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The Collection (Volume 2): 5 More Tales of Erotic, Girl on Girl Lust (The Collections)

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by Caitlyn Norrel


  Wet. Wild. Writhing.

  The Better Seductress

  Hatred and Lust

  Sexual Surrender

  Sexual Scratch

  Wet. Wild. Writhing.

  Chelsea floated leisurely in the Hotel Cassandra’s indoor pool. The warm water lapped lazily across her athletic body, and as the calming wetness enveloped her skin she let her mind drift to her upcoming challenge.

  Chelsea was an amateur porn star, specializing in sexual competitions against other women. She was scheduled for a match against Bethany, a brunette she had heard of but not yet met. The sexfight was scheduled for the following week, and her employers had flown her down to California where the competition would be filmed.

  Chelsea pushed her long, wet hair from her face, glancing upwards. The ceiling of the pool room was composed entirely of clear glass, granting an unobstructed view of the lighted clock tower erected on the hotel’s front lawn. It was almost midnight, and the pool would be closing down soon.

  Chelsea gazed across the water. At first she thought she was alone, but as her eyes scanned across the far end of the pool she spotted a young blonde woman treading slowly against the still water. Chelsea’s eyes darted around but saw no one else, and she focused her attention on the only other woman in the room.

  Dirty thoughts began swirling around Chelsea’s head. Naughty thoughts. Thoughts she felt guilty about even as she drew her fantasies through to their conclusion. She wanted to know what this other woman tasted like, and how her body would feel pressed up against her own.

  Chelsea could tell, even from a distance, that this woman was extremely athletic. Toned shoulders curled gracefully into the curves of her neck, and just below rested a pair of taut, ample breasts only halfway hidden within her bikini top.

  The other woman turned towards Chelsea without warning, and before she could react the other blonde’s eyes locked swiftly with her own. For several moments the two women simply stared at one another across the sparkling water, taking in each other’s gorgeous forms; and as the seconds ticked by Chelsea felt a thrill of desire growing inside of her.

  The other woman gave Chelsea a haughty smile and then turned away, tarnishing Chelsea’s infatuation with a touch of rage. It was possible she could have imagined it; but Chelsea sensed a challenge hidden beneath that smile. Her dirty thoughts flooded back into her mind, and this time she didn’t hesitate.

  Chelsea pushed through the water towards her counterpart, letting her momentum carry her to her destination. Her body bumped into the other woman’s lightly, and as soon as their flesh came together the other woman spun around. Two beautiful pairs of hazel eyes glared into one another’s faces silently, and as their ample breasts came together the two blondes gave a quiet gasp.

  As soon as the initial shock of their contact waned, the two blondes settled in. They held one another’s gaze, treading water against each other in order to keep their bodily contact. Chelsea could feel the other blonde beginning to press in and mimicked the pressure, forcing the two women’s tits into rougher contact.

  At first the they regarded one another casually, staring at one another silently as they both absorbed the sensation of one another’s body against their own. Wordlessly the two blondes began lining up more and more of their skin beneath the surface of the water.

  The two women pressed against one another for almost a full minute before either one of them broke the silence. “I’m Chandler.” the other woman offered, increasing the pressure of her body against her counterpart. She smiled hotly when she felt Chelsea’s responding force.

  “Chelsea.” Chelsea replied coolly. She slipped her right thigh between Chandler’s legs as she spoke, and the other blonde followed suit like some sort of sexual handshake. As their legs coiled around one another gently the two women could feel their crotches come together; and the thin, wet fabric of their bikini bottoms did little to conceal the feeling of one another’s pussy.

  Slowly the two blondes tightened their legs around each other, neither woman allowing her gaze to leave the other’s eyes. Chelsea and Chandler reached out with their hands, pressing palm to palm and interlocking their fingers gracefully beneath the water.

  As they brought their hands to rest beside them, their bodies were brought into even tighter contact. Each woman could already feel the other’s sexuality combating her own; and the two women stared at one another in silence, letting their quiet war rage on.

