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Rock Star Redemption

Page 24

by Jenna Galicki

  She felt Jimmy’s hand slip away from the back of her neck, and he sat against the wall of the hot tub. His face had a melancholy shadow, and his eyes were cast downward into the bubbles.

  “Yes,” she said. “I want to marry you.”

  His head snapped in her direction. “You will?”

  Her giddy laugh filled the room. “Yes!”

  He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her in a tight embrace. “I love you so much, Audra. When you didn’t answer right away, I thought you weren’t ready. I thought you were trying to let me down easy.” His smile spanned his cheeks and radiated with joy.

  “I was just thinking about how long we’ve known each other and about the things you said.” She nodded her head. “The time is right.” She pushed her fingers through his hair and kissed him. The bubbles smashed between them as their bodies pressed against one another, and nothing ever felt more right than the two of them together.

  He slid the ring onto her finger and happy tears filled her eyes. She let out a small laugh and stared at her hand through the haze of moisture that clouded her vision. She wanted to tell the world, but the first person that came to mind was her father. Whatever his reaction was, he deserved to be the first to know. “Would you mind if I called my father?”

  Jimmy’s body went slightly rigid. “Do you think he’ll be upset?”

  “I honestly don’t know, but I want to share the news with him before anyone else. I think it would be the respectful thing to do.”

  “Go ahead.”

  She heard the unease in Jimmy’s voice and knew he had reason for concern. She had the same apprehension, but she wanted to call her father first, even before Kira.

  Her heart jumped at the sound of his voice. “Audra. Is everything all right? Did something happen?” Fatherly concern was always foremost on his mind.

  “Hi, Daddy. Everything is perfect.”

  “Good.” She heard the relief in his voice. “You’re doing a wonderful job – not that I had any doubts. I don’t remember if I had the chance to tell you with all that’s happened over the last few months, and I just want you to know how proud I am that you’re my daughter. The tour has been getting excellent reviews all through South and North America, and Australia is on the edge of its seat waiting for the first show. Kira is astounding in her new role as A&R rep for Falcon. The talent loves working with her. The two of you will be running this company in no time.”

  Her father never alluded to stepping down as head of the record label before, and she was reminded of his health issues. “How are you feeling? Are you taking it easy? I hope you’re not back to working full time already.”

  “Just a few hour a day. I’m taking it easy – as easy as a person can in this business.”

  “Daddy, I have something to tell you, and I want you to hear it from me first.”

  He was quiet.

  “I’m very happy, so please keep an open mind. Jimmy and I are engaged.” Bubbles of joy practically burst through her pores at saying the words out loud. She hoped her happiness wasn’t bittersweet and tainted by her father’s disapproval. “Please don’t be upset. We’re not getting married right away.” She wanted a long engagement and an elaborate wedding. She wanted a string of bridesmaids and a flower girl. Mason could be the ring bearer. Deep down, she was an old-fashioned girl after all.

  Her father still hadn’t responded, and she worried about the stress her announcement caused him. His health was still fragile. She should have spoken to his doctors before telling him. “Daddy, please say something. I need to know how you feel about this.”

  “My daughter is getting married?”

  Was that a tremor in his voice?

  “Yes, Daddy. Jimmy proposed less than fifteen minutes ago. You were the first person I wanted to tell.”

  “Did you call your sister?”

  “No. Just you.”

  There was a pause.

  “I just want you to be happy, Audra. Life is short. Sometimes you have to take chances. If you trust that Mr. Wilder – Jimmy – can make you happy, then I guess I need to trust your judgment. I will support your decision. No matter what happens, I will always stand behind you. You’re my daughter, and I love you. Congratulations, princess. I’m very happy for you. I’m going to throw you an engagement party fit for a queen. I just wish your mother was here to see you walk down the aisle.”

