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Three's Never a Crowd [The Corsakis Hotel 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 7

by Serena Akeroyd

  He smirked. “Whatever for, dearest?”

  “Cock. Do you know where I can get some? I’m so empty,” she teased.

  Evan patted the bulge tucked behind the denim fly. “I’ll gladly help out a starving lady.”

  “Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to put you out.”

  “Oh, no bother, darling.” He shrugged out of the lightweight cotton T-shirt he wore, the action making the muscles in his belly ripple deliciously. With that thrown aside, he rested his hands on the bed, and leaned back. The move shrugged his shoulders forward, tautly delineating the ball joints, and his biceps were tensed even in the relaxed position. “Come and feast, sweetheart.”

  She crawled forward, so she sat in between his knees now, and with careful hands, unfastened the five buttons that acted as the fly of his jeans. With the release of each one, his cock nudged against her fingers, and her mouth watered to take him in. When the shaft finally bobbed free from its restraints, she licked her lips at the sight of the weeping tip. It was red, angrily so, almost like his lust was. He didn’t want to need Harden, and yet he did.

  Opening her mouth, she lapped at the tip first, savoring the taste of his pre-cum. Evan was a fan of messy blow jobs. Harden liked the aftermath to be messy, but Evan was different, he liked it sloppy during the act.

  She made sure she drenched the tip of his cock with spittle, a move that eased her path down the shaft as she sank her mouth over the fat dick, swallowing him as much as she could. He was easier to take once lubed with spit, and she edged further and further down, wanting to take him all. With each bob of her head, she sank a little deeper, but she wouldn’t be content until her nose was resting against his groin, and she could suck in the scent of Evan—pure Evan. A man who belonged to her, and always would. Because if things changed, and Evan and Harden became closer, that would alter nothing. If anything, it would tighten the bonds that kept them all together, and that was something worth celebrating. She had nothing to fear. She knew that now.

  With each slow suck of his shaft, Evan’s hips pulsed a little, and his hands came to gather her hair. He lifted it out of the way, using his tight grasp on her hair to guide her movements as well, pushing her further down than was comfortable, once or twice coming close to triggering her gag reflex.

  He knew she liked the discomfort of it. Hell, he’d been there, licking her cunt when Harden made her deep-throat him. The act always made her cream...she did like a little pain with her made it all the sweeter.

  Humming her contentedness as she finally took him whole, she stuck her tongue out and rubbed the tiny area between the base of his shaft and his balls, and felt his body tense as he groaned out his delight.

  With his hand still holding her hair, he pulled her head off his cock, groaning as strands of spit came with it, coating her lips with a mixture of drool and pre-cum. She watched as he panted, his eyes unfocusing for a second, before he spread his legs a little and demanded, “Suck my balls.”

  She grinned, and intending more for him, grabbed the waist of his jeans and pulled. “Lift your hips,” she commanded, and he complied. It was awkward because the denim was unwieldy, but she managed to drag the jeans off, and as he had his shirt, she flung them aside. She pushed his knees further apart and settled closer to him.

  From the corner of her eye, she saw Harden in the doorway. Nodding so slightly that Evan didn’t notice, she invited him in. Ducking her head, she moved his shaft out of the way and took one of the small globes into her mouth. She sucked down hard, loading it with her spit once more, and pulled away to anoint the other one. Once they were both drenched, she moved her mouth away, and grabbed his balls in her fist, rubbing the two together like they were stress balls. Her lack of finesse, the roughness of her touch, had his head falling back with the agonizing delight of it.

  She carefully pressed her tongue to that delicious place behind his testicles, and slid her tongue down his perineum. The musky smell of Evan filled her senses, making her cunt seep with cream, making her wish Harden was coming to touch her rather than ease Evan into this new side of their relationship. But she wouldn’t be greedy, this was about more than getting was about providing Evan with what he needed yet couldn’t ask for.

  The upside was, she truly was fulfilling a fantasy. The prospect of seeing Harden’s cock sink into Evan’s butt...just the thought splintered her brain.

