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The Collection (Volume 2): 5 More Tales of Erotic, Girl on Girl Lust (The Collections)

Page 13

by Caitlyn Norrel

  The two rivals shifted positions slightly in the stall, each eyeing the other warily. Even after all their talk, neither were truly sure how to begin…but as the rustling of Megan’s miniskirt against Jaclyn’s thong wafted up to the two gorgeous woman, they each glanced down. Jaclyn could see the pink frills of Megan’s lingerie peeking out from the skirt’s waist; and before the other woman could defend herself, the waitress attacked with a throaty growl.

  Megan gave an audible gasp as she felt her rival plunge her hand deep inside her panties. Jaclyn gave a haughty smile at the other woman’s reaction, but immediately her confidence faltered when she felt Megan’s responding violation.

  The redhead and the brunette wrapped their second arm tightly around one another’s waist, pulling their bodies into even tighter contact. Their breaths mixed between their beautiful faces, plush girl lips just inches from touching. The heat transferring between their sexual forms was maddening, and each could already feel the other’s trembling excitement.

  Slowly Megan began rubbing the palm of her hand against her enemy’s cunt. She felt no hair against her skin as she violated the other woman’s pussy, and grinned at the thought of matching her own bare twat against her rival’s.

  Jaclyn’s eyes fluttered with the way the other woman’s fingers were expertly exploring her flesh, and immediately followed suit. She could tell by the way Megan quivered that her counterpart wanted it just as much as she did. She felt the pressure between their bodies beginning to intensify as the seconds ticked by, increasing her lust. Both warriors were enraged and stimulated by the other’s defiance.

  The brunette and the redhead massaged one another’s shaven cunts with a vicious passion. Faster, then slower, then faster again the two women rubbed, each trying to find the other’s weakness. As if on cue Jaclyn and Megan switched tactics, each woman ramming her middle finger deeply into the other’s vagina.

  The two women squealed ravenously at their mutual molestation, glaring into one another’s eyes with lustful rage. Each woman furiously began pumping the other’s cunt, both girls bitterly realizing how quickly her rival was turning her on. Every single thrust forced a moan out of their mouths, and as their bodies settled into an almost rhythmic assault, the room was never without their cries of arousal.

  Without warning the doors to the bathroom were thrust open, and the sound of heels approaching the stalls echoed through the room. Megan and Jaclyn forced their tongues deeply into one another’s mouth, locking their lips together tightly to stifle one another’s bitter moans.

  The redhead and the brunette coiled their wet tongues together violently, vying desperately for control. Each woman’s spit tasted like liquid sugar inside the other’s mouth, and it was all the two women could do not to melt into one another’s passionate kiss. Megan forced a second finger into Jaclyn’s vagina in an attempt to force her desires under control; and when she felt the brunette follow suit, they heard the door on the farthest stall lock shut.

  Deeper and faster the two women finger fucked one another’s vagina, each bitterly trying to force the other’s body under her control. They continued to force their tongues deeper into each other’s mouth, silent moans quivering between their fused lips.

  Jaclyn and Megan glared into one another’s eyes with a ravenous passion, but they forced their mutual cries to remain silent. This sexual war was just barely getting started, but they knew that if their little conflict was found out now, neither would have a chance to prove themselves the dominant female.

  Their tongues battled with increasing ferocity as they heard the toilet flush beside them. The redhead and the brunette inserted a third finger inside one another’s pussy as the sink water began to run. And as soon as they heard the bathroom door close, and silence again filled their surroundings, each woman released the ravenous moans they had been keeping silent for what seemed like hours.

  “I can’t believe how fucking wet you are right now!” Jaclyn hissed, tearing her lips away from the redhead’s viciously. “Your slutty little body is weak.”

  “You’re fucking wet too, bitch!” Megan spat back. “What’s the matter? Are you going to come before we even get to match cunt to cunt?”

  “You wish, whore!” Jaclyn panted back. Each woman continued to pump the other’s vagina as they volleyed insults, driving one another closer and closer to the point of absolute sexual hatred. “This place has about two minutes before shutting down for the night…after that, your tiny pussy is all mine!”

