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Taming the Boy Next Door (A Dickerman/Moretti Novel)

Page 6

by MJ Carnal


  The sunrise came early and Caleb stretched in the bed. It had been a night of unforgettable sex. His heart raced as he looked at her. Life made sense when she was near him. And when they were apart, a part of his brain stayed with her.

  He rolled on top of her and kissed her senseless. She opened her mouth, allowing his tongue to make love to hers. Her eyes opened one at a time and she smiled against his lips.

  “Can I take you somewhere today?” Caleb kissed her neck and she moaned.

  “You can take me anywhere.” She smiled as he licked her ear.

  He pulled her from the bed and into the bathroom. “I want to take you home to meet my dad.”

  Jena froze, causing Caleb to lose his grip. “Wait. What?”

  He laughed as he wrapped his arms around her. “Humor me beautiful. I don’t want to spend one second of today without being able to touch you.”

  Chapter 11

  “My baby.” Caleb’s mom pulled him in for a hug. Her eyes widened when she noticed Jena standing next to him. “I’m Natalia. I’m Caleb’s mama.”

  Jena smiled and held her hand out to her. “I’m Jena Turner. It is a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Allen.”

  “Jena Turner? The doctor that saved my Marky?” She pulled her into a bear hug, kissing her on each cheek. She ran her hands down Jena’s arms. “Let me look at you. What a beautiful woman. So young and so thin. Come in. Please, call me Mom.” She pulled her through the door. “Baby, come meet Caleb’s Amor.”

  “Mom,” Caleb tried to interrupt but Jena was already being pulled through the house to meet his father.

  Andi snorted, Her laughter echoing through the foyer. “Guess this will be the test to see if she runs.”

  Caleb shot her the bird. “Mom. No hacer su carrera.” He jogged after them. “no me avergüences.”

  His mom squeezed Jena’s cheeks. “Ella es Hermosa. My silly son. Forgive him. He is worried I will embarrass him. I would never do such a thing. I am your mother, Caleb. No one loves you more than I.”

  “Of course you wouldn’t Mom.” Andi stepped up and wrapped her arms around her waist. “She is his amor.” She kissed the air and sighed.

  Jena blushed and Caleb’s eyes sparkled. “Mom, Andi has also brought someone with her. She has been too shy to tell you about him but I’ll be happy to. This is Kevin.”

  Natalia squealed with excitement when she saw Kevin leaning against the front door. “Welcome to our home. I so am happy. Both my children are here with the ones they love. Sinetense. Sit.”

  Kevin grabbed Andi around the waist. “Yes, my love. Let’s sit. I can’t wait to get to know your parents.”

  Andi looked at Caleb with a scowl on her face. “I hate you.” She whispered as Kevin led her to the couch.


  After a very filling, and very fattening, Sunday dinner, Jena stood in Caleb’s old room, looking at the awards on his walls and running her finger along photos from his past. She giggled seeing a buff teenage Caleb standing next to the equally young and charming Ryan, Mark and Steve. Being in his childhood room was peaceful and she smiled picturing him spending time here.

  “My boy is very taken with you.” Jena jumped when she heard his mother’s voice from the doorway. “You have made him very happy. I see it on his face. You look happy too sweetheart.”

  Jena smiled. Caleb’s mother was beautiful. Her dark skin and eyes were set off by a cascade of silken jet black hair. Andi looked so much like her mother. And after seeing Caleb with his father, she knew what he would look like in the years to come. “He makes me very happy.”

  Natalia held Jena’s hand as she spoke. “Beautiful Jena. I am so happy to know you. Thank you for saving our Mark. But most importantly, thank you for loving my boy. Please sit and tell me everything. You know these boys. So quiet about what is important. How long have you been with my boy?”

  “Not long. We have known each other a little over half a year. But we have just started seeing each other. I suppose he is my boyfriend. I hate to define things so early.” She laughed nervously.

  “My girl. He spoke of you the first day he saw you. I believe you had his heart even then. Men are silly creatures. They don’t always say what they are feeling. But he will. Caleb is passionate in his words and his actions. He is a good boy. I know this will be something very special for you.” Natalia smiled and smoothed Jena’s hair from her face. “And we are very lucky to have you in our home tonight.”