  Bella hummed as she licked further down, smiling as Evan canted his hips forward, allowing her tongue to rim his asshole. Considering he was touchy about gay sex, it was a surprise he enjoyed this, but his cock slapped against her face in a preliminary warning that climax was imminent. She grabbed his balls, squeezed harder and tugged down. His groan was filled with his hunger, and she smiled again. Bella peered up from her position, taking a second to cease the gentle laps of her tongue against the pucker of his ass, and noticed Harden was at Evan’s back, supporting him, keeping him upright.

  Harden nuzzled his face into Evan’s cheek, and she watched in awe as Evan tilted his head to the side, pressing his lips against Harden’s. That first tentative touch was the catalyst. Any gentleness disappeared with their hunger.

  Her heart froze in her chest as she watched the two men kiss. Their mouths eating at each other, exploring and licking, biting and tasting. Everything inside her stilled then pounded to life again. Painful desire coursed through her veins at their aggressive need for one another. Her cunt felt on fire with a ravenous desire to be filled. She wanted one of their cocks deep inside, and knew that whoever fucked who, she’d be underneath, getting pounded into just as they were.

  The idea made her groan, breathless with want as Harden’s hand slipped down to grab a hold of Evan’s cock. The other man stiffened, then blew out a breath, gently easing into this new and unfamiliar touch. Harden carefully slipped his hand up and down the shaft, and she noticed with interest, that his grip was a lot harder than hers had been. He practically clenched down on the pulsing dick, and each time he tugged, Evan’s hips jerked with the move, the muscles in his belly spasming in reaction.

  She bent forward and kissed Harden’s fingers. He brushed his free hand against her cheek, connecting with her silently, just as she had with him. Bella placed her mouth around the tip of Evan’s dick, and Harden was careful not to knock her, but the dual caress, of suctioning mouth and hard and fast wank, obliterated Evan’s control. Cum splattered the back of Bella’s throat, in a hard and fast pulsation that drenched her tongue with Evan’s essence.

  His breathing was loud in the silent room, his gasps still filled with the agonizing deliciousness of the moment as he slowly came down from the high, and moved toward the realization of what had just happened.

  “How do you feel, baby?” she whispered, moving her mouth away from his cock but pressing her lips against his abdomen, moving from her kneeling position to reach his nipples, so she could nibble the hard tips.

  “Hungry,” he whispered. “More. I need more.”

  Harden grunted. “You’ll get more, love.”

  Evan licked his lips. “Are you going to fuck me?”

  It wasn’t often she heard either man sound in any way vulnerable. They were both too arrogant. Far too high up in their worlds. The power hadn’t corrupted them, but had made them strong, practically fearless. Especially Evan, who worked with the stunt crews on his production team!

  But in this, his voice held a faint quiver. A slight tremble of vulnerability that made her heart melt.

  “Whatever you want, Evan,” Harden told him. He must have clenched his fist around Evan’s cock again, because the other man groaned. “You’re already getting hard again. Do you want to fuck me, or do you want to fuck Bella?”

  She looked up, a twinkle in her eye. “Yeah, Evan, who’s getting my pussy tonight?”

  The slightly challenging tone had his back stiffening, and he growled. “I’ll have your cunt, Bella. It’ll be creaming for me.”

  She grinned. “You going to mak
e me come?”

  “Hard,” he told her, the word almost a warning.

  “Is that a promise?”

  “More than that, baby. It’s a fucking guarantee.”

  Bella wafted her hand in front of her face. “This talk is exciting, boys, but I prefer action.”

  Evan’s eyes glittered, and that was all the warning she had. He grabbed her, lifted her against his chest, and simultaneously rolled over so she was on her back and he was on top of her. Her legs had naturally separated, and she hiked them higher, lodging them on his hips. His cock rubbed against her panty-covered cunt, and she arched her back with the delicious weight of him right where she needed him.

  He fumbled between them, and she felt the fabric of her panties cut into her leg before there was a sound of tearing material and bare cock was suddenly against hot, wet pussy. Both of them groaned with the delight of it, and her eyes widened when his dick was at her slit, seeking entrance.

  “Already?” she gasped.

  “I need you,” he grunted, the grunt turning into a snarl as his hips flexed, sending him home, deep inside her, right where she needed him to be.

