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Sector Seven

Page 22

by Kaden Sinclair

  He did, however, have success with the salt shaker experiment. He ordered the pepper shaker to be exactly the same as the salt shaker, which had a similar shape, but was different enough to be visibly changed. He also learned the nannies had modified the material as they nested into it, changing it to a kind of static fluid, capable of rearranging easily. This property had been built into their base instructions.

  Throughout all of this, he kept having to fight a battle with his libido, which distracted him constantly. He found everything erotic and only through tight control could he suppress it enough to focus. The reminder about the previous test subjects who had died due to issues with hormonal control kept him from obsessive masturbation.

  Eve stayed with him most of the time, only allowing small bathroom breaks for each of them. He carefully avoided looking at the mirror or at himself in any way. He’d become completely narcissistic in this regard and fought it desperately. She fed him often, but his appetite seemed to have slowed to normal, as if his changes were halting or, at least, slowing. He still consumed extra nutrients with his food, some of which he sensed his body handled so they were non-toxic to him in larger amounts.

  She commented on his good communication, noting to her apparent relief he hadn’t really changed much after his previous night’s transformation.

  She played some games with him, testing his mental acuity. The spent a lot of the late afternoon in the lab. She ran him through a series of physical tests, pushing him. Some of the cardio tests would have been dangerous, considering how much his heart rate increased, but she didn’t seem worried. He had become, according to their previous testing, virtually immune to harm. With his permission, she burned and cut him. He had to practically force her to break his fingers, but he insisted they try it. The wounds healed rapidly, the cuts repairing so quickly barely any blood welled out. After seeing this, she was willing to snap the bones in two fingers at his insistence. The breaks to his fingers were knitted within minutes. He hardly felt the pain.

  “So, theoretically, you could be incapacitated briefly, since the bones take some time to recombine. A massive blow, maybe with a vehicle, would cripple you for a few minutes, possibly even half an hour. It would be enough time to, say, burn you or dissolve you in acid.”

  Holy cow! he thought. She doesn’t shy away from anything. “Wow, such a pleasant thought.”

  “Sorry, I am just glad to learn Faust could be destroyed. If things progress and you give him what he needs, he’s going to inject himself at the earliest opportunity.”

  “Yeah, I know. It’s just rough knowing you are thinking of ways you could destroy me.”

  “Morbid, true, but useful. Besides, consider it a form of self-preservation. This whole experiment, Faust locking us in here to observe everything, is designed to either figure out the solution to the serious issues or have us all die. I’m looking at ways to destroy you if you turn into a monster. Better, I’m hoping there’s a way to kill that fucker, Faust, if he succeeds. You should understand why.”

  “You’re right. I’m glad you’re here and glad you are thinking things through.” He smiled his most tender smile, gazing into her eyes.

  She shuddered and turned away. He could feel a deep physical desire course through her, and then anger. He felt bad, but as she turned away, his eyes immediately fell to stare at her butt.

  “It’s getting late, Jason. I’m really tired, so we should probably call it a night.” For a second he hoped she’d ask him to sleep with her. “Are you tired at all?”

  Yes, he definitely felt tired. “Yeah, another useful thing to know. Sleep is required.” He thought about it. “Although I think I could stave it off if I had to.”

  “Good. Noted. If we must, we could destroy you in your sleep if you weren’t aware of the danger. Just conk out and I’ll wake you again if you don’t get up after a reasonable amount of sleep.”

  He nodded and readied for bed. Despite all the exercising he’d done all day, his body wasn’t physically tired. It was his mind that required the rest period.

  Like the night before, he fell asleep quickly after he climbed into his pile of blankets.

  The dreams started immediately. He dreamed a similar broad spectrum of dreams, some so horrible he cried in his sleep. In his detached awareness, he knew his body continued improving healing and recovery processes. He could sense the instructions. Another thing that happened in his dreams was that he changed his physical features easily.

  He had repeated wet dreams again. He only woke after his sheets and blankets were completely soaked. For a moment, he gaped at the outrageous volume of ejaculate, his fluid loss so extreme that he needed water badly.

