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Then came you, by lisa kleypas.txt

Page 8

by Then Came You (lit)

  his black silk cravat and elegant riding clothes, Zachary was every bit the handsome country gentleman. Discreetly the butler

  took Zachary's coat, gloves, and hat, and withdrew. Pulling Zach to a corner of the entrance hall, Lily whispered in his ear. "They're all taking tea in the parlor—Mother, Penny, and Wolverton. Remember to act as if you're in love with me—and if

  you make eyes at my sister, I'll pinch you! Now come—"

  "Wait," Zachary whispered anxiously, tightening his hold on her. "How is Penelope?"

  Lily smiled. "Don't look so worried. There's still a chance for you, old fellow."

  "Does she still love me? Has she said so?"

  "No, she won't admit it," Lily said reluctantly. "But she certainly doesn't love Wolverton."

  "Lily, I'm dying of love for her. Our plan must work."

  "It will," she said with determination, slipping her hand into the crook of his arm. "Now ... off to battle!"

  Together they strolled out of the entrance hall. "Have I called at too late an hour?" Zachary inquired, loudly enough that the occupants of the parlor could hear.

  Lily winked at him. "Not at all, dearest. Just in time for tea." With a broad smile, she pulled him into the parlor, a beautiful and

  airy room with pale yellow silk walls, carved mahogany furniture, and large windows. "Here we are," she said lightly, "all familiar with each other. No need for introductions—how convenient!" Fondly she squeezed Zachary's arm. "I must tell you, Zach, that

  the tea at Raiford Park is excellent. Almost as good as the kind I serve in London."

  Zachary smiled as he regarded the room in general. "Lily does serve the best tea I've ever tasted—she orders a secret blend

  that no one else can quite reproduce."

  "I encountered it during my travels," Lily replied, seating herself in a delicate claw-foot chair. She sneaked a glance at her sister, and was delighted to witness a brief but intense glance between Penny and Zachary. For just a moment, Penny's gaze was filled with sadness and hopeless longing. Poor Penny, Lily thought. I'll make everything right for you. And then perhaps you

  and Zach can prove to me that true love does exist.

  In a courtly manner, Zachary went to the settee, where Penelope and Totty were situated. Sensitive to Penelope's deep blush,

  he did not speak directly to her, but addressed her mother. "Lady Lawson, it is a pleasure to see you and your lovely daughter.

  I trust all is well with you?"

  "Quite well," Totty replied in mild discomfort. In spite of her objections to Zachary's courtship of her daughter, she had rather

  liked him. And she had been aware, as everyone else had, that Zachary's love for Penelope had been sincere and honorable.

  But a family of limited financial means had to be practical. Lord Raiford was by far a more advantageous match for their daughter.

  Alex stood by the marble mantel of the fireplace and lit a cigar as he surveyed the proceedings. Lily glared at him. How impossibly rude he was. Gentlemen usually reserved their smoking for when they congregated to discuss masculine subjects

  of interest. Unless he were an irascible elderly gentleman puffing on a dignified pipe, Wolverton should have smoked in private,

  not in the presence of ladies.

  Warily Zachary nodded to Alex. "Good afternoon, Wolverton."

  Alex nodded and brought the cigar to his lips. As he exhaled a stream of smoke, his eyes narrowed into gleaming slits of silver.

  Surly beast, Lily thought darkly. He must feel threatened by the presence of a man so different from himself, a charming, gentlemanly fellow whom everyone liked. Wolverton couldn't make himself likeable even if he tried for a hundred years. She scowled at him and then directed a smile to Zachary. "Come sit down, Zach, and tell us the latest happenings in London."

  "Unbearably dull without you, as always," Zachary replied, taking the chair next to hers. "But I did attend a large dinner party recently, and observed that Annabelle is looking quite splendid since her marriage to Lord Deerhurst."

  "Glad to hear it," Lily rejoined. "She deserves to be happy after enduring ten years of marriage to Sir Charles, the randy old goat."

  "Wilhemina!" Totty gasped in dismay. "How could you call Sir Charles, may he rest in peace, such a dreadful name—"

  "How could I not? Annabelle was only fifteen when she was compelled to marry him, and he was old enough to be her grandfather! And everyone knows that Sir Charles wasn't kind to her. Personally, I'm gratified that he passed on in time for Annabelle to hnd a husband of more suitable age."

  Totty gave her a disapproving frown. "Wilhemina, you sound quite heartless."

  Zachary reached over to pat Lily's hand as he came to her defense. "You are rather forthright, my dear, but anyone who is acquainted with you knows that you have the most compassionate of hearts."

  Lily beamed at him. Out of the corner of her eye she saw that her sister looked dumbstruck. Penelope could scarcely conceive that the man she loved was calling Lily "my dear." Sympathy and amusement battled within Lily's chest. She wished she could

  tell Penelope that this was all a sham. "I shall try to curb my tongue," Lily promised with a laugh, "if only for this afternoon. Do

  go on with your news, Zach, and I'll refrain from spouting my shocking opinions. Let me pour your tea. Milk, no sugar, correct?"

