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A Lesson in Friendship

Page 7

by Jennifer Connors

  Lady Weston looked properly chastised and somewhat shaken. “It was only recently that I noticed, my lord. He has asked Sarah to ride with him one other time before and danced with her last eve.”

  Ginny glanced between her parents and realized that there was a deep seeded animosity between them. She couldn't account for it, since most of her memories involved only herself and her needs and wants. Sarah never bothered to notice what was right in front of her face. Her parents couldn't stand each other and used each other to serve their own purposes. Her father needed an heir and her mother needed security and a title. Since receiving what they needed, the two had little use for one another, with her father maintaining his mistress and her mother focused on getting her youngest daughter married.

  The old man turned his gaze to Ginny, who immediately felt the heat from it. No doubt meaning to frighten her, Ginny turned her head slightly and stared back. She didn't flinch under his scrutiny, nor would she recoil by the disturbed look on his face over her audacity. Instead, she simply waited for him to say whatever was on his mind.

  Clearing his throat again, which seemed more out of habit than necessity, Lord Weston asked, “And how do you feel about Lord Conway, Sarah.”

  Turning her gaze away for a moment, looking as if she considered her answer carefully, Ginny again made full eye contact with the man more tyrant than father. “I don't know him well enough to make a judgment, father.”

  If possible, the old man looked even more stern. Obviously, he expected a different answer than the one she gave. “Surely you know enough to decide if you wish him to court you.”

  Shrugging her shoulders, she asked, “How much is enough? We've only spoken a couple of times. Quite frankly I'm surprised he asked to court me. I get the feeling I only exasperate him when we're together.”

  Now both parents were giving her severe looks. Ginny resisted the urge to roll her eyes. It seemed no one wanted an actual answer. They only wanted to hear what they wanted to hear.

  Her mother spoke up first. “Why would he not wish to court you, dearest? You have much to offer any man of consequence.”

  Her father surprised her with his frank reply. “To be honest, Sarah, he had not asked to court you. I asked him his intentions toward you, since I knew of his interest.” Lord Weston glanced at his wife bitterly, since the information had obviously not come from her. “I wanted to make sure that he realized that you were not a dalliance. That he would have to make some kind of commitment to you and soon.”

  Lady Weston looked stricken. If there was one thing that scared off men the quickest, it was threats made by a powerful father. But she was smart enough to hold her tongue.

  With a look of surprise, Ginny raised her eyebrow and responded, “What sort of commitment were you looking for, father? Are we talking about formal courting or do you want him to make me an offer?”

  Ginny expected a lecture, but was shocked to see a small smile form on her father's face. Apparently, he was not used to women who questioned him or stood up to him. It seemed the man liked strong women, unlike his meek wife who very nearly cowered in his presence.

  “I had asked him to court you properly.”

  “And his response was...?” Ginny asked, dragging out the words with her impatience.

  The smile was gone, replaced by a look of admiration. Lord Weston leaned back into his desk chair, regarding her for a moment. Ginny simply waited, feeling her mother's anxiety rolling off her in waves. What kind of family lives like this? she wondered as she got a better perspective of her parents' relationship.

  “He told me that he would consider what he wanted and return with an answer. He assured me that he never considered you a dalliance and thought you a beautiful and intelligent young lady.”

  Ginny had no response for that. She merely looked at the top of her father's desk and wondered what her next move should be. Although she was in no frame of mind to explore a relationship, Sarah was. Her persona had no choice in the matter, as it was expected from her by everyone in her life to make a good match and produce an heir and spare. She could fight it for only so long, but in the end, if the story was to conclude, she had to follow the formula to do it.

  Finally lifting her gaze back to her father, she said, “I guess it would be best if I continued as I have, then. Go to parties, meet eligible men and see who I like best. What do you think, father?”

  “Felicia, leave us.” The command was barked and Lady Weston jumped from her seat and ran to the door. It occurred to Ginny that her mother saw her chance to escape, and although that meant leaving her daughter in the line of fire, all was fair in war. After the door closed behind her, Ginny once again gave her father her full attention.

  Taking a deep breath, Lord Weston stood and walked around his desk. Sitting on the edge, he stared down at his daughter, probably in the hopes of intimidating her, only to be disappointed by her return stare.

  Once he saw her challenging gaze, he relaxed somewhat and crossed his arms over his chest. “I should like to see you happy, my dear. I should like you to respect your partner in life.”

  Glancing away in confusion, Ginny tried to pull a memory of her and her father that came close to this behavior. All Sarah's memories centered around her asking her father for things, whining if necessary, and then her father being gruff but acquiescing. This side of him was a mystery to her.

  “I should like that as well, father,” was the only thing she could think to say.

  “You are a different girl recently, Sarah. Although I am not around as much as I should be, I can see that you have matured a great deal since coming to your first season.”

  Ginny stifled a laugh. Her maturity had nothing to do with her attending her first season, but she could hardly explain that to her father. “I've come to see that there are much more important things in life than myself.”