  “Thank you, Daddy.” She sucked in a deep gust of breath and pressed her fingers to her lips in order to steady the fast-rising emotion that turned her face into a flushed, quivering mess. A silent sob quaked in the back of her throat and made her shoulders twitch. It wasn’t just her father’s support that overwhelmed her; it was the mention of her mother. Milestones always brought the loss of her mother to the forefront of her thoughts. No one ever really spoke of her absence during such times, but they all felt it and quietly acknowledged it in their own way. Audra’s wedding would be bittersweet, but her father’s softened heart and acceptance made up for it.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  “Are you fucking kidding?” Damien grabbed Audra’s hand and inspected the ring. He whistled. “You tryin’ to make the rest of us look bad? Look at the size of that thing.”

  “Nothing is too good for my lady,” Jimmy boasted. He knew everyone was shocked at the announcement. He never so much as hinted that he was buying Audra a ring.

  Damien pulled Jimmy in for a one-shoulder hug and they locked eyes. “You got a good girl. Don’t fuck up.”

  Jimmy clapped his friend on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about me, man. I waited too long to find someone like her. She’s the world to me.”

  “Glad to hear it. I’m happy for you, brother. About time you get hitched. Congrats.”

  Jimmy gazed at the woman he loved, now surrounded by Alyssa, Jessi and Angel. Tommy broke through to take a look at the ring that everyone was ogling. His mouth dropped open when he saw the large diamond on Audra’s hand, and his eyes went to Jimmy. “This thing had to cost over a hundred grand!”

  A hundred and forty six grand to be exact, but Jimmy wasn’t disclosing the value of the gemstone to anyone.

  The shocked look never left Tommy’s face as he pulled Jimmy aside. “You can’t drop money like you’ve been doing. You have a kid now.” Tommy was always worried about finances. He was always the responsible one, which was ironic, because Angel was the most frivolous.

  “Relax, man, it’s my lady’s engagement ring. I can’t skimp on something like that.”

  “Yeah, but you just bought another Lambo, and you spent a fortune on that insane apartment. Don’t blow through all your money.”

  “Oh, leave him alone, mi amor.” Angel came in with a hug that pulled both Jimmy and Tommy into his embrace. “I couldn’t be happier for you, Jimmy. We’ve known each other for a long time. I never would have pictured you with a family, and now I can’t picture you without one. Have you told Mason yet?”

  “No. My parents were the only other people I told. Man, were they shocked – and happy.” He hoped Mason would be okay with the news. He still hadn’t told Mason that he was the kid’s father. He just didn’t know how to blurt out the information, or if the boy would understand. There had been so many changes in his son’s life over the last few weeks. He didn’t want to overwhelm the kid. The father issue would have to wait. He needed to explain to Mason that he and Audra were getting married.

  Jimmy and Audra each had Mason by the hand and lifted him in the air just as the wave crashed over his legs. He burst into a fit of giggles, and the sound brought joy to Jimmy’s heart.

  Audra adjusted his little orange life vest. “Are you having fun, Mason?”

  He was having a ball and barely stopped laughing long enough to nod his head. He pulled himself up and kicked his legs in the surf. “More! Let’s go out more!” He wanted to go into deeper water, but Jimmy was leery. He picked up his son and held him tightly in his arms as he walked into the ocean up to his waist. Mason wanted to break fr
ee, but Jimmy wasn’t letting him go. “Hang on, buddy. You have to stay with me. The water’s deep here.”

  Audra splashed Mason, and he buried his face in Jimmy’s neck and giggled. He reached over and flicked a small amount of water back at Audra. She laughed and pretended to get flustered by the tiny spray of water that barely touched her. The two continued to have a little splashing match, which sent Mason into another fit of laughter. Jimmy could watch his son play for hours.

  “Do you like Audra?” he asked Mason.

  “Uh huh!” Mason managed between laughs. “She’s fun!”

  “What? I’m not fun?” Jimmy pretended to be insulted.

  Mason wrapped his arms around Jimmy’s neck and squeezed. “You’re fun, too. We play drums together.”

  “Yes, we do.”

  Mason resumed his splashing match with Audra and got her in the face with a handful of water. Jimmy threw his head back and laughed. “Good job, Mase!”

