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Bad Boy's Toy: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance

Page 38

by Nicole Fox

  She shrugged. “Maybe?” From what little Danny had told her about Jed and Brittney, the woman he'd run off with, it could be true. “This look like that guy? Do you remember what his name was?”

  “I dunno,” he said, shaking his head. “Judd, John, Jack? Some shit like that, started with a J, I think. Knew his girl a whole lot better than him, you know what I'm saying.”

  She ignored the last part of his comment. She didn't need a mental image of Quentin fucking anything, let alone Danny's younger brother's woman. “Are you certain? Do you know where he normally hangs out?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I'm sure.” He gave her the address. “He owe you guys money or some shit?”

  She shook her head and stepped past him, heading for the door. This place gave her the creeps. “No, just a favor for a friend.”

  “Cool. Well, you guys need anything, you let me know,” he said from behind her as she stepped out into the bright light of day.

  “Yeah, I will,” she said as she headed down the cracked walkway, back to Danny, who was already getting the bike up and going. “Thanks Quentin.”

  “Say hello to yo' momma when you see her, too,” Quentin shouted after her before slamming the front door shut. The deadbolts and chains slid into place one after the other as she walked away, helping to seal shut the memories of that awful place.

  The sun washed over her, cleansing her as she walked the short distance to the bike. She felt like it rejuvenated her, helped to remove all the grungy memories. She reminded herself that it was her past, just her past, and those things had made her who she was. They helped to form her, but they didn't control her.

  Danny kicked the bike and it roared into life. He twisted the throttle up a notch.

  She threw a leg over the seat behind Danny and hopped on.

  “You get something?”

  “Yeah. He's down a few blocks from the university, near an old hardware store.”

  “Who was that, anyways?”

  She chewed the inside of her cheek, trying not to think about the past or all her memories of her mother. Those were supposed to remain in Quentin's house. “Sort of a family friend, unfortunately.”

  Danny grunted but, thankfully, didn't reply. Thank God, he knew how to keep out of her private life, even if it had taken her a moment to respect his.

  And, with that, they were off to find Danny's prodigal brother, Jed.

  # # #


  Danny and Sara pulled up in front of the hardware store that Quentin had given them the address for. He looked around at the crumbling businesses, at the trash on the street. Though it was only a couple blocks from the university, the place looked like it had been deserted by city services years ago.

  Fuck. It was just like little brother to have gotten himself into this shit. First, it was that whore Brittney. Now, drugs. He didn't doubt that she'd gotten him wrapped up in it, too.

  They got off the bike and looked around.

  “Junkies don't just hang out inside stores,” Sara said. “They don't let them loiter. He's probably in an alley or behind a business here.”

  “A fucking alley?” Danny asked. “You've gotta be shitting me.”

  “Did you not just see where we came from? Quentin's place is high society for some of these people.”

  “They're not 'these people,'” he grated. “We're talking about my brother here.”

  “Sorry,” Sara said, clearly trying to make a real apology. “You're right. I should know that better than anyone. Everyone is someone's child, right?”

  “Yeah,” he agreed. “Some just make bigger mistakes than others.”

  “Well, let's just see if we can find him, okay?”

  As Sara finished speaking, a trash can rolled over in the alleyway behind him. He raised an eyebrow at Sara.

  “As good a lead as any,” she said.

  Together, they walked to the mouth of the alley and looked in. Rotten garbage, old oil, and God-only-knew what else assaulted their senses like the military forming a beachhead.

  “Jesus,” Danny groaned under his breath at the smell. He looked farther into the alley, near the back.

  About thirty feet in, a crumpled human form in ratty old clothes was curled up next to one of those steel trashcans you could find at any home and garden store.

  Danny's stomach sunk as he headed into the alleyway. “Jed?” he asked, an edge to his voice. “That you, bro?”

  Sara, more cautious than Danny, warily followed behind him. Up ahead, the form rolled over and groaned in a raspy, stricken voice.

  “Jed? Bro?”

  “Who . . . what? Danny, that you?”

  “Jed!” He broke into a run, splashing through who-knew what, glass vials crunching under the soles of boots. He came to a stop over the dilapidated form of his brother curled up in the fetal position. “What the fuck are you doing, bro? How fucked up are you?”

  “What?” Jed asked as he sat up and ran a hand through his greasy hair. “Stop yelling, Danny . . . I'm fine, man. Just, you know, taking a nap.”

  He didn't look fine, though. His shirt looked like it had seen better days, like maybe a decade before, and his shabby coat was missing one of its sleeves. The smell coming off him was atrocious, like he hadn't showered in weeks or months.

  Could Thorn have been right? Was Jed really a junkie now? Danny had to find out. Jed squawked in protest as Danny reached down and grabbed him by the wrist, pulling up his sleeve. Red, black, and blue track marks covered the inside of his forearm and the crook of his elbow.

