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A Lesson in Friendship

Page 23

by Jennifer Connors

Before she could get sucked in as well, Ginny announced, “Lady Hammersmith, if you wouldn't mind, I need your daughter's help.”

  Before the old woman could utter a sound, Penelope jumped from her seat and followed Ginny from the room. The two women walked and found a small library that was cozy and unoccupied. Before entering, Ginny asked a footman for some tea to be delivered.

  “I cannot thank you enough for saving me, Sarah,” Penelope announced as she sat in one of the high backed, cushioned chairs. “All those women talk about is marriage. And not even the interesting parts.”

  “Now that you're gone, they're probably talking about the interesting parts. Can't corrupt your innocent ears, you know.”

  Penelope rolled her eyes in a manner more fitting her age. To Ginny, Penelope had always seemed more mature than most of the other débutantes she'd met. Perhaps Ginny was a bad influence on her.

  “I am so glad we have this chance to speak, Sarah. I have made some decisions and would like to have your opinion.”

  Waving her hand, Ginny said, “Shoot.”

  “I shall like to become more... social.” Penelope just stared at Ginny as though she should already realize her meaning.

  A look of confusion came over Ginny's face. “Okay, that sounds like a good idea.”

  Penelope nodded her head and sat back with a satisfied smile on her face. “Yes, I shall flirt shamelessly with many men and see if there isn't someone else out there better for me.”

  The plan finally dawned on Ginny. “I see. So you will give up your wallflower ways and begin to actually talk to eligible men. And if a certain Viscount happens to see you having a good time... more the better.”

  A devious smile crossed Penelope's face as she responded, “It would be nice for him to know that I am not irreparably damaged by his callous behavior. It would also do him good to know that I am just as marriageable as any other girl this season. I need not take his scraps.”

  “Amen! And I assume that you wish my assistance, although I'm about to be one of those old married ladies.”

  “I should like that very much, Sarah.” Penelope's voice took on a vulnerable, desperate quality.

  “Don't you worry, Penny. There is nothing I'd like more than sticking it to Lord Townshend. He had no excuse for treating you like he did.”

  At that moment, the tea was delivered and both girls enjoyed their refreshments. It was only a matter of time before they were whisked back to London, with Ginny planning a wedding and Penelope beginning her life.

  Chapter 26

  After a tedious evening spent in the company of boring old fuddi-duddies, Ginny returned to her room grateful for the respite. MaryAnn prepared her for bed in record time and left to assist Charlotte.

  Ginny sat on the edge of her bed thinking of her sister. It came as a shock to learn that Mr. Richter had left that evening back to Munich. It was not as though Ginny didn't understand his expediency, but how could he leave Charlotte behind? It was a romance novel, dammit. He should have swept her sister off her feet and returned with her.

  Although Charlotte kept up a brave face during dinner, it was obvious she was heartbroken. She barely had any conversation and ate practically nothing. Ginny wished she could do something for her, but there was nothing she could do. Ginny was left to wonder why the storyline would even give her one night then take it all away.

  Penelope was a source of consolation though. The girl had already put her plans in motion, being very vivacious at dinner, and afterwards while the group played cards. Her new sense of being social extended to everyone, as she spoke a blue streak through the house party guests. It was great to see and left Ginny feeling better for her chances.

  So lost in her thoughts, leaning against the poster of her bed, she didn't hear the door open and close again. It wasn't until she heard the click of the lock that she turned to see Oliver standing by the door. He was still dressed from dinner, all black dinner jacket and starched white cravat. As Ginny stared, she started to feel that familiar warmth spread through her body. Although there was still a small pang of guilt over Colby, she knew it was time to move on. And what better way was there than consummating a new relationship.

  “I was not sure if I was welcome this evening. It seemed as though you were avoiding me after dinner.”

  Ginny continued to stare without saying a word. She had avoided him, but not because she was still mad. Mostly, she wanted her friend to shine and wanted to minimize the gossip about their possible marriage. Her mother had vowed to her before dinner to keep things hushed until she could convince Oliver that they could wait and have the big society wedding after all.

  Standing up, Ginny walked over to Oliver, never taking her eyes from his. She saw his breath hitch, making her smile. When she came to stand before him, he seemed to be struggling to keep his hands at his sides. She could see the question in his eyes. Instead of speaking, she ran her hand up the back of his neck and pulled his head down to hers.

  Ginny wasn't subtle or gentle with her kiss. Her tongue searched his lips until he opened his mouth to her. Oliver no longer restrained himself, putting his arms around her waist and pulling her up against him. They continued to kiss until Oliver pulled away, out of breath.

  “Are you certain, Sarah? There will be no going back,” he managed to ask as he kissed the side of her neck, his hands reaching up to caress her breasts.

  “Have you changed your mind about marrying me, Oliver?”

  Pulling away, he vehemently said, “No, of course not. I have wanted to marry you for ages now.”

  Laughing, Ginny asked, “Really?”