  She turned and covered her face as Mason continued to flip water in her direction. Jimmy wrapped one arm securely around Mason’s waist and helped his son drench Audra with water from the South Pacific Ocean. Jimmy held firmly onto his son’s waist, and let him paddle in Audra’s direction. When he was within reach, Mason stretched toward Audra and pulled himself into her arms. He squished his cheek against hers and hugged her with all his might, laughing the entire time. They got along so well together.

  “Hey, Mason. Would you like it if Audra came to live with us?”

  He stopped laughing and looked at Jimmy with too much consternation for a three-year-old boy. “You mean like a sleepover every night?”

  “Yeah. Every night.”

  “In the same house?”

  “Yeah. She could come live with us in our apartment, or maybe we can go upstairs and live in her apartment, because it’s bigger.”

  Audra smiled at Jimmy. “Or maybe we can convert both apartments into a duplex.” She squeezed Mason a little tighter. “Would you like that? We can have stairs in the living room that connect both apartments. You can go upstairs to my apartment or downstairs to Jimmy’s apartment, without going out into the hallway.”

  It was a fantastic idea. But poor Mason looked confused. Jimmy rubbed his son’s shoulder. “It’s okay, little man. We’ll just be together. Is that okay?”

  He smiled again and nodded. “Together. Audra and Jimmy. And Mason.”

  Jimmy kissed the back of his son’s small hand. “Audra and Jimmy and Mason. And maybe even Aunt Mary.” Jimmy never mentioned the idea of Aunt Mary living with them, but it seemed logical now since they would have the extra room, and they needed someone to watch Mason.

  Audra met Jimmy’s eye and nodded her approval.

  “Do you like that idea, Mason?”

  He nodded vigorously. “Yeah!”

  That was half the battle. Jimmy pushed himself to move forward with the rest of the plan. He circled his arms around both Audra and Mason. “I’m glad you like Audra, because we’re gonna get married. Is that okay with you, if me and Audra get married and we all live together in the same place, all the time?”

  “Married?” Mason asked with a tilt of his head.

  “Yeah, buddy. Do you know what married means?”

  Mason played with a lock of his hair while he contemplated the question. “It means Audra will be like the mommy and you’ll be like the daddy?”

  “Yeah, that’s right.”

  “And Mason will be like the baby?”

  Jimmy’s throat closed up. He took his son from Audra and hugged him. Regret for the years they had lost tugged at Jimmy’s heart. “Mason will be like the baby,” he whispered. “We’ll be a family.”

  Mason was quiet and he continued to twirl a lock of his hair around his finger.

  “Everything okay, Mase?” Jimmy hoped his son wasn’t thinking about Kendall and how his mother was no longer in his life.

  Mason surprised him with a hug. “I never had a daddy before.”

  Jimmy took a deep breath and held it as he fought the rush of emotion that cut into his heart. “I have something else to tell you, buddy. I am your daddy. You’re my son.” Jimmy didn’t know where the words came from, but they just vacated his mouth. A tear hung in the corner of his eye as he inspected Mason’s confused little face. “No one knew it. Otherwise, I would have been there since the day you were born.” Guilt gutted Jimmy. He had no idea if the kid understood anything he was explaining. It was too much all at once. He never should have laid so much on the kid. One minute they were laughing and playing in the water, the next minute he dropped a bomb on the poor kid. “I’m so sorry. I wish I knew sooner. I only found out the first night we met, the first night you played the big drums. Remember?”

  Mason slowly nodded.

  “I’ve been with you ever since, right? I’m not leaving you. Not ever. Okay? I love you, Mason.” The words barely came out. Jimmy’s voice was a squeaking bundle of emotion and moisture started to blur his vision. Over Mason’s shoulder, Jimmy saw Audra. She was blotting the corners of her eyes and her chin was quivering.

  Mason was quiet again while he stared at Jimmy. Then he wrapped his tiny arms around Jimmy’s neck and squeezed. “I love you too, Daddy.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Jimmy was at the side curtain with the rest of the band, waiting for their cue to take the stage. Audra was running back and forth checking on every detail. She was a stickler and micromanaged everything in order to ensure the show’s success. Angel was to Jimmy’s right, standing perfectly still while Jessi adjusted his opening outfit. Tommy was to Jimmy’s left, Les Paul in hand. Anticipation caused tiny beads of sweat to dot across Jimmy’s forehead. He held both drumsticks in one hand and beat them furiously against his leg.

