Shadows of Knight: Book 1 of Dark Shadows - a Romantic Suspense Trilogy

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Shadows of Knight: Book 1 of Dark Shadows - a Romantic Suspense Trilogy Page 10

by M E Whiter

  “You look much better," he says, ignoring my remark. "Just so that you know, there is a security guard right outside your door."

  "I know, Damon introduced me to the first guard, the day he started."

  “Really? How efficient of him," he responds, raising his eyebrows. I might be mistaken, but I'm sure I detected a hint of jealously in Sebastian's voice, when I mentioned Damon's name. It makes me wonder what that may be about?

  “Rachel, I have just spoken to Peter," he says, his expression turning serious. He sits back in the chair, crossing his ankle over his other knee. "He tells me, that you are making a remarkable recovery, and once he is happy with the results from your last tests, you could be discharged from the hospital, as early as tomorrow, now."

  “Yes, I know. He's already told me the good news," I reply, more than glad to finally be leaving the hospital. Not that I haven't enjoyed getting to know some of the friendly staff here, especially Louise. She and I have fast become good friends. I will miss her."

  “I'm afraid, I also have some bad news to tell you. I called Tom this morning. Neither he or Damon’s team, have been able to locate Connor Black, as yet.”


  “The travel club was a dead end. Apparently, it closed down over a year ago.”

  "You're kidding?" I gasp, thinking this must be some kind of joke.

  "No, unfortunately. Their business premises is still unoccupied. When the landlord was contacted, he didn’t have any forwarding contacts, listed for them. Rachel, are you sure you have the right name for this club?”

  “Yes. It was in the first thing I noticed, when I opened their email.”

  “Well then, it raises some interesting questions," he says, studying my face, with a perplexed expression on his face. It has me feeling nervous. "Who were you in contact with, from this so-called club?”

  “I never spoke to anyone directly. Everything was done via email.” I reply, feeling my cheeks turning pale, from the shock at hearing his bad news. "All the contact information I have for them, is in my missing address book. Connor is the only person, I've been in contact with, anyway.”

  “So, who actually booked your holiday through them, in the first place?"

  That's what I’d like to know, too? If the travel club doesn’t exist, does that mean, everything else, the free holiday and the art commission job, is some kind of elaborate scam after all? My God! What mess have I gotten myself into?

  With the deluge of questions flooding into my head, my brain is starting to ache, trying to sort through them. Sebastian calling my name, draws my attention back to the present.

  I sigh, my shoulders sagging slightly. “I don’t know exactly.” My nerves are tingling, already sensing, that things are going to get complicated, very quickly.

  "Rachel, you are not making any sense," he says, shifting in his seat. "What do you mean, you do not know?"

  "The holiday was a gift, like I said. I just don't know who from."

  Sliding his foot off his leg, he shoots forward in the seat, resting his elbows on the arms of the chair. "Do you mean to tell me, that you accepted a free holiday from someone, without finding out who this person is, first? What about their name?" I shake my head, telling him, I don't know that either.

  "I thought it was someone who bought a couple of my paintings, but not having met them, I'm not so sure now."

  "Why on earth, would you do something as stupid as that?"

  "Hey. I didn't have any reason to suspect anything was amiss, at the time. An overseas buyer, contacted my local art gallery, after they had bought a couple of my paintings. They wanted to offer me an art commission, providing I agreed to fly here at their expense. It all seemed perfectly reasonable." I start to explain, and then decide to tell him the rest. Including the part where I was actually on my way to the interview, the day of the accident.

  “Didn't you think it was suspicious, when this person wouldn't give you their name?"

  “Well, yes of course." I shoot him a scornful look. "I was skeptical at first, thinking it might be some kind of scam. But, when all the travel documents arrived and looked to be in order, I didn’t give it much more thought. Besides, I was supposedly going to meet them, in any case, when I went to the interview."

  "So, when you didn't show up for the interview, whoever this person is, why haven't they been in contact, to see what happened to you?"

  "I have wondered that myself, but I don't have an answer." I fidget with my covers, a confusion of feelings washing through me. I'm angry, hurt and feeling a tad foolish, thanks to Sebastian's probing questions.

  “Rachel, why didn't you tell any of this, to the police?” he asks, running his fingers back through the black strands of loose hair, covering his eyes.

  I frown down at my fingers. “Because, I didn't see that it had anything to do with what happened to me."

  "You do not know that. From what you have just told me, it looks like you were lured here on false pretences, wouldn't you say?"

  "Yes. I guess so."

  "Can you think of any reason why, someone would want to bring you here?"

