Shadows of Knight: Book 1 of Dark Shadows - a Romantic Suspense Trilogy

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Shadows of Knight: Book 1 of Dark Shadows - a Romantic Suspense Trilogy Page 9

by M E Whiter

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  “Tom, I will walk out with you.” Sebastian rises out of the chair and turns to me. “Rachel, I will be back in a minute.”

  TEN MINUTES LATER, Sebastian returns to my room. When he sits down on the side of my bed, there is a show of concern on his face, when he gazes into my eyes.

  “Rachel, I promise, we will find out who did this to you. But in the meantime, I want to make sure you are kept safe, " he says, taking my hand and squeezing it gently. "I have just organised for a security guard to stand watch outside your door."

  “Do you think that’s necessary?” I ask, not wanting to feel any more indebted to him than I do, with him covering my hospital expenses.

  “Yes. I agree with Tom’s thinking, that it must have been Connor Black who pushed you. Until the police can find him, I’m making it my business, to ensure he doesn’t get near you."

  “Rachel,” he says, a deep frown appearing on his forehead. “When I asked you yesterday, what made you walk out in front of the traffic, why did you lie to me, saying you didn't remember?” Crap! I should know by now, I’m not good at lying.

  “I didn’t do it intentionally. I’ve been confused about what I remember happened. Until today, I couldn't be sure I hadn’t just imagined parts of it . . . I mean, I didn't want to believe, someone had deliberately pushed me out, into the oncoming traffic. To be honest, I didn't want to saying anything, until I was sure that’s what did happen.”

  “So, are you certain you remember it clearly, now?” He frowns at me.

  I'm not sure how to convince him, that I'm one hundred percent certain I was pushed. “I wasn’t . . . until I couldn't sleep last night. I kept going over it all, again and again, and then I remembered it more clearly."

  “Well, I wish you would have confided this to me, yesterday. I would have insisted on the police coming sooner,” he says, irritably, but doesn't release my hand, when he leans back slightly.

  I shift my knee slightly, trying to relieve some of the ache, from being stuck in the one position, for too long. I have no doubt, he's upset with me, for not trusting him enough to confide in him, but I'm not sure how to respond.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t know you well enough, to expect you to get involved, in what's really my problem, not yours.” I tell him, shaking my head. "You've already done more than you need to, by paying for my medical expenses. So, why would you want to concern yourself, in this?" I ask the question, looking down at my fingers, blood-red from twisting them together, so tightly.

  When I look up at his face again, his expression has softened. “Rachel, I want to help you. I hate the idea that someone assaulted you, and in such an insidious manner. But, I need you to trust me.”

  The sincerity in his words surprises me. It's touching and powerfully seductive, and when you add in, the feeling of insecurity, being so far away from home, and without the support of family or friends, I can feel my defences beginning to crumble around the edges. And it doesn't help, when he looks at me in that alluring way, and his voice sounding so sexy. I'm almost tempted to shatter what's left of my resistance, and do whatever he asks.

  "That's very sweet of you Sebastian. I don't wish to sound ungrateful but . . ." I stop short, hearing a loud knock at the door. When it opens, my jaw drops in disbelief, recognising the man walking into my room. Damon Fox! What on earth, is he doing here?

  Standing up, Sebastian turns around to greet Damon. “Damon, what are you doing here?"

  "Sorry, if I interrupted something?" he replies, with a slight smirk at the corner of his mouth.

  "No, Damon, you did not interrupt anything." He growls, not hiding the irritation in his voice. He then unwittingly, proceeds with the introductions. "Rachel, this is Damon Fox. He's in charge of my security team."

  "We've already met," I interject, still in a state of shock, as I continue to stare at Damon.

  "Yes, that’s right, the night of the gala auction," Damon confirms, in a deliberately obtuse fashion.

  Sebastian flashes a look of surprise at Damon. "Why didn't you say, you had met Rachel, when I first mentioned her name to you?"

  "I guess it slipped my mind," he replies dismissively, shrugging his shoulders. He looks at me, his pale blue eyes boring right through mine. "You can imagine how shocked I was, when Sebastian told me, that it was you, he ran over with his car."

  “Yes, I can,” I reply, lightly.

  "Makes me wonder, . . . if you had stayed around longer, Rachel, would you still have been run over the next day, and be lying in this hospital, now?"

  "Damon! That's a callous thing to say." Sebastian shouts, with a warning look. "I think Rachel, has had enough to deal with already, without being subjected to your rhetorical theorising."

  Damon’s cool blue eyes, focus on me. "Sorry,” he says, folding his arms. "I'm here because I thought it might be useful . . ." he starts to say, turning his attention back to Sebastian. " . . . if I come by personally, and check out the hospital’s security system, before I organise the security detail on this room.”

