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Girl Trouble

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by Dyhouse, Carol

  British Board of Film Censors, 114

  British Medical Association, 56, 183

  British Medical Journal, 117–18, 194

  British Pregnancy Advisory Service, 190

  Brittain, Vera, 26, 63

  Brook Advisory Centres, 189

  Brooks, Rosa, 225

  Brophy, Brigid, 186

  Brown, Caroline, Lost Girls, 129

  Browne, Robert, 189

  Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, The Body Project …, 213

  Bryant, Sophie (née Willcock), 49–50

  Buckingham, David, The Impact of the Commercial World on Children’s Wellbeing, 226

  Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 238

  bulimia nervosa, 219

  Bullock, F. S., 24

  Burden, Betty, 122

  Burmby, Detective-Sergeant, 14

  Burt, Cyril, 93, 107, 118

  Buss, Frances Mary, 47, 49–50, 56

  Butler, Josephine, 18, 47

  Butler, Joyce, 198

  Butler-Sloss, Elizabeth, 208

  Bywaters, Freddy, 94–6

  Cambridge, University of, admission of women students, 247–8

  Cameron, David, 225, 226

  Cameron, Frederick, 158

  Campaigning against Sexism and Sexual Oppression in Education (Cassoe), 201

  Campbell, Janet, 68

  cannabis, 141, 150

  Cardiff, Jack, Girl on a Motorcycle/Naked under Leather, 177

  Carey, Tanith, Where Has My Little Girl Gone?, 226

  Carleton, Billie, 79–80

  Caron, Leslie, 136

  Carpenter, Reverend, 31

  Carroll, Madeleine, 103

  Carstairs, G. M., 163

  Cashmore, Ellis, 207

  Cavell, Edith, 89

  Chang, ‘Brilliant’, 80

  chastity, 185; as property value, 250

  child custody, 44

  Childline, 209

  Children and Young Persons Act (1933), 105

  ‘Children’s Waggon’, 119

  Childs, W. M., 92

  Chinese men, 79, 80

  Chorley, Katherine, 65

  Church Army, 106

  cinema, 83, 86, 137–42; American film values, 111, 112

  cinema-going, 5, 19, 76, 89–90, 92, 107, 110

  Clark, Alan, 194

  Clarke, Edward, Sex in Education, 54–6

  Cleft Chin murder case, 108

  Cleveland child abuse scandal, 208

  Clinton, Bill, 149

  Clough, Anne Jemima, 47, 53

  Clouston, T. S., 56

  clubs, 140–5, 150–1 see also jazz clubs

  coffee bars, 140, 150, 245

  Cohen, Stanley, Folk Devils and Moral Panics, 251

  Cole, Margaret, 66

  Cole, Martin, Growing Up, 184

  Collins, Joan, 140

  consciousness-raising groups, 196

  consumerism, spending-power of women, 93

  Contagious Diseases Acts (1864, 1866), 27

  contraception, 106, 143, 163, 166, 167, 182, 188, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 252; pill, 168, 188, 246 (prescribing of, 192–3)

  Cook, Hera, 168

  cookery, teaching of, 68, 127

  Coote, W. A., 19, 27

  corporal punishment, 116–17

  Corrie, John, 205

  Cosh Boy, 140

  cosmetic surgery, 212

  cosmetics, 74, 77–8, 103, 125, 129, 131–2, 133, 139, 155, 158, 245

  Cosmopolitan, 161, 204

  Cox, Sara, 229

  Crackenthorpe, Blanche Alethea, ‘The Revolt of the Daughters’, 42

  Criminal Law Amendment Act (1885), 18

  Criminal Law Amendment Act (1912), 14, 22, 23, 38

  Cripps, Anthony, 198

  Crisp, Arthur, 217, 219, 220

  Crowther Report, 128

  curriculum, consolidated, 236, 247

  Curry, Inspector, 14, 19

  cycling, 91

  dance halls, 89

  dancing, 95, 122

  Dane, Clemence see Ashton, Winifred

  Dangers of False Prudery, The, 27–8

  David, Miriam, 235

  Davies, Emily, 46, 53, 56

  debutantes, 5, 129

  degrees awarded to women, 47

  Delaney, Shelagh, A Taste of Honey, 135–6

  Delon, Alain, 177

  Demos think tank, 223

  Denning, Lord, 180

  Dennis, Felix, 182

  Diana, Princess, 218

  digital revolution, 254

  divorce, 172

  doctors: male, 195; women as, 56, 84, 237

  dole school, 86

  dolly birds, 137–74 passim

  domestic duties of women, 43–4, 45, 73, 84, 98, 103, 122, 127, 128, 199; rejection of, 228; wages for, 253

