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Beautiful Bridges (Bridges Brothers Book 3)

Page 8

by Lia Fairchild

  “Careful, Kay, that sounds suspiciously like a compliment.”

  Pink goes to her cheeks and she turns away.

  “But you’re right, I am proud of that. Even if I do have to get up at the butt crack of dawn sometimes.” One of my clients is an actor, and he wants to meet me at five a.m. before he’s due on set. “I’ve got a long way to go to get where I want to be, though.” I don’t want to ruin this connection we’re having, though, so I add, “But, hey, thank you for saying that. It’s just…my family’s been through a lot over the years. And I haven’t always made it easy. I was sort of the problem kid, and I guess I wonder if I’ll ever shake that label.”

  “Well, maybe it’s only you who feels that way.”

  I lift my brows because, damn, for someone who shouldn’t know me, she does. “Maybe. I can handle my brothers giving me crap. I get it—that’s what they do. I think I’m more tired than anything.”

  “Tired? Of what?”

  “Hearing the lectures, the advice, the offers to help. Asking me to join the family business. It’s all making me sick of…me.”

  Both her perfectly manicured brows raise. “That doesn’t sound like the Justice I know.”

  Though she meant it to be playful, it was only a reminder of another thing not where I want it. “We don’t know each other, Kay.” She pulls those plump pouty lips under her teeth, and our eyes settle in for a stand-off. Those rich hazel eyes might one day be the death of me, but I’m willing to risk it. I decide in that moment, I’m going to turn all this bullshit around, starting with Kaylee. She might not see it yet, but I’m going to make her mine. Every long limb, gorgeous curve, and spark of attitude will belong to me before this project is done.

  “Not yet,” she says, surprising me. “And thank you for sharing all that with me.”

  The sliding glass door has us both turning our heads, breaking the spell. A guy and a girl walk out. Great, it’s the girl with the skinny boyfriend. Sarah? Sharon?

  They smile and pass us, heading over to the corn hole set up on the side of the yard. I’m just about to ask Kaylee if she wants to go inside when she slaps me on my thigh and stands. “Hey, you two want to play doubles with us?”

  Chapter 9


  I knew Justice wasn’t in the mood to socialize, much less play a game with strangers. But I wanted to find a way to get him out of his funk, and I just reacted. I’m sure that was the last thing he expected for me to say. The look on his face was priceless, totally worth it. The fact that he shared a part of his story touched me, made me feel a little closer to the man I always pushed away. No judgement here, either. I’m not sure why I switched directions on him—a pull instead of a push—but it…feels right.

  I hear him push out his chair and I smile, but I don’t turn around. I introduce myself to our new friends, and when Justice comes up behind me, he greets them, already seeming to know them. Scott is thin and so tall he reminds me of one of those inflatable tube guys you see at car lots. He and Sierra are a couple, and she works with Turner.

  “I’ve never played before,” Sierra says, still holding onto Scott’s long arm.

  “You just throw the bag in the hole, babe,” he says to her before pecking her on the lips.

  Justice and I exchange awkward glances, only his seems to be scolding me for getting him into this.

  “You’re going to have to let go of that arm if you want to be on your boyfriend’s team,” Justice tells Sierra.

  She glances between Justice and me, seeing we are each moving to opposite boards across from each other. “Oh.” She shrugs and appears to be confused.

  Justice ticks his head up at her. “Why don’t you come stand next to me?”

  She quickly glances to Scott before strolling over to Justice. Then Scott walks backward to my side.

  I glance across to Justice and give him a look; he smiles so I squint at him. I’m not jealous. He probably didn’t want to be stuck next to tube guy. Or maybe he thought he could help Sierra if she was next to him. She seems like a sweet girl. Earthy looking with long, straggly blond hair, a flowery sundress and cute brown ankle boots. If she wasn’t with a guy, Justice would probably flirt with her. Then again, he probably will anyway.