  “What the fuck, Danny?” Jed yelled as he snatched his arm out of Danny's grip.

  Danny could feel the blood pulsing behind his eyes. What would Pops have thought? Mom was on death's door already, and this was going to fucking kill her when she heard about it. He lost control and started yelling. “What the fuck? Did that whore do this to you? Did she get you into this shit? I couldn't even find you to let you know about Pops!”

  Jed just blinked under the verbal barrage, his eyes bloodshot and vacant. “Pops? What about Pops?”

  “He's dead, bro. Pops fucking died.”

  “Oh . . . shit.”

  “Yeah, shit is fucking right,” Danny yelled. “You left us for that woman, said you were leaving for a better life. What is this shit, man?”

  Jed just numbly stared at him. “Wasn't her,” he said after a moment. “I did it.”

  Danny's stomach sank further. How was he going to tell their mom about this? How could he explain to her that her son became a fucking junkie?

  Sara stepped up beside Danny. Whatever Junkie Whisperer powers she had, maybe she could use them to help his brother. “Jed?” she asked. “Hey, Jed. Can you tell us how you got into the drugs? If Brittney didn't do it?”

  Jed seemed to think about the question for a long moment, then shook his head. “No, she's fine. Was some guy at a party. Brittney was there . . .” He peered off at the brick wall behind Danny for a long moment, staring right past him, before he shook his head again. “No, not her. She wasn't there. I remember. He was in an MC, too. Like I used to be. Like we used to be, bro.”

  Danny perked up. Finally, there might have been a clear antagonist for him to focus on. Maybe, after they got his brother clean, they could get some good old-fashioned retribution. Some justice. “What MC, Jed? Do you remember?”

  “Real friendly,” Jed slurred. “Had a jackal on his vest. Remember now. Hooked me up for free, even.”

  “The Free Jackals, Jed?”

  Jed shook his head. “Don't remember, bro.” A moment later, though, he nodded, like something had just clicked inside his brain. “Yeah. Free Jackals.”

  Danny roared and kicked a trash can on the other side of the alley, sending its contents flying across the brick face. The Free Jackals were the Fallen Knights' biggest rivals. Bar fights, racing, all the normal turf bullshit. Most of the time, at least.

  There had to be a reason. It couldn't just be coincidence that Jed would end
up getting hooked on drugs with the help of a rival biker gang. He spun back around, hands balled into fists so tight that his knuckles cracked.

  “That's it,” he growled, “Jed, you're coming with us. We're taking you home to Mom, to get your shit sorted out.”

  Hands in front of his face, Jed recoiled back against the alley wall, like he was trying to crawl through it to the other side. “Touch me, bro, and I'll scream bloody fucking murder.”

  Danny ignored his brother and grabbed him by the collar, tried to yank him to his feet.

  Jed yelled for help. “I'm being mugged! Call the fucking police! Someone call the motherfucking police!”

  Sara grabbed Danny's vest from behind and tried to pull him away. “Danny! What the hell are you doing? Your brother's high as a kite! If the cops show up, he's going to jail!”

  Danny gritted his teeth. He felt like punching through the wall till he reached the hardware store's interior. He could have, too, if his hands would hold up to the abuse.

  “Hey, hey,” Sara continued to soothe, “we'll find a way, alright? We'll get Thorn, maybe your mom, okay? We'll get him out of this shit.”

  “Fine,” he spat. “Jed, we're going now.”

  “You got twenty bucks?” Jed asked as Danny turned to leave.


  Sara caught his eye and shook her head as she mouthed the word, “Drugs.”

  He sighed and turned back to his brother. “Nah, man. We'll get you out of here soon, though.”

  “Fuck you, then.”

  “Ignore him,” Sara said, grabbing him by the vest again and leading him back to the bike. “Drugs make people say stupid shit.”

  Together, they stopped back in front of the bike. He looked up at the sky. A chill had blown in while they'd been riding around town, and it looked like it had brought rain with it.

  Today was just not Danny's day.

  He looked back at the alley, his brother's wreck of a face appearing in his memory. Unfortunately, it looked like it wasn't Jed's, either. Off in the distance, a bolt of lightning split the sky, and a peel of thunder rolled out over the town. They weren't going anywhere. Not on a motorcycle, at least.

  Chapter Ten


  They'd barely had time to get off the road and get Danny's bike under cover. The rain had soaked them both through by the time they found a hotel. Even with their rushing around for shelter, they'd still caught the tail end of a torrential downpour.

  Now, with her pants and bra drying, draped over the shower rod behind her, and a hotel towel in her hands for her drenched hair, she wondered about how Danny was doing.

  To put it mildly, it was a shock to find out someone you cared about was on drugs. The person left behind by the addiction wasn't the person you loved. Instead, they were just a ball of want and need, their only motivation to fulfill their chemically-induced desires.

