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The Contract: Sunshine

Page 5

by McCarver, Shiree


  She didn’t slow down. She just yelled over her shoulder at him, “My Nana Sophia probably would think you aren’t good enough for me.”

  Momentarily stumped that Sunshine would get upset at him for only repeating something his mother said, he stood there looking at her stiff back as she marched ahead.

  Yoon shoved his hands in the pockets of his black trousers and rocked back on his heels. His thumbs popped. His dark eyes fell to her tight little bottom; the short, fitted suit jacket not distracting his view from its peach shape. She walked past the door of the restaurant.

  Where was she going? He wondered. She still had no money or means of getting home this late at night. He needed to go back inside to take care of her bill, retrieve his credit card and have the maître make sure Leslie got her phone back this evening.

  Okay, I don’t have time for any more games this evening. If Sunshine Dupree doesn’t turn around right this second and march her sweet shapely bottom back here, I’m going to finish up here and leave her.

  Yoon looked at his watch. It was nearing midnight and he had a conference video call to Japan at one a.m. his time zone.

  Damn. Sunshine had helped him. True she started to tell Leslie the truth at the end, but she did go along in the beginning and he was a man of his word. With another curse he went after her.

  Chapter 3

  No ride like a piggyback ride...

  Sunshine had not seen that kiss coming. True she was about to tell the other woman the truth about not being Yoon Young’s fiancée, but he didn’t have to kiss her like that. What was he thinking? Hell, what was she thinking by kissing him back!?

  She stopped and looked around. Where the hell am I? Damn her temper. How was she going to get home? She still had no money and her cell phone battery was dead. At this point, the way her evening was going she might as well go back to the restaurant and turn herself in. Going to jail would mean she would at least get one phone call, but it could also mean the end to her current freedom. No matter how cumbersome it was lately, it was better than a tiny jail cell.

  This pitiful night was no one’s fault but her mother’s. She was determined to make her life miserable until she married and settled down.

  “Where are you going?”

  Sunshine turned at the sound of a deep masculine voice that had become all too familiar too soon.

  “What are you doing, stalking me now?” She snapped, immediately irritated by his unexpected appearance.

  “You did your part and now it’s time for me to hold up my end of the deal,” he announced. “Come. I will pay your bill, pickup my credit card and then take you home.”

  “I don’t need you to take me home,” Sunshine huffed. She shifted her weight from one throbbing heel to the other.

  Yoon cocked one dark brow in a vaguely inquisitive fashion looking pointedly at her feet. “You aren’t going to make it to the end of this block in those heels.”

  “I will take them off when I can’t take the pain anymore,” she countered. “But for now, I’ve only got about two hundred dollars worth of wear out of them.”

  “Don’t be childish, Sunshine.”

  “I’m okay. Go away.”

  “Liar.” He waited.

  “Okay. I admit I’m tired and frustrated and mostly pissed that I let you kiss me like that,” she found herself admitting.

  “I like that much better,” he nodded. “I think from now on honesty should always be your first choice when you speak to me because I always find out the truth.”

  “As if I care what you think,” she muttered.

  His black brows slammed together and those elongated eyes nearly closed as he regarded her without a speck of amusement.

  A warning voice whispered in her head...Dummy, just be nice to the guy; you really do need a ride home.

  “You may not care what I think, but I’m going to tell you what I’m going to do and the rest is up to you,” he spoke in clipped tones.


  “Nope, don’t speak.” he interrupted. “Just listen to me. If you insist on acting like a pouty brat, I’m going to treat you like one.

  Sunshine silently smirked. She was wrong. Her Nana Sophia would like Yoon very much. She would say he was the type of man that knew how to handle his business and most of all she would agree with him about her acting like a brat. That was something her grandmother always said to her just before she gave her a vocal dressing down.

  She got the feeling Yoon Young was about to give her a vocal dressing down.

