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Tessa's Escape to Athena's Ground

Page 9

by Brianna Salera

  “That’s going to be a problem,” Ben said, pointing to her dress.

  Tessa’s stomach knotted. One blow job and she’d turned into a slut.

  Ben saw her expression and took her hand. “No, no…not what you’re thinking. It’s absolutely the most stunning thing I think I’ve ever seen. The problem is…” he pointed to his slacks and the bolder in his crotch.

  “Well that may be the nicest compliment I’ve ever gotten.”

  Ben took her arm and escorted Tessa to the lobby entrance. She started to walk towards the parking lot when Ben tugged her back. “That’s our ride.” He pointed to a waiting stretch limousine. The driver opened the door and Tessa slid in. Ben slid in next to her and the limo pulled away.

  “Where are we going?” Tessa asked.

  “We’re going to ride around a little while, enjoy the limo. Not every day you get to travel in one.”

  Tessa nodded, thinking of the New York subway trains.

  “Let me save the final destination as a surprise, okay?”

  Tessa slid closer to her door for a better view of passing Sydney. “This is such a beautiful city,” she said as the driver meandered through China Town.

  Ben slid closer to her. Her focus was interrupted by his hand, which had found the soft flesh between her legs. It oriented to true north and began to travel.

  “Relax,” he said, feeling her tense. “The driver has the privacy window up and he’s got the radio playing in the front seat.”

  Tessa listened and heard the faint thud of bass.

  “You can’t wear that dress and expect me to treat you like a nun.” His hand had reached her crotch and the surprise in his eyes almost made Tessa laugh. “Oh, we are really in trouble now.”

  The panties—one of Carmen’s ‘extras’—were crotchless. Ben’s fingers explored Tessa’s moist passage without impediment, and Tessa relished Ben’s expert ministrations. Tessa abandoned sightseeing, laid her head back and closed her eyes.

  “Give what you can and ask for what you need, Tessa.” Ben slid Tessa’s bodice away from her breasts. The Hollywood Tape was no match for his determined fingers.

  “Hey!” Tessa said. “Now my nipples are going to be popping out all night.”

  “Excellent,” Ben said, as he studied Tessa’s bra. “Every woman in the world should have a bra like this. Support without interference.” He leaned over and licked Tessa’s nipple.

  It felt wonderful and Tessa enjoyed Ben’s mouth and fingers. Her nipples were on fire and she began to wiggle with electricity. Ben took her wiggle as an invitation. She was wet with anticipation and Ben plunged two fingers inside her vagina in search of Tessa’s G Spot. If Tessa was on fire before, she was supernova now.

  “Ask for what you need,” Ben whispered in her ear. “I’ll give it to you right now.”

  “I want to come,” Tessa said, and corrected herself. “Oh sweet lord, I need to come.” Her hips were swaying and her back arching as Ben’s fingers plunged in and out.

  He pushed Tessa’s dress up to her waist and slid her around, so Tessa was lying across the back seat on her back. He knocked twice on the window and the driver sounded the horn once. “We won’t be interrupted for anything,” he said, and at that moment, Tessa wouldn’t have cared if they were being televised.

  Ben spread Tessa’s lips and his tongue worked her clitoris. She bucked to meet his touch, groaning like a woman in pain. He drove her wild with his lips, tongue and teeth while his hands freed his penis.

  “Tessa, I want to make you come with my cock. Are you okay with that?”

  Tessa nodded.

  “Do you care if I don’t use a condom? We’ve all had blood tests, but I can have a condom on in a few seconds.”

  Tessa knew she was safe and she didn’t want to waste even one more second.

  “No condom. Make me come, now!” She moaned. “Please.”

  Ben positioned himself over Tessa and guided the tip of his penis to her opening.

  “You’re so wet,” he said. He held her hips in place and pressed cautiously, entering her gently and not deeply. Tessa lifted her hips and pressed, and that was all the confirmation Ben needed. He gripped Tessa firmly and thrust with all his strength. Tessa moaned, widened her legs, and pressed harder against Ben’s sex.

