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Page 13

by Vicki Green

  “Then we’ll do it together, Harley.” My smile can’t get any bigger as I squeeze her hand back and then look out the front, my heart getting a little lighter. I don’t know how I can lose getting Rosie with all this support. Now, I just need to get Pearl healed and strong because I don’t intend on ever losing anyone I love ever again. It’s a little ways to Dr. Phillip’s office, and I’m kind of glad because it gives Pearl and me a chance to talk, really talk. I tell her everything I can remember about my horrible life, some of the other bars I’ve worked at and some of the traveling I’ve done. She was shocked at the one place I told her about where I had to break up fights almost nightly and when someone knifed me in the side. When I pulled up my shirt to show her, her soft finger trailed up the scar the stitches left, the look of worry in her gorgeous eyes, and it was all for me. Me? I still can’t believe she’s mine.

  She’s still rubbing the scar when she speaks softly, “So many hardships, so many scars and fights.” She looks up at me with such a look of love. “Weren’t you scared?”

  I move my eyes to her and then back out at the road. “When I was younger, sure, but as I grew up and after everything I’d been through it actually felt good to let off some steam with the bar fights. However, one thing did scare me.” I look over at her, and she’s staring at me, glued to every word, every emotion and I frown. “I was scared I’d go too far, hurt someone too badly and make my life more miserable than it already was. The worst thing that made me scared though was I would do something stupid to screw it up with Macy and she’d take Rosie far away and not tell me where. I couldn’t live without knowing where she was, if she was okay.”

  She takes my hand in hers and squeezes it. “We’ll do everything we can to get her, Harley. She deserves to be with you, to be with her daddy. What did Venice look like?”

  My head fills with memories, most of them bad, of Venice crying when I was being beaten or the day they shipped her off to a place for unwed mothers, so we couldn’t be together. But her face…. Fondly, I remember her face. It was beautiful, and I smile. “She had brown eyes, really dark.” I look over at Pearl, who’s listening intently. “Her hair was dark brown, kind of like yours, but she didn’t have any highlights so it was much darker. She liked to write, poems mostly, and they were really good. She was so sweet even though life wasn’t kind to her. Like me, she stayed in a couple of different foster homes after losing her parents, but she was old enough that she remembered them so it was way harder on her than me.”

  “How did your parents die, Harley?” My eyes shift to hers and then back again.

  “I was told they were killed in a car accident by a drunk driver. I was home with a babysitter. I was, I think, around a year old or so.”

  “Oh, that’s so sad. Do you have pictures or anything to remember them by?”

  I look behind me, changing lanes, then pull into a parking lot, find a space and turn off the car. She takes off her seatbelt and shifts in her seat to look at me, so I do the same. “No. I found out later that I had some things, pictures, small keepsakes, but by the time I got to the Kincaid’s, they had all disappeared. I think they were taken or destroyed at some point.” She covers her mouth with her other hand and gasps.

  “Oh, no! That’s horrible. Why would anyone do that to a little boy? How can anyone do that or any other unspeakable things to anyone? It breaks my heart that there are people out there like that. No wonder you find it so hard to trust anyone.” She looks down at our hands, and I lift them together up to her chin, raising her face to look at her.

  “Don’t be sad for me,” I smile and wipe away her tear on her cheek. “Right now, I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life.” Her eyes widen. “Yes, right now. I loved Venice, or thought I did, and I love Rosie even without ever seeing or meeting her, but I love you, Pearl. You make me so happy.” We both lean in, our mouths connecting and all the bad memories are brushed aside as my mind, heart and soul are filled with love.

  I’ve never been to the doctors until I met Pearl, now I’ve been there twice and the hospital and I have to say, I hate it. I’m not that patient of a person, and this makes me want to punch a wall. It seems like she’s in there for fucking forever so at one point I text her and let her know I’m going out to the truck to have a smoke. I don’t smoke very often, only if I don’t have another way to let off steam, and this is one of them. She’s in there another half an hour, then she texts me.