  The minutes passed by in stillness. The two women’s’ combined, even breathing was the only sound that emanated from their gorgeous forms, but the increasing pressure between their flesh communicated everything they wished to say. The combined pulsing of their intertwined legs kept the two dueling blondes afloat, and with each passing second their emotions grew.

  “So what is it that you do?” Chelsea whispered. It was all she could do to keep the moan from her voice; every moment their bodies remained together was a moment Chelsea’s fantasies played over in her head. She imagined her body matching Chandler’s in the most intimate fashion, imagined this woman and herself violating one another’s flesh in ways only two sexually precious women could. Each moment stimulated her in ways she had never before experienced; and she wanted more.

  “Right now I’m an entertainer for Shayna’s gentleman’s club.” Chandler replied. She felt her sexual cravings raging inside of her as she stared deep into Chelsea’s eyes, nearing an almost ravenous intensity; but somehow she managed to keep herself calm. “The owner practically begged for me to come dance for her. My body is desired far and wide, and for the next few weeks I’m down here on Shayna’s tab…and all for just a bit of eroticism.”

  “I’m here on business too.” Chelsea replied. “I’m a porn star for a production company in Las Vegas.” Her excitement continued to grow, knowing that this other blonde also dealt in eroticism, though of a slightly different nature. “I have a sexfight with some brunette bitch planned for next week…but if she knew what my body was truly capable of, that little whore would never have agreed to it.”

  The two blondes pressed in tighter, feeling one another out. Their breasts crushed and rolled slightly, testing one another’s strength. The front of their pussies grinded against one another in tight circles through their bikinis, coiling the wet fabric into tight knots. Their thighs tightened together even more, holding the two warriors in place. Their breathing began to increase as the contest wore on; and each woman could feel that her counterpart was everything she said she was.

  Chelsea and Chandler pressed their faces into one another, each daring the other to make the first move. Their bodies crushed tighter and tighter, and their locked eyes glittered with excitement. They dug their fingernails into the skin between one another’s knuckles. Their lips began rubbing and caressing one another viciously, locking together in challenge.

  The two women were about to plunge their tongues into each other’s greedy mouth when the doors behind them crashed open. They broke apart just as the lights around them flashed on, and rough, intimidating voice echoed through the room.

  “Pool’s closing, ladies!” a balding, heavyset man yelled from the hallway. “Time to go!”

  The night guard turned and walked out of sight. The two blondes glanced at one another warily. The sudden break in their struggle seemed to have startled them into their senses, and as the heat of the moment dissipated the two women realized how exhausted their quiet competition had made them.

  Chandler stepped out
of the pool wordlessly, and as her wet body became fully visible Chelsea could see how truly gorgeous the other woman was. Her skin was glazed with a perfect tan, and as the other woman started for the door Chelsea called out to her.

  “It was nice bumping into you!” Chelsea called sweetly. “I hope I see you here again sometime! Maybe tomorrow night?”

  “I work tomorrow.” Chandler replied with a wave of her hand. “See you around, bitch.”

  “Bitch!?” Chelsea growled angrily. She hopped out of the pool with rage, half sprinting to the door. She was about to retaliate, to drag this slut back in by her hair and show her what a real woman looked like; but the elevator door closed behind Chandler before she got the chance.

  Chelsea spat obscenities beneath her breath as she entered the elevator across the hall. She punched the button for the third floor, and as the doors closed around her Chelsea closed her eyes. She imagined what it would feel like, truly feel like, to match her own naked flesh against this other woman’s; but her imagination wasn’t enough to calm her deepest desires.

  That night she took a hot bath to quell her nerves. She masturbated through her dirtiest fantasies before falling into bed; but even as she lay alone in the darkness she could still feel Chandler’s body against her own. Crushing. Struggling. Writhing. Chelsea tossed and turned against herself in the sheets, and even though her body felt drained and exhausted, it took hours for her mind to finally succumb to sleep.

