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Taming the Boy Next Door (A Dickerman/Moretti Novel)

Page 12

by MJ Carnal

  He flipped her onto her back, pinning her hands above her head. “Who do you belong to, Jena?” He slammed into her.

  “You,” She cried. Another slam.

  “Who makes you feel this way?” Slam.

  “You.” Slam. “Oh God.”

  “Who makes that beautiful pussy come so hard you forget your own name?” Slam.

  She tossed her head back and forth, the intensity of the strokes pushing her toward the edge. “You.”

  “I’d kill for you, J. I’d lay down my life for you. You are everything to me. Don’t you dare forget that.”

  And with a yell from both of them, they crashed together, pleasure pouring from their bodies, sand covered limbs tangled, breathing labored.


  “Whoa.” Kevin grabbed Andi’s hand as she stepped off the deck. “Hold up, doll.”

  “Hands off, tandem. I need some air.”

  Kevin couldn’t help but laugh. The woman drove him insane. She had yet to figure out how beautiful she was. Or how turned on she made him. He would gladly give up any three-some for one night with the smart mouthed Andrea Allen. “Your brother is down there beating cakes.”

  Andi stopped. “Doing what?”

  “You know. Pounding the duck. Taking ole one eye to the optometrist. Getting his tip wet.” Kevin couldn’t help but smile when her face fell.

  “Holy shit. Enough. I get it.” Andi pulled her hand away from his and turned back to the hotel.

  “Storming the cotton gin, A little horizontal refreshment. Taking the skin boat to tuna town.” He followed her.

  “Kevin!” Andi walked faster.

  “Wait. I have more. I know how much you enjoy these.” His laugh echoed through the hall and she slammed the door to the ballroom.


  Caleb and Jena walked hand and hand back to the hotel. Even with sand in places it should never be, Caleb couldn’t help but smile.

  “So what happens now?” Jena whispered.

  “One of us packs.” He stopped and pulled her into a hug.

  She sighed. “I can’t leave Seattle for another four weeks. We are wrapping up a big clinical trial and I have to be there for that.”

  “So I pack.” He shrugged.

  “I can’t ask you to do that. I’ll come home as soon as it’s finished.” Jena grabbed his hand and started walking again. “We can survive four weeks. We have overcome worse.”

  “I’ve waited thirty years for you. I don’t know if I can wait any longer.”

  Jena smiled. “I love you, Mr. Allen.”

  “I love you too, Dr. Turner.”

  Chapter 23

  “All first class passengers on Flight 2740 to Los Angeles are now welcome to board at gate 11.”

  Caleb grabbed Jena’s carry on and smiled. He knew that it would only be a few hours before he had to say goodbye to her again. He had thought long and hard about her decision to come back to LA after the completion of her clinical trial. After tossing and turning for hours, he woke her up and offered once more to move to Seattle. After declining again, she wrapped herself around him and they fell into restful slumber. “If it’s alright with you, I’d like to come to Seattle next weekend.”

  Jena winked. “I would love that.” She took his hand and he sighed. “Caleb, please don’t be so worried about us. I promise we will make it through the next few weeks.”

  He lowered his voice. “We haven’t talked much about what happened to make you run. I’ve been hesitant to bring it up because I didn’t want to ruin what we had started again. I am here for you every second of every day. If you need to talk, please call me. I will be on the next plane out.”

  She smiled at him with tears in her eyes. “Kevin introduced me to an amazing therapist. We talked every night for the weeks I was gone. I would like you to come to an appointment with me. Maybe it will help you realize that we are ok.”

  “I would be honored to, Jena.” He leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. “Someday I want to understand it all. I want to hear everything you are willing to share. But I won’t push you. As long as you are by my side, I will make sure you are safe.”

  Jena tucked her body into his side, breathing in his minty smell. As he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, she watched his face. His dark lashes fanned across his cheeks. She knew that just underneath those lashes were the most beautiful emerald eyes that sparkled when he smiled. A hint of sunburn lined his cheeks, making his freckles stand out even more. His full lips held the promise of a million passionate kisses. His large hands wrapped around her and she never wanted to let go.