  “I’m so happy to be here. It’s been a wonderful evening. There’s so much love here. I am honored to witness it.” Jena smiled as Caleb’s mother rubbed her hand. She hadn’t had a mother in so long and her heart twisted in her chest remembering what her childhood had been like.

  “Are your parent’s here?”

  Jena choked back her tears. “No. They sent me to live with my aunt and uncle when I was in high school. They were good to me and helped me with college. My cousin was like a brother to me. They all loved me like their own. But I still miss my mom very much.”

  Natalia pulled her into her arms. “You can always come to me if you need something, my gorgeous girl. You are part of this family now. It is easy to see why my Caleb loves you so. I may not be your mother but I will love you like a daughter if you let me.”

  A sob broke from Jena’s throat and she buried her face in Gabriella’s shoulder. “Thank you. I would like that very much.”

  “Is everything ok?” Caleb watched as Jena sat crying in his mother’s arms. Confusion written all over his face, he stepped into the room and knelt in front of Jena. “Baby, are you alright?”

  Natalia smiled. “It is as I said it was. I will leave you to talk.”

  “J, look at me.” Caleb brushed the tears from her cheeks and kissed her gently on the lips. “What happened?”

  “Your mom is amazing.” Jena cried.

  Caleb chuckled. “That’s a good thing. Isn’t it?”

  She laughed and cried at the same time. “It’s a great thing. Thank you for bringing me here today.”

  “Come on baby. Let’s go home.” Caleb led her out of his room, and after hugs from his mom and dad, they were on their way.


  “Remind me to kill my brother. Did you see my mom’s face when he introduced you? He’s dead.” Andi rolled her eyes as Kevin switched her radio station.

  “It was only a matter of time before we announced we were in love anyway.” Kevin poked her in the side.

  “I like women.”

  “Give me a break. I heard about your fling with Moretti.” Kevin laughed. If looks could kill, the one Andi gave him would have landed him six feet under. “And I heard you and Ryan had a thing for awhile. Hell, the only one I haven’t heard about is Steve. Want to come clean on that one?”

  “If you think for one second that I would be caught dead with one of the Moretti misfits, you don’t know me at all.” She growled as he changed the radio station for the fourth time. “Kevin! My car, my music.”

  He purposely changed the station again.


  “Thanks for today.” Jena cuddled into Caleb’s chest. The room was dark and cool and smelled like him. She took a deep breath, memorizing everything about the moment. Six months. Such a tiny amount of time. Especially knowing several of those months were spent apart, never laying eyes on each other.

  Something was different about Caleb. Despite the grim news that surrounded their first meeting, he had caught her eye. And it hadn’t taken long before her heart stood up and took notice. The first touch, in the quiet hallway of the ICU in the middle of the night, had sent her brain into overdrive and it hadn’t calmed since. His laugh made her smile, his deep voice made her shiver and that crooked smile, with the mouth full of straight, white teeth, made her weak in the knees. She grinned.

  “Thank you for going with me. My mom loved you. And my dad said if he was ever single again, you were in trouble.” He chuckled. “I’ve never introduced anyone to my parents. D
oes that scare you?”

  “A little bit.” She laughed as Caleb flipped her onto her back and tickled her senseless. His hands stilled and she smiled. His big, green eyes taking in every angle of her face.

  “You’re beautiful.” He rested his forehead against hers. Shutting his eyes, he took a deep breath to calm his nerves. His heart pounded against his ribcage. In an instant, it was all so clear. “I love you.”

  Jena sucked in a breath. “Caleb.”

  “Shhh. You don’t have to say anything. I just needed to tell you.”

  His lips met hers. The kiss was soft and there was no doubt in her mind that she felt it too. She wanted to tell him but fear kept her silent. He held her cheeks in his hands, tilting her head to deepen the kiss. She smiled against his mouth and he smiled back.

  The front door slammed and they both jumped. Muffled voices became louder in the living room. “She’s pissed.” They both laughed. “Pay back is going to be a bitch but it was worth it.”

  As Jena started to speak, there was a crash in the living room and Andi yelled. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he strained to hear what they were saying. He placed his hand over Jena’s mouth to silence her.