  Dr. Phillip told us the x-ray showed no pneumonia, thank God. However, with her low immune system, it could easily develop into it, so she is to keep resting, take her medication, drink plenty of liquids and don’t overdo. Well, if I have anything to say about it, she’ll quit her job, and she’ll be fat and bloated with the amount of water I’m gonna make her drink. Okay, not really, but I’m gonna make sure she takes care of herself, or I’m gonna die trying.

  I get her home, put her in bed and demand she take a nap. Well, I suggested it very strongly. She giggled but was so tired she didn’t argue. I went downstairs to clean up as she got some much needed rest, as I awaited the arrival of her parents to help figure out a plan to get Rosie. I’m scared, nervous but overly anxious to get this in motion and hopefully soon I will be holding my daughter in my arms.

  Chapter Twelve

  My life has been turned upside down. The mysterious man I fell in love with isn’t as mysterious now, and he loves me. My stupid low immune system has struck again, and I’m sick but right now, I’m head over heels in love with Harley Sanders and with his tender care and love, I don’t mind quite as much. Now I’m more determined to get well quick, get strong and help fight with my man to get his daughter. I can’t believe he was made to give her up and has never seen her. My heart bleeds for him. If anyone can help him get her, my dad can.

  “Hey, sweetheart. How are you feeling?” I turn over to see Mom walking to the bed and sitting down beside me. “You still look awfully pale.” She brushes back some of my wayward and tangled hair, smiling.

  “I pretty much feel like crap but Mom it doesn’t matter. We need to help Harley. I can’t imagine what he’s been through, going through, and I need to get strong to help him fight for Rosie. Poor sweet baby, not knowing who her daddy is, having not lived with his tenderness and love all this time. My heart breaks for both of them.”

  She frowns and then smiles again. “Honey, you know your dad will help get her. He really has taken a fondness for Harley. I think it’s because he knows Harley loves you and I think he also admires Harley’s strength, not just for you but for what he’s been through. You know, your dad can relate to hard times, growing up without loving parents so he knows somewhat how Harley feels. My heart also breaks for that poor little girl and with the sound of his foster mom it just makes me wonder how much care and love that sweet girl has been getting.” I start to sit up, and Mom puts her hand on my shoulder. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  I lay back down in frustration. “Mom, I want to go downstairs and be with Harley and Dad as they discuss what’s going on and what they’re gonna do. I want to help. And I need to go to the bathroom.” She laughs and then helps me up, guiding me to the bathroom. I do my business as well as brush my teeth and hair and when I get back into the bedroom I decide I need a change of clothes. Mom helps me as I sit on the bed and then she helps me go downstairs. “Why don’t you lay on the couch with this blanket and I’ll get you some juice. I’ll also see if your dad and Harley will move from the kitchen into the living room, okay?” I smile and nod, then lay down on the couch, halfway sitting up, and cover up with the blanket.

  “So, they found her and for right now they believe she has no idea we know or what we’re planning.” I turn my head as Dad’s voice comes into the living room. I follow as he leans over, kissing me on my cheek, and then walks around the couch and sits down in the chair down from me. My eyes shift to Harley, who walks around, squats down in front of me with a big smile and takes my hand.

are you feeling?” His smile is contagious, and I find myself smiling with him.

  “I’m ok. How are you?” My hand leaves his and rests on the side of his gorgeous face. “You look exhausted.” My smile turns sad.

  “Don’t worry about me, just worry about getting better,” he says in his low, raspy voice. My hand moves down his face and over his soft scruff.

  He stands and walks over to the other chair on my other side, and I push myself up a bit more so I can see him better. “So, what’s going on with ‘Plan Rosie’?” Harley smiles and chuckles.

  “Emerson and Ralph are in the town where Macy is and keeping a close eye on her. I have the best two lawyers on the case and they said it’s only a matter of a day or so and we can get the police there to go get her.” My head turns to my dad’s voice, and my smile is back full force.