  domestic science classes, 64, 68, 128

  domestic service, 1, 84–7, 98–9, 242, 251; refusal of, 4–5, 244

  Dorries, Nadine, 226

  Dors, Diana, 115, 120, 139

  Downward Paths, 36–9

  dress of women, 52, 76, 95, 122, 158; court shoes, 131; dress codes in universities, 173; dressing ‘like sluts’, 240; fashion, 91, 103–4, 107 (girls’ love of, 37); leather jackets, 154; nylon stockings, 245; sartorial policing, 182; school uniforms, 114; silk stockings, 112; trousers banned for girls, 199 see also Rational Dress

  drinking see alcohol, drinking of

  drugs, 80, 102, 144, 145, 176, 177, 231; addiction to, 178

  Duffy, Maureen, That’s How It Was, 132

  Dunbar, John, 176

  Dunne, Mary Chavelita, 50–1

  Durham, M. G., The Lolita Effect, 214, 224

  Dworkin, Andrea, 209

  Dyer, Alfred S., 18

  Eastwood, Annie, 56, 58

  eating disorders, 212–13, 214 see also self-starvation

  Ede, Chuter, 114

  Edgecombe, Johnny, 147

  education, 1, 3, 42–3, 45, 46, 95–6, 98, 124–5, 128–32; coeducation, 81; damaging to girls’ reproductive potential, 54, 64, 243; girls’ performance in, 206, 223, 235–7, 248–9, 251; higher, 206 (women in, 236, 251–2; women’s colleges, 248); lessening likelihood of marriage, 65; of middle-class girls, 47–8, 57; of working-class girls, 64; primary, 235; school uniform, 165 (regulations, 125); sexism in, 198–200; single-sex, 181, 198–9; transformation of, 247 see also approved schools and school leaving age

  Education Act (1870), 45

  Education Act (1944), 132, 205, 247

  Ehrenreich, Barbara, 159, 222

  Eliza, mother of Dora Thewlis, 61

  Ellen, Barbara, 225, 229–30

  Ellis, Ruth, 119

  elopement, 169–70

  embroidery, teaching of, 68

  Emin, Tracey, 238

  employment of women, 86–7, 237; shortage of jobs, 84

  empowerment, 3, 233, 240

  equal pay, 197

  Equal Pay Act (1970), 197

  ‘Erskine, Rosalind’, The Passion Flower Hotel, 165 see also Longrigg, Roger Erskine

  ‘Essex girl’, 227–8

  eugenics, 79

  Eve’s Film Review, 90, 93

  examinations, 46, 83

  Fabian, Robert, 119–20, 121

  factory girls, 111

  Fair Shares for the Fair Sex, 198

  Faith, Adam, 137

  Faithfull, Marianne, 175–8, 231; ‘As Tears Go By’, 175

  fallen girls, repentance of, 34

  Family Law Reform Act (1969), 6, 172–3, 246

  Family Planning Association, 184

  fan behaviour, 159

  fancywork done by women, 45

  Farrar, David, 137

  fashion see dress of women, fashion

  fatness, 215–16

  Fawcett, Millicent Garrett, 48, 51

  Fawcett, Philippa, 48, 50

  female competence, celebration of, 87

  ‘feminine frailty’, notion of, 33, 40, 69

ity, 53, 54

  feminism, 4, 8, 23, 39, 42, 44, 55, 62, 69, 82, 96, 160, 213, 222, 231, 233, 234, 241, 252–3, 255; backlash against, 215, 239; educational, 206; eugenic, 83; radical, 253; second-wave, 7, 193, 205, 247; socialist, 253; stereotyping of, 209; waves of, 239, 239

  Ferris, Paul, 189

  field games, played by women, 83

  Film Fashionland, 91

  finishing school, 130

  flag days, 74

  Flair, 162

  flappers, 4, 73–9, 93, 229, 244; associations of word, 71

  flogging of male procurers, proposed, 22–3, 39

  Foley, Winifred, 85–6

  forced feeding of women, 17, 59, 62, 63

  Forster, Margaret, Dames’ Delight, 134–5

  frailty of girls, perceived see ‘feminine frailty’