  Pouring rain. Darkness. Something wasn’t right. Footsteps echoed. Too many. She picked up her pace. She shouldn’t have walked home. It was too late. She should have called for a ride. She began to run. The footsteps pounded behind her. Her breathing echoed in her ears. No No No No No. Her heart beat out of her chest as her stomach churned. She tried to scream but her breath left her. His body was solid, attacking her, tackling her to the ground. His hand was big and dirty. He reeked of alcohol. No no no no. This couldn’t be real. He covered her mouth to silence her. She couldn’t breathe. There was a puddle. Her clothes were soaked. So much darkness. Her pants were torn. She screamed. No no no no. He shoved into her, hand over her mouth. She couldn’t breathe. Pain. So much pain. She couldn’t breathe. The hand over her mouth. She couldn’t breathe. She gagged. Screams. Raindrops.

  Jena gasped for air and screamed. Caleb’s eyes widened. She punched at his chest, fists flying in a fit of rage. “Get off me.” She kicked and thrashed under him. “Get off me.” She screamed.

  Caleb jumped from the bed and reached for her arms. “Jena, What’s wrong?”

  “Don’t touch me.” Tears fell from her face, her whole body shook. She ran for the door, Caleb right behind her. Her face went pale. “Don’t touch me.” She screamed.

  She burst through Caleb’s bedroom door and ran into Kevin in the hallway. She shoved him as he reached for her. She was frantic. Her eyes were terrified.

  “Jena. What’s happening? Stop. Where are you going?” Kevin reached out and held Caleb back as Jena ran down the hall. “Merck, let go of me. Something’s wrong.” Panicked, he watched her run out the front door.

  Andi stepped from the living room holding a broken wine bottle. “What the hell is going on?”

  Tears fell from Caleb’s eyes. “Andi, stop her. Don’t let her drive like that.” He shoved at Kevin, attempting to break free. “Please. I can’t lose her.”

  “Stay here, Allen. I’m fucking serious. Don’t move.” Kevin ran down the hall and out the front door.

  Jena frantically tried to get the key in the car door. When she dropped them, she pounded on the top of her car, sobbing and trembling. She needed to get away. It was all back. Every gory detail. For years it had stayed hidden, allowing her to forget.

  “Jena?” Kevin’s voice made her scream. Caleb burst through the door but stopped when he saw Jena’s face. She was scared of him. Kevin held his hand out to her. His own face mimicking the torture on hers. “I’m not going to ask you any questions. You don’t have to say a word. Just let me drive you home.”

  She nodded and took his hand as he led her to the passenger side of the car. He helped her in and squatted down beside the car. “I’m not going to hurt you. You’re safe. I’m going to take you right home. Andi will follow us so she can drive me back. I will lock us in the car if you want. I promise you that you’re safe. Do you understand me?”

  “Kevin?” Caleb stood on the front steps, his arms in front of him in surrender. Tears streamed down his chiseled cheeks. He was completely confused and totally defeated. “I don’t understand.”

  “Caleb, go back inside. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Andi, grab my wallet and follow us.”

  Jena made eye contact. Her tortured eyes told a story he would never understand. Kevin’s face mirrored hers as he started the car. “I’m going with you Andi. I can’t lose her. She can’t run.”

  Chapter 12

  It was after nine when Andi returned home from work. Three twelve hour shifts at the hospital had taken its toll after the sleepless night on Sunday. She had spent the entire night tossing and turning, worrying about her brother. The trip to Jena’s apartment had been pure torture. Tears had flowed freely down his cheeks, his suffering obvious by his silence. Their cold greeting once they arrived had been worse. Jena had jumped from her car and buried her face in Kevin’s chest as they entered her building. There was nothing she could have done for Caleb. His world had been turned upside down in a matter of seconds and no matter how much she had tried, she couldn’t find the words to comfort him.

  The house was dark. She had seen his car parked at the marina but the house felt eerily silent. She hadn’t seen him in three nights. He had been home, but locked in his room and she wasn’t going to push it. The light from the refrigerator illuminated the kitchen just enough to show her she wasn’t alone. “Holy shit. You nearly gave me a stroke. What are you doing?” Andi flipped the kitchen light on and glared at her brother. “Caleb?”

