Murder on the White Rose Express!
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They are just saving themselves because if you ask them a straight question they can never give you a straight answer. I have been waiting for the day when they ask you to provide a question in writing so they can look at the words, and then that way they may, just may, answer it correctly for once!
The conclusion of all of this Professor Hall, is that Whitehall and in particular the Prime Minister's Private Office have been lying all the time or call it being extremely economical with the truth!
There are no spare monies around to keep everything in tip-top condition as indeed they should be kept, as you know some of the Sites contain some extremely lethal leaks, and machinery! In fact I firmly believe there never was any monies put aside for these Areas in the first place, and they have been more than economical with the truth from day one!
The one question we have to ask Prof. is whether you and I or just me go down to Whitehall and very clearly call them liars! Or shall I invite them up here and see what happens!
Either way we do it, I think there will be fun and games, If we invite them up here they will come in two Helicopters, and park as usual near Textiles, then they will strut down and for the time they are actually in our Department they will continually look at their watches!
Towards the end of the Meeting Prof. they will have to nip out to their car or go back to the 'copter if they are the one in the 'copter.
They will not really go to their 'copter they will have tried to get access to our Museum and failed as usual! Millie what are you going on about, telling you what they always do when they come up to our Department!
Now I suggest that they come up on The White Rose Express from London and get off at Leeds City. They will have a car to meet them then they can be brought here and we can hopefully for once have a good meeting, the other way of doing it is for both of us to go down to Whitehall and demand a meeting down there pronto. Either way involves moving around.
I think we should take the problems down to Whitehall without giving them any warning of what we think is happening.
We can just ask for the Meeting as normal! Now shall I be daft yet again and organise a Meeting this week? If you are going to do that Millie, make sure you have both MI6 and MI5 there at the Meeting but do not let them tell the Prime Minister they are invited, oh why is that?
Millie I think we need both MI5 and MI6 to be on the alert as I think certain people within Whitehall are certainly not whom they say they are!
Hi Millie here, Hello you have been silent for a while so I am told! Who said that? The people who were conned by someone taking you and Prof's place! Yes I had forgotten that someone had stolen my name and number and also Prof's! Can I have both 6 and 5 please what together yes please.
Three way line Millie, now what have you done or not done? Nothing just have coffee ready in the morning, and can you collect me and a colleague from King's Cross say 12 noon. Strictly business very serious business! Not like you Millie, no well it is bad business! Obviously you cannot say more on this line can you – No. don't forget King's Cross 12 Noon. No don't worry we will pick you both up. Fine thanks!
Millie you never mentioned that I would be with you, yes I did I asked them to pick me and a colleague up from Kings Cross! You are the Head of my Department therefore you are a colleague!
You cheated, you did not tell them the whole truth because you think they would have hidden things, no Professor Hall, I do not think they would hide certain things I know they will
hide them! There is a difference! Oh Millie, you are playing with words!
In the morning when we are met, just you watch their faces, when they see who I have with me, they will be totally shocked! I have just remembered something Prof. bring both guns, what are you up to now, nothing Prof. but I can see where you are coming from and I think they may just turn nasty!
I will certainly have my two guns, the boys from 5 and 6 will have theirs, but your two would make it more on our side! Have a quick word with the boys in 5 and 6 just as a precaution Millie, please.
Well seeing you have asked nicely, I will do it now. Hello, yes again, sorry but could you make sure you carry your Guns tomorrow please, and also the Colleague I am coming with you already know, yes we think it can only be Prof. Well keep that under your Hats! Do not tell anyone or pain of death! Scouts Honour! You two could never have been a Scout,they would have thrown you both out on day one!
Now Prof. tell me what you thought about that train journey, very good and I certainly liked having as much Coffee as I could drink! Well coming back we are on the White Rose Express it is London to Bradford Train but stops in Leeds! I presume it is named after the White Rose of Yorkshire and I thought it would be different so I booked our seats.
As long as we are on booked seats all should be well. Now let us hope our car is waiting, because those two can be clowns at times. Only at times Millie?
Oh look they are sat over there, told you they are clowns because we are stood waiting for them to appear as normal and there they are sat and flicking over the Newspaper!
I will go and get them Prof. Hey you two have you lost your guests? No Millie just waiting for you! And yes we have what you said to bring, so you must be expecting trouble, not wanting it by any means, I just think someone will turn very nasty,very nasty indeed!
Hello,Prof. Good to see you both, but I do wish Millie would let us know what is supposedly going to happen in Whitehall, how can I when I do not exactly know how they will react! Now listen both of you then give me some feedback.
Ok, tell all, I know you have both helped me a lot especially when I had all the trouble in Loch Torridon with the Drug Mafia, well it could be on that scale, but it is not the Mafia this time around, but something akin to that in the form of Civil Service i.e. Civil Service workers within Whitehall, not sure even if they carry grades these days, but if they do carry a grade it would be extremely high!