  free love, 51

  freedom of movement, 2

  Freeman, Hadley, 220

  Freud, Sigmund, 69, 186

  Friedan, Betty, The Feminine Mystique, 197

  Friendly Leaves, 29

  Gainsborough films, 113–14

  Galloway, Janice, All Made Up, 166

  Garber, Jenny, 202

  Gardiner, Gerald, 171

  Gardner, Alice, 52

  Garwood, Eva, 97

  gate-hours in universities, 171, 173

  gender quotas, 247

  Genderwatch!, 201

  Gerald, Queenie, 14–17, 19

  Gillick, Victoria, 193

  girl, use of term, 8–9

  Girl Guides, 73–4

  Girl Heaven, 233–4

  girl heroines, 211–12

  girl power, 211–12, 229, 238, 249

  girlhood, representation of, 8

  girlification, 233–4

  girlpower, 3, 7, 9

  Girls Aloud, 224, 234

  Girls Into Science and Technology (GIST), 207

  Girls’ Cinema, 91

  Girls’ Friendly Society (GFS), 28–9, 31, 33–4

  Girls’ Public Day School Trust (GPDST), 47, 57–8

  girls’ schools, inspection of, 46

  Girton College, 46, 48, 49, 50, 65

  Gish, Lillian, 79

  Gissing, George, 97

  glamour modelling, 230–3

  good-time girl, 107; as folk devil, 117–18, 244–5

  Good Time Girl, 113

  Gordon, Aloysius ‘Lucky’, 147

  Gorham, Deborah, 26

  governessing, 45–6

  grammar-school girls, 128–9

  Grant, Linda, 174

  Grayson, Georgina see Jones, Marina, 108

  Greenaway, Kate, 31

  Greene, Graham, Brighton Rock, 98

  Greer, Germaine, 183, 228; The Female Eunuch, 128, 197

  Greig, Charlotte, A Girl’s Guide to Modern European Philosophy, 195

  Gretna Green, elopement to, 169–70

  Gréville, Edmond T., Beat Girl, 137–40

  Griffith, D. W., Broken Blossoms, 79

  Gull, William, 57

  Gummer, John Selwyn, 190; The Permissive Society, 187

  Gurley Brown, Helen, Sex and the Single Girl, 160–1, 163

  hair, 8, 118; care of, 77; cropped, 77; long hair on men, 181; ponytails, 133; short-back-and-sides, 182; styles of, 154, 155