  “My pussy will devour yours whole!” Megan retorted. As if on cue to their sexual challenge, the lights in the bathroom extinguished themselves in silence. Each drew in a stifled gasp, giving one another’s pussy one final thrust before extracting their fingers.

  For several seconds Megan and Jaclyn simply stared at one another’s silhouettes. The dim light of the moon shone from the windows in the top corner of the room, causing their eyes to glitter like jewels. Their quiet breathing was amplified by the shadows and the silence around them; and the sensual noise of this combined breath lulled the two women into an almost tender embrace.

  Jaclyn wrapped her arms gently but firmly around Megan’s waist. She slipped her hands slowly underneath the redhead’s tight crop top, pulling the thin fabric slowly up her rival’s slender back. Megan followed suit with a lustful hiss, undoing the waitress’s bra, and a few seconds later their naked breasts were finally able to meet at last.

  Jaclyn and Megan held their nipples tip to tip for several seconds, each woman feeling the other’s stiff rods challenging her own. Their slender fingertips reached towards one another’s thighs, removing each other’s frilled panties in the same sensual manner; and the next moment the two gorgeous bombshells stood naked before each other.

  Jaclyn and Megan traced the curves of one another’s bodies with their fingertips. Each woman’s skin felt smooth and flawless at her rival’s touch; and as they followed each other’s outline, both women uttered a sigh of passion through the darkness.

  Megan let her soft hands glide towards the brunette’s ample breasts. She let her fingertips fondle the other woman’s stiffened nipples playfully, and as she felt Jaclyn’s hands upon her own tits, she felt a quiver of excitement.

  Slowly Megan took Jaclyn’s stiff rods challengingly, wrapping the thumb and forefinger of each hand around the brunette’s hardened nipples. Jaclyn reacted immediately, taking the redhead’s knobs with a seductive hiss. For several seconds the two women stared, unmoving, into each other’s dazzling eyes; then, with an almost agonizing slowness, the two women began to tighten their hold.

  “Your little nipples are already hard, slut!” Jaclyn hissed. She carefully began kneading the redhead’s rods, making sure her assault was just shy of causing actual pain.

  “So are yours!” Megan shot back. She squeezed down on the brunette’s knobs slightly, just enough to cause the other woman to wince. She stifled a tiny cry when she felt Jaclyn’s responding pinch; and as the seconds ticked by, she could tell exactly where this little competition would escalate.

  The two girls continued to increase the ferocity of their attack, slowly latching their fingertips tighter and tighter around each other’s engorged nipples. They held one another’s challenging gaze, feigning composure; but before long their bodies began to squirm, each woman fighting against the other’s uncomfortable hold.

  Megan could feel the power behind the brunette’s gorgeous breasts as she continued to knead and twist her rival’s nipples. Her heartbeat quickened as she glanced down at Jaclyn’s beautiful tits; they seemed to be, in every way, identical to her own.

  Jaclyn glanced down as well. The firm outline of Megan’s boobs seemed to challenge her own in the dark, and as she glanced back up into her enemy’s eyes, she felt a thrill of excitement.

  The two women had held their breasts against each other only briefly; once in front of the bathroom, and again by the tables just minutes before. Cloth and spectators had obstructed the challenge before
it had even begun; but as their naked breasts rose and fell in unison, and the noises outside slowly began to die as the last of the customers and employees began to leave, the redhead and the brunette knew that it was an injustice that would soon be remedied.

  At last the two women heard what sounded like the final car in the parking lot rev up and leave. Jaclyn and Megan held one another’s gaze for several minutes more, twisting one another’s beautiful nipples as their ears listened to the silence. Their combined breath was the only sound to echo out from the dark; and as the minutes of quiet ticked by, the two bombshells gave an audible sigh.

  “I’ve got all night to prove who the better woman is.” Megan breathed, bringing her face in close. “Your body will soon be mine to control.”

  Jaclyn pressed her face against the redhead’s, letting her lips brush against Megan’s with a bitter passion. “I’m the better woman, slut.” The brunette whispered. The two women opened their mouths just slightly, letting their long wet tongues play with each other gently between their beautiful faces as they spoke. “It’ll be my body that will be controlling yours.”