  Like a gentleman, he picks up three red bags and hands them to her. Then he demonstrates with his blue bags how to swing your arm to toss a bag across to the other board. She giggles and thanks him. I look at Scott to check his reaction. Oblivious. He’s downing his beer so he can set the empty bottle aside.

  Suddenly, all the warm fuzzies I was feeling for Justice have been wiped away. I pick up my three blue bags and glare at him.

  He tilts his head, and a crease forms between his brows. “Kay, we’re on the same team.”

  “I know.” I check to see if Scott or Sierra saw that exchange.

  We start the game and Sierra’s first toss is not bad, coming right to the edge of the hole. When it’s Justice’s turn, he gets one in, one on the board, and his last bag pushes hers in. She squeals and jumps up and down, hanging on his shoulder as if they are on the same team.

  “I’m doing good, right?” she says to him.

  “Yeah,” Justice says, then glances over to Scott. “You and your girl make a great team.”

  I have to hold back a laugh, catching the awkward look on Justice’s face. We spend the next few minutes going back and forth, Sierra continuing to flirt with Justice, him putting up with it, though sometimes he does look taken by her spirit. Scott acts like none of it bothers him.

  At one point Sierra asks Justice to show her where the bathroom is. When they step inside, I ask Scott, “Doesn’t that bother you?”


  I don’t know if he’s that clueless or just doesn’t realize that’s what I’m asking about. “All that flirting.”

  He smiles shyly. “Naw, my girl just likes the attention. It’s all good.”

  I look toward the house to see if they’re coming back. “So this…thing is something you guys do?”

  “Sort of. I don’t like to cause a scene or get down on some unsuspecting guy, so I just wait till we get home, put on the jealous act for her. It makes her feel good.” He shrugs.

  “Wow, you guys have an interesting relationship.” To each his own, I guess. But how secure this guy must be to let go of his own ego just so his girlfriend can be happy.

  “I guess so. Usually the guy reciprocates when she’s flirting, but your guy over there seems to be handling himself well.”

  “I suppose, but he’s not my guy.”

  He raises his brows and gives a little huff, like I’m deliberately lying.

  “He’s not.”

  “Well, he’s holding back for some reason.”

  “Um…maybe because you’re standing right here.”

  “Maybe. Or maybe because you’re standing right here.”

  An awkward grin falls to my lips before I can hide it a way. Of course, Justice would pick that time to walk back over, and his narrowed gaze catches mine. I meet him halfway, examining his gorgeous tall form, muscles firm and prominent but not overly so. He’s definitely gotten thicker since his days in front of the camera.

  “She’ll be right out,” he says as if I care.

  “Do you believe these two,” I say with a little huff.

  “Cute, right?” He stuffs his hands into his pockets and his arms become more defined, yet his demeanor is quite the opposite, playful even.

  “Cute?” I should be content that I flipped his mood, but it appears I’m not the one who did it.


  “You mean she’s cute.”

  Justice laughs and bumps my shoulder with his. “You jealous?”

  “Not in the least. These two just seem a little weird to me.”

  “I don’t know…for some reason I like them.” Justice likes everyone. One thing we don’t have in common. “But the dude, Scott, he reminds me of someone…or something…”

  “One of t
hose tube guys you see at—”

  “Yes! Thank you. It was bugging me. Anyway, we’ve got them on the ropes. Let’s finish them off and go get some food.” He pushes past me just as Sierra comes back out. I turn and watch as he, once again, gathers her bags and hands them to the eye-batting little attention monger. Yes, he’s a gentleman, he’s easy-going. No, I’m not jealous he’s never treated me like that. I just wonder…

  Justice and I beat them three games to one before they finally give up and head inside, arm in arm, Sierra’s head resting on his shoulder. Guess it’s true love.

  Everyone was gathering in the living room to see the new video game some of them worked on developing. Justice suggested we stay out back and talk about the fundraiser, so we perched ourselves on the wooden bench swing.

  “Did Curtis talk to Daven about the Meridian yet?” I ask. We figured he could make a more convincing case to Daven, who’s known for having high standards.