  “I’m going to make you come so hard you scream.”

  Tessa was impatient. She began bucking against him.

  “That’s it Tessa,” he said, and he drove into her with deep, fast thrusts. “Ride my cock. You can do it.”

  Tessa brought her hips to meet Ben’s thrusts and soon they were making loud, rhythmical music as their flesh pounded together. Tessa worked herself to a frenzy, but didn’t climax. Ben lifted her hips, supported the small of her back with one arm and used his free hand to stimulate Tessa’s clitoris.

  “Oh God…” Tessa moaned.

  She was so close. Ben shifted his weight over Tessa and thrust into her so hard he made the limo bounce beneath them. His hand continued to rock her clitoris. He claimed Tessa’s breast with his mouth, and she arched her back. He raked his teeth across her swollen nipple and Tessa grabbed his hair and screamed.

  Ben gave Tessa exactly what she’d wanted, and not a minute later, he exploded inside her. They both lay spent, until the driver tooted his horn.


  They’d arrived at their destination: they were back at the Opera House. Tessa felt grimy and spent and very, very good. She’d never had sex in a limo before. She’d never had a knee-knocking orgasm during sex before, although point of fact, she’d never had an orgasm of any kind during sex. Until now. She felt in control of her own sexuality, and if that made her a slut, so be it.

  She knew that Athena’s Ground had thoroughly tested them all for every known STD. And Tessa had been faithfully taking the pill long enough for reliable protection. The only thing that worried her was the rather immense wet spot they’d left on the back seat of the limo. She hoped the driver had been well-tipped.

  Ben held her hand and when La Traviata began, he put his arm around her. In the darkness, his fingers occasionally wandered to Tessa’s nipples or clitoris, where he plucked at them lazily. Tessa was so spent from riding Ben in the limousine that his occasional wandering fingers produced a pleasant warmth, but no fire. By the time Violetta died in Alfredo’s arms, Tessa was wrapped in Ben’s and nearly asleep.

  “Nightcap?” Ben asked, as they settled back into the limo.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “How about ice cream?” He grinned like a ten-year-old. “Some killer chocolate?”

  Tessa smiled. “I’m not hungry. For food.”

  Ben’s boyish grin turned dirty old man. “What are you hungry for?”

  When it came time to ask for what she wanted, Tessa suddenly became shy. After a few starts and stops, she finally just blurted it out.

  “You have mad sex skills Ben Larsen, but what I really want is to fall asleep next you, my head on your shoulder and your arms around me. Is that…permitted?”

  Tessa knew her past was an open book to Ben, since he was part of her therapy team. He probably knew that it had been years since she’d fallen asleep in a man’s embrace. She hoped he understood her ache for that connection.

  “Do you also want to wake up with me in your bed,” he asked.

  “It would feel a little sleazy if you just disappeared in the middle of night.”

  “Agreed. So, what is rule number one?”

  “Ask for what you need.”

  “And number two?”

  “Give what you can.”

  “You asked for something that’s easy enough to give. Why would it not be permitted?”

  Tessa laid her head on Ben’s shoulder. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt so at peace. When they pulled up to Tessa’s hotel, she was softly snoring.

  Ben picked up a fresh toothbrush at the concierge desk before escorting Tessa to the elevator. As soon as they stepped into her room, he he
aded for the bathroom. A minute later, Tessa heard running bath water.

  Tessa was bone tired. Was it the sex or the emotional roller coaster she’d been on since arriving in Sydney? Probably both, she decided, as she sat frozen in the chair she’d plopped in the moment Ben had entered the bathroom.

  “The bath is drawn,” he said, kneeling down in front of her. “You look beat. Are you feeling alright?”

  “I feel good. Actually, very good. But I feel like every drop of energy has been sucked right out of me.” She wiggled a shoe off, and then stopped, as if the process of removing footwear was exhausting.