  “Let’s go out to the tables, where we’ll have more room to…discuss our disagreement.” Megan sighed sensually. The two beautiful girls brought their tongues into more deliberate contact, and the redhead gave the brunette a tiny smile. “Unless of course, a dirty little tramp like you feels more comfortable fucking in a bathroom stall.”

  “I’ll fuck you anywhere you want to, whore!” Jaclyn hissed challengingly. The two girls glared into one another’s eyes for several seconds more, each giving the other one last chance to back out; then their hands fumbled with the lock on the bathroom stall. Silently the door swung open, and the two nude beauties parted at last as they stumbled into the open bathroom.

  Megan led the way towards the door leading into the main room, placing her hands firmly upon the wood. She listened quietly for several seconds, but heard no sounds or movement. Slowly she cracked the door, then opened it wide as she gazed into the darkened room.

  Without warning Jaclyn gripped the other woman’s shoulders, giving her a tremendous shove into the open pool hall. The redhead gave an angry growl, turning to face her beautiful rival; and immediately after she felt the brunette’s naked form viciously collide with her own.

  With a venomous scream the two women threw their arms around one another’s flesh tightly, each girl crushing the other’s body against her own. Blue eyes locked with green as Jaclyn and Megan felt their rock hard nipples bury themselves into one another’s dense titflesh for the first time. They clutched one another tighter, both women intent on proving her breasts to be the better pair.

  The brunette and the redhead stumbled clumsily about the room as they fought, naked flesh grinding against naked flesh with a bitter passion. They breathed heavily into one another’s gorgeous faces, and the heat emanating from their sexual mass was so great that it almost seemed to blur their vision.

  “Stupid bitch!” Jaclyn hissed vehemently into the redhead’s face. She was trying desperately to hide the desires she felt; but as her breath came in short gasps, she knew she was failing.

  “Fucking slut!” Megan shot back. The sense of skin on skin was maddening, and with every second the brunette’s body remained crushed against her own, she could feel her self-control slipping away.

  Harder and harder the two women fought; each was barely able to see the other through their sexual heat, but their bodies conveyed every emotion they needed. When Megan twisted one way, Jaclyn would twist the other. When one girl rammed her chest forward the other would follow suit. With every moan their sweet breath would collide between their lips; and as the seconds passed by the two warring women stumbled closer and closer to the tables.

  “It this really all you’ve got, whore?” Megan panted. The two women clenched one another tighter, neither willing to let the other gain the upper hand. “I thought a dirty brunette like yourself would be able to put up more of a fight!”

  “You’re trembling, cunt!” Jaclyn shot back. A battle began brewing between their legs as the two women stumbled around the room, and each could feel the front of the other’s shaven pussy against her own. “I’m going to show you what a true woman is made of!”

  With a strangled cry the brunette and the redhead fell against one of the tables, landing together upon the green felt with such a force that their arms were thrown from one another’s bodies. The lamp above them flickered on, lighting the new stage for their sexual war; and before Megan could react she felt the brunette force her hands against her thighs, spreading the redhead’s legs wide.

  “You bitch!” Megan squealed uncontrollably, her entire body giving a violent shake as she felt Jaclyn’s wet lips wrap around her pussy. The brunette shoved her tongue deeply into the redhead’s cunt, and Megan almost came then and there; but somehow she managed to hold on. “You fucking slut, how dare you touch me like that!”

  The redhead’s cries were like music to Jaclyn’s ears, and she forced her tongue in deeper. Her hands constricted around Megan’s beautiful thighs, feeling the other woman’s taut skin tense erotically as she violated the other woman’s twat. The lips of Jaclyn’s mouth were locked bitterly with the lips of Megan’s pussy; just a simple taste of the competitions soon to follow.

  Megan’s cries grew in ferocity as Jaclyn’s tongue made out with her cunt, and her entire body wanted to just surrender and enjoy it. The violations of her rival felt so wrong, and so right at the same time. Her emotions clashed in a confusing mixture of arousal and disgust, hatred and infatuation; but her mind snapped back to their venomous, verbal exchanges, and with a lustful growl she forced her body back under her control.

