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Valentine's Surprise

Page 3

by Moxie North

  “Dude, it’s Tillamook Cheddar. It’s da bomb and should be renamed liquid gold. Don’t knock the cheddar. It makes everything better,” Cassie said, starting in on the giant block of cheese.

  “I’m not saying it’s not tasty. But I think it moves it out of the realm of Italian food.” Cash tried to defend the country’s cuisine as he turned on the oven.

  “Hah, frozen pizza is far from Italian. Besides, this makes it Pacific Northwest pizza. It’s a local cultural delicacy.” Giving him a wink, Cassie continued to torment her husband.

  “You wink at me, Sprite, it makes me want to do naughty things,” Cash growled.

  “You always want to do naughty things. Right now I’m hungry, and I don’t want to burn the pizza. After dinner, you may ravage my body all you want.” Cassie kept her eyes on the cheese.

  “Ravage, you say?” A single eyebrow arched on Cash’s face.

  “You betcha, big man. Whips, chains, candle wax, whatever turns your crank,” she said, still looking only at the cheese. Mostly because she didn’t want to accidently grate off a knuckle.

  “Oh sure, you make promises, then when I light the candles, you get all squeaky,” he scoffed.

  “Dude, that shit’s hot!” Cassie glared up at him with a fake shocked look.

  “Says the girl with the tattoos. You let someone stick a needle into you a million times, but a little warm wax and you act like a big girl,” he mocked.

  “I am a girl.” She stuck out her tongue at him.

  A low warning growl came at her. “Sprite.”

  Cassie couldn’t help but giggle. She loved teasing her big man.

  “Speaking of dinner,” Cassie started, clearing her throat. “I called Thai One On and ordered food for Valentine’s Day. I hope that’s okay?” She averted her eyes from his.

  “Valentine’s Day? I thought you hated that holiday?”

  “I do. I’m not talking lame cards, or roses or anything. Just dinner at home that you didn’t have to cook and I didn’t burn.”

  Cash smiled at her. She’d made plans for them. For Valentine’s Day.

  This was working out perfectly. He’d have the nursery completed and surprise her with it after dinner.

  “That sounds great. You know I love that place.” Cash slid the pizza into the oven. “Timer is set seven minutes short of done so you can add your ridiculous amount of cheese. What do you want to do while we wait?”

  “Watch Hoarders. It reminds me that my housekeeping skills aren’t that bad. It’s like a little pep talk even though I haven’t dusted the blinds.”

  Cassie held her arms out so her man could help her down from the counter. Traveling by husband was efficient transportation, she thought at he took her to the couch. Big strong arms and the love that went behind them made her feel protected and cherished.

  Not a pair of emotions that she would have ever guess that she would need in her life. But a year with Cash Rochon and she was addicted to it.

  “You know that show gives me the wiggins.” Cash settled them into the couch, keeping her in his arms.

  “Wiggins? You are talking like me now. I must be rubbing off on you,” she said with a laugh.

  “I’ve got something else you can rub off if you’re interested.” Cash shot her a hot look.

  “Hellz yeah!” Cassie quickly slid out of his lap. She loved getting her big man off. Her mate was a mountain of a man that she could control with just the tip of her tongue. She loved watching his eyes get bright and glow when he was aroused.

  “Baby, I was joking,” Cash said, his voice rough. Just the visual of his mate on her knees in front of him had his cock straining in his pants. There was no hiding that his dick was totally on board with this idea.

  “Liar, when have you ever turned down a blow job?”

  “Never, I’m not a stupid man,” Cash admitted.

  “Now hush and let me get to work.” She grabbed the waistband of his pants and pulled them down along with his boxer briefs. She got them down to just his thighs with a little help from him. His cock was a sight to behold. Huge, although now her perspective had changed a little from the first time she saw it. Her first perusal had her firmly believing there was no way that thing would ever fit inside her.

  A year later she knew that not only did it fit, it was fantastic. Cash always rocked her world when they made love. Or when they had sex, or when they fucked like bunnies. There were varying degrees of their sex life, and Cassie loved that Cash always kept her on her toes.