  Her cunt wept a little more for him, slickening his passage, caressing it with muscles that did a Mexican wave at his possession. She gasped hard at the depth of his penetration, exulting in his need for her.

  She felt him tense above her, and over his shoulder, she saw Harden had appeared once more. He’d stripped, baring his beautiful body to them—but she was the only one who could appreciate the view in their current positions. In his hand, he had a tube, and his cock was already slippery with the lubricant it contained.

  From her position, and not without reaching forward, she couldn’t see what he was doing, but she could guess. She felt Evan’s cock pulse inside her, and a cry escaped him as Harden fucked him with his hand. Evan pressed his face to the comforter, and the sounds he made as Harden touched him were like bolts of lightning to her body. Each one zapped her nerve endings, and it didn’t help that whatever Harden was doing, made Evan’s hips rear harder and deeper into her cunt.

  Finally, she gasped out, “What are you doing to him?”

  Harden’s voice was deep, thready with need. When she looked into his eyes, she saw barely-there control, need and hunger, a raging, torrential storm of arousal. His face was tinged with sweat, the muscles of his chin and jaw were taut, the usually golden skin white with the pressure he was forcing on his teeth.

  “Rubbing his prostate. I think he likes it, don’t you, baby?”

  She grunted. “Just a little. His cock is doing a dance inside me.”

  Harden’s chuckle was gritty, not even amused, just a harsh bark of sound. “That’s because he needs a cock in there. My cock. Don’t you, Evan? You need me to fuck you?”

  Evan moaned, his head turning from side to side in a denial, but his words belied that. “Please, Harden. Fuck me. Please.”

  “He’s begging me, Bella. After all these months of avoiding me, now he’s begging.” Harden snarled, “Beg harder.”

  Bella scowled at him. “Don’t tease him, Harden!”

  His eyes narrowed, and whatever he did had a high-pitched sound escaping Evan. Hell, she’d fucked him with a finger before, had even shoved a dildo up his ass when it had just been the two of them in bed once, and he’d never squealed! She wanted to learn whatever it was Harden was up to.

  She glared at her lover. “Tomorrow, you teach me what you’re doing.”

  Harden bared his teeth at the order. “Deal.”

  “Fucking torturers,” Evan gasped out, his head rearing back in ecstasy.

  She snorted. “Now you know how I feel when I have a magic wand taped to my goddamn thigh, and you keep switching it off and on before I can come.”

  “You love it really,” Evan mumbled, his words suddenly broke off and were mangled into a cry of satisfaction. Relief lined his face, turning his features lax, his mouth loose, and Bella grunted as she felt cum pelt her deep inside. Felt his shaft pulse and twitch to the tune of Harden’s fingers.

  The look of pleasure on his face made her heart beat twice as hard. She moaned at the sight of it, her sensitive and needy cunt clenched down on the cock that had once again started a salsa dance deep inside her body.

  When Harden bent over him, and drawled, “I haven’t finished with you yet,” both of them groaned in delight.

  Evan’s eyes had drifted shut, a look of consummate joy written on his face, but suddenly, they popped open again, and she knew Harden had started to fill him with his cock.

  He was slow, careful. And she appreciated that. She wanted this to be so good for Evan that he could only associate the positive with this experience. And hell, two orgasms in the space of ten minutes could only be considered a miracle! Especially as he was nearing forty—none of them were horny teenagers anymore.

  Short, panting breaths burst from him as he tried to acclimate to being filled, and considering how thick Harden’s cock was, she understood the slight panic that came from having Harden in the ass.

  How long it took, she didn’t know. It might have been five minutes or an hour, but each inch that Harden gained, Evan shuddered deep, and his cock reacted inside her. She’d never experienced anything like it. He was so sensitive to each and every one of Harden’s thrusts that it set off a chain reaction in his cock, which led to a whole different kind of reaction in her cunt.

  Both men cried out when Harden was home, as deep as he could be, and Bella shrieked when he pulled out, then thrust in again. Evan was so deep inside her, so thick and filling, his cock already stiff, that that thrust sent him nudging tissues so deep it made the backs of her eyes turn black. She blinked up at Harden’s tense and studious face, watching him with her narrowing sight as he carefully but thoroughly fucked their lover. At first, he was cautious, but with each thrust, the strain grew harder, and he moved a little faster.