  While Zachary entertained them with his tales of London. Alex drew on his cigar and watched Lily. He was forced to concede there was a possibility the two were contemplating marriage. There was an easy familiarity between them that bespoke a long friendship. It was clear that they liked each other and were comfortable together.

  The advantages such a marriage would present were obvious. As a third son, Zachary would certainly be appreciative of Lily's fortune, more sizeable than any pittance he would stand to inherit. And Lily was an attractive woman. In the sea green gown

  she was wearing today, her skin took on a faint rosy glow, and her dark hair and eyes were strikingly exotic. No man would

  find it a chore to bed her. Furthermore, in the view of society Lily would be fortunate to land a man of such good family and character. Especially after she had strayed along the edge of the demimonde for so long.

  Alex frowned at the thought of the two of them together. It was all wrong. For all his thirty years, Zachary was still a guileless boy. He would never be the man in his own home, not with a wife as headstrong as Lily. Zachary would always find it easier

  to obey her wishes rather than argue with her. As the years passed by, Lily would come to feel contempt for her callow

  husband. This marriage was misery in the making.

  "My lord?" Lily and the others were looking at him expectantly. Alex realized that his thoughts had wandered, and he had lost track of the conversation. "My lord," Lily said, "I just asked you if the hole has been dug in the garden yet."

  Alex wondered if he had heard her correctly. "Hole?" he repeated.

  Lily looked extremely pleased with herself. "Yes, for the new pond."

  Alex regarded her in dumbfounded silence. Somehow he regained his voice. "What in hell are you talking about?"

  Everyone seemed startled by his profanity except for Lily. Her smile remained unaltered. "I had a lovely conversation with

  your gardener Mr. Chumley yesterday afternoon. I gave him several ideas to improve the garden."

  Alex stubbed out his cigar and threw the butt into the fireplace. "My garden doesn't need improvement," he snarled. "It's been

  the same way for twenty years!"

  She nodded cheerfully. "Precisely my point. I told him that the style of your landscape is sadly outmoded. All the really fashionable gardens have several ponds all around them. I showed Mr. Chumley exactly where a new one must be dug."

  A flush of scarlet crept up from Alex's collar to his temples. He wanted to strangle her. "Chumley wouldn't overturn a spoonful

  of dirt without asking
my permission."

  Lily shrugged innocently. "He seemed enthusiastic about the notion. I wouldn't be surprised if he's already begun digging. Really,

  I think you'll adore the changes." She gave him a fond, sisterly smile. "And whenever you walk by that dear little pond, perhaps you'll always think of me."

  Wolverton's features contorted. He made a sound that resembled a roar as he stormed out of the parlor.

  Totty, Penelope, and Zachary all stared at Lily.

  "I don't think he appreciated my idea," she remarked, looking disappointed.

  "Wilhemina," Totty said faintly, "I know your efforts were well intentioned. However, I do not think you should attempt to

  make any more improvements about Lord Raiford's estate."

  Suddenly one of the cook-maids, clad in a white apron and ruffled cap, appeared at the door of the parlor. "Lady Lawson,

  Cook wants to speak wi' ye about the weddin' feast, as soon as yer ladyship 'as the time. She don't know what to make o'

  what, from the soup to the trifle."

  "But why?" Totty asked, perplexed. "She and I already agreed on those preparations, down to the last detail. There's no reason

  for confusion."

  Lily cleared her throat delicately. "Mother, it's possible that Cook wants to discuss the changes I suggested to the wedding menu."

  "Oh, dear. Wilhemina, what have you done?" Totty stood up and rushed from the room, her curls bouncing agitatedly.

  Lily smiled at Zachary and Penelope. "Well, why don't the two of you pass the time together while I try to undo some of the

  havoc I've caused?" Ignoring Penelope's weak protests, she slipped out of the parlor and closed the door. She rubbed her hands together and grinned. "Well done," she said to herself, restraining the urge to whistle as she strode through the back gallery. Opening the French doors, she went out to the garden.

  Wandering around hedges and well-tended trees, Lily enjoyed the clear day and the feel of the breeze in her curls. She took

  care to keep out of sight, especially when she heard the sound of voices. The ominous rumble of Wolverton's tone resembled thunder. She had to hear what was going on. It was too great a temptation to resist. Lily sneaked closer, drawing behind a concealing yew hedge.

  "... but my lord," Chumley was protesting. Lily could picture his round face turning pink around his whiskers, the sunlight shining off his balding forehead. "My lord, she did make the suggestion, but I would never undertake such a significant project without consulting you."

  "I don't care what she suggests, significant or trivial, don't do it," Wolverton commanded. "Don't so much as clip a twig or pull

  a weed at her request! Don't move a pebble!"

  "Yes, my lord, I certainly agree."

  "We don't need any more damned ponds in this garden!"

  "No, my lord, we do not."

  "Inform me if she tries to instruct you in your duties again, Chumley. And notify the rest of the staff that they're not to make

  any changes in their usual activities. I'm afraid of setting foot off my own estate—next she'll have the entire mansion painted

  pink and purple."