  Now she wanted him on his toes. Reaching up with both hands, she circled his length and gave him a long squeeze.

  “Sprite,” he growled and let his head drop back to the couch momentarily. He didn’t keep it there long because he loved watching her suck his cock. Not that she could deep throat him or anything. That was physically impossible. But damn did she give it the college try every time.

  “Hmm?” She kept her eyes on her hands watching them stroking him up and down.

  “You know you could just hop up here on my cock and ride me until the pizza is done,” he offered.

  “Nuh-uh, I ride you, then you eat me out, then we fuck on the couch, the carpet, and the ottoman. My pizza burns and I don’t talk to you for a month.” Cassie leaned forward and swiped her tongue over the slit of his cock.

  “Possibly.” Cash couldn’t hold in his gasp. “I thought we agreed to call it the bottoman now, after that spanking you got on it,” he reminded her.

  That memory gave Cassie a little shiver. That was a good one. Cash had paddled her ass when he caught her throwing out her vitamins which she’d been doing for months. They were disgusting and chalky. So she got a spanking and an amazing fucking. The next day, he brought home a bottle of gummy vitamins. She was pretty sure she came out ahead on that one.

  “I can’t call it that or I’ll forget when someone visits, and it will be awkward.” Cassie brought tongue to the base of his cock and ran it up the length to the tip, sucking the head into her mouth.

  “Fuck me,” Cash groaned.

  “Trying to,” she said smartly when she popped her mouth off of him. He just let out a rumble that shook his whole body.

  Cassie stopped talking and got to work, lubing his cock with her mouth and working her hands over him hard like he liked. Cash resisted bucking up against her mouth knowing he could choke her. His hands tangled in her short hair and would come down to cup her jaw as she worked over him.

  Cash watched the end of his cock slide in and out of her mouth, the purple tip sinking deep into the velvet heat of her. He couldn’t wait to bend her over the edge of their big bed and fuck her after dinner. Then his bear reminded him he needed to be careful. Their mate was carrying their child. Things had to change temporarily.

  The thought caused the image of his mate rounded with his child, her breasts swollen with milk and Cage gave a warning growl. “Cassie, now,” he hissed through gritted teeth.

  Cassie pulled her eyes to him and kept her mouth tight around him. She sucked hard, gripping her hands tighter as she stroked, feeling his cock start to swell. She watched as he roared out his climax bucking up against her, unable to resist his body’s need to move. As his hot cum poured into her mouth, she swallowed him down, keeping the rhythm with her hands. She worked him until he spent every last drop into her.

  Cassie kissed and sucked until she’d cleaned every inch of his dick. Cash’s hands were still in her hair, and he pulled her towards him until she climbed up his body. He swept his tongue into her mouth tasting their combined flavor.

  “You are fucking delicious.”

  “So are you,” she replied back, her eyes looking dreamy at her mate.

  The buzzer for the oven rang just then, and they both laughed.

  “Saved by the bell!” Cassie said, pushing off him and running to the kitchen.

  Chapter 5

  Cash pulled the pizza out of the oven and let Cassie load it with cheese. He put it back in, and they set the table. It was
a ritual they did several days each week. They would alternate between the couch and sitting at the table.

  Cassie would sit cross-legged in the chair and listen to Cash tell stories about his family. How his mom insisted they all sit at the big kitchen table to eat their meals. It was some of his happiest memories he would tell her. His dad would come home exhausted from work, but still smile as his kids told him about their days at school.

  Since she didn’t have anything close to the childhood he had growing up, she would tell him stories about odd foster homes she’d been placed in. The one that raised chickens and named every last one of them even though most ended up on the dinner table.

  The time they placed her with an elderly woman who was nice but smelled like mothballs. She would forget that Cassie was a girl and tell her to go outside and play ball, or remind her not to pull the girl’s pigtails in school. Cassie played along with her because it wasn’t a bad place. There was food, it was clean, and her foster mom took a lot of naps. This allowed Cassie full control of the television.