Bloody hell Millie, where the devil do you find these cases, well I am sure I never look for them especially this kind, but it just developed in front of both Prof. and I. I then contacted you both but could not divulge anything on line because they have even infiltrated the patched line, they can't have it is impossible, Millie it can not be done! Well they have, and it can certainly be done!
Just sit down and I will tell you all, even though you could both be members of the Gang! Millie how could you say that, easy I just opened my mouth, now be serious and listen and then ask questions.
It will seem complicated but really it is straight forward. It involves Sellafield Site in West Cumberland, Porton Down, Atomic Energy Commission at Harwell, Atomic Weapons Research Aldermaston, Atomic Weapons Burghfield, R.A.F. Thatcham,
At first I could not understand what was happening, but I believe that someone within the Private Office of the Prime Minister – i.e. Whitehall itself has been mismanaging the whole of the Sites I have just mentioned, over a long period, and I mean that!
They have changed the Management Team at Sellafield twice this year, costing thousands of pounds, you see the change over of the Management Team was not to save any monies, because the new Management Team costs twice the amount then the original Management Team.
Not only that, the Government is not carrying out any structural work which is certainly needed on both Chimney 1 and Chimney 2, the buildings are in need of repairs both to the actual buildings and the interior and the machines need updating. The Rod's building and the Cooling Pond is certainly lethal.
There are various radioactivity all over the Site which is not even monitored, also radiation leaks all over the site. The number of new cases of cancer, and the type of cancer particular to radiation I mean, as risen by 51% in six months! That is certainly high for this site as some buildings are not in use!
The situation is getting worse and I need to find out whether Porton Down is being let down! Just think if no monies are not being spent on Porton Down, and the buildings are in need of repairs, we have Chemical, Biological,
and Atomic warfare, on that Site and I will leave it at that because the rest is really nasty!
Plus we have the Salisbury Plain, and again you do not want to know the full amount just to say that it unbelievably nasty!
Now Whitehall have been giving out information on our patched line but never spoken to Prof nor myself, but someone as stolen our patched line and been talking direct to people within Whitehall and you lot have given out extremely sensitive information and said you have given it to me and to Prof. Iin fact you have never spoken to either me nor Prof. for months now! Nor have Prof nor I received any paperwork from Whitehall for the same length of time.
When I asked how they could mistake me for anyone else, I was told they just went by the number applied to the 'phone and never listened to the accent of the person talking!
It gets even better, because just think, Whitehall have broken every rule within their own Book! They have just given out extremely confidential information without making any checks as to whom they spoke with or anything on that line!
I can think of two things that could have made them do that, Number one: Is that the Prime Minister who is new to the post is being blackmailed by a member of Whitehall or a member of his family are being blackmailed and that is why he has acted in the way he has over this period of time.
Just like last time, Whitehall members are accepting backhanders yet again, but this time they are not being paid by the Mafia, but some other organisation who need to make sure that the Prime Minister is thrown out of office in the next couple of months!
Now that is down to MI5 and MI6 to find out which Group or Country is trying to infiltrate Whitehall.
I have already told you about the Management Team for Sellafield being changed twice and large amounts of money involved, and yet all the Sites I have spoken about including Porton Down are not being looked after correctly. Whitehall is not paying for the repairs as they should be doing, but this money cannot be seen floating around.
Do you think I am correct in what I have just told you? Now I want truth only from you no bull-shit this time around; I have suffered enough this last couple of months, and stealing my identity and stealing Prof's is end of story! Professor Hall and I are determined that this is the end of the line for those involved in all this double dealing! Now do you understand exactly where we both stand?
I also have my guns with me, so as Professor Hall. Now what are you going to do, and more importantly whose side are you on, their's or mine!
Your's and Prof's Millie, you have always treat us right, Millie remember Loch Torridon you allowed us to stay in your home, and use your field for the Helicopters! Forget that, that does not come into this at all. Yes, Millie it does because we trust you and Professor Hall. Without trust there is no way forward!
What do you think about this Prof? I agree with Millie – someone within Whitehall have used the monies which were given to the Sites for either themselves or within Whitehall itself, and now they will panic and all hell will be let loose. In fact both Millie and I firmly believe there will be deaths because of this!
I also think Millie is correct when she says Backhanders are still being handed to all and sundry and until that is completely stopped from above; and the people dealt with most severely, then this place will always be corrupt!
We have to act now because we need these Sites to be looked at and make them secure for years to come! The top Site is leaking radiation like there is no tomorrow! The number of Workers with radiation cancer is escalating on a weekly basis!
I still believe that somehow the Prime Minister's private office is heavily involved in this mess! It certainly looks that way Millie! If that is the case, then we shall have to dig way down to get the true picture!
Well just get on with it,but don't just use a Shovel take a mechanical Digger to the problem then that way you will catch all the slim as well! Also do not take no for an answer from anyone including the Prime Minister, if you need help I know of 3 Lords of the right Party who are willing to raise the problem publicly!