  “You are staring at me.” Caleb’s eyes didn’t open. He smiled his crooked smile, with his amazing straight teeth and glorious dimple, and she melted.

  “I would give anything to have you getting lost in me just one more time before I head home. You always tell me about how wet I am. Truth is, I’m soaked everything I think of you. Know what turns me on the most?”

  Caleb took a deep breath. “Yes.”

  “I love the sound we make when our bodies are joined. The way your skin slaps against mine, the sound of my excitement when you slide into me. You make the most amazing sound when you come.”

  He groaned. “You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?”

  “Is it working?” She laughed when his body stirred.

  “Making love to you is my favorite thing in the world. Nothing has ever felt so good, J. I could do it a thousand times a day and never get enough.”

  She blushed and purred in his ear. “It feels better than good.”

  He whispered. “If we were alone right now, I would have you tied to my bed, legs spread, tasting your sweetness. I want to cover you in whipped cream and lick every ounce of it off your body while you squirm all over the mattress. You would be begging me to make you come. I love how you contract around my fingers, my cock, my mouth. You are always so ready for me. So wet.” She shifted in her seat and he continued. “I love sliding into you, hitting that sweet spot. Watching you throw your head back as your whole body tightens up before you explode around me.”

  She moaned. “I’m so turned on right now.”

  Caleb grabbed the blanket from the overhead compartment and spread it out over her. “Lean back, angel. Let me ease some of that ache.”


  Layla glanced back at Caleb, Jena, Andi and Kevin. She smiled when she noticed the smile from her husband. Ryan kissed her hand and closed his eyes. “It’s nice to see everyone so happy. I think Caleb and Jena are going to make it this time. Caleb deserves a happy ending.” Ryan chuckled and she hit his arm. “Not like that.”

  “I think they will, baby. Jena loves him and whatever happened between them, it’s obviously over. They make a good couple.” Ryan rubbed his hands over Layla’s swollen belly.

  “What about Kevin and Andi? Is it just me or do you think something is going on there too?”

  “Caleb would kill him. I don’t think our boy is ready to settle down yet. And Andi would give him a run for his money in the asshole department.” Ryan laughed when Layla rolled her eyes.

  “He’s the godfather to our little one here. Any way he will ever settle down?” Layla’s concerned eyes had Ryan smiling.

  “He saved my life. And he would do it again so there is no doubt in my mind he would lay down his life for our baby. But settling down with one woman? Doubtful. And one that is off limits already? Never.” Ryan shook his head. “But he looks at her the way I look at you. And that scares all of us.”

  “How does he look at her?”

  Ryan took Layla’s hand. “Like everything in the world makes sense when she’s around. Caleb noticed. Trust me.”

  Layla leaned her head back against the headrest and sighed. “Boy or girl?”

  “It’s a girl. Guaranteed.” Ryan smiled.

  “You’re that sure?”

  “I had a dream about her. She’s going to be beautiful and strong like her mommy. I am already the luckiest man
on earth. I can’t imagine anything better than this.”


  Several hours later, Caleb stood at the gate awaiting the announcement that Jena’s flight to Seattle was boarding. He held her close to his body, breathing her in, basking in her warmth. “I love you.”

  “I love you.” Jena pulled him tighter. “It’s only a few days. We’ll be together next weekend.” Her voice cracked.

  “Are you trying to convince me or you?”

  Jena’s cry broke free and she buried her face in his chest. “I’m sorry.”

  “Oh baby. Don’t apologize. This trip was amazing. I will never be able to thank you enough for this second chance at us.”

  Jena’s body shook and he held her close. “Thank you for not giving up on me. I know it won’t always be perfect but thank you for the chance to try. You have healed a lifetime of pain. I will never be able to thank you enough.”

  A tear rolled down his cheek. “Jena, if I beg, will you stay?”

  She laughed and cried at once. “Yes. I don’t want to go.”