  Lord Weston laughed and Ginny eye's widened in response. One of the strange things that happened to her when she took on a new persona was that she instantly had all these new feelings. Although she didn't personally grow up with this man, her mind remembered how she felt about having him as a father. And her mind was telling her that Sarah had never witnessed the man before her laughing. It was creepy.

  Standing up from the edge of the desk, her father walked over to a sideboard and poured himself a glass of wine. Suddenly realizing he wasn't alone, he turned and asked, “Would you care for a drink, dear? I have some sherry here.”

  Confused and a little nervous, Ginny nodded. Nothing fortified like alcohol. As Ginny's mind spun with all the possibilities of what her father was up to, he poured her a small amount of sherry and handed it to her before returning to his seat behind the desk. The two continued to stare at each other, examining their opponent, as they took sips from their glasses.

  The silence lay between them like a heavy fog, almost palpable. It was Ginny who finally relented. “Was there something else you wanted to ask me, father? You look as if you're curious about something.”

  Giving her a half smile, he responded. “No, I am simply impressed by your behavior. I understand if you have no wish to marry Lord Conway. I suspect you could do far better. I know that the Duke of Sutherland is looking for a wife.”

  A chill passed over Ginny at the thought of her father setting her up on a date. And it didn't escape her notice that Miles Clarendon had been the Duke of Sutherland. Suppressing the urge to cringe, Ginny continued to sip her drink. “Don't take this the wrong way, father, but I think I'm capable of finding my own husband.”

  Laughing again, her father nodded. “I certainly believe you, dear. I have no doubt that you will find someone worthy of you by the end of this season.”

  Finishing her drink and considering what he said, Ginny rose and placed her glass back on the sideboard. “If you'll excuse me father, I have to get ready for the ball this evening. Will you be attending?”

  “I shall put in an appearance. I should like to see which men you decide to dance
with. Then I can give you my thoughts on each.”

  Without another word, Ginny left the study and went to her own bedroom. After ringing for MaryAnn, she sat on the edge of her bed and tried to analyze the creepy vibe she was getting from her father. Searching her memories, she couldn't pinpoint a single incident between her and her father that would make her feel so unsettled. Shaking it off, Ginny began to undress as her maid entered the room. Instead, she turned her mind to how Lord Conway would react toward her after having the pleasure of her father's company.


  “He what?” asked Devon, as he stood in the back of the ballroom, waiting with Conway for his new obsession to show up.

  “He asked me to court her properly, or to move along. I scarcely knew what to say. I admit that she fascinates me, but court her?” Conway was incredulous over Sarah's father's speech. All afternoon he'd replayed it in his mind. The man was a lecher. Weston was known to have a mistress and several other women on the side. Insatiable was the word that came to Conway's mind.

  “What do you plan to do? Will you ask her to dance again tonight?”

  “I know not, to be honest. Devon, part of me wants her to the point of unreasonableness. Then, part of me sees that a relationship between us would only make me grossly unhappy. Does that make any sense?”

  “Of course it does. You wish her in your bed, but not permanently. I am sorry, old man, but she is not a mistress to be bought and paid for. Her father would never allow that.” Devon knew the sting of wanting a girl and not being able to have her.

  Conway scanned the entrance once again for the girl in question. It would be different if he could just bed her. The obsession would surely be quenched after that. The problem was he wasn't that kind of man. He was born a gentleman and raised as one and would never consider taking her innocence.

  Suddenly, Sarah walked in, flanked by her widowed sister and her matronly mother. The moment his eyes made contact, he knew he was lost. Whatever he had to do, he would end up married to her. If only he could convince himself of that when not in her presence.

  Just as he was about to make his way across the room to intercept her, Sarah turned her eyes toward him. When she spotted him, she did the most outrageous thing he'd ever seen a lady do. She waved. Devon coughed, demonstrating that he'd seen what she'd done. As did half the ton in attendance. Oh bloody hell , he thought. He was doomed now.

  Quickly walking toward her, ignoring his friend beside him, Conway tried to think furiously of what he needed to do to fix the situation. It didn't matter that only a minute earlier he'd resolved to make her his wife. For a unmarried lady to make such a personal gesture toward an unmarried gentleman, the only conclusion that everyone would assume was that there was an understanding between them.

  Reaching her side, Conway bowed to the group of ladies and addressed Lady Weston. “My lady, you look very well this evening.” As he spoke, he took her hand and kissed her knuckles lightly.

  Blushing, Lady Weston giggled and covered her mouth with her fan. “Why, thank you Lord Conway. But surely you did not come all this way to compliment me.” Her words lingered off as she looked toward Ginny. Who, up until that moment, seemed to be thinking about something else entirely.

  “I had wished to request two dances from your daughter, of course.” Conway was well aware of the fact that he not only didn't make the situation better, but made it far worse. He should have snubbed her completely, except that that would have meant her being ostracized by members of the party and made a laughingstock by early tomorrow morning. By now, the whole of the room was speculating about when the announcement of their marriage would be made.