  “Do you have any idea what my time is worth? Can you imagine how much you would owe me if I were to charge you for the time it has taken me to chase you down?”


  “I said don’t speak,” he chastised.

  “Well stop asking me questions!” She yelled.

  The corners of his mouth twitched. He cleared his throat and shoved his hands in his pockets. Pop. He wasn’t as cool as he wanted her to think he was.

  She suppressed the nervous giggle that arose in the back of her throat knowing he wouldn’t be too appreciative of her humor at the moment.

  “I’m not going to chase you down in the dark alleys of Washington waiting to be robbed or killed.” He removed his hands from his pockets, caught her by the elbow and steered her in the direction from which he came.

  It was the third time he’d manhandled her and she was about tired of it! She slapped his hand away and clambered for something smart ass to say, but just like before he wasn’t hearing it.

  “Sunshine, if you want what you’ve already earned then you better keep up with me or I’m leaving you behind and you can consider my debt paid in full.”

  She didn't like his tone one bit, but she'd developed patience for dealing with attitudes since working at Dupree Foods as a cashier. So she decided to overlook it.

  “Call me cab,” Sunshine said nicely. “My cell phone battery is dead and I can pay him out of the thousand dollars you offered me.”

  “Afraid not.”


  “You heard me.” He paused to look at her. “Besides, I don’t carry that much cash with me. I will take you home.”

  Silently she fretted as she doubled her steps to keep up with his stride.

  A couple of times she stumbled but each time he was there to catch her and steady her again. At least after the second stumble, he slowed his agitated stride.

  As they continued to make their way back to the Piccolo Bellissima, she checked out the broadness of his back. Although he wasn't overly muscle-bound, he appeared to have the hard, sinewy physique of someone that took great care of his body. Either that, or like her, he had good genes that allowed him to be frivolous and hearty in appetite without a care. Several of her friends hated her for her metabolism.

  Reflectively she thought...Yoon definitely had a tailor to fashion his clothes perfectly. His fitted dinner suit was the latest Japanese fashion. She saw it on the runway during the spring in Milan.

  Wow, had it only been a few months since she was living richly and spending mummy darling’s current hubby’s generosity because they thought she was going to eventually earn her own fortune? Little did they know her mother was not the Dupree heiress they had thought they managed to snag and the fact that Sunshine was, is a family secret that allows her mother to still receive a yearly allotment from her father’s estate. Any normal woman could live from check to check off that large allotment, but not the several times removed Myrna Shaw Dupree.

  The thoughts of her mother depressed her even more. She dreaded the conversation she knew was coming in regards to the preacher. No telling how many times she’d already called her. Sunshine supposed there was something wonderful about a cellular phone with a dead battery.

  She secretly admired Yoon’s body while he wasn’t looking. Looking at him, she couldn’t for the life of her figure out why she never wanted to visit Asia during her travels. Oh yeah, she remembered now. Each tim
e she suggested it to her friends they didn’t want to go because it would be too boring when there were no hot men to choose from like in Italy and Paris.

  Her girlfriends, the same ones that were nowhere to be found now that she was on “income restriction,” had whined and giggled that Asian men were too short; too skinny; too timid; oh and the dreaded...penis too small theory. They had to be bad lovers, they would say.

  What Sunshine never understood about that theory was...if Asian men were such bad lovers why were the Asian countries the ones with the most people? There were over one point three billion in China alone last year. In fact, they had a shortage of women.

  Wouldn’t that mean some women were enjoying sex with Asian men? The stereotyping about Asian men was probably made up by those women that were having sex with them so they wouldn’t have to share them with the rest of the world.

  Sunshine snickered at her own reasoning. Yoon glanced back at her in question and she shook her head looking away from his face. He was too damn attractive for his own good. It was because of him she was thinking these thoughts and feeling all scrumptious inside.