  Haldane, Lord, 22

  Hale, Kathleen, 25–6, 77

  Haley, Bill, 152

  Hall, G. Stanley, Adolescence…, 65–9, 82

  Hall, Gladys Mary, 106–7, 108, 119

  Hall, Radclyffe, The Well of Loneliness, 81

  Hamilton, Patrick, 97

  Hamilton, William, 198

  Hammerton, Jenny, 93

  Hamsun, Knut, 50

  happiness, definition of, 222

  Hardie, Keir, The Queenie Gerald Case, 15

  Hardy, Bert, 123, 161

  Hardy, Thomas, Tess of the D’Urbervilles, 34

  Harris, Sidney, 114

  Harrison, Jane, 52

  Heath, Edward, 198

  Heath, George, 110

  Hemery, Gertrude, 43

  Hemming, James, 216

  Hemming, Susan, Girls Are Powerful, 204–5

  heroin chic, 231

  Higgs, Marietta, 208

  Hill, Amelia, Through the Looking Glass, 223

  Hill, Maurice, with Michael Lloyd-Jones, Sex Education…, 186–7

  Hills, Gillian, 137

  HIV/AIDS, 193

  Hoffman, Mary, 185

  Holtby, Winifred, Poor Caroline, 88

  Home Office, 105–6, 108, 114–15, 116, 117

  homosexuality, 101, 143, 145, 146, 186 see also lesbianism

  Honey, 162, 173

  Hostler, Phyllis, 179

  Houghton, Walter, Hindle Wakes, 101

  House of Bondage, 19

  household duties of women see domestic duties of women

  housewifery, declining standards of, 64

  Howes, Annie G., 57

  Hughes, Molly, 242

  Hulten, Karl, 108–12

  Humanitarian League, 23

  Humphreys, Travers, 105

  hunger strikes, 59, 62, 63

  Huxley, Elspeth, 100, 239

  Ibsen, Henrik, 50; A Doll’s House, 42

  illegitimacy, 245–6; as shame, 252

  immigrants, 120, 143, 146, 151

  in loco parentis, 6, 170, 179

  Independent Labour Party (ILP), 58

  infanticide, 96–7

  Infanticide Act (1922), 97

  infertility, 3

  Inner London Education Authority, 201

  innocence of girls, 166, 223, 241, 250; loss of, 34, 35–6

  intellectual girls, 127–8

  Internet, 239; influence of, 215

  Is Any Girl Safe?, 19

  Ivanov, Yevgeny, 146

  Jackie, 202–3, 204

  Jackson, Brian, 153

  Jackson, Carolyn, 227, 229

  Jackson, Louise, 150

  Jagger, Mick, 176, 177, 178

  James, Oliver, 222

  Jarrett, Rebecca, 18

  jazz, 140, 150

  jazz clubs, 152, 245

  Jephcott, Pearl, 85; Girls Growing Up, 215–16

  Jeune, Lady, 43

  jewellery, 104

  Jewish women, 205

  Johnson, Amy, 77, 88–9

  Johnson, Paul, 158

  Jones, Elizabeth, 114

  Jones, Liz, 234

  Jones, Marina, 108–12

  Jordan see Price, Katie

  juke boxes, 145; denunciation of, 151–2

  Jung, Karl, 69

  Just Seventeen, 204

  Kaplan, Cora, 203

  Keeler, Christine, 146–50, 245

  Kempton, Freda, 80

  Kenealy, Arabella, 92; Feminism and Sex Extinction, 83

  Kennedy, Mary, 197

  Kent, Jean, 115

  Ker, Alice, 62

  Ker, Margaret, 62

  ‘khaki fever’, 71, 74

  Knowle Hill reform school, 116–17

  Kurtz, Irma, 204

  La Bern, A. J., Night Darkens the Streets, 112–13

  ladettes, 227–9, 250; as folk devils, 229

  Ladies’ Association for the Care of Friendless Girls, 28

  Ladies’ National Association for the Abolition of State Regulation of Vice and the Promotion of Social Purity, 22

  Lady Margaret Hall, 47

  lap dancing, 232

  Latey, Mr Justice, 171

  Lau Ping You, 80

  Laurie, Peter, The Teenage Revolution, 155–7

  learning, women’s passion for, 51–2

  Lee, Christopher, 137

  legal status of women, 198

  Lennon, John, 159

  Lennox, Annie, 238

  lesbianism, 78, 80–3, 101, 195

  Leslie, Murray, 78

  ‘Let Girls Be Girls’ campaign, 224

  Levy, Ariel, Female Chauvinist Pigs, 213–14

  Lewinsky, Monica, 149
  Lewis, Jerry Lee, 152

  Liddington, Jill, Rebel Girls, 61

  Limehouse, London, 79–80

  Linden, Paul, 139

  Litchfield, Michael, and Susan Kentish, Babies for Burning, 190–1

  Lively, Penelope, 167

  living away from home, 161

  London Jewish Feminist Group, 205

  London Rubber Company, 185

  London School of Medicine for Women, 56

  Longford, Lord, 181, 184

  Longrigg, Roger Erskine, 165

  loose women, 67

  Love, Courtney, 211, 238

  Lucas, Sarah, 238

  Lytton, Constance, 60–1

  Lytton, Earl of, 22

  MacDougall, Miss, 19, 99

  MacKirdy, Mrs Archibald, 20

  Macmillan, Harold, 150

  Madonna, 211, 238

  ‘Maiden Tribute’ campaign, 27

  Maitland, Sara, 174

  Maltese men, 120, 146

  Malvery, Olive Christian see MacKirdy, Mrs Archibald

  Marchant, Hilde, 121–2

  Marie Stopes clinics, 189 see also Stopes, Marie

  marriage, 43, 104, 123, 127, 130, 131, 174, 187; affected by education, 65; age of, 8, 164; early, 124, 125, 160, 169, 172, 246; prospects of, affected by feminist teachers, 66; refusal of, 178; trial marriage, 173; without parental consent, 6

  marriage bar, 82

  Marshall, Dorothy, 26

  Marshall, Mary Paley, 52

  Martin, Courtney E., Perfect Girls, Starving Daughters, 214

  Martindale, Louisa, Under the Surface, 12–13

  Mass Observation, 123

  masturbation, 186–7

  mathematics, studied by women, 68

  Maudsley, Henry, 55

  Maurice, Frederick Dennison, 46

  May Day, celebration of, 31

  McCabe, Jess, 239

  McRobbie, Angela, 202–3

  medical schools, admission of women, 236

  menstruation, 66

  Messina brothers, 120

  Metropolitan Association for Befriending Young Servants (MABYS), 28

  middle-class girls and women, 124–5, 153, 167, 242; education of, 47–8, 57; in suffragette movement, 61–2; options of, 45–6; perceived fragility of, 57

  Miles, Sarah, 164

  Miller, Jane, 131–2

  Mills, Ivor, 179

  Mind charity, 219

  miscegenation, 142; fear of, 108

  Miss World competition, 191

  mixed-race women, 141

  Mizz, 204

  modern girl, 4, 8, 70, 102–3, 104, 252

  Mods and Rockers, 151

  Money, Agnes Louisa, 29

  Mooney, Bel, 224

  Moran, Caitlin, How To Be a Woman, 254

  Morgan, Helen, 191

  Morris, A. H., 106

  Morris, Hayley, 98–100

  Mort, Frank, 149

  mortgages, 2

  Moss, Kate, 230–1

  motherhood: teenage, and social deprivation, 192; unmarried, 6

  MS, 196

  Muggeridge, Malcolm, 181

  Mumsnet organisation, 224

  Munday, Diane, 190

  Muscutt, Jennifer, 184


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