  He lifted his eyes, the green that usually sparkled with life was hollow and dim. His face was unshaven, his hair unwashed. He scrubbed his hand down his face and leaned back in the chair. He was wearing the same thing she had seen him in on Monday morning.

  “Have you been here all week? You haven’t gone to work?” Andi rushed over to the table and sat down next to him. His eyes filled with tears. “Caleb, you’re scaring me.” The smell of alcohol permeated the kitchen.

  He rubbed his chest, his face in agony. “I’ve called her every hour. I’ve sent texts. I’ve paged her at the hospital.” His voice was slurred. He pushed the empty bottle of whiskey away and tried to get up. When he failed, he groaned and rubbed his chest again. “I feel like I’m having a heart attack.”

  “She hasn’t been at work. She called in sick.” Andi rubbed his arm. “What can I do? How can I make this better?”

  Caleb pushed himself up from the table, his tall frame knocking the chair over as he left. It had been three days and he was already a shell of the man he had been before. She had never seen him drink more than one drink. When his bedroom door slammed, Andi grabbed her phone and waited patiently as it rang.


  “Do you always answer your phone with your name? Is it some sort of rich thing? Because I have never answered my phone that way.”

  Mark chuckled. The woman was a certified pain in his ass. “Andi, you called my work phone. What can I do for you at this late hour?”

  “I’m really worried about Caleb. He and Jena had a fight and it was pretty serious.”

  “Sophie says he hasn’t been at work all week.” Mark cleared his throat. “What was the fight about?”

  Andi picked at her scrub pants. Mark always made her nervous. “I don’t know what happened. She freaked. She was screaming and ran out of here. Kevin drove her home and we haven’t seen or heard from either one of them since.”

  “Where’s Caleb now?”

  “Mark, he sat at the kitchen table for hours drinking vodka and whiskey. He is hammered. He hasn’t eaten or showered and he has now locked himself in his room.” Andi’s voice became a whisper. “I’m worried. He is larger than life to me. But today, he’s completely empty.”

  A loud crash and a moan echoed from his bedroom. Andi launched hers
elf from the table and ran down the hallway. She pounded on his door but there was no answer. “Caleb? Open the door! Are you ok?” He moaned again but didn’t answer. “Mark, I’m scared.”

  “Go unlock the front door. I texted Ryan. He’s about five minutes away. Take a deep breath, Andi. Everything is going to be fine.”

  After pounding on the bedroom door a few more times, Andi paced the hallway. She wasn’t strong enough to get in his door. She couldn’t shake the feeling that he needed her. She jumped as the front door slammed shut.

  “This better be an emergency, Allen. Damnit. I left my wife in bed for this.” Ryan yelled the whole way down the hall. “Open the damn door.” He pounded. When there was no answer, he continued yelling. “I will break this thing down. Answer the fucking door.”

  Andi shook her head. “Honestly? You’re knocking on the door?” Ryan growled. “That’s genius. I never would have thought to just try knocking.” She smirked. “Are you growling at me?”

  “Andi, back off. It’s late. I’m exhausted. Between Kevin pulling a disappearing act on me this week and now this shit, I’m not in the mood.” Ryan took a few steps back and launched his body, shoulder first, at the door. The wood splintered as the door opened. “God Damnit.”

  Caleb lay face down on the carpet, a broken glass in his hand, blood dripping from the cut across his palm. His breathing was shallow, a half empty bottle of vodka on the nightstand. “Wake up, Caleb.” Ryan lightly slapped his cheek, earning a moan from his drunk friend who in desperate need of a shower. “Andi, come in here. He’s got glass lodged in his hand.”

  “She left me.” Caleb slurred as he pressed his hands into the carpet. The shards of glass dug deeper into the wound. “She ran.”

  “I know. But right now I need to get you up. How much did you drink?” Ryan rolled Caleb onto his back and let out a breath. “Shit you stink.”

  “She left me.” Caleb flinched as Andi plucked a piece of glass from his hand. His words were incoherent as she continued to remove the glass.

  Ryan sighed. “Will you go start the shower?” When Andi nodded, Ryan returned his attention to Caleb. “It wasn’t that long ago that you had to give me a shower when I was sick. I guess Karma’s about to bite me in the ass. Let’s go.”


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