  Everyone was staring at Ginny expectantly. “Wha...? Oh, yes, of course, Lord Conway,” she said as she pulled the dance card from her reticle and asked, “Which dances would you like?”

  “The first waltz and the supper dance, if you are available.”

  Ginny took a moment to look over the empty card. She had just walked in the door and the man had made a beeline for her, so of course, she was available. Part of her confusion came from the fact that she never thought he'd speak to her again, after his chit chat with her dad. Now, not only was he requesting a dance, he was requesting the two most important ones.

  “As you can see, I'm totally open, Lord Conway.” Ignoring Conway's strange look over her vernacular, she turned to his friend and asked, “Lord Devon, did you wish to request a dance as well, or are you here to support your friend?”

  At her mother's gasp, Ginny knew she'd be in for it. Oh, the presumption to ask a man if he wanted to dance. What could she have been thinking?

  Stifling a giggle, Devon responded, “I would be honored to take you out for the opening set, Lady Sarah. And if your sister is otherwise not engaged, I would request the pleasure of the first waltz.” He felt his friend stiffen next to him, but didn't care. After all, Devon had been curious as to what about this girl had tied his friend up in so many knots and he meant to find out the reason.

  Lady Weston spoke up before Ginny could muck things up further. “You do us great honor, Lord Devon. Thank you.”

  The two gentlemen took their leave, just as more men approached to request dances from Lady Sarah. As they resumed their positions at the far end of the ballroom, Conway asked, under his breath, “What could you be thinking?”

  Laughing out loud, uncaring of those around them, Devon responded, “Whatever do you mean? Can I not partake of your most recent folly? Or, should I say, your soon to be betrothed? After her familiarity with you, you would be lucky to be able to wait three months before the ceremony is performed.”

  “Keep your voice down, Devon. I handled that very poorly and do not need you, of all people, pointing it out.” Grabbing his head with his hand, he asked, “Why did I not snub her instead? Now her father will be at my doorstep tomorrow asking for satisfaction.”

  “Put yourself at ease, Conway. After all, maybe everyone will assume that she was waving to me.” With a devilish smile, Devon moved away as the orchestra began to signal the opening set. Conway thought it was a good move, considering how he was planning to punch him if he hadn't.

  Instead, he was treated to watching his best friend and his obsession take the floor and begin to dance.


  Ginny was amazed at how easily she could dance the steps, although she personally had never learned. When she'd watched period movies, she'd always thought the dances were so intricate, but truthfully, there was a logic to them that made them easy to remember.

  Dancing with Lord Devon was not difficult. He was graceful and handsome, and had a devilish smile. His salt and pepper hair made him look mature, but his face was so boyish. In all, if she wasn't destined for Conway, which she was almost certain she was, Ginny knew that Devon would be her choice, especially after he showed off his smart ass side.

  “Conway tells me that your father spoke to him today.”

  “I wasn't there, but my father seems to have given him an ultimatum.”

  “And how do you think Lord Conway received that ultimatum?”

  At that moment, the pair was separated by the dance. After a minute of twirling around, they were together again close enough to speak.

  “Since he's asked me to dance with him twice, I would guess that it didn't bother him. He's your friend, so what do you think?”

  Laughing, he said, “I am not entirely sure, to be honest. You seem to have him tied in so many knots, he cannot tell up from down. I was hoping that by dancing with you, I would see what you did to him that unsettled him so.”

  Now it was Ginny's turn to laugh. “What could I possibly do, my lord? I'm so demure and sweet. Everything a young girl in her first season should be.”

  “As I am the consummate gentleman, eh?”

  “I haven't heard much about your reputation, sir. Are you a lecher?” Ginny put on a face of shock at the thought of being so close.

  “I would hardly call me that, Lady Sarah. I w
ould say that I like to sample as much as life is willing to offer. Is that so wrong?” If Devon had been speaking of food, he would have taken up the whole dance floor with his girth.

  “I believe that life is worth living, my lord. Sample away, as long as you don't hurt anyone else.”

  Taking on a serious look for a moment, one of the few that he would allow himself to make, Devon responded, “I would hope that my life does not cause others pain, Lady Sarah. I like to think that I bring some joy to others who have none.”

  Just then, the dance ended and Devon took her arm to lead her back to her mother. Before they reached their destination, she whispered, “I can only imagine the type of joy you bring others, Lord Devon.” She gave him a sideways glance, a small smirk on her lips.

  Whispering in return, he said, “Unfortunately, you will not get a chance to find out, my lady.” With that, he dumped her back to her mother, but not before winking at her. For a moment, Ginny felt elated. She'd forgotten how fun it was to flirt. Her mind was so often on her pain, that she wouldn't allow herself any of the joy that came from playing other people's lives. Sure it was a hassle, but if she was stuck doing it anyway, she might as well have some fun.


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