  It was late afternoon by the time Chelsea awoke. The fatigue caused by the previous night’s confrontation, coupled with her restless dreams, had forced her body to sleep until it was almost nightfall. Her skin felt cold and covered in sweat, and she shook the sexual visions from her mind.

  She ate a small meal before stepping into the shower, but even as the warm water washed over her body she couldn’t get the other blonde’s image out of her head. Chandler’s arrogant smile kept taunting her thoughts; and she knew that until their little conflict was settled her mind wouldn’t rest. She knew where she had to go.

  Chelsea pulled some cash from her purse, pushing the money into her bra before dressing. A dark blue crop top that barely covered her tits was accented beautifully by the tones of her skin, and the matching skirt gave a beautiful view of her toned, muscular thighs. She called a cab, directing the driver towards Shayna’s; then let her imagination run wild through the ride.

  Chelsea could feel the bass pumping through her body even before she entered the club. Bright neon lights flashed in a kaleidoscope of colors around the room, prancing wildly across the bodies of the entertainers. A large, brightly lit stage was placed in the middle of the room with three smaller stages spanning around it. Beautiful women occupied each of the side stages, but it seemed like every eye was focused intently on the middle platform.

  A thick, golden shaft was erected in the center of the center stage, spanning from the stage to the ceiling. Two beautiful redheads, completely naked save for matching lace blue thongs, twisted and coiled around it gracefully.

  The two women glared into one another’s eyes as they mirrored each other’s movements. One would spin to the right, hurtling her body towards her counterpart; but as soon as their naked tits collided the other would twist away, only to copy the other stripper’s lead and bring their flesh together again.

  As the song ended the two entertainers embraced one another heavily from opposite sides of the pole. Chelsea watched their tits bulge against the pressure, admired the way the golden rod seemed to fit perfectly within their combined cleavage. The two beauties whispered something vehemently into one another’s ear; words meant for only the other to hear. Immediately after their exchange the two of them walked side by side to a room in the back, closing the door quickly behind them.

  A new beat began booming as the girls rotated stages. The women on the side stages switched places with one another with rehearsed swiftness while a new entertainer entered from the side; and Chelsea’s heart instantly skipped a beat.

  Chandler’s gorgeous form took the main stage confidently. Her lingerie-clad body swayed gently to the sound of the bass. She ran her fingertips gently down the pole, like she would the cock of a lover. She glanced across the audience coolly; and as she locked her eyes briefly with Chelsea’s, she let a tiny smile play about her lips. Then she hoisted herself upon the shaft and began her routine.

  Chelsea was captivated immediately. She watched Chandler’s graceful body swing in rhythm, controlling her movements with a finesse that would rival any gymnast; every single twist seemed defy gravity. Chandler tore the cloth from her breasts without missing a beat, and before she was even aware that her body was in motion, Chelsea found herself at the base of the stage.

  Chandler vaulted from the golden pole, landing deftly on her feet. She swayed her hips as she stalked toward the other blonde. She lowered herself to her knees until she and Chelsea sat eye to eye. Chelsea slipped some cash beneath her rival’s lace thong, toying with the idea of tearing it off then and there; but she managed to restrain herself.

  “I knew you wouldn’t be able to stay away!” Chandler hissed, taking Chelsea’s long hair firmly. She pulled the other blonde’s face gently against her breasts, jiggling them side to side against her cheeks. Immediately she felt Chelsea’s lips purse against her left tit, and she yanked her rival away.

  The two blondes glared hate into one another’s eyes, and Chelsea winked. “Come find me later” she whispered, mimicking a kiss at her enemy.

  “You want a lap dance already bitch?” Chandler hissed, unable to hide the venom in her voice.

  Chelsea winked again. “I was thinking something a little more…private.” She whispered, then spun around and sauntered toward the bar.