  "No," I shake my head furiously, looking up at his face. "Apart from my cousin Mary, I don't know anyone, here."

  "Then we need to make sure the police find Connor Black and ask him. Hopefully, he will be able to clear up this mystery. He must have had some motive to want to hurt you, and he's also connected to the travel club."

  "So what are you suggesting? That what happened to me, is linked in some way, to the reason why I was brought here?"

  "Yes, I am. I do not think it could be anything else."

  "So, what do you think, I should do about it?"

  "What should we do about it, you mean? There is no way, I'm letting you deal with this on your own, just because the situation is becoming more complicated."

  Sebastian leans over and gently rubs my arm. “Rachel, I promise you, I will do everything in my power, to find out who did this to you and why. While the police conduct their investigation, I will have Damon organise his own team, to track down Connor Black. I have no doubt Connor Black will be found, it is just a matter of when."

  “I hope so. I'd like this matter to be over with, before Mary comes home."

  He removes his hand, and places his elbows on the armrests. “That reminds me, do you have somewhere to stay, when you get out of here?"

  “Yes. I'm planning on staying with my cousin Mary.”

  Tilting his head, he asks, "I thought you said she was away at the moment?"

  "I've been trying to contact her, to see if I can stay at her place, until she does come back, in a couple of weeks."

  "You only have until tomorrow. What if you can't reach her by the time you are discharged?" The way he's rubbing his long index finger slowly over the dimple in his chin, is utterly distracting. I almost forget, he's asked a question.

  "I'm not sure yet?”

  “Well, in that case, you must stay with me. At least until your cousin comes back,” he says, in a deep commanding voice, that makes it sound more like an order than an invitation.

  Oh no no no! If I realised he was going to suggest that, I wouldn’t have told him anything. I mean, paying for my hospital bills is one thing, but this . . . inviting me into his home, is way beyond my personal level of comfort. Not that I consider myself a prude, it's more to do with, my being terrified by the prospect of being alone with Sebastian, in his home.

  I’m not exactly comfortable around men at the best of times. I guess, having a bastard for a stepfather, can do that to a girl. So, how do I turn him down, without being rude?

  “Sebastian, I can't expect you to keep helping me, like this. I'm quite capable of finding a place to stay, without imposing on your generosity. But thank you anyway."

  “Nonsense Rachel,” he snaps, the furrows between his eyes deepening. “You would not be imposing. Besides, I will be at work all day, so you will have the place to yourself, most of the time. In any case, I have alre
ady gone ahead and made the necessary arrangements.”

  “What?" I reply, in disbelief, throwing my head back, to glare at him. “Why would you do that, without asking me first?"

  “It's no big deal. I anticipated that you would probably need somewhere to stay,” he replies, cocking his head to one side.

  “Well, I don't think it's up to you, to decide where I should stay, when I get out of here.”

  “I'm sorry Rachel, but I beg to differ,” he interjects, quickly. “Your safety and recovery are very much my concern,” he growls at me, pressing his lips into a firm line.

  “Really?" I stare at him, but I can't think of what else to say, that will convince him, I have absolutely no intention of staying with him. “Sebastian, I . . .”

  “No, Rachel," he snaps, holding up his hand. "I will not accept any more arguments on this subject. I will be here tomorrow morning to take you home. That way, you will receive the proper care you need, and I can make sure you are safe.” Sebastian stands up and grabs his suit jacket off the back of the chair. Without another word, he strides over towards the door.

  “Sebastian, I’ve already told you, I have somewhere to stay," I plead, to his retreating back. My cheeks grow hotter, when I realise my argument is falling on deaf ears, as he storms out.

  Chapter Eleven

  FRIDAY, 15th August


  IT’S NOW LATE afternoon, and I'm feeling isolated and alone, wishing my friends were here, to help me get through, this mess. I sent Abby and Morgan an email, after Sebastian left earlier, giving them an update on the disturbing new developments, and to thank them, for the teddy bear and lovely flowers, they sent me, to make up for not being able to visit.

  Picking up the iPad I dropped on my lap before, I go back to reading my book again. I’m not quite halfway through, when I hear squeaky footsteps crossing the glossy vinyl floor in my room. I look up, to see it's Louise. I immediately lower my eyelids, hoping she doesn’t notice, I've been crying.

  “Hey Rachel, are you all right?” she asks, reaching out to pat my arm.

  I look up at her, rubbing the moisture from my weepy eyes. “No, not really,” I reply, feeling an overwhelming urge, to unburden my problems.

  “Tell me, what’s the problem?” she asks, propping herself down on my bed.

