing my eyes and tasting the goodness. “Damn! Best food ever.” She giggles again and starts eating. She has no idea how much I meant that. Living off of fast food for so many years, there is nothing like a home cooked meal.

  I made her go take a shower while I cleaned up then met on the couch, with the TV on, but we necked through most of the show, and I have no idea what was even on the screen. I got so stirred up I got a little handsy, her breast fit perfectly in my hand. I know it had an effect on her not only due to her moans, but her body squirming beneath mine. Once we stopped, she excused herself and went upstairs, then came back down in a pair of jeans instead of the thin yoga pants she had on before. She tried to play it off that she needed to change for work, but even I’m not that stupid, so I didn’t say anything, out loud.

  It’s been a pretty light lunch crowd, a few workers having drinks, so I went into the stockroom to take inventory. When I come back to the bar, I see a man sitting on a stool in front of the counter where Pearl is leaning her elbows on, her laughing making my heart beat harder as I get nearer. “Oh! Harley! This is my dad,
Knox Dunway. Dad, this is Harley.” I set my clipboard down on the counter, rub my hands against my jeans as he reaches his hand across the counter, and I shake it quickly.

  “I hear I have you to thank for saving my daughter. I’m in your debt.” I take the clipboard, give him a nod and look over at Pearl, then back at him.

  “No thanks needed but I appreciate it. I’d like to say I’d have done that for anyone and I would have but with Pearl it was for a different reason entirely. I’m just glad I was there when I was.” I begin to turn to take the clipboard back to Pearl’s office, when his voice stops me.

  “We’re having a little family get together over at our house tomorrow, swimming, grilling out and we’d be honored to include you.” His smile on his face and appreciation in his voice overwhelms me.

  “I don’t want to intrude.” I look over at Pearl’s pleading eyes, her lips parted and my heart beasts faster.

  “Nonsense!” He stands, leans over and kisses Pearl’s cheek and backs up a step. “I hope to see you there.” I give him a curt nod and watch as he walks towards the door.

  Pearl is close to me in an instant, her hand laying on mine and those familiar tingles move through it. “Please come. It would mean a lot to Mom and Dad and I really want you there. Pete said he’d cover lunch time so we can spend the afternoon over there. Please?” My brows raise as I look into her sparkling, beautiful eyes, and at her pouting lips, and I suddenly want to nip them with my teeth. Taking a deep breath I smile, and she jumps up and down. “Thank you! I’m so excited!” She stops bouncing and leans against the counter, her arm touching mine and my skin prickles. “Don’t worry, you won’t need to do much talking. Between my parents, Stormy and Bo, you won’t probably get a word in anyway.” She stands up and walks around me and towards a customer at the other end of the bar.


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