  “Oh, right to business, huh?”

  I shoot him a quick glance before facing forward again, leaning on my hands. “Isn’t that why we stayed out here?”

  “I guess…” Though his voice doesn’t sound convincing. “I was going to ask Curtis tonight but haven’t had a chance yet.”

  “Yeah, he seemed pretty into your friend, Turner.”

  When he doesn’t answer, I shift a little so I can look at him. “Are you not okay with that? I think they seem cute together.”

  He shrugs and dips his head, some of that golden hair falling over his eye, and it’s all I can do to keep from reaching to brush it away. “They are my closest friends, and I don’t want either of them to get hurt. Like, what if one of them is just having fun and one wants to be serious? What then?”

  I can’t help but smile at how much he cares for them. But it also makes me feel a bit sad that I’ve missed out on this side of him. Yeah, I know it’s partly my fault for pushing him away. “I get it. But there’s nothing you can do. It’s their decision. Look at it this way. You think they’re both good guys, right?”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  “Well then, trust they wouldn’t do anything to hurt the other and hope for the best.”

  He laughs. “Man, where was all this Kaylee positivity hiding?” He reaches over the short distance between us and touches my thigh.

  My pulse quickens on contact and my eyes widen, causing him to pull away.


  “It’s okay.” I smile. “I was actually thinking the same about you. How I had no idea about this side of you.”

  “So I’m not the arrogant, flirty, jack-ass you thought I was?”

  I pause just to tease him and make him sweat it out. He bumps his body against mine, and I let out a giggle. “What? I’m thinking.”

  “Okay, I’m out of here,” he says, pretending to get up.

  I put my hand on his arm, and he sits back into the swing, setting us in motion.

  “I’m going to let you keep arrogant and flirty, and I’ll take off jack-ass.”

  “Gee thanks, Kay.”

  “You’re welcome.” I nod as if I thought it was an actual compliment.

  “You probably won’t believe this, but honestly, that’s just my personality. I’ve always been sort of a flirt because I’ve always loved to make people happy.”

  “People or women?”

  “Both, though the women are much more fun.” His eyebrows bump up once. “Seriously, though, I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve and put it all out there, and sometimes it has me saying and doing the wrong thing or making a bad choice.”

  “Not with me,” I say, sounding a little hurt.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You never flirted with me. So, you didn’t want to make me happy?” I tried to sound playful.

  “It wasn’t that. I mean, when I saw you I was…struck. Not just by your beauty, which by the way is almost intimidating.”

  “Shut up.” I bump him back and the swing stutters.

  “I’m not playing around. You weren’t just gorgeous, though, your beauty radiated from the inside out. That’s rare. But like I said, it wasn’t just how hot—I mean, beautiful you were. It was everything else. Especially the way you talked to the other girls. I just…saw you.”

  God, his words…No one’s ever said anything like that to me. If this is a play, I’ll freaking kill him because he’s melting my heart.

  “I knew you were different from the very beginning, Kay.” He touches the side of my face then, and our gazes lock. Leaning in so our faces are inches apart, he lowers his voice to almost a whisper. “I guess I just felt like all that shit I do wasn’t good enough for you, and for once in my life, I actually did care how someone saw me.”

  Holy heartbreaker! Is he going to kiss me? Those lips I’ve thought about… Wanted to touch and kiss and smack all at the same time were closing in on mine. “You cared what I thought of you?” I barely got out.

  “Yeah. But then you started acting like a little brat.” He smiles that perfect model smile of his and heat shoots through me. “You hated me and eventually, I just started giving it right…back…to you,” he says just before his lips press to mine.

  The kiss is everything I thought it would be. Soft and pressing, his hand holding the back of my head with just enough pressure, his tongue seeking mine. God, I want his arms around me. I scoot closer, wrap an arm around his shoulder. Just as he’s slipping his hand onto my hip, the sliding back screen door scrapes open and we pull apart.