  Sebastian nods his head in agreement. "Good thinking. Now, if you will go wait outside for me, I want to talk to Rachel before we leave?"

  "Sure," he says, pushing off the wall. "By the way Rachel, it's nice meeting you again.” He gives me a flirtatious smile, and then nods at Sebastian on his way out the door.

  Sebastian turns his attention to me, "I apologise for Damon. He's a bit of a wildcard at times. But that doesn't mean, I’m willing to tolerate his bad manners."

  "When he introduced himself to me, he said he had a partner, and that he wanted me to meet him. He didn't give me a name, but I guess he was talking about you."

  "Yes, well, he's not a partner yet," he tells me, sitting back down on my bed. "Ever since my wife's death, he's been trying to set me up with a woman. I guess he picked you out, as his next target."

  "I guess so,” I reply, not contradicting his assumption, about the real reason why, Damon introduced himself to me that night. I’m still not sure I know, myself.

  “Anyway, how come you didn't stay around, to meet me that night?" he asks, sitting back down on the side of my bed.

  His question throws me for a loop. "Well, I didn't know it was you, at the time," I reply, in my defence. "His story, about wanting me to meet his partner, sounded a bit too contrived to be true. And, I didn't like the thought that maybe, he was actually trying to pick me up for the night. So, when I got the chance, I slipped out, without him knowing."

  "How did you come to be there that night, it was by invitation only? "He asks, his curious blue eyes fixed on me, with a little too much interest. Obviously, he hadn't looked through the auction catalogue, otherwise he would've seen the listing for my painting, with my name underneath.

  Still, his question makes me nervous. I need to get him off this subject, before I accidentally say something, that will give myself away. Closing my eyes, I slump my shoulders forward, rubbing my fingers over the throbbing ache, at my temples. "I'm sorry Sebastian, can we leave the questions for another time, I’m a bit tired.”

  When I feel Sebastian’s fingers under my chin, tilting my head back slightly, I open my eyes again, and look straight into his intense blue gaze. "I'm sorry Rachel," he says, shaking his head in an apology. "I should have realised. It's been a tough morning. You must be feeling exhausted."

  "Yes, you could say that," I reply, very relieved that he's willing to drop the subject, so easily.

  Before I realise what he's doing, he leans into me, his face coming so close to mine, that I can feel his minty breath on my cheek. The blue in his eyes turns darker. The hint of desire stirring within their vivid blue depths, catches the breath in my throat, taking me completely by surprise. Suddenly, I feel my cheeks blushing with heat.

  When his lips brush against the side of my mouth, a shiver of anticipation, runs down my spine. I close my eyes, relishing the intimacy of the moment, not daring to take a breath, for fear it will brea
k the spell.

  He then kisses me firmly on the lips. Just as I had imagined, his lips feel warm and soft against mine. The kiss is hot and passionate. It scorches my lips. Awakening a feverish desire within me, like I've never experienced before. It's like liquid heat burning through my veins.

  A soft moan, echoes in the base of my throat, as his warm tongue teases my mouth open. I eagerly allow him entry. Rubbing my tongue against his, the friction, like two tectonic plates coming together, ignites the flame of desire, spreading through my core.

  Then, all too soon, the kiss ends. He pulls back, releasing his hold on my chin. I blink my eyes open, feeling dazed and breathless.

  He stares into my eyes, with a heated intensity, that I can’t quite interpret. I can only read my own body's reaction, feeling unfulfilled and craving more. When he reaches out and takes my hand, and presses it to his lips, I shudder, thinking for a second that he's going to tell me, he regrets the kiss. My fear melts away, when I hear him whisper, “Rachel, I have wanted to kiss you, ever since that day at the art gallery, when you fell into my lap.”

  “I’m sorry, I ran off the way I did,” I reply breathlessly, my heart fluttering at the sensual way he pronounces the words, with that slight Latin accent. It inspires me with a sudden urge, to reach out and touch his handsome face. But, my hidden insecurities around intimacy, prevent me from acting on the impulse.

  “Rachel, I don't want to leave you, but I have to go. Are you going to be all right?”

  “Yes, Sebastian, I’ll be fine.” My lie, hiding the fact that I'd rather him stay, a little while longer. "Thank you for being here, with me today. I'm glad I didn't have to face the police on my own." When Sebastian leans over, and gives me a light kiss on the cheek, it's disappointing, because it's not what I really desire.

  He glides off the bed, and stands over me. “I promise, I will be back soon,” he murmurs, his heart-melting smile showing off, his perfect white teeth. A tear threatens to fall on my cheek, as I watch him walk out the door, without a backward glance. Then he's gone, breaking the intangible spell, binding us together in a moment of intimacy, that I suspect, he won't allow to happen, for a second time. I sink back into the pillows, breathing out a deep sigh of regret.

