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Because You're Mine

Page 1

by Nikita Slater

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Bonus: excerpt from Prisoner of Fortune – Book 1 of Fire & Vice

  Bonus: excerpt from Fight or Flight – Book 2 of Fire & Vice

  Other books by Nikita Slater

  Connect with Nikita!

  Copyright © 2017 Nikita Slater

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  ISBN 978-0-9958624-1-8

  Because You're Mine

  by Nikita Slater


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Bonus: excerpt from Prisoner of Fortune – Book 1 of Fire & Vice

  Bonus: excerpt from Fight or Flight – Book 2 of Fire & Vice

  Other books by Nikita Slater

  Connect with Nikita!


  "She's been hurt."

  The three simple words sent a chill through Jay's heart, dissolving his annoyance at the interruption. He dismissed the two men he'd been meeting with and turned to Greg with a raised brow. Words weren't necessary. Greg had been his right hand for nine years. He understood exactly how much Allie meant to Jay.

  "Allison was taken to the hospital in an ambulance twenty minutes ago. Preliminary reports say a knife wound to the arm and across her side. The cuts don't appear to be life threatening, but deep enough to need stitches."

  Jay's fury rose with each word. Renowned as he was for icy calm and deliberate control, Allie was the only person that could draw this kind of feeling from him. He struggled to contain the rage so he could ask the requisite questions. It wasn't necessary. Greg knew exactly what he wanted.

  "She was working in one of the addiction offices at the soup kitchen. Apparently a fight broke out among the clients being served in line. She left her office and tried to intervene on her own."

  "Of course she did," Jay managed from between gritted teeth.

  He turned his back on Greg and stared out the window of his office to the dockyard beyond. It was just like Allie to think with her heart instead of her head. It was going to be the last time she would be allowed to do that. He'd stood in the shadows long enough. He gave her what she wanted. She'd lived her life the way she'd wanted. Now it was his turn.

  "Her husband?" he snapped, knowing the answer, but needing to hear anyway.

  Greg shook his head. "She sent him a text while she was waiting for the ambulance. Apparently the little prick’s too busy to go to the hospital himself. Said he'd send someone to pick her up and take her home when she's been patched up."

  Jay clenched his fingers on the windowsill and narrowed his eyes on a vessel slowly making dock. It was one of theirs. ”What did she say?"

  "She told him not to worry. Said she wanted to catch a cab back to the kitchen. She has to meet with one more client before she goes home and then pick up her car. She plans on driving herself home."

  "His response?" Jay demanded.

  Greg hesitated, then replied, "He told her not to keep supper waiting for him, he's going to be working late again. I'm checking into it, but at a guess, he's meeting with his side whore."

  Jay felt wrath rise up and knew if Derrick were in the room with him he'd be on his knees begging for his life. Jay had despised the idea of this marriage, yet had allowed it to go forward, since it was what she wanted. And what Allie wanted was everything to him.

  No more. He would harden his heart to the only thing in the world that could touch him. Her safety would come above all things, including her wishes. It was time. Past time.

  "Get the plane ready, we're bringing my girl home."


  Allie pulled her jacket tighter around her shoulders and tried to curl her legs into her chest without pulling on her fresh stitches. She tried to calm the shivers that wracked her body, but they kept coming. She was laying on a cot, tucked into the far corner of one of the wings of the emergency room in the Regina General Hospital. She wanted to ask for a blanket, but didn't want to disturb any of the busy staff that were rushing by her tiny curtained cubicle.

  She'd been in the hospital for nearly three hours. The first hour had been waiting to get into the cubicle, the next had been waiting to see a doctor and the third had been waiting for her doctor to sign the release forms. She wished she could say it was just an extra busy day at the hospital. She knew better. It was always like this. She'd accompanied people there on more than one occasion.

  She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to suppress another shiver. Sighing she ran her hand lightly over her arm, avoiding the heavy bandage on her bicep. Her fingers caught in the tangled strands of long dark hair. She shoved it out of the way impatiently and moaned when she jostled her arm. She wiggled her hips in an attempt to get more comfortable on the small metal frame bed when the curtain moved and light flooded her eyes.

  Allie blinked up as a man stepped forward. He wasn't wearing scrubs like the nurses and doctors.

  She frowned and blinked in the harsh light. "Derrick?"

  She knew she was wrong though. Derrick said he wasn't coming. He barely cared enough to acknowledge her text. It was only her stupid heart that hoped he might rush to his injured wife's bedside that made her send that text in the first place. He wasn't even coming home from work to check on her. That was how much he cared. No, the man standing before her was not her husband.

  "Hello, Allie."

  Heart thundering, Allie pushed herself up using her good arm. She blinked against the brightness of the light, her mouth opening in disbelief. It was impossible. He couldn't be here with her. Could he? Yet the deep, measured voice could belong to no one else.