  At first, Cassie told Cash about the not-so-happy places she’d stayed in. This made Cash so angry that she tried to stop talking about them. That made Cash even angrier. He told her that her troubles and burdens were his and that he would help her carry the load now. He wanted to hear all of the bad things so they could make room for the good things.

  He was right. Once Cassie got out the bad, she finally started remembering the good. Or at least, the funny.

  Tonight was no different.

  “So, I ran into Wyatt today. That boy is kinda clueless about women. You’d think with three of them in his house, he’d learn faster.” Cash dug into his pizza once they sat down.

  “Puhleeze. Jinger and those girls are going to have him so dizzy he’ll never catch up.” Cassie thought his predicament was amusing. Wyatt and Jinger’s twin girls Maizy and Mallory were just as funny and awesome as Trixie. There was something about two tiny bear cubs in footed pajamas tearing ass through a house to make your day shine a little brighter. They could climb, so there was nothing safe from them. Since Wyatt’s house was a log cabin, the cubs figured out real fast that they could climb the logs to the ceiling.

  This caused no end of heart attacks for poor Jinger. At first, she tried lining the floors with pillows. Then she ordered Wyatt to push all the couches up against the walls facing in so they would at least bounce a little.

  The bears rarely fell, so Jinger had relaxed a little. That was until she came outside when Wyatt was supposed to be watching them and found them fifty feet in the air in a tree. Her scream could be heard miles away, she was told by Connie.

  “True, but every man wants to be wrapped around a woman’s finger. Doesn’t matter if she’s twenty-five, eighty-five, or just five,” Cash said with a chuckle.

  “You guys are a bunch of softies. Seriously, big tough bears and all you wanna do is cuddle and pet your mates.” Cassie shook her head. She bit into the chewy, greasy slice of pizza and relished in the fatty goodness.

  “This is a fact. But we always seem to find partners who don’t mind the cuddling. Wonder why that is,” Cash said, leaning towards her and wriggling his eyebrows.

  “Pfft, your fates. I’ll give it to you; they picked you for me. You are the most tolerant man I have ever met. Speaking of which, you gonna do dishes tonight?” Cassie batted her eyelashes at him.

  “Oh yeah right, like that is gonna work. And to answer you, no. I’m not going to do the dishes tonight. I’m going do the dishes in the morning before we go to work. Once we are done, I’m taking you into the bedroom and making love to you. Maybe I’ll get up for a midnight snack and put the leftovers in the fridge, but that is the extent of my evening plans.”

  “You wanna have sex with a tummy full of pizza?” Cassie grimaced at him.

  “No, I said make love. That implies slow, long, drawn-out sensual torture,” he said with a low growl.

  “Hellz yeah, sign me up!” Cassie offered her hand in a high five. She watched as Cash laughed and gave her the high five back.

  “Dork,” he mumbled.

  “Your dork. You’re stuck with me, mister.” She couldn’t help being saucy with him.

  “Thank god for that,” he said quietly, his eyes seeking hers.

  Cassie’s breath always caught when he did that. She never paid attention to eyes before Cash. You could read almost every thought he had in them. All of his love and affection shone out of those eyes. Whenever she was letting her evil doubt monster creep up about their relationship or her appearance, she just had to see his eyes to know that that little monster was full of shit. She was everything he needed just like he was everything she needed.

  That little doubt monster had been plaguing her during the day. Worried about his reaction to her pregnancy. Worried he thought she wasn’t ready. But seeing his eyes right now. All her doubts were washed away.

  She knew her eyes went soft when his flashed yellow and he stood up. Cash scooped her into his arms and carried her to their room.

  * * *

  “Cash, stop teasing me, damn it,” Cassie hissed. Cash had taken her to their bedroom, slowly peeled off her clothes, and laid her in the middle of their massive bed. He then proceeded to kiss every inch of her, starting at her toes. She’d reminded him that he just had pizza, and now she was going to have pizza feet. He promised to give her a bath afterward. She told him to proceed.