  Lowering his head, but not before Ginny saw the smile on his lips, he responded, “No, but I really want to now. And I really want you to join me in your bed tonight and every night from now on.”

  Ginny reached up and untied his cravat, removing the offending material. “I should make you wait until we're married, but I don't want to.”

  Ginny flung the cravat across the room and grabbed the lapels of his jacket to pull him further into the room. Oliver joyfully obeyed her commands, allowing her to unbutton his jacket and waistcoat. With each piece she removed, Ginny tossed them to a nearby chair.

  Before long, Oliver was shirtless, shoe-less and standing in only his breeches. Before Ginny could work on removing those as well, he stopped her to pull the tie at the top of her nightgown. Using both hands, he slipped the flimsy material from her shoulders, where his bold fiancé allowed it to drop to the floor.

  Oliver stopped breathing for a moment as he stared at her porcelain skin in the firelight. He admired her large breasts and her curvy hips. Almost afraid to touch her, as if she were an illusion that he never wanted revealed, his hands slowly came up her sides. Running his thumbs up her ribcage, he finally cupped her breasts, rubbing the nipples until erect. Oliver glanced up to see if he was frightening her, but Sarah's eyes were closed and head slightly back.

  He bent down to kiss her neck, his voice breathless when he asked, “Do you like this, Sarah?”

  Ginny grinned. “I think you can tell that I do, Oliver.”

  Chuckling over her forwardness, he said, “Then you are simply going to love what comes next.” Without warning, he reached down and picked her up in his arms, gently placing her on top of the covers.

  Before he could climb up with her, she asked, “Aren't you a little over dressed to be in this bed with me?” Her eyebrow raised in challenge.

  Barely able to take a breath, Oliver slowly unbuttoned the front panel of his breeches. Dropping them to the floor, he kicked them off with his legs before climbing up on the bed. Sarah wasn't looking in his eyes, but examining another part of his body. She still didn't look frightened, so he laid himself next to her so he could take his time exploring her body as well.

  When he bent his head to kiss her neck, she shocked him by grabbing his erection. Her fingers tightened around his appendage to the point where he had to stop her. Looking at her as if for the first time, h
e asked, “This is your first time, is it not?”

  Ginny stared back for a moment before she finally realized that she was supposed to be a virgin. What did she know of men's penises or anything else involving sex? She was supposed to be frightened and shocked. Oops , she thought as she laid herself back down on the pillow.

  Taking her silence as a bad sign, Oliver sat up and stared into the fire. “It was that other man, wasn't it? The two of you... were...” Oliver had to choke out the last word, “intimate.”

  Sitting up next to her fiancé, Ginny said, “No, Oliver. I'm a virgin as you will soon find out. I just...” She stopped herself. She just what? What could possibly seem plausible? Just then, a stupid idea came to her and she rolled with it. “I just know that you have a lot of experience. I didn't think you'd want a docile bed partner. I was trying to be bold to please you.” And in brilliant fit of passive-aggressiveness, she added, “But obviously I was wrong and now you hate me.”

  Ginny should have felt badly about the last part, but she needed Oliver back in the swing of things. What made a man hotter than saving his damsel from hurt feelings. Truly a classic romance novel move, that Ginny was pleased she'd used.

  “No, my dear. I... I was just surprised. It is childish, but I want to know that I am your first and God willing, the only man you ever have in your bed.”

  Turning her head to hide the satisfied smile, Ginny answered, “Then what are you waiting for?”

  In his desire to show her just how much he wanted to have her, Oliver practically flipped her over to face him. Ginny didn't hide her smile of surprise, barely registering his head lowering to her breasts. Relishing one, then the other, his fingers slowly made their way down her belly, to her hidden femininity.

  Oliver kept up his steady stream of passionate feelings as he explored her body with his hands and mouth. Ginny forced her hands to stay on his shoulders, not wanting to cause any more misunderstandings before she got her orgasm. When his head dipped lower to lave her clit, all thoughts left her completely.

  She could hear him murmur endearments, with an occasional compliment over how sweet she tasted. All that occurred to Ginny was the fact that she had nothing to grab hold of when the orgasm finally hit her with the force of a tsunami. His fingers dug into her hips, trying to keep her in place as she writhed on the bed, gasping her pleasure.

  When the waves ceased, he looked up at her from between her legs. The smile on his face was brighter than the sun and he was obviously well pleased with himself.

  “It seems that you enjoyed that, Sarah.” His face all smug pride, he slowly crawled his way up her body.

  Ginny wanted nothing more than to throw him to the side and show him what she knew about male anatomy, but it would have to wait for another time. Oliver was insecure enough about their relationship and Ginny didn't want to ruin what they currently had going. Perhaps later, when she was too sore for anything else, she would demonstrate that she was no wilting flower.

  As he made his way up, like a stalking panther, Ginny smiled. “I did enjoy that, my lord. I don't believe I've felt its equal.”

  Growling, he said, “You had better not have.” As he kissed the sensitive spot at the juncture of her neck and shoulder, he added, “Or it will be pistols at dawn for the unfortunate fellow.”

