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by Dyhouse, Carol

  57 Richardson, Adolescent Girls in Approved Schools, p. 1.

  58 Ibid.

  59 Slater, Cowie and Cowie, Delinquency in Girls, p. 59.

  60 ‘Millions Like Her’, Picture Post, 13 January 1951, pp. 10–15.

  61 Mass Observation, ‘A Report on Teen-Age Girls’, 1949, report no. 8150, Mass Observation Archive, University of Sussex.

  62 Wilkins, L., The Adolescent in Britain, London: Central Office of Information, 1955.

  63 See Joyce Joseph’s report ‘A Research Note on Attitudes to Work and Marriage of 600 Adolescent Girls’, British Journal of Sociology, 12:2, 1961, pp. 176–83, on a study carried out by Thelma Veness.

  64 Joseph, ‘A Research Note’, p. 182.

  65 Statistical Evidence submitted to the Committee on Age of Majority (Latey Committee), 1967, in National Archives, RG 48/3089, Grebenik, E., and Rowntree, G., ‘Factors Associated with the Age of Marriage in Great Britain’, Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1963, vol. 159, pp. 178–202. See also Dyhouse, Students, pp. 92–4.

  66 Ollerenshaw, K., Education for Girls, London: Faber and Faber, 1961, p. 38.

  67 See, for instance, Evans, M., A Good School: Life at a Girls’ Grammar School in the 1950s, London: Women’s Press 1991; Ingham, M., Now We Are Thirty: Women of the Breakthrough Generation, London: Eyre Methuen, 1981.

  68 Nabokov, V., Lolita, New York: G. P. Putnam, 1958.

  69 Some representations were by women writers. See, for instance, Taylor, M., The Nymphet, London: New English Library, 1970.

  70 The fashion writer Alison Settle complained about what she called ‘The Frightening Passion for Childhood’s Look’; see her Viewpoint in the Observer, 2 February 1958: newspaper cuttings collection in Alison Settle Archive, University of Brighton. See also Dyhouse, Glamour, Chapter 4.

  71 De Beauvoir, S., Brigitte Bardot and the Lolita Syndrome (trans. Bernard Fretchman), London: New English Library, 1962.

  72 Newsom, J., The Education of Girls, London: Faber and Faber, 1948.

  73 Ibid., pp. 82, 109, 112–13.

  74 Report of Central Advisory Council for Education, Fifteen to Eighteen, London: HMSO, 1959, pp. 32, 34.

  75 Report of Central Advisory Council for Education, Half Our Future, London: HMSO 1963, pp. 135–6.

  76 This was sometimes related to social class, and the supposition that middle-class girls would be able to pay someone else to do the housework. But the ‘domestication’ of the curriculum was also opposed on feminist grounds. See Dyhouse, Girls Growing Up in Late Victorian and Edwardian England, p. 164ff.

  77 Greer, G., The Female Eunuch, London: Paladin, 1971, p. 92.

  78 Brown, C., Lost Girls, London and Southampton: Camelot Press, 1955, p. 65.

  79 Tennant, E., Girlitude; A Portrait of the 1950s and 1960s, London: Cape, 1999, p. 123.

  80 Tweedie, J., Eating Children, London: Viking, 1993, p. 122.

  81 Ibid., p. 127.

  82 Barber, L., An Education, London: Penguin, 2009.

  83 Ibid., p. 47.

  84 Tweedie, Eating Children, p. 153.

  85 Miller, J., Relations, London: Cape, 2003, p. 80.

  86 Ibid., p. 82.

  87 Duffy, M., That’s How It Was, London: Virago, 1983, p. ix.

  88 Sage, L., Bad Blood, London: Fourth Estate, 2000.

  89 Ibid., p. 172.

  90 Ibid., p. 195.

  91 Ibid., p. 234.

  92 Forster, M., Dames’ Delight, London: Jonathan Cape, 1964.

  93 Newman, A., A Share of the World, London: Bodley Head, 1964.

  94 Delaney, S., A Taste of Honey, London: Eyre Methuen, 1959.

  95 Banks, Lynne Reid, The L-Shaped Room, London: Chatto and Windus, 1960.

  5 Coming of age




  4; see also; ‘The Blue Gardenia Murder, 1961’ in D’Enno, D., Foul Deeds and Suspicious Deaths Around Brighton, Barnsley: Wharnecliffe Books, 2004.