  “Oh, that’s wonderful news!” I shriek.

  Mom walks in and hands me a glass of juice and smiles. She feels my forehead and walks over sitting on the arm of the chair Dad is sitting on. “You better get well quick. I’m sure you’d like to go with Harley to get her.”

  I take a quick drink and set the glass down on the table beside me and turn to Harley. “Oh, may I? I’d love to be there with you when you get Rosie.” My heart is racing, and I’m so excited for him.

  His smile melts me and his breathtaking, gorgeous face lights up. “Of course I want you there with me. There’s no one else in the world I’d want to experience seeing my daughter for the first time but you.”

  I can’t hardly contain myself as I turn to Mom. “Mom, I need my meds! Can you go get them for me? They’re upstairs on my night table.” I’m literally bouncing on the couch when she laughs, nods, and walks upstairs.

  Harley laughs and my head turns to the most wonderful sound I’ve ever heard. “Don’t overdo it, baby.”

  Mom and Dad stayed for another hour and Dad and Harley filled me in on everything. I’m excited, nervous and a little fearful in trying to get Rosie, but I know if anyone can, it’s Dad. I only hope that awful woman, Macy, doesn’t get wind of what’s being planned and takes off with Rosie before they can get her.

  Harley made me soup, and it was the best thing I’ve ever tasted then we lazed around on the couch together, him lying behind me. His strong arm was around me, and I dozed off and on while trying to watch a movie. His fingers kept stroking up and down my arm, then in my hair, and I couldn’t have felt more comfortable, more loved, than I did right in those moments.

  “What?” I gasp, sleepily, when I feel myself being lifted.

  “Shhhh, baby. Go back to sleep. I’m just taking you upstairs to bed where you’ll be more comfortable.” I lay my head on his warm shoulder as he carries me upstairs.

  I open my eyes, and the room is lit by the sun. I look over at the window and stretch my arms high over my head feeling a renewed strength in the sun’s warmth. Slowly, I remove the covers, sit up on the side of the bed and no dizziness hits me. After taking a much needed shower and do all my bathroom things, I change into some clean clothes and feel so much better. Thank God! When I walk down the stairs, I hear voices in the kitchen and stand in the doorway to see Dad and Harley sitting at the table drinking coffee. The smell in the kitchen hits me, and suddenly I’m starving.

  “Hey, there she is!” Harley walks towards me, and I smile as he kisses my cheek. “You look so much better today and your color is back.” He leans into me, his mouth next to my ear and my body shivers with his voice. “You smell delicious.” He leans back, and I can see the gleam in his eyes. “Are you hungry? I’ll whip you up some scrambled eggs. Better to eat light, just in case.” I nod quickly, and my stomach growls. He laughs and takes my hand, leading me over to a chair at the table, and I smile at Dad as I sit. Then he walks away, and I hear the sounds of pans and his movements as he fixes me breakfast.

  “You do look much better today. How do you feel?” Dad asks as he takes a drink from his cup.

  “I actually feel a lot better. What’s going on with Rosie?” I ask hurriedly.

  He chuckles as he sets his cup down and winks. “Always thinking of others, that’s my girl. Actually, Harley and I went over and he signed papers in front of a Judge and we’ve notified the police there. We’ve asked them to wait until Harley can get there first so he can go into the house with them to get Rosie. Do you feel up to a road trip? It’s about two hours away.” My heart leaps into my throat, my adrenaline rushing through me in excitement but also anxiousness.

  I turn around and look at Harley as his head moves to me, his eyes sparkling in his happiness, and I smile. “Oh, yes! I have to be there!”

  He’s beaming as he walks over with my plate, setting it down in front of me and kisses the top of my head then sits down next to me. “I want nothing more than for you to be there, Pearl, but I also want to make sure it’s not too much for you. I know you’re feeling better but I don’t want you to relapse either.”