  Now he was guiding his cock in and out of her wet pussy so freaking slow she was going insane. He had both of her hands pinned above her head so she couldn’t reach her clit. He was massaging one of her breasts, occasionally tweaking a nipple, but otherwise, their connection was only in one hot, wet spot.

  “Now why would I want to do something like that? Teasing you is one of my most favorite hobbies. I don’t think there is much you could do to get out of this very compromising situation,” Cash said, punctuating every other word with a thrust of his hips.

  “I could close the honey pot. Deny you access to my love cave,” she teased.

  “You think calling it a love cave is gonna turn me off? I’m a bear; we love caves, silly girl.” He was growling, but his eyes were smiling.

  “Weirdo,” she said on a gasp as he hit a particularly sweet spot inside her.

  “If I’m a weirdo, what does that make you?” His thumb brushed over one of her rigid nipples, tweaking it at the tip.

  “Classically eccentric,” she said on a moan.

  Cash snorted and murmured, “Hmm, I think that might be a bit of a stretch.”

  “Okay, then I’m a weirdo too. Will that make you move any faster?”

  “No, but it earned you this.” He leaned down to enclose her tormented breast into his mouth. Cash let his teeth scrape over her flesh until he heard her squeal.

  “Beast,” she hissed.

  Cash leaned back and smiled at her, a smile that looked more suited to a cat than a bear. Not that she’d seen a lot of real cats smile, but she’d seen plenty of cartoons. Same look.

  Continuing his slow torment, Cash reached down and hooked one of her legs behind the knee and guided it over his shoulder. Now that her injuries were healed, Cash made use of her flexibility that she’d improved through physical therapy.

  Pumping himself deep into her tight pussy, Cassie finally got some of the friction against her clit she was so desperately seeking.

  “Yes, there,” she moaned, her eyes closing and her head tilting back.

  “Sprite, eyes,” Cash growled. He needed to see her as they made love. Needed to always know that he wasn’t hurting her and that she was totally involved. He was so careful after her accident; it had become habit for him and his bear to constantly assess her physically and mentally.

  Cassie’s eyes opened at his words, and Cash saw nothing but fire and love. Two beautiful emotions that his mate could convey to perfection.

  She was his love, and she was always burning hot. Luckily, that hot was only for him. Now he could see
a little annoyance but mostly pleasure in her eyes under the heat. Moving a little faster, he watched her breath pick up, her pert breasts heaving as she rocked her hips against his.

  “My girl likes it deep.”

  “Please, deeper.”

  Cash wasn’t about to fuck her like he usually did. His length and her small frame meant he could easily reach the opening of her womb. Sometimes she liked it, a little pain with the pleasure. Now that wasn’t something he was willing to risk.

  Still, he wanted her to come hard on his cock. He wanted her screaming his name and scraping her nails down his back. At that thought, he released her hands. “Wrap me up,” he ordered.

  Cassie brought her arms under his and around his back. Her free leg wrapped behind his thigh and she pulled him closer to her.

  Cash brought a hand between their sweaty bodies and found were they were joined together. Just to tease her a little more, he slipped past her clit to where their bodies connected. Pausing his hips, he pushed one finger on top of his cock and into her, pressing right under her clit and rocked his cock into her again.

  “Fuck!” she squealed. “That’s not fair.”

  “Of course it isn’t, but it feels bad and good doesn’t it?”

  Cassie didn’t want to admit that the extra stretch on an already full pussy was amazing, but she never kept anything from him.

  “It feels amazing.” She wiggled her hips to try and get him deeper.

  Cash pull his finger out slowly, dragging along her already swollen flesh and returned his focus to her clit.

  “You gonna come hard for me? Squeeze my dick dry?” His voice was low and deep as he leaned down to her neck to place a bruising kiss on her mate mark.

  “Yes! Yes, Cash, please,” she begged. Cassie had become a beggar. She had resigned herself to the fact many months ago. Not that she minded. So she said please, sometimes she threw a cherry on top, but she always got what she wanted.


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