  Bella felt like a rag doll, and God only knew how Evan felt. He was grunting in her ear, tiny whimpers intermittently sprang from his lips, but they were strange sounds, not at all weak, but filled with an emotion she could only describe as gleeful wonder.

  When Harden sped up, his own climax seeking to hit him hard between the eyes, Evan’s cock impaled her a little harder, a little deeper, touching her in ways she’d never been touched before. As Harden roared out his own climax, his hard, final jab into Evan’s ass, had him coming, too. Both men yelled out the glory of the moment, and Bella, well, she just cried with the relief of it.

  Seconds, minutes, hours later, she whispered, “Evan? How do you feel, baby?”

  His grunted reply was muffled against her throat. “Like I might never walk again.”

  She snickered. “Is that a good or bad thing?”

  “It’s something I’d like to repeat,” he said carefully, words still mumbled against her neck, making the skin twitch with the vibration.

  Her cunt clenched down on his spent shaft making him moan. “Sorry,” she whispered.

  “No, I’m sorry. We left you in the lurch.”

  She snorted. “If you think that wasn’t an orgasm for my eyes, then you’re wrong. I just can’t wait to see it up close and personal. Harden,” she called out. “I have an appointment with your cock and Evan’s ass when he’s next inside you.”

  “That might not be for a year. I’m not sure if I’ll ever have another hard-on ever again.”

  Evan’s melodrama had her chuckling. “Don’t set me a challenge, you know how I like to prove you both wrong.”

  He snorted, and Harden just grumbled sleepily against Evan’s back. She was cramped underneath them, their bodies pushing her into the bed, and while it was uncomfortable, she didn’t want to move. Harden’s weight kept Evan’s cock deep inside her, and she liked the connection of all three of them together.

  She only had the pleasure of that connection for five more minutes. Harden groaned and rolled off them, and he helped Evan detach himself from her as well. She pouted even though sh
e could breathe now. With Evan gone, her pussy made its lack of satisfaction known. Especially as she felt seed start to trickle out of her cunt.

  The double dose slipped silkily from her body, and the gentle sensation had her eyes fluttering shut with the sweetness of it.

  Spreading her legs, she slipped her hand between her thighs. Evan’s cum was like velvet between her fingertips, and she used it as lube. Spreading the essence around her clit, she carefully parted the lips with one hand, and with the other, began to flick at the tiny nubbin. The gentle but rapid laps had her hips rocking, and a moan escaping her as her frazzled nerve endings started to fry a little harder. She thought of Evan’s face when Harden’s cock had finally hit home, she thought of Harden’s as four months’ worth of frustration finally came to roost. She thought of how deep Evan had been inside her, and the faint gleeful whimpers as his desires came to fruition.

  She climaxed by ceasing the teasing flicks of her fingertips, and replacing them with her fingers. Hard and fast, she worked herself to the edge, and even though it wasn’t as strong as it would have been if she’d come with Evan inside her, the glory of the moment, knowing both men were watching her through sleepy eyes, every part of her still shuddering with the remnants of her fantasy coming to life sent her to the stars and back.

  Chapter Five

  “Ummm,” she mumbled, two weeks later, as a tongue licked at her clit. Tiny, teasing strokes that gently woke her but set her belly on fire with need. A hard body at her back curled around her, and she let him, Harden—only Evan knew how to tease her clit like this—lift her leg over his thigh, and position her for his shaft.

  As he slid in deep, his cock demanding entrance to her welcoming cunt, both of them groaned as Evan’s tongue dropped down. Harden’s breath gasped out of him, and she peered down with bleary eyes to watch Evan slurping up her cream while nibbling the base of Harden’s cock.

  Her eyes felt like crossing at the sight, and she had to groan as Harden finally started to fuck her. They were slow and steady, gentle. After last night, she appreciated that. Evan had finally built up the nerve to fuck Harden, and she’d had Harden’s cock rammed down her throat as Evan pummeled them both to satisfaction. Hell, she’d probably be croaky for the rest of the day.


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