  Ben slipped the remaining shoe off and placed Tessa’s foot against his thigh. He began to massage the balls of her foot. Tessa sighed.

  “Part of giving what you can,” Ben said, smiling.

  Tessa leaned forward and kissed his forehead.

  Ben gave Tessa’s other foot a short massage and then held his hands for her to stand. “C’mon, that’s a girl,” he said as Tessa hoisted to her feet. He turned her around and unzipped her dress. Tessa’s hand flew to her chest, pinning the dress against her to prevent it from dropping to the carpet.

  Ben gently pulled Tessa’s hand away and the dress fell to the floor. “Trust me,” Ben said. Then he unhooked Tessa’s bra, and it fell to the floor as well. He slid the panty, what there was of it, over Tessa’s hips. He freed her ankles from it, wrapped his arms around her naked back, and carried her into the bathroom.

  The scent of ginger filled the room and Tessa gratefully slid from Ben’s arms into the waiting water. “What do you sleep in?” he asked.

  Tessa told him where to find her nightgown and he disappeared into the bedroom. Tessa closed her eyes. When she opened them again, the water was not quite warm but Ben’s eyes were.

  “Didn’t have the heart to wake you. Though you do snore, you know.”

  “Do not.”

  He smiled. “Feeling a bit better already, are we?”

  “We are. But I’m still pretty wiped out, and…” she repositioned her bottom, “a little sore.”

  “You rode Big Ben like a champion bull rider, and after a few years of inactivity…” he shrugged his shoulders.

  “Big Ben?” Tessa laughed. “A great name for a really big clock in London.”

  “And for a really big cock in Sydney. Besides,” Ben said with mock annoyance, “I heard no complaints from the back of Tom’s limo. What I did hear was a certain young woman begging, no demanding, me to make her come.” Ben flashed Tessa a megawatt smile. “And I did.”

  “That you did.” The playful twinkle faded from Tessa’s eyes. “I’ve never even come close to anything like that before. It was amazing. Thank you.”

  “You did your part too. It was team work. It’s always team work.”

  “Yay team.”

  Ben soaped Tessa’s back and massaged her shoulders. When she reached for the loofah, he held it out of her reach. “Let me.” Ben circled each breast with the soapy sponge. After splashing them with water, he reached forward and stroked each nipple with his fingers, slowly and thoroughly. “It’s important to get all the soap off,” he said.

  “No soap on them that I can see,” Tessa said.

  Ben smiled. “That’s because I carefully removed it! Look, they’ve woken up.”

  Damn if Ben wasn’t right. Her whole body ached with exhaustion, but Tessa’s nipples were standing at attention.

  “You’re incorrigible!”

  “When I carried you in here, you looked beat. Now see how perky you are? You call that incorrigible, I call that masterful.”

  “I suppose you have a long list of things that you’re a master of.”

  “I do, some of which you’ve already witnessed.”

  “So you still have some tricks up your masterful sleeve, ones I’ve not yet seen?”

  “Oh yes, things you would enjoy immensely. But…you’re too tired.”

  Despite her exhaustion, and a crotch that was already sore, Tessa was curious.

  “What kind of things?”

  “I can put a condom on a banana in three seconds flat.”

  Tessa snorted. “Yeah, that sounds like something I would enjoy immensely.”

  Ben traced the bumpy ring around Tessa’s left nipple and as before, she began to feel an electric spark in her sweet spot. She was tired, but apparently her sex wasn’t.

  Ben’s blue eyes became serious. “You’re becoming aroused.” He pointed to the pink flush spreading across Tessa’s breasts and then placed her hand on his crotch, which was hard. “You’ve yet to experience the long, sweet fuck. I can hold you, fill you with my cock and rock you slowly until we both come. You can fall asleep with my arms around your spent body and I’ll fall asleep with your pussy around my spent cock.”

  Tessa didn’t even flinch at his bad words. “Show me.”