  Getting up, he drank and drank from the faucet. For a moment he wondered if he should worry about hyponatremia from so much water in so short a time. Oh right, he thought, my enhanced body won’t allow it. He went to the kitchen to get some salty foods to have the right balance. He ate a quick meal and then got clean bedding out of the hall supply of laundry and threw his current soiled set into the machines so he’d continually have a clean set. It looked like he might need new linen often.

  Thoughts of Eve made him wonder about getting in bed with her. He knew he could make her want him. He gritted his teeth, disgusted with himself for having these thoughts. The word rape gonged in his head like some huge warning bell.

  He threw his bedding down, not caring if he woke her, and went to the other room and got in the shower to wash himself off.

  The shower turned out to be a mistake. The moment he stepped into the spray of water, he once again fell to masturbating and couldn’t stop. It wasn’t satisfying enough. He knew he had lost control, but the reward system was overpowering.

  He needed something more than standard masturbation. He knew if he got out of the shower in this condition, he’d force himself on Eve no matter how wrong. With some despair, he realized he’d become too enslaved to the pleasure, which his body had increased as it adapted. He couldn’t stop. This is how the volunteers died. They lost control. It’s too overpowering! Again and again he came. His orgasms had grown so strong, he thrashed on the floor of the shower, his head tossing back and forth.

  He completely lost all sense of himself for long periods of time. He could feel the muscles specifically and had direct control over them as they thundered deep in his lower abdomen. He flooded his own mind with overpowering pleasure for what felt like an eternity. His body kept running a feedback loop, enticing him to do more. The danger of addiction had become a reality, his need too great. Dying like this is good. It will keep others safe and is the most pleasurable way to die.

  His thirst grew again as he emptied his reproductive organs repeatedly, and a deep need for specific foods arose. Gulping water, he kept at it, thoughts of the kitchen intruding on his mindless abandon.

  At first, he thought he’d gone crazy, distantly aware the pleasure had perhaps driven him to hallucinating about his desire to get food. But, eventually, through the haze of his clouded thoughts, he realized he heard someone down the hall in the dining and cooking area of the apartment. There was a quick sound of dishes clattering and an exclamation. Like the enhancement of his eyes, his hearing had also grown acute. He picked up the faint sounds, which should have been impossible at this distance and with the many walls in the way.

  The sound broke him out of his pattern and the practically fell out of the shower. He badly wanted more than just masturbation. How long had he been in here? Hours? Grabbing a towel, he wrapped himself and quickly strode down the hallway, knowing if he could talk to Eve while she got something to snack on, he’d be fine. She’d help him, talk him through it. Already, he could clamp down enough to keep himself from turning around and going back to his shower play. The distraction had helped him reassert some control. He shouldn’t be alone.

  When he reached the kitchen, a blond woman whirled to face him. Jenn clutched as much food as her arms could carry, trying to quickly grab what she could and r
un back to the safety of her room. As she spun around, she gasped.

  It wasn’t Eve. He needed Eve. She could help him. His thinking had grown too clouded. He was aware enough to understand this. He should just turn around and wake her. Call to her.

  Jenn gaped at him, which startled him, and he lost control of his desires for a moment. He smiled at her, calming her as her fear spiked, mingled with disbelief and attraction. The attraction gratified him, and he moved toward her, letting her see him fully. He languidly flexed his muscles, grinning at her as her eyes took in the mass pushing the towel forward. Her breathing quickened, stark terror radiating out from her and paralyzing her. Her eyes began tearing up in fright.

  He shook his head in confusion, but his thoughts were dominated by an unnatural need. Eve! I need help! He couldn’t make his voice work. He didn’t want Jenn to be afraid, he only wanted her to love him. To help him feel safe, secure. As he thought about it, he felt her nannies obey him and she became calm, content. Yes. Calm. Much better, he thought. It’s not like he would hurt her. He would just calm her until Eve could get here.