  He looked so good it made her body ache in a way nothing else could. He looked older than she remembered. It had been five years since she last saw him briefly at Veronica’s wedding. His hair was completely grey now, prematurely, she thought. He was thirty-nine. His grey eyes looked wearier, harder than she remembered, framed by lines that weren't there before. His body leaner, as though he didn't eat enough. He exuded solid strength though, despite the lean frame.

  "Jay," she whispered, tears filling her eyes.

  His eyes caressed her face and the corner of his lip lifted in a tiny smile, softening the always present hard edge. The only time she'd ever seen Jay Le Croix smile was for her or her mother. Never for anyone else. Allie lifted her arms, ignoring the painful pull of her stitches and leaned forward trusting him to catch her as she slid forwar
d off the bed. Strong arms enveloped her, holding her tight. She breathed in his familiar scent as he rocked her against the strength of his body. One hand cupped the back of her head, holding it against his shoulder, while the other hand swept down her back comfortingly. He was careful not to touch her where she’d been cut. Somehow he’d found out about her injuries and come to her.

  They stood that way for a long time, looking to all the world like a couple in love locked in an embrace. Finally, Allie indicated she was ready to pull away. Reluctantly Jay allowed her a few inches of space. She looked eagerly up at him, taking in all of his features. Jay ran his fingers lightly through her long, dark brown tresses, automatically restoring some order to the wavy chaos with his reassuring touch. Despite an age difference of ten years he had been her best friend for much of her life.

  When Allie had been a child, her mother had watched over the orphan boy as though he were her own. Veronica had made sure he was fed when his foster homes forgot. More than once she'd given him a roof over his head when things got too bad to stay in his placement. When he was old enough to care for himself, he returned the favour by watching over Veronica and her young daughter. He made sure none of Veronica's clients got too rough and he helped Veronica get clean when she was ready to make the choice. When he was able to run a crew of his own, Jay worked his way up the streets until he was able to create enough legitimate business opportunities that he could get Veronica and Allie off the streets.

  Allie adored Jay all of her life. Her mother assured her the infatuation would wane. It didn't. With each passing year it only grew until Allie became old enough that Jay began noticing Allie too. Veronica and Jay agreed that Allie was too good for the life he'd chosen. The life that had chosen him. She was destined for better things. When Allie turned eighteen and gradated from high school, her excellent grades and, unbeknownst to her, Jay’s maneuvering, earned her a scholarship to a university two provinces away. Allie didn't want to go. But Jay had insisted.

  The separation had been difficult. She'd cried for him every night. She'd written him letters and phoned him. He never answered her letters and rarely picked up her calls. When he had, it was monosyllabic responses before abruptly ending the call. Confused and hurt, she'd finally decided to forge a life without him. When she visited her mother, she stubbornly avoided talking about him and almost never saw him. The last time she'd heard from Jay was three years ago to receive his decline to her wedding and an extremely beautiful pearl necklace as a wedding gift.

  She'd only seen him twice in the ten years since he’d sent her away. The last time she'd actually seen Jay had been at Veronica's wedding five years ago. He'd walked the bride down the aisle, turned to Allie, held her close for several seconds pressing his lips against her temple and then leaving abruptly. The time before that was seven years ago when he'd come to her apartment out of the blue. She’d just graduated from the Addictions Education program and had accepted a job as an Addictions Counsellor. He wanted her to quit.

  "It's too dangerous, Allison."

  "Of course it's not! Its perfect for me. Its something that I've always wanted to do. With the way I grew up and my mother’s past, its practically the only think that makes sense for me. Why can't you just support me in this?" she'd pleaded with him.

  "Support you? I pulled you out of the fucking gutter! Now you want to jump in head first. I refuse to support this shit."

  "Jay! You don't get to dictate to me. You shut me out of your life years ago. Now I'm living it the way I want to."

  "Tread carefully, little girl. I can wrap you in chains just as easily as I set you free."

  But that was years ago. Now, as Allie looked up into the eyes of the man that used to possess her every thought, those same words echoed in her mind. His gaze hardened on her face. "What are you doing here?" she whispered.

  "We're going home, Allie."


  A few cold words to a rushing nurse promptly produced her doctor. Jay was able to ascertain the extent of her injuries and obtain her release. The doctor assumed Jay was her husband. Jay did not correct the man. Jay asked the doctor if Allie was well enough to fly, his hand tightening on her arm when she gasped in surprise. The doctor confirmed that her wounds weren’t serious and would mend with a few weeks. The butterfly stitches could be removed in 10-14 days if they didn’t come off on their own.

  Before Allie could protest his actions, Jay gathered her bag and the jacket that had slid from her shoulders during their prolonged hug.

  "Anything else?" he asked.

  "I'm not going with you," Allie said, her voice higher than normal as he took her good arm and began steering her back through the busy corridors toward the emergency exit.