  Justice’s blue eyes sparkle as he stares at me a moment, that gaze I could get lost in. I don’t know how he can give me one look and make me feel so many different things. In his eyes I read his disappointment, his concern for me, and yet, there is still a desire lingering there. He stands and offers me his hand. “Come on. I want you to meet my brother.”

  Chapter 10


  I can’t decide if I’m brilliant or an idiot as I head down the hotel elevator. All I know is that the thought of Kaylee being in New York at Fashion Week without me made my chest hurt. After that kiss we shared on the swing out back, I’ve thought about her nonstop.

  I check out my midnight blue jacket and black pants in the mirror in back of the elevator. Sharp but classic, though some here tonight will be dressed as eclectic and wild as the clothes being modeled. Personally, I didn’t like many of the clothes I modeled, so it feels good to sport something that’s me. Even the old Kaylee couldn’t find something wrong with this outfit.

  I turn as the doors open, then head down the hall toward the after party. There are several of these events throughout the week, some huge and lavish, others more quaint. Of course, I checked with Glenda to see which ones Koko was going to, assuming Kaylee would be with her. If she isn’t here, I’ll be crushed and probably forced to hang with some people I’ve tried to avoid since leaving the agency.

  I heard the up-and-coming female rapper, Firecracker, was going to be at this party, and once I round the corner, I can already hear the thumping of the music. Hanging back when I enter, I scan the room. More than half of the party-goers are gathered around a small elevated stage in the middle of the blue-lit room, jumping and dancing to Firecracker, who looks like she could be Gwen Stefani’s younger sis—a little edgier, more piercings and tattoos.

  I walk the perimeter, keeping my eyes peeled for Kaylee or Koko or anyone they would know. When I walk past the bar, I almost stop and grab a beer, but something about this scene throws me back to those days I want to forget so I just keep walking.

  Finally, I see Koko in the back corner, talking to some dude who looks like he could be a linebacker. Standing next to each other, he and Koko look like an odd pair, but their body language is what worries me. Then I see him put his meaty paw around her tiny waist and she cringes, struggles from his grip. Dammit. Kaylee is nowhere in sight when I speed walk toward them.

  Halfway there, I see Kaylee laughing and drinking with some guy. She catches my gaze and I
gesture with my head over to Koko. When she sees what is happening, she shoves her drink into the guy’s hand and races toward Koko as well. We both narrow our eyes at each other, likely for different reasons. I’m sure she’s wondering what I’m doing here. And though I have no commitment with Kaylee, the fire already burning in me about Koko being man-handled just went up a notch when I saw her with that guy. But I’ll deal with my jealousy over that later.

  I reach Koko a moment before Kaylee does and I block her from the pair, just in case the refrigerator here tries to get any ideas. Plus, I’ve seen Kaylee’s temper and this guy might not react well to it.

  Right now, I need to teach someone some manners.

  “Hey, Koko,” I say, slipping my arm around her shoulders as if I’ve known her my whole life. She’s wearing a black strappy shirt with a wild-patterned short skirt, an outfit I know her parents wouldn’t be happy about. But the real problem is the chill of her skin as my hand rests on her shoulder.

  “Justice. So nice to see you again.” She leans into me, tilting her head into my chest, and I know exactly why.

  “Who’s this clown?” he says to Koko, ignoring me.

  “My friend.” She shrugs and gives him an awkward smile. “Justice.” She looks up at me and adds, “This is Brock.”

  “Of course it is,” I say under my breath.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here.” He reaches for her and she shrinks back.

  Then he turns to me and scoffs. “Do you mind, friend? We were having a private conversation here.”

  “Actually, I do. Looks to me like she’s not enjoying herself with you.” I release Koko and stand between the two of them, facing Brock.

  “I’m going to have to steal Koko for a minute,” Kaylee says.

  When I glance over my shoulder, I see her take Koko by the wrist, pulling her away. It’s probably best for everyone.

  When I turn back around, Brock is right in my face. “What are you guys, her babysitters?”


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