  He stepped toward her, touching her hair and staring into her eyes. She looked at him dreamily, her hands clutching the food she’d pilfered. He carefully took the food from her hands and set each item down on the counter, letting his towel fall to the floor.

  He let his concern for her flow over him, through him, to her. His sexual energy broadcast to her, and her eyes ran over his body. He sensed desire sweeping powerfully through her. She whimpered.

  He overwhelmed her fear and attempts to escape his power and triggered lust in her.

  Her lips parted. She reached for him.

  He smiled a purposefully sexy smile and undressed her, continuing to override her desire to flee. He smashed her fears down with the force of his will and built up her desire, fine-tuning it. He sent powerful hormones through her body, causing her to reach orgasm even before he touched her. She moaned, but he could tell she wanted to scream for help. He instructed her nannies to match his own, to extend her innate female ability to experience pleasure multiple times.

  Her nannies rushed to obey, and he let his lips find their way to her every erogenous zone. More powerful waves coursed through her, making her orgasm again. He brushed his lips down her jaw, her neck. Jason discarded her body’s need for rest. He’d almost felt her pleasure for himself. The feedback grew stronger and he processed it. She didn’t possess advanced nanotechnology by comparison, so she couldn’t keep up with his demands. He had far, far more advanced nanotechnology. Still, he forced her nannies to do what they could, attempting to get them to go beyond their ability. Perhaps I can replicate my newly enhanced nannies in her, he thought.

  Needing release, he pushed into her, pinning her to the counter. But his sexual organ was too huge. It had grown so large that all the surrounding muscles and tendons had rearranged in order to suspend it properly, becoming larger than his arm and reminiscent of something on a demon. An incubus, he thought, laughing. It would have been horribly painful for her if he’d allowed her to feel pain. Instead, he overrode her pain through his control, thrusting into her. He gave her pleasure beyond what she’d ever been capable of. His release was so powerful, he let out an animalistic cry.

  He didn’t consciously recognize her bleeding, her torn body from his assault. Something deep inside him, however, watched in horror, but was suppressed by his growing animalistic nature Eve! Please. Help me!

  Again, he rocked into Jenn, forcing her as she thrashed beneath him, stretched so far he’d damaged her. A basic part of his mind knew he’d torn her up inside. He couldn’t fit, so he forced his way in. She wanted to scream, he could sense it.

  He upped the frequency of her pleasure, demanding she stay in a state of orgasm from which he would not allow her to escape. Surely, this would cancel her fear of him. His own pleasure echoed with hers and he climaxed again and again, timing his release with the rising and falling tide of her falsely induced state of bliss. A blurring occurred, and he almost felt he WAS her, experiencing an overwhelming sense of terror and pleasure burning through her system. He grew aware of a terrible fiery pain in her loins, which falsely translated to pleasure. He also felt large tearing deep inside her body, destruction with each thrust. She thrashed beneath him, unable to escape from her enforced ecstasy. Dying.

  Deep down, he recognized something was horribly wrong, but he lost all sense of himself, drifting mindlessly in his own desires. He’d forgotten the name he should be shouting for help. His body continued to supply him with boundless energy. His new mass of muscles tensed with pleasure, rippling grotesquely beneath his perfect skin, as he scooped her up against him like a rag doll, cracking her ribs, puncturing her lungs with inhuman strength. With another violent thrust, he threw her back against the counter, pushed against her arm with his hand, wrenching her shoulder out of socket with unconstrained physical force. Her head struck the counter and cracked. He threw back his head and roared. “Again! Again!”

  He heard someone screaming behind him.

  He didn’t care. The feelings were so incredible, so unending. He felt a powerful blow to his torso. He ignored it. An odd inconvenience, nothing more, mingling with pleasure so incredible he couldn’t think. His body healed the tearing of his flesh the moment it occurred. He came again, groaning.

  Again, something struck him. Again, he ignored it. Blood flowed from Jenn in large amounts. Her lungs were gurgling as she struggled desperately to breathe. He could feel parts of her mind burning out, unable to handle the forced activity as she flailed weakly under his control.