  “You know I'm being discharged in the morning, now? Well, I still haven’t been able to get in contact with my cousin, Mary. So, I was wondering if you could give me the name of the hotel near the hospital you mentioned before, where I could stay until she comes home?”

  "Yes, of course,” she says, squeezing my arm. “But, is that the only thing, that’s bothering you?”

  “No.” I reply, before I fill her in on the conversation I had with Sebastian earlier. When I finish, Louise looks at me, with concern showing in her eyes.

  “Rachel, how horrible for you. To find out you’re a victim of such a terrible crime, and you don’t even know, why it’s happening to you.”

  “Yes. Some holiday this has turned out to be. My worst nightmare, is more like it.”

  “Are you sure, you don’t want to consider Mr Knight's offer, to stay with him? I mean, from what I can tell, he seems genuinely concerned about you?”

  “No, I can’t,” I reply, a little too enthusiastically. “I just wouldn’t feel comfortable you know . . . staying with Sebastian. I barely know the man.” I explain to her, hoping she understands what I mean.

  She shrugs her shoulders, giving me a smile. “Well, in that the case, I’d be only too happy to help.”

  “Really? You don't know how much that would mean to me, thank you," I reply sounding grateful for any help. Especially, if it means, I won't be forced into staying with Sebastian.

  “Just leave it to me,” she says, tapping my hand again. “I’ll make the hotel booking for you. At least you’ll be close to the hospital. I’ll organise with outpatient services, to have you picked up from the hotel, for your physiotherapy appointments. Now what about money?”

  “I’ll need some to live on, for the next week at least. If it’s alright with you, I can transfer some more money into your account, if you don’t mind withdrawing it out, at the ATM, for me again?”

  “No. I’m happy to do that.”

  “Great. Thank goodness for modern technology, hey?”

  “Yes, it has its advantages. Okay, I have to go back to work now. But, I'll come back later, after I have your hotel booked. Then we can plan on how to get you out of here, in the morning, before Mr Knight arrives. If that is still what you’re planning?”

  “Yes, it is. Thank you Louise, I don't know what I would have done without you."

  "Your welcome, but no more crying now. It’s going to be fine, I promise.”

  SATURDAY, 16th August


  IT’S STILL DARK outside, when Louise wakes me up, just before six in the morning. When I open my eyes, I'm temporarily blinded by the sudden light flashing in my eyes, from my bedside lamp.

  “Good morning Rachel, it’s time to get up. I still have another half an hour before my shift ends, that should give you plenty of time to get ready. I’ll bring a wheelchair back with me.”

  “I’ll make sure I'm ready," I reply, yawning. Sitting up, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and slide off, my bare feet hitting the floor. Louise then helps me hobble into the bathroom.

  “I stopped off at the hotel, on my way home last night, to make sure it’s wheelchair friendly. I also checked you in while I was there. That way, you'll be able to go straight to your room, as soon as we arrive," Louise explains, getting the shower ready, while I brush my teeth.

  She disappears into the other room, returning a moment later with the clothes I’m wearing today. She sets them down on the chair beside the shower cubicle. fetches my clothes from the other room, and then sets them on the chair beside the shower. “Thank you again Louise, for doing this,” I tell her, packing my toothbrush back into my toiletries bag.

  “I’m happy to help. It’s just as well, you're leaving hospital today, because this time tomorrow, I'll be heading to the airport to catch my plane.”

  “I hope you have a lovely time on your cruise. I wish I was coming with you.”

  “I’ll leave you to have your shower. I’ll see you soon,” Louise says, shutting the bathroom door, as she leaves the room.

  I pick out the clothes I'm going to wear, a purple long sleeve tunic and flared grey skirt. When I'm ready, Louise carries them into the bathroom, while I hobble behind on crutches. I started using them a couple of days ago, but haven’t quite mastered the use of them, just yet.

  After a quick shower, I put on a purple long-sleeve tunic over my flared purple skirt. Brushing out my hair, I tie it up in a ponytail. I then put on some tinted moisturising face cream and a little blush over my pale complexion, to disguise the fact I’ve been confined indoors, for almost two weeks now.

  It takes me some effort, using a pair of crutches to move around on, while I finish getting the rest of my things packed into my suitcases. I only started using them a couple of days ago, just after my first physiotherapy session. By some miracle, I manage to get it all done with a few minutes to spare, before Louise is due back.

  I sit in the chair next to my bed, facing the window. Looking out the large window, I can see the dawn is starting to break. The night sky slowly changes before my eyes, fading from deep indigo blue to a soft palette of contrasting hues. Blue, orange, yellow and pink all blending together, as the first rays of sun peak over the horizon. The golden light, casts a soft glow through my room.


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