  5 See Jackson, Louise A., ‘“The Coffee Club Menace”, Policing Youth, Leisure and Sexuality in Post War Manchester’, Cultural and Social History, 5:3, 2008, pp. 289–308; Osgerby, B., ‘“The Sexpresso Kids”: Coffee Bars and Teenage Culture in Britain, 1945–70’, paper given at the 37th Annual Conference of the Social History Society, at the University of Brighton, 3–5 April 2012.

  6 Press cuttings and reports in Edith Ramsay Collection, Tower Hamlets Local History Library, File P/RAM/2/1/2.

  7 Hansard, Debate over Magistrates’ Powers and Control of Clubs in House of Lords, 1 June 1960, vol. 224, para. 231. (Lord Stonham’s speech).

  8 Tarr, Carrie T., ‘“Sapphire”, “Darling” and the Boundaries of Permitted Pleasure’, Screen, 26:1, 1985, pp. 50–65; Hill, J., ‘The British “Social Problem” Film: “Violent Playground” and “Sapphire”’, Screen, 26:1, 1985, pp. 34–48;

  9 For Ramsay see Sokoloff, B., Edith and Stepney: The Life of Edith Ramsay, London: Stepney Books, 1987.

  10 Ibid., p. 138; see also P/RAM/2/1 in Tower Hamlets Local History Library.

  11 P/RAM/2/1/5 and P/RAM/2/2/14, Tower Hamlets Local History Library.

  12 ‘Confidential Report of Investigation into Conditions of the Coloured Population in a Stepney Area’, produced by a local committee chaired by Revd St John Groser, Rector of St George’s, Stepney, 1944. Investigator Phyllis Young, in Tower Hamlets Local History Library, P/RAM/2/1/2P/RAM/2/1/2.

  13 Williamson, Revd J., letter to LCC, 20.1.1960, in P/RAM/2/1.

  14 P/RAM/2/4/2. (Notes on Prostitution in Stepney). ‘Homo-Sexuals, known locally as “Pouffes”: People claim to distinguish between “common pouffes”, who are East Enders, and “Select pouffes”, said to come from Chelsea. Long hair, blue boots, clearly abnormal. Why are they there and what do they do? I have no idea, except that they add to the prevailing sense of evil.’

  15 Note dated 1.5.1960, in P/RAM/2/1.

  16 P/RAM/2/1; P/RAM/2/1/10.

  17 Hansard, Debate over Magistrates’ Powers and Control of Clubs in House of Lords, 1 June 1960, vol. 224, para 231. See note 7.

  18 Ibid., Baroness Ravensdale of Kedleston speech, para. 241.

  19 Ibid., para. 242.

  20 Ibid., para. 244.

  21 Ibid., para. 242–3.

  22 Ibid.

  23 Ibid., Speech by Lord Bishop of Carlisle, para. 265.

  24 See cuttings in P/RAM/2/1/2.w.

  25 See Self, Helen J., Prostitution, Women, and the Misuse of the Law: The Fallen Daughters of Eve, London: Frank Cass, 2003; Slater, S. A., ‘Containment: Managing Street Prostitution in London, 1918–1959’, Journal of British Studies, 49:2, 2010, pp. 332–57.

  26 P/RAM/2/1/7, Tower Hamlets Local History Library.

  27 Ibid., Edith Ramsay suggested that earnings could range from £30 to £175 per week.

  28 Mort, F., Capital Affairs: London and the Making of the Permissive Society, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2009. See Chapter 7 on the Profumo Affair. Denning, A. T., The Scandal of Christine Keeler and John Profumo, Lord Denning’s Report, 1963, London: Tim Coates, 2003.