  Now that she was given the opportunity to appreciate an Asian man that lived within her own realm of possibilities, she would never listen to her friends again when they were making plans to go abroad. That is if she ever could afford to do so again while she was still young enough to appreciate it. If her family has their way, she would be married and having babies by spring of next year.

  “I can’t believe you’ve managed to remain quiet this long,” Yoon’s deep voice interrupted her ponderings.

  “Miss my voice, do you?” She released an inward groan. Why did everything she say to him have to be so confrontational? She had no desire to leave him with a bad impression of her. She actually would like to spend this time knowing more about him before he kicked her out of his car and never wanted to set eyes on her again.

  “Ah, now I remember why I told you to be quiet,” he muttered. “Go back to what you were doing.”

  I can’t! Sunshine wanted to scream at him. When I’m alone with my thoughts all I can do is think about you and that kiss. The feel of your hard body molded against mine. Geeze!

  When she looked at him, her pattering heart set off tiny alarm bells of desire in her head. Her nipples tightened and her feminine parts fluttered and rippled with interest. Sunshine fingered her lips and acknowledged that regardless of the fact she thought him completely full of himself for blackmailing her into being a partner in his fraud, she was physically attracted to him.

  She groaned.

  This time when Yoon looked at her, he stopped walking and turned to close the space between them. Searching her face he asked, “Are you okay?” He put a hand to her brow. “You look as flushed as you were earlier after...” His words drifted but his eyes went straight to her mouth and he quickly dropped his hand from her forehead.

  While Sunshine was feasting her eyes on him, Yoon’s raisin colored eyes stared back at her. She know what he was about to say. It was all she could think about. She wondered if the kiss would be as intense now that he didn’t have an audience to convince they were lovers.

  He inhaled and exhaled a few times. “Are you okay?” He asked again licking his lips.

  “My feet hurt,” she murmured watching his tongue moisten his lips.

  “Do your feet hurt?” He asked as if she hadn’t spoken. His eyes were still glued to her mouth.

  “My feet hurt,” she repeated.

  “Want to ride me?” He asked.

  “Oh yes,” she sighed.

  He cleared his throat again and swallowed before unbuttoning his dinner jacket turning his back to her. He squatted to the ground and ordered, “Get on.”

  Her muddled brain was processing exactly what he meant when he asked her to ride him. It wasn’t quite how she was picturing it in her mind. In her thoughts, he was on his back and she wasn’t.

  “Huh?” She squeaked.

  Yoon looked over his shoulder at her. “It’s not that far. I can carry you the rest of the way.”

  “I can’t let you do that. I’m not as light as I look,” she skittered nervously. “Besides, I can just take off my shoes.”

  “Nonsense. It’s too chilly for that and there could be dirty needles or god only knows what else out here on these sidewalks. Mount up; your chariot awaits, Heiress.” His dimples showed.

  “Yoon, I don’t know about this.”

  “Look, if I can carry a drunken buddy home that weighs at least forty more pounds than you do, you should be a piece of cake. I’m sturdier than I look,” Yoon assured her.

  “I know...still...”

  “Sunshine, are you wasting my time again already? Stop questioning me for once and put your arms around my neck and get on my back,” he ordered. She molded her body over his back and grasped his shoulders to steady herself.

  “You’re going to have to put your arms around my shoulders. You never rode piggy back before?” He asked her. She could feel his voice rumbling through his back and vibrating against her stomach, nipples and secret places.

  “No I haven’t, but I’ve rode shoulders in the swimming pool playing chicken while vacationing on the Riviera,” she answered with a squeak as he tugged on her arms.

  “The Riviera,” Yoon snorted. “Yeah. Right. Hold on.”

  Before she could set him straight about his sarcasm, he crossed her arms under his chin pulling her so close all she got was a mouth full of hair. Her face was immediately buried in the silky blackness of his thick straight hair.

  She could have gladly died right there inhaling his essence if she didn’t have the piggyback ride to look forward to. She hampered her feeling of giddiness before she made a complete fool of herself by bouncing on his back and yelling “giddy up” like he was really a pony.