  Caleb pulled away and brushed the tears from her face. “Four weeks from today, I will be standing in this airport, picking you up to start the rest of our lives together. Four weeks. I know you have to go. But when you come back, we have a lot to make up for.”

  “Four weeks. If we get a lifetime together, four weeks is nothing. Right?”

  Caleb nodded his head as the stewardess announced the flight.

  “Flight 232 with service to Seattle, now boarding all zones, gate 21A.”

  Jena squeezed her eyes shut, tears streaming down her face. “I will call you the second I land.”

  “Wait.” Caleb pulled something from his pocket. “I have something for you.”

  Jena gasped when she saw it. Hanging from a dainty white gold chain was a diamond heart pendant and a silver bar with the word “courage” engraved on it. “Caleb.”

  “This is my heart. I’m giving it to you to remind you that you are my everything. When you’re sad, hold it and remember at that very minute, I am thinking of you and missing you like crazy.” He took a deep breath to keep his voice from shaking. “I won’t say goodbye. I will only say see you soon. I am counting the days, my love.”

  Jena threw herself into his arms one last time and without looking back, boarded the plane to Seattle.

  Kevin pulled Andi out of the chairs where they had been waiting. Seeing Caleb’s shoulders slump in defeat, he threw his arm around him. “You alright?”

  Caleb shook his head. “My heart just stopped beating.”

  Chapter 24

  Caleb tossed and turned most of the night. Giving up on sleep as the sun took its first peek over the horizon; he threw on his jogging shoes and went for a run. His heart thundered in his chest. It was the only sound he had heard for the last two days. How anything could feel completely broken and still make so much noise was beyond him. It hurt to breathe. The thought of food turned his stomach.

  He had spoken to Jena for two hours the night before. She had sent him photos of her apartment and friends in Seattle. She had told him all about her coworkers and the amazing work they were doing at the hospital. He had listened with a smile on his face. Her voice calmed him and her joy brought him back to life. She had talked about her sessions with Dr. McCall and spoke openly about the rape. She had sent her parents a letter at her therapist’s request and they had responded with open arms. She had finally come to terms with the fact that she was not at fault. She wanted to take a trip home to see her parents, asking if he would go with her when she took the leap. Caleb had never felt so complete.

  But when the time came to hang up, his heart had shattered all over again. His house was too dark and quiet. He was lonely. And when he took a deep breath, it was as if he was being stabbed in the chest. He reminded himself over and over that in a few weeks, she would be sleeping next to him every night. He couldn’t help the doubt that crept into his mind as he finally drifted off to sleep. Several nightmares later, he gave up.

  Work had kept him busy this week as a deadline loomed. One of the books that he had edited was being made into a movie and he had been asked to help with the screenplay. It is what he had dreamed of doing for so many years. He smiled for the first time since he had said his goodbye to the woman he loved. She would be by his side during this adventure and he couldn’t wait.

  Taking a deep breath, he stepped into the road and began his five mile run. His feet pounded the pavement in rhythm with his music. He watched as the sun took its place in the morning sky. He waved at his neighbors out walking their dogs and getting coffee. And when he was completely exhausted, he headed down to the marina to visit the boat he had purchased as a surprise for Jena almost two months ago, before his world had been turned upside down. They had talked about the beauty of the marina and how she had always wanted to own a boat. The first time he had taken her out on the water, she had been transformed. She had been so full of life. When he noticed the for sale sign in the beautiful Sea Ray he had been eyeing, he bought it on the spot.

  “Lleno De Vida.” He jumped when he heard Andi’s voice. “Full of life. I had a feeling this was your boat. I’ve seen you looking at it.”

  “Hey.” Caleb looked up and smiled at his sister. She was dressed for work, hair in a messy bun and no makeup. “You alright?”

  “I was worried about you. You were gone. Somehow I knew I would find you here. She’s a beauty, Caleb.”

  “Thank you.” He hugged his sister. “Want to take her out after work?”