  29 Press coverage was too extensive for detailed footnotes but see, for instance, ‘Last Act in the “Saga” of Christine Keeler: In the World of the Rich and Famous’, Daily Mirror, 7 December 1963, pp. 6–7.

  30 Rice-Davies, M., The Mandy Report, London: Confidential Publications, n.d.

  31 Mort, Capital Affairs, p. 314.

  32 Rice-Davies, The Mandy Report, n.p.

  33 Mort, Capital Affairs, p. 314.

  34 Sunday Mirror, 4 August 1963, pp. 14–15.

  35 Proops, M., ‘Naughty Girls Don’t Show a Profit’, Daily Mirror, 8 May
1963, pp. 8–9.

  36 Jackson, Louise A, ‘“The Coffee Club Menace”’, pp. 289–308.

  37 Ibid., p. 298.

  38 Ibid.

  39 See, for instance,

  40 Hansard, Debate over Magistrates’ Powers and Control of Clubs in House of Lords, 1 June 1960, vol. 224, quoted in Lord Stonham’s speech.

  41 Horn, A. M., Juke Box Britain: Americanisation and Youth Culture, 1945–1960, Manchester University Press, 2009.

  42 Sage, Bad Blood, p. 174.

  43 Ibid., p. 193.


  45 Jackson, B., Working Class Community, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1968; see chapter ‘School Ends’, esp. p. 142.


  ‘Beatnik Beauty’, 1963.

  47 Rowbotham, S., Promise of a Dream, London: Allen Lane, 2000, p. 86.

  48 Laurie, P., The Teenage Revolution, London: Anthony Blond, 1965, p. 151.

  49 Ibid., p. 7.

  50 Ibid.

  51 ‘Welcome Home Beatles’, Daily Mirror, 22 February 1964, p. 1.

  52 ‘“Beatlemania” at Buckingham Palace’, Daily Mirror, 27 October 1965.

  53 Quoted in ‘We’ve Got to Beat the Beatles – MP tells Women Tories’, Daily Mirror, 5 December 1963.

  54 Johnson, P., ‘The Menace of Beatlism’, New Statesman, 28 February 1964, pp. 326–7. Quoted in Fowler, D., Youth Culture in Modern Britain, c. 1920–1970, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, p. 171.

  55 ‘Beatles Have No Sex Appeal, Says Doctor’, Daily Mirror, 28 May 1964, p. 13.

  56 Adler, B., Love Letters to the Beatles, London: Anthony Blond, 1964, and see article in Daily Mirror, 5 September 1964, p. 9.

  57 Landau, Cécile, Growing Up in the Sixties, London: Macdonald Optima, 1991, p. 63; see also p. 32.

  58 ‘Fifteen Tiddly Schoolgirls on the Mat’, Daily Mirror, 28 October 1963.

  59 ‘Beatlemania! It’s Happening Everywhere – Even in Sedate Cheltenham’, Daily Mirror, 2 November 1963, p. 3.

  60 Ehrenreich, B., Hess, E., and Jacobs, G., Remaking Love: The Feminization of Sex, New York: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1986, esp. pp. 17–35.

  61 Ibid., p. 6.

  62 Brown, H. Gurley, Sex and the Single Girl, London: Frederick Mueller, 1963. The influence of Sex and the Single Girl was discussed in many of the obituaries which followed her death in 2012. See, for example, ‘Why the Sexual Revolution Needed a Sexual Revolutionary’, Atlantic, 13 August 2012.

  63 For an interesting discussion of Helen Gurley Brown, see Berebitsky, J., ‘The Joy of Work: Helen Gurley Brown, Gender and Sexuality in the White-Collar Office’, Journal of the History of Sexuality, 15:1, 2006, pp. 89–127.

  64 Ouellette, L., ‘Inventing the Cosmo Girl: Class Identity and Girl-Style American Dreams’, Media, Culture and Society, 21:3, 1999, pp. 359–83.