  Chapter Ten

  FRIDAY, 15th August


  I USUALLY ENJOY, my early morning coffee, when I first arrive at my office. Sitting back in my chair, with my feet up on the desk, sipping my hot macchiato, staring out at the mountains, north of the city. It usually helps to clear my mind. But not this morning. All I have thought about is Rachel. Hell, I haven't been able to think straight, since the day she fell into my lap.

  When I first decided to visit her in hospital, I could never have guessed, she would turn out to be, the woman from the art gallery. Especially, seeing her lying there covered in bandages and looking so frail.

  The idea that some bastard had deliberately pushed her in front of my car, was hard to believe at first, but the distressed look on Rachel's face convinced me, she had not imagined it.

  I cannot stand idly by, knowing there is a possibility, that the attack was not just some random act of violence. If someone deliberately chose her as their target, then she may still be in danger, if they decide to try again. The challenge, is getting her to trust me, so I can keep her safe.

  A knock at the door interrupts my train of thought. Looking up, the door opens and Damon walks in, “Hey bro, you wanted to see me?” He saunters across the room, with one hand inside the pants pocket of his charcoal suit.

  He slumps down in the chair, opposite my desk, facing me. When I tilt my chair backwards, it puts me into direct eye contact with him. "Have you made any progress with finding Connor Black?"

  "Nothing yet. There are almost four hundred listings for that name, in the phone book," he says, shaking his head.

  "What about the travel club, he works for? Haven't you contact them yet?"

  “Yes. But, we couldn't find any travel club registered under that name. Are you sure Rachel has the correct name?”

  “I’ll ask, when I visit her this afternoon. I’ll also give Tom a call, to see if he’s come up with anything on the club. I want you to keep searching." Leaning my head back, I rub the bottom of my chin, the room falling silent, as I contemplate the next move.

  I made a vow to myself, to keep right away from Rachel. I'm nothing but trouble. My life is cursed, my demons follow me around like shadows, destroying all those that I love, no matter how hard I try to protect them. And each time, it ends up being all my fault. But, I didn't last more than three days, before breaking my promise and now, I'm seeing her again.

  "All these visits . . . it wouldn't be, because you happen to fancy this woman, would it?"

  "Don’t you have some work to do?"

  "Come on, Sebastian. I knew a time, when you liked them all vulnerable and unable to get away."

  “Do not start that shit with me Damon, I can still fire your ass.”

  "Why don't you save yourself a trip, and let me pay Rachel a visit? See if I can get more information from her that might be useful. Besides, she might appreciate the extra company, seeing as she's a long way from home."

  The wink he gives me, is enough to raise my hackles. I know only too well, his reputation with woman, as it's the reason why, I do not want him anywhere near Rachel.

  “Damon you are a real piece of work, you know that? Rachel does not need your kind of company. Besides, I doubt very much, she's your type.”

  “Come on Sebastian, I haven’t met a woman yet, who isn’t my type.”

  Slamming my fist on the desk, “I'm warning you Damon, stay away from her.”

  "Hey, no need to go all psycho, I'm just teasing," he says, holding his palms up. “Time to change the subject. Have you had a chance to look over the proposal I gave you the other day? We really need to act now, before someone else has a chance to get a hold of that client list."

  "Damon, I told you I wasn't making any promises. I did glance through it, and yes it may look to be a good deal, but as I have already told you countless times, I'm not going to have you turn the nightclub into your own personal playground."

  I only fucking agreed to the nightclub project in the first place, because I felt I owed him

  another opportunity to become a partner again, to compensate for me having forced the sale on the last club, knowing how much that place meant to him.

  "Are you sure you want to do that?" he growls at me.

  "Yes. This subject is closed. From now on, I don't want to hear another word about wanting to turn the nightclub into a sex club. Is that clear, Damon?"

  "Yeah," he says, jumping out of the chair. "Real clear!" Damon stalks out of my office, slamming the door behind him.


  I WAKE UP, feeling a little drowsy after my nap. I'm lying on my side, and the afternoon sunlight reflecting off the wall, opposite, is shining in my face. The brightness hurts my eyes. When I roll over onto my back, I nearly fall out of bed in shock, finding Sebastian, sitting in the chair beside me.

  With his back to the window, his face is in shadow, making it difficult to read the expression on his face. As if reading my mind, he reaches over and turns on the lamp next to my bed. The soft warm glow reveals his handsome face. When our eyes meet, an adorable smile spreads across his face, lighting a fire in his deep blue gaze. It makes my heart beat a little faster.

  He shifts forward in the chair. “Hello Rachel, how are you?”

  “I'm feeling much better, thank you,” I reply timidly, pushing myself up into a sitting position. “I wasn't expecting a visit from you."


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