  My brows crease and then raise. “I’ll rest in your truck on the way, bring my meds with me and we can bring a small cooler with water and juice. I promise I’ll be careful! Please, please let me come with you.” God, I sound like a whiny child, but I just can’t miss this, and I need to be there for him.

  “I spoke with Phillip this morning and he said you weren’t contagious. I needed to make sure for Rosie’s sake. He thinks as long as you don’t overdo it you should be able to go.” My excitement excels with Dad’s words. He stands and looks at us both. “Your mom and I are going shopping. We’re going to purchase a car seat, some new clothes and your mother wants to get a junior bed to put in Harley’s room here. Sound good?” My head nods so fast that it makes my mind spin, but I can’t contain my happiness and excitement. “Good, we’re off and promise to be back within the hour then you all can be ready to leave.” He walks over, kisses the top of my head and leaves.

  I turn to Harley, confusion is weighing on me. “How will we get the car seat and cooler in the truck?”

  He smiles, leans over, and kisses me full on my lips. I moan as our kissing becomes more than just a good morning kiss and then he moves back just a bit and smiles. “Good morning, baby.”

  “Morning.” My smile is huge, and my lips are still tingling from his touch.

  “Now, to answer your questions, your dad is letting us take his SUV. Your parents are getting everything set up in my room while we’re gone and I think they may go a little crazy with toys as well.” He chuckles and then turns serious. “Pearl, I’m so scared. It’s going to be so hard for her, taking her from the only person she’s ever known and to a strange place filled with people she doesn’t know, especially me.”

  I cover his face with my hand, my fingers smoothing away the worry lines on his forehead and smile. “She’ll be fine, a little scared at first, but she’ll love you, Harley. How can she not?” His face relaxes, and his lips turn up into a smile.

  “I love you, baby.” He leans in again, his mouth pressing against mine, and I’m lost in his warmth.

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  “Damn! I can’t believe all the stuff you did!” I look around my old room, that I never actually used but once, and can’t believe the transformation. There’s a small bed with rails, a matching dresser, a rocking chair, a toy box filled with little girl toys. There are little girl clothes in the closet and in the dresser drawers. I pick up a little pink shoe and smile. “I can’t tell you how much this means to me.” I choke with my words as tears spring into my eyes. I look at Knox then at Jade and try to control myself from full out crying. “Never in my life has anyone cared enough to help me, to try to make my life better or show any kind of kindness. I can never repay you for all you’ve done but I’ll spend my life trying.”

  Pearl squeezes my hand as Jade walks over to me and puts her arms around me, hugging me tight. I put my one arm around her and hug her. “No need for paying us back, Harley. Just to unite you and Rosie is payment enough. I can’t imagine not having my children and I cannot wa
it to meet her.”

  My heart is pounding as she walks back to stand by Knox. So many emotions are rushing through me that it’s hard to keep up with them. “By the time you get back with your daughter this room will look even more different.” Knox looks at Jade and smiles, then puts his arm around her and pulls her into his side. She looks up at him and smiles. “Wait until Jade is done decorating. One of the many reasons I fell in love with her is her design talent.” Jade laughs and smacks his stomach and then kisses him as he leans down. I can’t help but feel their love for each other and want that so badly with Pearl. One day. One day soon, I hope. But for now, I need to get my daughter.

  Knox gave me all the information, phone numbers, and paperwork needed to get Rosie, and we only have about thirty minutes left before we get there. I look over at Pearl, who’s sleeping, curled up under a blanket and thank God she was able to come with me. I look in the rearview mirror to the car seat in the back, and to my right and then beside it is a sack full of dolls and toys that I hope Rosie will like. I’m nervous yet determined to get there and can’t wait to see Rosie for the first time and hold her in my arms. I just hope she’s not too scared of me. I know this will be hard on her and for that it breaks my heart, but I know in the end she will be so much better off. My renewed strength has my foot pushing on the gas harder.


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