  Jay took a breath of fresh air once they were outside. He didn't like being cooped up in any building, but he especially hated hospitals. He led her toward a waiting car with tinted windows. A huge man wearing sunglasses and looking extremely out of place in a hospital parking lot opened the door for them and smiled gently at Allie. She stared in open mouthed astonishment at Jay's burly, tattooed associate.

  “This is Greg,” Jay introduced as they approached the car. “He’s been waiting a long time to meet you, Allie.”

  “Ms. Klassen,” Greg greeted her with a quick grin. “It’s nice to finally meet you. Sorry to hear about your injuries.”

  “Uh… nice to meet you too,” Allie said faintly.

  Greg looked like he should be someone’s stunt double on an action movie with tons of explosions and shooting. He was likely in his fifties, classically good-looking and muscular in a way that pointed to a man that probably did too many steroids in his youth.

  Allie stared at Jay in disbelief as he gently pushed her into the car and climbed in behind her. He stopped her before she could slide across to the far seat and latched her into the centre seatbelt. He did the same for his seatbelt and told Greg to take them to the airport.

  "Jay!" Allie gasped. "I'm not going with you."

  He took her hand in a gentle but firm grip and squeezed it. He ignored her outburst and asked Greg in a low, authoritative voice, "Everything go okay at the house?"

  Greg nodded at his boss in the rear view mirror. "Vic texted while you were inside, he's on his way back to the airport with the things you wanted. He’s going to stay in town for a few days like you said.”

  Allie looked between the two men and shook her head. She tugged on Jay's hand, which still held hers in a possessive grip. He looked down at her, but didn’t release her hand.

  "No," she said to him, shaking her head in denial. "Jay, take me home."

  His eyes hardened. He didn't say anything. She knew what he was doing. Deep down inside she knew her clock had run out. She always vaguely wondered if he was keeping her on a leash. One that he could tug at any time. Maybe a tiny part of her hoped. Though time, distance and marriage to another man had dulled her girlhood love, she never truly stopped caring. Well, today she found out the truth. He had finally come to collect.

  "Please don't do this," she whispered desperately. "Don't take me away."

  His eyes remained hard and he still didn't answer. He didn't need to. His fingers flexed, caressing the skin of her wrist. He wouldn't let her go this time. She wanted to argue, but Jay was not the type of man to argue with. He was ruthless when crossed. Though Jay had protected her from his street image as she'd grown up, she'd heard whispers. You only disagreed with Jay Le Croix once. Because you never got a chance to do it again.

  They arrived at the airport several minutes later. The black rental car stopped beside a light aircraft on a private runway. Allie thought about screaming for help, but she couldn't see anyone near enough to help, even if Jay didn't stop her. She didn't want to get him in trouble, but she also didn't want to be kidnapped from the city she'd lived in for the past ten years of her life.

  He didn't give her a chance anyway. He unbuckled her seatbelt and then, mindful of her injuries, whisked her out of the car
and into the airplane within seconds. Allie's feet barely touched the ground. Jay's hands slid around her waist and splayed across her stomach and hips as he held her against his body, moving easily with her in his arms. When they reached the plane, hands reached out to take her.

  "Watch her fucking arm," he growled, relinquishing her for the seconds it took to haul himself up into the plane behind her.

  He buckled her into a seat on the plane and took the seat next to hers. Greg came in next and raised a brow at Jay. The boss nodded toward one of the seats at the front of the plane. Clearly, Jay was used to the pilot or co-pilot seat. Allie watched in shocked silence as several boxes were loaded into the back of the plane behind their seats and secured.

  When she turned questioning eyes toward Jay, he said, “Some things I knew you wouldn’t want to leave behind.”

  Allie’s mouth dropped as she stared uncomprehendingly. She felt Jay’s eyes on her face, but she couldn’t tear her eyes from the boxes. She tried to get her brain to understand the implications of his knowing what items would mean something to her and how he could possibly have them packed up and moved in the time it took him to come pick her up from the hospital. She didn’t bother trying to figure out how his guy got into her locked and alarmed house. She’d known Jay for long enough to know exactly what he was capable of.

  Within minutes the plane began to move. Allie turned to plead with Jay in one last attempt to get him to leave her behind. His face remained unyielding as he stared into her tear filled eyes. Her lips formed the word ‘please,' but he only shook his head once in denial. His eyes reflected only satisfaction with a hint of pity. Tears trickled freely from the corners of Allie's eyes. She turned her face away and huddled against the corner of her chair. She clutched her purse tightly in her lap and stared down despairingly as Regina, the prairie city she had grown to love, disappeared below her. She knew if Jay had his way she wouldn’t be back.


  "Where are we?" Allie asked. Her voice sounded hoarse and dim to her ears after an hour and a half of flying noise droning in her head.


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