  "Yes, my lord."

  It seemed that Wolverton's ranting had come to an end, the conversation concluded. Hearing the sound of footsteps, Lily shrank further into the protection of the yew. It would not do to be discovered. Unfortunately, a sixth sense must have alerted Wolverton to her presence. Lily made no movement or sound, but still he looked around the hedge and found her. One moment she was smiling and silently congratulating herself, and the next she was staring into his scowling face.

  "Miss Lawson!" he snapped.

  Lily used her hand to shade her eyes. "Yes, my lord?"

  "Did you overhear enough, or should I repeat myself?"

  "Everyone within a mile could not help overhearing you. And if it reassures you, I would never dream of painting the mansion purple. Although—"

  "What are you doing out here?" he interrupted.

  Lily thought rapidly. "Well, Zachary and I had a ... a slight altercation. I came out here to take the air, and let my temper cool,

  and then—"

  "Is your mother with Zachary and Penelope?"

  "Well, I suppose she must be," she replied innocently.

  Wolverton stared into Lily's eyes as if he could see past her carefully blank expression and read every thought. "What are you

  up to?" he asked in a murderous tone. Abruptly he turned and walked away from her, following the path to the house.

  Oh, no. Lily went cold, thinking that he might possibly catch Zachary and Penelope in some compromising situation. Everything would be ruined. She had to find some way to stop him. "Wait," she cried, hurrying after him. "Wait! W-"

  All at once her foot was caught in something, and she went flying to the ground with a shriek. With an oath, she twisted to see what had stopped her. A twisted tree root, arcing out of the ground. She tried to get to her feet, but a stab of pain went through her ankle, and she collapsed to the grass. "Oh, bloody hell—"

  Wolverton's voice cut through her extravagant cursing. "What is it?" he demanded, having come back a few steps along the path.

  "I turned my ankle!" she said in furious surprise.

  Alex gave her a speaking glance and turned away.

  "Damn you, I did!" she shouted. "Come and help me up. Surely even you must be enough of a gentleman to do that—surely

  you have the teaspoonful of breeding required for that."

  Alex approached her, making no effort to reach down for her. "Which leg is it?"

  "Is it necessary for you to know?"

  Sinking to his haunches, Alex flipped the hem of her skirts up to her stockinged ankles. "Which one? This?"

  "No, the—ow!" Lily yelped in pain. "What are you trying to—ow! That hurts like the devil! Take your blasted hand away,

  you big, hatchet-faced sadist—"

  "Well, it seems you're not shamming." Alex seized her elbows, lifting her to her feet.

  "Of course I'm not! Why hasn't that deuced root been cut out of the ground? It's positively hazardous!"

  He responded with a scorching glare. "Are there any other changes to my garden you'd like to suggest?" His tone was humming with suppressed violence.

  Prudently Lily shook her head and kept her mouth closed.

  "Good," he muttered, and they started back to the house.

  Awkwardly Lily limped along beside him. "Aren't you going to offer me your arm?"

  He shoved his elbow at her. She took his arm, leaning her weight on the solid support. Lily did her best to hamper Wolverton

  as they made their way back through the garden. She wanted Zach-ary and Penelope to have as much time alone as possible. Discreetly Lily glanced at her companion. Some time after he had left the parlor, Wolverton must have raked his hands through

  his golden hair, for the usually immaculate smoothness was ruffled and disordered. The humid air was making it curl on the back of his neck. A stray lock or two had fallen onto his forehead. Really, he had beautiful hair for a man.

  Walking so close to him, Lily became aware of the pleasant scent that clung to him, the mixture of tobacco and crisp starched linen and some appealing, underlying fragrance she couldn't quite identify. In spite of the throbbing of her ankle, she was almost enjoying her stroll with him. That disturbed her so profoundly that she was compelled to stir up another argument.

  "Must you walk so fast?" she demanded. "I feel as if we're in a frigging footrace. Blast it! If this worsens my injury, Wolverton,

  I'll hold you accountable."

  Alex scowled but slowed his pace. "You have a foul mouth, Miss Lawson."

  "Men talk the same way. I don't see why I can't. Besides, all of my gentlemen friends admire my colorful vocabulary."

  "Including Derek Craven?"

  Lily was glad that he was aware of her friendship with Derek. It was good for him to kn
ow she had a powerful ally.

  "Mr. Craven has taught me some of the most useful words I know."

  "I don't doubt it."

  "Must we plow ahead like this? I am not some obstinate mule to be dragged forth at such a relentless pace. Could we slow to

  a more reasonable speed? Incidentally, my lord, you reek of cigars."

  "If it offends you, make your own way back."

  They continued to quarrel as they entered the house. Lily made certain that her voice was strong enough to echo through the gallery and the marble hall, alerting Penelope and Zachary to their return. As Wolverton opened the parlor door and yanked

  Lily inside with him, they saw the star-crossed lovers sitting respectably far apart from each other. Lily wondered what had transpired between them during their moment of privacy. Zachary appeared to be in his usually good humor, while Penelope looked pink and flustered.


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