  Andi looked around nervously. “Sure. Yes. That would be great.”

  “Andi, what’s up?” Caleb smiled.

  “I just need to be in bed early. Long day tomorrow.” She looked down at her feet. The ‘tell’ that she was lying but Caleb let it go. “I will be home around five. I’ll be ready then, Captain.”

  “It’s a date, kiddo.” Caleb watched as his sister made her way to the parking lot and got into her car to leave for work. Fate had blessed him with some amazing women in his life.


  Caleb’s mind had returned to Jena all day. Everything about her turned him on and being apart from her was pure torture. He had spent half the day with a hard on and it was time to do something about it. He grabbed his phone and sent her a message. It was the middle of the day and he had no idea what she would be doing. But he needed her and he needed her now.

  ‘I miss you. Are you alone?’

  ‘I’m just out of surgery. I miss you bunches.’

  ‘I need to be buried inside you right now.’

  Jena blushed as she looked at her phone. She loved this man with all her heart. This crazy man who held doors, organized bone marrow drives, spent thousands of dollars on a boat for the look it put on her face. The same man that locked his bedroom door and took control, owning every inch of her body and making her feel things that she never imagined she could. She glanced at his text again and had no idea what to say. ‘What are you wearing?’

  ‘A huge hard on. I’m so turned on right now, J. I started thinking about that gorgeous pussy and those amazing nipples. I need to come.’

  Her blush deepened. She looked around the nurses’ station. Everyone was busy with their work. ‘What do you want to do with me?’

  ‘I want to grab those perky nipples and suck them into my mouth. I want to feel how wet you are right now, reading this. I want to suck every drop of moisture off that beautiful clit. I want you to grab my hair and ride my face as you come so hard you scream my name.’

  Jena jumped as her phone rang. Caleb’s face glowed on the screen and she answered it so quickly that the nurses looked up and smiled. “Hi.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

  “Fuck, Jena. I need you home.” Caleb was out of breath. “I need to hear your voice.”

  She stepped into her office and sat down with a sigh. She could hear that he was touching himself and her panties were instantly soaked. “Mr. Allen, are you horny?”

nbsp; Heavy breathing on the other end of the line. “Touch yourself, Jena.”

  She slipped her fingers under the waist band of her scrubs and hissed when she touched her clit. Just his voice could bring her to her knees. “I can hear you. That’s such a turn on.”

  “If you were here, I would handcuff you to the bed and fuck you senseless. I want to pound into the tight pussy. I need to feel you come around me. I need to see that desire pour from your body. That’s the sexiest thing in the world, J. You’re always soaked.” He panted for air. “Are you touching that beautiful clit?”

  “Yes.” She whimpered.

  “Are you going to come, Jena?” More deep breaths and a moan. “I need you to hurry, baby.”

  She couldn’t speak. Her body tightened around her fingers and she gasped. The sound of wet strokes on the other end of the line increased and pushed her over the edge. She shattered, sitting at her desk in the hospital in Seattle. A long moan escaped her lips.

  “Jena.” His voice shook as he breathed her name. “Fuucckkkk.”

  “Wow.” Jena’s eyes went wide as she looked around her office. “That was a surprise in the middle of the day.”

  “Next time you come, baby. It will be on my face. Do you understand me?”

  “I can’t wait.” Jena smiled as she ended the call. The time would be sooner than he knew.


  “Asshole? You bought a boat?” Caleb jumped.

  Ryan stood with his hands on his hips. A large smile spread across his face and Caleb laughed. “Why, yes, Mr. West. I did buy a boat.”

  “She’s one hell of a boat. Have you christened her yet? Women get horny when they’re pregnant. I’m sure Layla would be willing to take a ride, if you know what I mean.”

  “Rub it in.” Caleb chuckled at the satisfaction written all over Ryan’s face.

  “What made you buy a boat?”

  “Jena had never been on one. I took her out on one and she couldn’t stop talking about it. It was the only time I had seen her look so free. I got it for her.” Caleb held out his hand to pull Ryan on board.


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