  “Fucking whore!” the redhead moaned, lacing her fingers tightly through Jaclyn’s glossy hair. With a vicious howl she pulled hard, forcing the brunette’s lips from her cunt with a wet pop. Before Jaclyn could react she yanked again, sliding her rival’s body across her own until the two girls were face to face once again.

  “You like pulling hair, bitch?” Jaclyn screamed, taking the redhead’s curly locks tightly in her hands. The two women forced one another’s beautiful faces left and right, naked bodies wrestling viciously as they fought.

  Both women gave a strangled cry several seconds later as their right hands gave way; and for a split second the two women lay still, glaring at the prize each girl clenched so tightly. Megan glared at the few threads of copper hair her rival held in the palm of her hand. Jaclyn glowered at the sight of several midnight black strands wrapped tightly between her enemy’s fingers. The two gorgeous women glared into one another’s eyes through their curtains of disheveled hair; and as each could feel the other’s chest rising and falling against her skin, both knew their battle was far from over.

  With a growl the two women reclaimed their grasp, this time forcing their faces roughly together. Their tongues swept viciously out of their mouths, lapping wetly at one another’s faces with bitter passion. Each girl licked the other’s face lustfully, stopping every few seconds to meet tongue to tongue before continuing the onslaught.

  It wasn’t long until the two women were coated with each other’s saliva. Megan and Jaclyn glared into each other’s faces as they fought, panting into each other’s faces as their naked bodies struggled on the table. Their tongues battled more and more frequently as the seconds wore on, finally honing in on each other completely between their open lips.

  “What’s the matter slut?” Jaclyn panted between swipes. “Afraid I can eat pussy better than you?”

  “I knew you were a little lesbian whore!” Megan taunted back. She had never tried to eat another woman out before; but she knew it was too late to back out now. “I’ll bet you get off by licking cunt…don’t you?”

  “I’m the lesbian?” Jaclyn shot back. Her tongue continued to battle Megan’s as she spoke, neither woman willing to part their faces even as they exchanged words. “I had you squirming in seconds, you little bitch!”

  “Come on then, skank!” Megan challenged, issuing the contest both knew they wanted. “Sixty nine, right now! I’m going to make you come so hard, you won’t be able to move!”

  “You’ll be the one coming, honey.” Jaclyn hissed vehemently. “I’m going to make you eat those words…”

  The two women spat into one another’s faces before relenting, glaring into each other’s eyes in a search for weakness. Slowly they released one another’s hair, both painfully aware of how wet their catfight had been making them. Their heavy breathing echoed through the otherwise empty building as Jaclyn peeled her naked body from Megan’s; and as she turned her form above the redhead’s seductively, the two rivals gave a lustful hiss.

  After what felt like hours, the two gorgeous girls were properly positioned. Jaclyn placed her hands firmly against the redhead’s thighs, glaring down upon the most beautiful pussy she had ever seen; and her mind flashed back to the only other time she had eaten another woman out.

  She and another brunette had been drunk at a party several months back; Jaclyn didn’t even know the other girl’s name, but after each caught the other looking her way, the two found themselves alone in an empty bedroom. Before long the two brunettes had one another moaning like whores; it had been her first girl on girl experience…but ever since, she had been craving the lustful touch of another woman. She could barely contain her excitement as she felt Megan’s slender fingers constrict around her ass.

  Megan glared up into a pussy whose beauty rivaled her own. Despite her bravado, she had always secretly wondered what another woman’s cunt would taste like; and as she eyed the brunette’s glistening twat, her sexual hunger continued to grow. Jaclyn’s shaven skin glistened with sweat and arousal…but as she felt her body squirm from the excitement, she was reminded of how wet she was herself.

  With almost agonizing slowness the brunette brought her body down. Megan’s tongue lashed out of her mouth, swiping against Jaclyn’s gorgeous clit. The brunette’s husky moan boosted the redhead’s confidence; but immediately afterwards she gave a ravenous cry as her rival’s lips sealed around her cunt. Each woman could feel the other’s hot breath between her thighs…and with a muffled scream the two girls began.


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