  Chelsea watched the entertainment from her place at the bar, pretending to be interested in the other women. She took a sip from her mixed whiskey and coke while letting her eyes wander, but there was only one woman she wanted to see. At first she thought Chandler had turned tail, it had been almost fifteen minutes; then a tight tug on her hair forced her reaction.

  Chelsea stood, her instincts spinning her around to face her possible attacker. Chandler’s face glared back at her with a devilish grin across her face. She moved in close, releasing Chelsea’s hair with a giggle. “Are you ready babe?” she questioned.

  Chelsea was painfully aware of the other woman’s naked tits against her own clothed breasts. She would have loved to tear her own blouse open and accept this blatant challenge flesh to flesh; but she could feel the eyes of the onlookers upon them.

  “Of course!” Chelsea quipped with false sweetness. “I was getting worried that you’d forgotten about me!”

  “There’s a V.I.P room in the back…” Chandler whispered, leaning in closer. “But I’m going to need payment up front. It’s ten dollars for every minute of my time.” She winked, giving Chelsea a wicked smile. “But I promise to make it worth your while.”

  Chelsea reached into her bra, pulling out a large wad of cash. “I wouldn’t dream of putting a whore to work without paying her.” Chelsea replied quietly. She felt a hint of satisfaction when she saw the other blonde’s smug grin falter; but as the cash traded hands, Chelsea realized how expensive her pride was going to be.

  “This way.” Chandler replied sharply, spinning around and leading her counterpart behind the stage.

  “Keep your hands at your sides until I tell you” Chandler said calmly, explaining the rules of the room as she walked down the narrow hallway. “That’s part of the process. Your actions are at my command.”

  Chelsea could hear quiet cries and moans of two women coming from one of the adjacent rooms, and her mind flashed back to the two redheads from earlier. Chandler and Chelsea stepped towards the room at the far end of the hall, and Chandler closed the door behind them.

  The room was lavishly decorated, and filled with a dark, pink glow. Thick carpet spread from wall to wall beneath their feet, and a luxurious, faux leather couch spanned the ro
om in a wide arch. Chelsea turned toward her counterpart with a sexual gleam in her eyes; and immediately she felt Chandler’s hands fold gently across her breasts.

  “Sit down.” Chandler commanded, shoving the other blonde roughly upon the couch. The two girls glared at each other with lustful, devilish grins; and slowly Chandler approached.

  Chelsea watched the other woman straddle her lap, pressing her legs against the frills of Chelsea’s skirt. The other blonde bent down low, taking the thin fabric in her fingertips and sliding the cloth steadily up her counterpart’s skin. She gave a small smile once the entirety of Chelsea’s legs had been revealed, then compressed her naked thighs against her rival’s; and the sudden skin on skin contact sent a chill racing down Chelsea’s spine.

  “You just couldn’t stay away, could you?” Chandler hissed sensually. She brought her body down slowly, teasing the other woman’s cheeks with her naked breasts. The thump of the bass echoed through the room, causing the two blondes’ bodies to quiver.

  “We have…unfinished business.” Chelsea whispered. A shock of anticipation ran through her body as Chandler ground her crotch against Chelsea’s stomach. The music, the sexual tension, and the fact that the two women were finally alone was almost too much to bear; and as Chandler’s grinding grew in intensity, Chelsea abandoned her self-control.

  With an audible cry Chelsea plunged her face into Chandler’s breasts, wrapping her lips tightly around the other blonde’s gorgeous nipples. Her tongue danced in circles around her enemy’s tender flesh, teasing Chandler’s stiff rod ravenously.

  “You bitch!” Chandler moaned, grabbing the other woman roughly by her hair. She knew this would happen. She knew that if she brought her down to a private room this little cunt would try to pull something. She had half a mind to call security; but she knew her actions would be seen as surrender.

  Chandler laced the fingers of her left hand tighter through the other woman’s locks, burying the other woman’s face deeper against her tits. Her other hand shot down towards her enemy’s breasts, tearing Chelsea’s blouse open violently and cupping the blonde’s left tit in the palm of her hand.


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