  Then a massive blow to the head knocked him to the floor, away from Jenn. A second blow followed, crushing part of his skull. Jason nearly lost consciousness, his mind wondering what had caused his pleasure to be cut short. The blow had blinded him in his right eye. He started to stand, and a third blow knocked him nearly unconscious. He took another blow to his skull, and his assailant stopped, apparently thinking they’d incapacitated him. Jason had a peripheral awareness he had been prevented from fulfilling his needs by an attacker. He cared nothing for the fight, only that he should be able to resume his pleasure. He’d have to destroy the assailant, so he could continue to satiate himself.

  Moments later, he slowly became aware of hysterical screaming, of frantic yelling. He rolled over, his heightened sense of smell detecting blood in large amounts. Vision returned to his eye as he healed.

  Before the iron skillet could land another blow to his head, he rolled out of the way and into a crouch before his opponent. He heard himself snarl.

  Jason experienced a strange double-vision and a wave of dizziness, which nearly made him crumple, but he reached out and balanced himself with his right arm on the counter. Ephrom started forward to strike Jason again, but stopped when he saw Jason wasn’t going down.

  Clearly terrified, Ephrom openly wept as his knuckles clutched the iron pan desperately. His hesitation proved to be enough for Jason to recover, his body healing rapidly.

  Jason remembered something. He had other abilities he could use to fight, not just his ability to heal. Without thinking about the situation, Jason stood and smiled insolently, seizing control of Ephrom’s nannies, sending a mental blow his way. Ephrom reeled and dropped the pan, clutching his head and staggering backward with a cry of defiance. Jason barely noticed Jenn, eyes staring at nothing as she lay broken and battered on the counter. Her mouth kept forming the same nonsense word over and over. “Nuh. Nuh. Nuh.” Tears were leaking from her eyes, but she didn’t move.

  Jason strode toward Ephrom. Through Ephrom’s senses, he could tell he appeared monstrous, his torso bloody and mixed with semen that had dried on his thighs and legs. Jason could see as Ephrom saw, hear through his ears. He could control Ephrom’s senses.

  Ephrom made a valiant effort to recover and grabbed a knife from a block in the recreational cooking area of the kitchen, grabbing the pan from the floor as well. Jason didn’t bother sub
duing him or preventing him, relishing the thought of a fight. He could have easily prevented Ephrom from obtaining either weapon. He grew excited about the threat of violence. He laughed, throwing back his head and reveling in the sound of his own rich voice. Deep in his mind he recognized the laugh of a madman, but it only made him laugh louder.

  He walked straight toward Ephrom, wincing slightly as the knife slashed him across his right arm and chest. A thrill went through him. The wounds closed immediately. Ephrom slashed him again and struck him as hard as he could with the pan. Jason began to giggle. So weak. With little effort he took both weapons away from Ephrom and threw them on the floor.

  He seized Ephrom by the throat and held him in the air, legs dangling. With a grin, he threw the man across the room into the wall. Ephrom’s breath exploded from him as he hit the wall, and the sound made Jason shudder with the thought of more fighting.

  Behind him, he felt Eve rushing down the hallway. She entered the kitchen with a cry, running to Jenn.

  “Nuh. Nuh. Nuh,” Jenn babbled, trying to make words to ask for help.

  He felt Eve’s horror. “Jason! Oh my god! Jason, what are you doing?”

  He laughed again, tears streaming down his face. Oh, this was incredible! Doing? I’m learning what it means to be more than human! Moving forward, he picked Ephrom up from where he’d tossed him. Face bloodied from his head striking the wall, Ephrom stared at him in horror and his nannies were screaming fear. Jason smiled at him as he changed Ephrom’s emotions from fear to those of worship. Ephrom froze, staring at Jason with a look of wonder. Jason smiled and Ephrom sighed longingly, still having trouble breathing as he dangled from Jason’s extended arm.

  Eve refused to give up, to hide. “Jason, stop! Stop it! You’ve lost control!”


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