  Turning her so she could breathe, he comfortably settled her against his neck and ear.

  Without warning, Yoon reached behind his back and slung his arms beneath her legs until her feet and ankles were dangling. When he stood, she felt butterflies in her lower stomach and squealed.

  “Oh my ear!” He winced.

  “Sorry,” she laughed.

  “You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?”

  “Aren’t you supposed to?” She asked.

  “I don’t know,” Yoon replied. “I never really thought about it.”

  “Yeah, well I guess it isn’t quite the same if you’re the one doing the carrying,” she said.

  He hoisted her higher on his waist and reached behind to link his hands together under her bottom like some makeshift seat and she gasped as she felt his bunched up jacket between her legs.

  It was a reminder of her earlier lustful thoughts and she had to stop the natural call as old as time and roll her hips against him to seek her pleasure.

  One jarring step. Then another. Her sensitive aroused clitoris rubbed against the seam of her pants now taunt from the spread of her thighs.

  Sunshine sucked in her bottom lip to keep from moaning. Her nose nuzzled against his ear and she heard a swift intake of breath. She wasn’t sure if it was him or her own.

  Does he know? She wondered with embarrassment.

  She grunted.

  “We’re almost there,” he assured her with a husky voice.

  “Yessss,” she sighed hotly against his ear. She felt his shoulders tense. Were his fingers stroking her bottom or was it wishful thinking?

  “Sunshine,” he breathed.

  Unable to resist since she was so close to that longed-for relief, she pretended the need to tighten her hold around his neck to keep from slipping. She would use any excuse to move her lower body against him.

  Oh God. His fingers felt were so close. Touch me; she silently willed. Her clitoris was yearning...begging...screaming to be stroked.

  “Yoon,” Sunshine moaned hotly against his ear.

  “Yes,” he answered in a strained voice.

  “May...maybe you should put
me down now,” she managed. Her eyes watered from the tense straining of trying not to move again.

  “Not yet.”

  She cried out as he hoisted her high again. She was so sensitive it was almost painful.

  “Yoon...Yoon...” she practically sobbed his name as she rubbed her nose against his ear, into his hair.

  They were getting near to the end of the building before it left the private restaurant alley and opened up to the front entrance. They were so close they could hear the laughing teasing voices of the valet attendants floating in the cool night breeze.

  Yoon veered off the brick path towards the brick wall of the building they were passing. He eased her back against the wall until she was snugly against the wall and her hold loosened on his neck. Before Sunshine knew it, they were face to face and his body was grinding against her.

  “Sunshine,” he gruffly groaned her name before pressing his mouth to hers to swallow her moans and sighs. He pulled back to look at her their noses touching. “This is crazy! I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  “Neither have I,” she puffed. “Please don’t stop now. I need...I need...”

  “I know. Me too.”

  Not a button or zipper was open and not an ounce of flesh was showing with the exception of their faces and hands but Sunshine would swear it was the hottest journey towards an orgasm she’d ever experienced in her sexual life. She didn’t know if it was the man she was with or the situation that the man had her in that was driving her passion.

  As they moved against each other, he kissed her again. It was one of those kisses that had no beginning or an end. It felt like time had stopped and as if they wanted it to go on forever. She ran her fingers through his hair as he kept her leg high over his arms and wide to accommodate his thrusting hips.

  She felt achy and wonderful as her back continuously hit the brick wall. Sunshine knew she may have the bruises to show for it tomorrow and probably a big heaping of shamefulness, but for now she felt like the reckless party heiress the media often accused her of being. It was very freeing. Her rapid heartbeat and heated blood made foolish deeds seem not so foolish.

  It was the first time Sunshine had dry sex but still her legs jerked and shivered as the orgasm slammed into her like a rolling tide. Yoon wasn’t far behind her. Hearing him speak in a language she didn’t understand, but she found oddly soothing and made her smile.


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