  When they'd pulled up at the hotel, he'd seemed numb, like he was just going through the motions.

  She felt the same way, too. All through her early years with her mother.

  The best way to work through the emotions of betrayal and anger, at least for her, was to talk about them. It had helped her to get things off her chest. Of course, back then, she hadn't exactly had anyone she could talk about it with. That kind of thing didn't come until years later.

  She tossed the towel over the shower rod next to her wet jeans and headed out into the bedroom. Danny was seated on the end of the bed, elbows on knees, still clad in everything but his socks and boots. Water dripped from the tip of his wet, choppy hair, a single drop falling and running down his cheek. The water glistened on his arms, shining like a thousand jewels under the cheap lights.

  “You okay?” she asked. She stopped and leaned against the wall of the hotel's short entryway. “How are you feeling?” she asked, changing tack, as her eyes ran over his body, lingering on the way his wet shirt stuck to his pecs and abs. She couldn't help but admire him.

  He just grunted and got up from the end of the bed.

  “You wanna talk about it?” she asked as he a took a step toward her.

  He shook his head. Clearly, he was still processing.

  “What do you want to do, then?” she asked, her face upturned to look him in the eye.

  His icy blue eyes swallowed her up.

  His body so close to hers - it was almost too much. She tried to take a step back, but gasped in surprise as her back hit the wall.

  “I want to fuck.”

  # # #


  Danny lowered his lips to her neck, tasting her damp, delicious skin.

  Sara moaned low, responding immediately. She put her arms around his neck, pulling him into her.

  Thoughts of Jed in the alleyway, of his mom at home, of the Free Jackals going after his family all filled his head. He knew alcohol wouldn't evict them, either. Nothing would, except having her close to him, having her soft, naked skin against his. And here she was, just wearing her t-shirt and panties, pressed back against the wall, quivering under his touch.

  She ran her hands through his hair, pressed her breasts against his damp chest. “Please, Danny.”

  He made his way to up her ear lobe, sucked it into his mouth, his breath heavy with desire as he reached behind her and grabbed her ass with both hands. He squeezed her through her panties, massaging that beautiful rounded behind that he couldn't stop thinking about.

  She moved one hand down from his neck, rubbed it across the front of his jeans.

  Everything she did felt right, felt wonderful. He groaned in her ear as she stroked him. He pulled back, pressed his lips to hers. She opened her mouth and eagerly pushed her tongue into his mouth, flicking it across his. He sucked on her tongue, bit it lightly.

  She began to unbuckle his belt and unsnap his jeans as she ground herself on his thigh. He could feel the heat coming off of her. Yeah, this is what he needed. He needed to feel alive, to push his worries away until the morning. That was when he had to deal with his problems again, when he was out in the bright, depressing world. Here, though, here he needed to try again for his inheritance.

  She slipped her hand inside the waist of his underwear, wrapped herself around his long, hard cock.

  He sucked in a breath as she ran a thumb over the head of his prick, groaned as she smeared his pre-cum over him. He kissed her harder and pushed his jeans down off his waist with one hand.

  She reached down and moved his hand from her ass to her t-shirt-covered breast, gasped as his thumb crossed over her stiff nipple.

  “Fuck, I want you,” he breathed as he pinched her nipple, teasing her.

  “Then take me, Danny,” she said as he stroked her hand up and down his cock.

  His mind focused on one thing and one thing only. He reached down to the crotch of her panties, felt the heat and dampness there. She wanted this as much as he did, and he could feel his cock harden at her desire. He reached down and grabbed her leg, pulled it up so she was half-straddling him.

  She pressed her chest against him, found his lips again with hers, bit his lower one.

  He shoved aside the sheer cloth of her panties and directed the tip of his cock to her slick opening. He moved his hips, ducking down a little, and pushed forward.

  They both groaned and panted as he slid into her, filling her with his whole length.

  “Oh God, that feels so good,” she moaned. “Fuck me, Danny. Get it all out.”

  “Your pussy's so tight,” he groaned. He grabbed her ass in both hands again, lifted her a little while she brought up her other leg and hooked it around his back. She was light as feather as he pushed her back against the wall, pinning her as he thrust up and forward with his hips.

  She screamed each time he slid into her, the base of his cock hitting her clit, his length rubbing along her g-spot. “I'm already cumming,” she screamed in his ear as he continued to pound into her.

  He wasn't going to last long, but he didn't care. He was looking for tha
t sweet bliss, that little death at the end. Something to wipe his worries away, at least until morning. He fucked her harder and faster, their bodies making noises that filled the room.

  They sucked on each other tongues like they were last things on earth, grunting and groaning as Sara got off over and over on his hard cock.

  “Fuck me, fuck me,” Sara panted out, her body shaking uncontrollably in his arms.

  He gripped her tighter and plowed into her, sweat now running down his neck and chest. He was close, so close, and he sped up.


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