  A spurt of laughter erupted from her chest and Oliver looked up in surprise. “Did it occur to you that my father may feel the same way about this,” she asked, waving her hand around the bed and their love play.

  With a mock frown, he said, “We will be married soon enough my lady, that it will not matter. Now, if you do not mind, I have more work to do before this night is over.”

  Widening her eyes, Ginny played the abashed virgin. “I would not want to keep you from your ultimate goal, my lord. There is more?”

  Oliver took her mouth in a carnal kiss. “A lot more, dearest. Before this night is over, I shall make you mine forever.”

  His erection pushed into her hip as the two lovers continued to kiss and explore each other. When Oliver reached down and inserted his finger inside her, he knew she was ready for him. Spreading her legs farther apart, Oliver entered her, trying to be slow and deliberate. When he met with resistance, his relief over her virginity was palpable. He gladly pushed past it, regardless of her pain, just to know that he was her first and her only.

  Ginny, on the other hand, gasped at the pain that was becoming somewhat familiar to her. In two of her adventures, she'd been a virgin going to her wedding night. And although with Colby she hadn't been, she would have exchanged the terrible memories of her character's rape for being untouched. Her only consolation was that the pain would disappear quickly and she would get to finish on a high note.

  Looking up at Oliver, she saw the conflict on his face. He was equally proud she was a virgin and horrified to have caused her pain. Putting on a brave smile, she reached up and rubbed his cheek with her hand. “I'm fine, Oliver. It's my gift to you, right?”

  Turning his head to kiss her hand, he said, “A gift I shall always cherish, my love.”

  Without any other words between them, Oliver began the age old rhythm of lovemaking. Slowly at first, Oliver was careful not to hurt her further. When Ginny looked up and gave him a impertinent look, he increased his tempo. And when the walls spasmed against him, he was lost to the power of his own release. Grunting as he spilled his seed, Oliver didn't think he'd ever orgasmed with such force. It was as if not only his seed was spilled, but a small piece of his soul as well. Barely able to hold himself up, Oliver dropped down on top of her, panting his exhaustion into her neck.

  After a minute, Ginny tapped his shoulder and asked him to move. Lifting his head up and looking into her beautiful eyes, he smiled.

  “I'm sorry, Oliver, but I can't breath.”

  Lifting himself off her, he rolled to the side and took her with him. That was all he could manage, as his body was still boneless. With his eyes closed, he felt Sarah reach over and play with the hair on his chest.

  “Did you know that you have gray hairs on your chest?”

  With the last bit of energy he could muster, Oliver laughed. “Do I?” he asked, cracking open one eye to see her face.

  “Quite a few, actually. I wonder why you don't have any on your head.”

  His smile disappeared as he regarded her face. When a look of pique came over him, Ginny asked, “What's the matter?”

  Lifting an eyebrow, he responded, “I must not have done my job well if you are able to hold such a conversation afterwards.”

  Giving him a half-smile, she said, “Oh, don't you worry, Oliver. I was thoroughly impressed by your expertise. I guess I'm just one of those people who gets invigorated by sex, rather than falls asleep.”

  “I accept your challenge, madam.”

  Quirking her head to the side, she asked, “What challenge?”

  “The one where I make love to you until you can do nothing but fall asleep.”

  And he went about doing just that.

  Chapter 27

  Oliver visited her room every night until he left to discuss marriage with Sarah's father. When her mother broached the topic of waiting once again with Lord Conway, he merely smiled and said that it was no longer a possibility. Lady Weston was left to wonder on that, as Oliver made a quick escape, leaving at the crack of dawn the following morning to head back to London.

  Ginny and Penelope made the most of the their time at the house party, but neither was all that interested in socializing with the elderly. Charlotte spent most of her time alone and Lord Devon, who would come out to flirt outrageously, usually abandoned himself to solitary pursuits as well.

  By the time Ginny, Charlotte and Lady Weston returned to London, Oliver had procured a special license and solicited his mother to help make arrangements for the ceremony. Two days after their return, Ginny and her mother were sent to meet the formidable Dowager Baroness Conway.

  Sitting at tea, with Oliver conspicuously absent, t
he dowager was older than Ginny had expected. Her hair was silver white and her frame was small and closing in on itself. To Ginny, it appeared the woman suffered awfully from osteoporosis, but perhaps she had other ailments as well that couldn't be treated at the time. There was one thing that was not lacking on the old woman and that was a bad attitude.

  “Sit down, child and let me get a look at you,” she bellowed as her mother and Ginny entered the room.

  Raising an eyebrow, Ginny did as she was told. It would do her no good to cause any trouble at this point.

  A spotted, arthritic hand raised a pair of glasses to her rheumy, red lined eyes. Giving a sniff of disapproval, she asked, “You are pretty, to be sure, but can you handle society? From what my son tells me, you have a backbone.”

  Glancing at her mother before answering, Ginny said, “I consider that quite a compliment, Lady Conway. I'm no one's doormat.”


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