Millie, why don't you come and work with us, one good reason, oh yes and what would that be, I know how you operate therefore how can I trust you! Millie you and Professor Hall work in exactly the same way! Exactly! You have answered your own question!
Better the Devil you know than the Devil you don't know! Now just get your thinking Caps on and let me know how you think we can penetrate this mess!
I believe “They” have their eyes on infiltrating Porton Down plus The Tanks and Guns on Salisbury Plain. You just think for a moment what they would do if they breached the Security at Porton Down,but not only Porton Down but Salisbury Plain Establishment! You cannot possibly be one hundred per cent sure Millie, oh but I can and I am!
Millie you and I have worked together for a number of years now, and do you think this is another of your “Gut Feelings” you have, and if so why do you think Porton Down is involved?
Prof. Just think of that Comedy Meeting we attended, the only time I have seen you with your fingers on the Gun! At least inside a Meeting! Millie, that Meeting was a complete sham, yes of course it was, but tell me why it was, and more important what made them put such a show on for our benefit! I have tried to come up with why they went to such extremes but I cannot think of any logical answer, Millie!
I will tell you exactly why they acted up just like a Whitehall Farce, Professor hall.
1) They wanted to put us off the Meetings Agenda! As they certainly could not keep to it, as there was never one to keep to in the first place!
2) They have on their shopping list, Porton Down and all the Chemical and Biological Warfare kept on those premises. Also the Salisbury Plain Buildings containing the tanks which control some of the Chemical Warfare together with the Biological and Nuclear Warfare!
3) Think of how they could and would Blackmail the British Government by capturing all these items or as many of them as they could!
I am now totally convinced that this is what is planned! I have no idea how I can prove it, in fact I do not think I can. The more I think about the Non-Meeting the more I am convinced I am right! They are certainly wanting to take over all of Porton Down!
The question is how the hell can we stop them? They are out to open up Porton Down, should they succeed all Hell would be let loose and there would be a massive number of deaths!
Porton Down must not be allowed to fall into their hands! But how you stop them from trying to enter Porton Down, God alone knows!
I believe if anyone actually tried to enter Porton Down unlawfully then they would be shot on entry because as you know Porton Down Establishment is full to the brim with nasty “things”!
Just think if anyone from last week who had the necessary back-up to infiltrate Whitehall as they certainly did, might, just might, have located people who would not think twice about trying to get entry into Porton Down and also the Army Conclave on Salisbury Plain! Together with all the outlying buildings!
We are not talking about some Steptoe and Son, we are talking about Spies who are fanatics and wish to have everything for the glory of their own Country!
Who ever these people are, they certainly do not realise that once you take the lid off Porton Down all of Hell will be out in the open, and a hell of a lot of deaths will be caused by all the various diseases they will have allowed to escape into the wide world!
Once released they are going to be out there in the air and will certainly cause a large number of deaths! Some of the ailments like the Plague etc., there is nothing to stop the spread of that if it ever is set loose in the Laboratory, or even just by chance by these people.
They are fatal diseases. There are a hell of a lot them within Porton Down as you would expect!
Porton Down is known all over the World for the Chemical and Biological Warfare that they control within Porton Down itself, it is an Atom Bomb waiting to blow, if it ever does blow it will be certain death not only for many people for miles around but als
o worldwide!
I believe it is the same lot who are trying to get into the building on Salisbury Plain, but if they managed to set off the latest Tanks all Hell would be let loose, also there would be more deaths than there was in World 11!
The consequences of them breaking into Porton Down would be horrific for everyone within a radius of 50+ miles of the Site, and that in itself tells you how lethal everything is from that Building! In plain speak it means certain death!
We are going to have to have a false alarm regarding one or even both establishments and force the culprits out into the open! To allow us to see what we can find! Over the years there as been quite a lot of stories going around the World in relation to Porton Down and Salisbury Plain, who knows what we shall find!
All I will say to both MI5 and MI6 – is that this is the first time I have known our people in a sticky mess! This time a certain person as sold out big time! I believe it is the person sat within the inner sanctum of Whitehall sat in the Prime Minister's Office acting as Personal Assistant and his young Personal Assistant!
You also know them as something else! As the penny dropped yet gentlemen? Millie you mean the Head of the Civil Service, you must be joking, indeed I am not joking I only wish I were!
Well we can soon test the waters, we will go in and make an arrest, then see what he says as I am sure there will be someone over him involved as well. When are you going to arrange for this to take place. No arrangements needed we will both just go in now with our equipment at the ready!
Remember there should be the Personal Assistant to the new Prime Minister, the Prime Minister and the young member of Parliament acting as Personal Assistant to the Prime Minister's Personal Assistant! Did you understand all that? In total three people including the new Prime Minister!
Keep me informed by leaving your mike on and then I will be able to hear whether you need any help or not. Good thinking Millie, tell Prof. to put his on open as well. Will do, just keep safe, as I do not trust that lot at all, in Whitehall!