  “Calm down,” Tommy said. “What’s with all the nervous energy?”

  “Tonight’s a big night.”

  “You know the songs. You didn’t miss a note in rehearsals. You’re gonna slay the rhythm guitar, and the fans are gonna go ballistic.”

  It wasn’t his guitar skills that had Jimmy worried. He planned on announcing his engagement to Audra to the fans. There was no reason to wait to spread the news, and he wanted the fans to hear it from him, rather than have them read about it in the tabloids. He wanted to somehow persuade them to accept Audra. It killed him that some of the fans treated her like shit.

  “What’s the crowd like?” Damien bounced across the stage and peeked through the center curtain. The fans had been chanting and stomping their feet for the last fifteen minutes, but Jimmy was too immobilized to check.

  “Aren’t they gorgeous?” Angel called to Damien. “There are some really beautiful people in Australia!”

  “That’s because you go for blue-eyed blonds.” Damien returned from the front of the stage and gawked at Angel’s over-the-top outfit. “Dude, what the fuck are you wearing?”

  The spiked codpiece Angel wore over his crotch was so ridiculous, Jimmy refused to comment on it – not with a straight face. His friend wore the most outrageous outfits, and the fans and the media loved it.

  At the mention of Angel’s attire, Jessi spoke up. “This is Australia. People are free and uninhibited. He needs to wear something outlandish.”

  “You’re only sayin’ that cuz you made it.”

  Angel put his arm around her. “She’s my designer, and she stands behind her work.”

  Tommy tried to grab the stud-covered cup that was strapped over Angel’s crotch, but winced when the pointed spikes hit the palm of his hand. “It’s like a chastity belt.”

  “Good,” Damien said. “Maybe we won’t have to hose you two down tonight.”

  The remark caught Jimmy’s attention. The United States brought a certain set of unspoken restrictions regarding Angel and Tommy’s on-stage sexually-charged behavior. Australians were less conservative. Tonight’s show was going to be interesting.

  “Why isn’t anyone wearin’ shirts?” Damien asked. “No one told me there was
a half-naked dress code tonight.”

  Jimmy always shed his shirt after the first few songs. It was simply too hot under the lights, and he exerted so much energy when he played, his shirt was usually drenched after the second song. Tonight, nervous perspiration caused him to ditch the shirt before he made it out of the dressing room.

  “I hardly ever wear a shirt under my jackets,” Angel pointed out, pulling on the collar of his studded leather jacket.

  Tommy flexed one pectoral muscle, and then the other. “I decided I wanted to drive Angel crazy on stage.” Both Angel and Jessi were mesmerized by Tommy’s chest as he continued to alternately pop each pec muscle.

  Jessi finally stopped him by bracing her hands against his chest. “Well, you’re driving me crazy. A woman can only take so much.”

  Damien shrugged and slipped his shirt over his head. “If everyone else is going shirtless, I’m not gonna stand out like the idiot wearing clothes.”

  “Just keep your pants on,” Tommy warned, with a laugh.

  The lights went down and the cheers from the crowd escalated. All apprehension fled from Jimmy’s body, and a buzz filled his soul. He didn’t care about anything except the show. His nervous energy transformed into a surge of adrenaline that could have lifted him off the floor. His bandmates all glanced at each other, and they shared the same rush of excitement. Smiles lit up their faces and sparks glowed in their eyes.

  The floor started to rumble as the impatient fans stomped their feet to a rousing thunder that filled the arena. The chants of “Immoooortal! Aaaaangel!” could probably be heard all the way to New Zealand.

  They huddled together with their arms around each other’s shoulders. They were humbled by the magnitude of the band’s success and quietly nodded at one another.

  “This is it,” Angel said. “We’ve reached the four corners of the world. I couldn’t do this without any one of you. We’re all here because of each other. Mi familia – my family.”


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