  And so he did.


  Ben was as good as his promise. He had entered her gently and rocked her for what seemed like hours. Their sex was unhurried; the frenzy she’d felt in the back of the limousine was replaced by a languid build-up that ended with them coming just moments apart. Also true to his promise, Ben stayed inside Tessa until she fell asleep. The position was slightly awkward but worth it for Tessa; she fell asleep with a smile gently curled around her lips.

  Tessa awoke to early morning light and Ben’s blue eyes.

  “I’m going now,” he said, tousling her hair. When he kissed her cheek he smelled of toothpaste and kindness.

  “Thank you, for everything, but mostly for giving me exactly what I needed,” Tessa said. “As great as your sex skills are, I think you’re even better at reading women.”

  “You’re a sexy woman with a lot to offer a man. But what you offer goes far beyond sex.” He brushed a strand of hair from Tessa’s face. “Ask for what you need. Give what you can. And the rest will take care of itself.” Ben stood. “I left a note on the dresser with the details of your next set of sessions. But don’t worry about getting up now. You’ve got all day and most of tomorrow to relax. Russell will have the pleasure of working with you tomorrow evening.”

  He waved goodbye, Tessa blew him a kiss and Ben Larsen disappeared out the door. Tessa felt sure she would never see him again, and it brought her to quiet, gentle tears. She hadn’t fallen for the big “Aussie goofball,” but she had deeply appreciated everything about him. She closed her eyes, but couldn’t sleep. There was another man she deeply appreciated and now there was enough time to tell him so. She booted up her laptop.


  I so appreciated your last email. You are an amazing person.

  You know I was married and that my husband, Mark, died in an auto accident three years ago. Here’s what you don’t know: after his death, I discovered he had been cheating on me. In fact, he died cheating on me. I was devastated and withdrew from men completely. After a year and a half of isolation, I decided to try dating. I met a man who seemed nice. We shared similar interests and saw each other several times…until he raped me. That was the last straw for me. I spent months trying to pull myself back up. I just couldn’t. I hurt so much that all I wanted was to escape. I was only able to see one way out of the pain, and so I tried to kill myself last May. Fortunately I failed, but in the process found a group of professionals to help me put my life back together.

  And that’s what my Australia trip is really about: me, putting my life back together. My journey to Sydney is a very private one, the details of which I will likely never share with anyone. But someday (and soon, I hope) I will be able to say I’ve faced my issues and overcome them. I still have work to do, but already see much progress. I have so much hope for my future.

  One of the things I’ve learned is to ask for what I need, which has been (and still is) surprisingly hard for me to do. I’m going to practice that new skill right now and ask you to support my journey. Your friendship and the hope that it may grow into something more means the world to me.

; Yours, Tessa

  Tessa re-read her email and paused before hitting send. Was David ready to know this? Of course, she thought. The real question was whether she was ready to tell him. It meant opening herself up to his judgment, even his rejection. It also meant opening herself up to acceptance, and maybe even love.

  Tessa took a deep breath and hit send.


  When a tourist, why not act like one? After a hot shower and a lot of coffee, Tessa bought a ticket for the Hop on Hop Off bus and took to the streets of Sydney. Since Jason had taken her to the local clothing optional beach, Tessa decided to ride the bus to famous Bondi Beach. The stretch of white sand and glorious blue water was as breathtaking as the travel brochures promised and the bump and rumble on the top floor of the double decker bus was strangely soothing.

  By mid-afternoon, Tessa was famished. She hopped off the bus near China Town and gorged on delicious dishes, the names of which she couldn’t begin to pronounce. The takeout near her hotel had been good, but the fresh greens and succulent fish she devoured in China Town was just this side of heaven.

  After lunch, Tessa walked. Much like New York, Sydney was a great town for walking. She wandered out of China Town and eventually found herself surrounded by fabulous shops. Her days between sessions were vacation days, and what’s a vacation without a little shopping?


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