  65 Abrams, M., The Teenage Consumer, London: London Press Exchange, 1961.

  66 ‘Call Them Spendagers!’, Daily Mirror, 1 October 1963, p. 9; ‘Peter Pans in Never Never Land’, Daily Mirror, 3 October 1963, p. 9; ‘Boom-Girls! They run sports cars and pay for boyfriends on dates’, Daily Mirror, 10 February 1960, p. 21.

  67 Anant, V., ‘Big City Loneliness’, Picture Post, 3 March 1956, pp. 12–13.

  68 Pringle, A., ‘Chelsea Girl’, in Maitland, S., Very Heaven: Looking Back at the 1960s, London: Virago, 1988, p. 38.

  69 Carstairs, G. M., ‘Teenage Sexual Behaviour’, The Listener, 25 November 1965, pp. 835–7.

  70 Schofield, M., with Bynner, J., Lewis, P., and Massie, P., The Sexual Behaviour of Young People, London: Longmans, 1965.

  71 Ibid., pp. 124, 107.

  72 Barlow, J., Term of Trial, London: Hamish Hamilton, 1961;

  73 The St Trinian’s series began with Searle, R., Hurrah for St Trinian’s and Other Lapses, London: Macdonald, 1948. For recent compilations of the drawings see The Curse of St Trinian’s: The Best of the Drawings, London: Pavilion, 1993; St Trinian’s, the Cartoons, London: Penguin, 2007.

  74 The first St Trinian’s film was The Belles of St Trinian’s (1954). This was followed by Blue Murder at St Trinian’s (1957), The Pure Hell of St Trinian’s (1960), The Great St Trinian’s Train Robbery (1966), Wildcats of St Trinian’s (1980), St Trinian’s (2007), St Trinian’s 2, The Legend of Fritton’s Gold (2009) and, most recently, St Trinian’s Versus the World, 2012.


  76 ‘Erskine, R.’ (Roger Erskine Longrigg), The Passion Flower Hotel: A Novel, London: Jonathan Cape, 1962; see also article in Books Monthly, (retrieved 9 April 2012); obituary of Roger Longrigg in The Times, 16 March 2000.

  77 Obituary of Roger Longrigg in The Times, 16 March 2000.

  78 Schofield, Sexual Behaviour of Young People, p. 107.

  79 Galloway, J., All Made Up, London: Granta, 2011.

  80 Ryle, A., Student Casualties, London: Allen Lane, 1969, pp. 120, 124.

  81 McCance, C., and Hall, D. J., ‘Sexual Behaviour and Contraceptive Practice of Unmarried Female Undergraduates at Aberdeen University’, British Medical Journal, 17 June 1972, pp. 694–700.

  82 Lively, P., A House Unlocked, London: Penguin, 2001, p. 178.

  83 See Dyhouse, Students, p. 106.

  84 Useful on the history of pressure to legalise abortion are Kandiah, M., and Staerck, G. (eds), The Abortion Act 1967, which brings together material from a seminar held by the Institute of Contemporary History in the School of Advanced Study at the University of London in July 2001,; see also the collection of leading campaigner Diane Munday’s papers, held in the Bishopsgate Institute in London..

  85 Kandiah and Staerck, The Abortion Act 1967; see introduction by Stephen Brooke.

  86 Cook, H., The Long Sexual Revolution: English Women, Sex and Contraception, 1800–1975, Oxford University Press, 2004.

  87 Dyhouse, Students, Chapter 5; Dyhouse, No Distinction of Sex?, Chapters 2 and 5 for the history of separate treatment of female students.

  88 See Report of the Committee on the Age of Majority (Latey Report), Cmnd 3342, London: HMSO, 1967, section ‘Historical Background’. The report was written in the main by Katharine Whitehorn.

  89 There are far too many references to detail but see, for instance, ‘Three “Brides” Visit Gaol’, Daily Mirror, 8 September 1959, pp. 12–13; ‘The Corsican Lovers Elope to Gretna’, Daily Mirror, 15 April 1957, p. 24; ‘Gretna Grief’, Daily Mirror, 30 November 1961, pp. 8–9.

  90 Ibid., p. 29, para. 79.

  91 Dyhouse, No Distinction of Sex?, Chapters 2 and 5; see also Dyhouse, Students.

  92 Dyhouse, No Distinction of Sex?, p. 214.

  93 Latey Report, p. 21, para. 38.

  94 See evidence submitted to the Latey Committee on the Age of Majority in National Archives, LCO17/1–25; also RG 48/3089.

  95 Latey Report, p. 27, para. 66.

  96 A subject much debated at the time. See Hansard, Debate on Family Law Reform Bill, 1968–9, vol. 778, ibid pp. 38–106.

  97 Cilla Black, quoted in Honey, April 1970, p. 9.

  98 Maitland, Very Heaven, p. 15.

  99 Grant, L., Sexing the Millennium, London: HarperCollins, 1993, pp. 15–16.

  100 Ibid.

  6 Taking liberties

  1 Daily Mirror, 23 June 1964, p. 17.

  2 Daily Mirror, 4 July 1970, p. 12.

  3 Interview in the Independent, 1 September 1996, p. 18; See also Faithfull, M. (with Dalton, D.), Memories, Dreams, Reflections, London: Fourth Estate, 2007.

  4 ‘I really do want to be good’, interview in Daily Mirror, 15 February 1969, pp. 6–7.

  5 ‘The Lusty Dreams of a Girl on Two Wheels’, D
aily Mirror, 13 September 1968, pp. 22–3.

  6 This remark is cited in the current Wikipedia entry for Marianne Faithfull (retrieved 10 April 2012) Faithfull ruefully admitted to having made the remark in an interview with New Musical Express in 1973; see Faithfull with Dalton, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, p. 114.

  7 Ibid., p. 126.

  8 Proops, M., ‘Why Wed?’, Daily Mirror, 9 October 1968, pp. 8–9; Short, D., ‘The Courage of Marianne’, Daily Mirror, 29 July 1972, p. 15.

  9 Marianne Faithfull, interview with Ginny Dougary in The Times, 21 January 2000. Britney Spears’s lyric, ‘I’m Mrs Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous/I’m Mrs Oh My God That Britney’s Shameless’, would echo something of this attitude forty years later.

  10 See, for instance, Weatherhead, L. D., ‘A Nation in Danger’, The Times, 20 September 1961, p. 13; ‘Countering the New Morality’, The Times, 29 September 1966, p. 11.


  12 ‘High Intelligence of Prison Girls’, The Times, 8 October 1963, p. 5.

  13 ‘Countering the New Morality’, The Times, 29 September 1966, p. 11.

  14 ‘Parents’ Responsibility’, letter from Professor Ivor Mills, in The Times, 9 October 1972, p. 13.

  15 Regan, S., ‘Are We Getting Our-Money’s Worth out of the Students?’, News of the World, 11 November 1968.

  16 Regan, S., ‘Sex in the Universities’, News of the World, 17 November 1968.

  17 ‘A Girl with a Man in Her Cupboard’, Daily Mirror, 26 June 1971, p. 5.

  18 See ‘Procedures on Expelled Student “Full of Holes”’, Guardian, 29 June 1971, p. 5; ‘Sex and the Single Student: Richard Bourne on Lord Denning’s Decision’, Guardian, 10 July 1971, p. 11; ‘Lord Denning: Students and Morals’, in Guardian, 16 July 1971, p. 10.

  19 Alan Simpson, ‘Lord Denning: Students and Morals’, Guardian, 16 July 1971, p. 10.

  20 Whipple, A., ‘Speaking for Whom? The 1971 Festival of Light and the Search for the “Silent Majority”’, Contemporary British History, 24:3, 2010, pp. 319–39.

  21 Ibid., pp. 335–6.

  22 Riches, V., Sex and Social Engineering: How the Sex Education Lobby Is Undermining Society, The Responsible Society, 1986.


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