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Body, Heart and Soul - Lucas

Page 9

by Body, Heart

  Definitely heaven.

  She turned at a noise behind her, only to find a couple tucked into an alcove so thoroughly involved with one another they hadn’t noticed her approach. Kira knew it was wrong, but she hung back for a minute and watched.

  The woman was bared to the waist, the man had one nipple in his mouth and by the moans of both, she imagined he was sucking on her. The image instantly ignited a memory of the time Dev had done that to her and she felt that familiar pull and her body’s first signs of arousal.

  Though she enjoyed this new relationship that had developed with Dev, a large part of her missed the hungry Dev who was scandalously bad in her company.

  A rustling in the bushes had her scurrying into the flower bed. It was one thing to watch, a completely different one to get caught at it.

  As the group of people passed, making more noise than necessary in her opinion, it didn’t seem to disturb the couple in the alcove one bit. When Kira looked again, her mouth fell open and she was rooted to the spot, the couple had progressed a whole lot farther than she and Dev ever had, to the point she could see the man’s…the man’s…well, she could see him quite clearly as he helped the woman slide up and down on him and both groaned and cried out words she wasn’t sure she’d ever heard before.

  So that’s what it looks like.

  She cocked her head to the side, not sure if she were more shocked at the couple’s behavior or herself staying to watch. Their movements became faster now as the man dragged one red, hard, wet nipple back into his mouth and the woman screamed.

  Kira made a mental note to remember if she heard any more screaming tonight, not to jump to the conclusion someone was in need of help and rush to their aid. Now, that would be embarrassing.

  She suppressed a laugh, picturing the scene, her running to the aid of two completely bare-assed people fucking for all they were worth and her standing there asking, “Does someone need help?”

  “So you like to watch.”

  This time it was Kira who screamed and it had nothing at all to do with ecstasy. She jumped and spun around only to face Dev with a very odd expression on his face, one she’d never seen before so had no idea what it meant.

  “I…I was just…I…”

  He pressed his lips into a thin line and narrowed his eyes at her.



  “Never mind, Kira.” He took her hand and started pulling her away. “They’re about to hit the finale.” He stopped and turned to her. “Unless you wanted to stay for that of course.”


  Her voice came out frail and weak, and her cheeks were so hot she expected them to burst into flames at any second. They went up a small set of steps, around a very large hedge wall and came to a reflection pond with a separate waterfall that wasn’t much more than several trickles of water traversing a craggy remnant of wall that looked three hundred years old.

  Dev spun her against a large oak and released her, though his hand was braced on the trunk just above her head so even though he was no longer touching her, she still felt caged by his very large, very powerful, very heat emanating body.


  He glared at her and though she felt like it, she refused to shrink away from him.


  He growled. The growl she was familiar with. It almost made her comfortable.

  “Do you think anybody watched us? You know…that first time?”

  Heat flared in his eyes as she watched him draw a slow breath, his chest expanding, making her want to touch him, but before she could act on anything, he kissed her. He hauled her body so hard against his that she’d lost her breath and now was laying a wildly passionate claim on her mouth.

  Her first reaction was resistance, but then some switch in her brain flipped and she remembered that this was Dev and the spark ignited. She became just as wildly passionate and possessive of him.

  Dev groaned as her arms went around him, she pressed her body as close to his as she could get it and fought and captured his tongue, sucking it into her mouth and caressing it as if it were the finest velvet or silk. She couldn’t get enough of him. She wanted all of him.

  Dev finally tore his mouth from hers, panting he looked deep into her eyes.

  “Damn, woman.”

  Then he was back, his hands exploring her everywhere, her costume included flimsy paper thin wings that he’d completely destroyed between pushing her against the tree and holding her so tightly in his arms.

  She felt him go for the zipper on the back of her dress and knew this was it. She’d finally know what it was like to love a man with her body. While in all her previous fantasies, this act would have taken place in a bed very much like the one she had upstairs, so long as it was with Dev, she didn’t’ care where they were.

  * * * *

  Dev was crazed with passion, had never felt so out of control in all his life. He’d come around that bend and knew instantly that it was Kira, but it took him a few minutes to figure out what she was doing.

  At one point, she’d shifted her position and the moonlight had made her veil-thin gown completely transparent. He’d nearly cum right there. Gazing at the definition of her legs, he pictured her standing completely naked for his perusal. Her breasts rising and falling with her need for him, her nipples hard, her pussy dripping wet.

  He wondered if she shaved it. Would he find nothing? A small strip, a tidy V or maybe she’d be all natural. God, he couldn’t wait to burry his face in it. Suck and lick her until she screamed for him.

  It was at that point the woman in the bushes screamed, bringing Dev back to reality and the reality was Kira wasn’t the little innocent she pretended flawlessly to be, she was a voyeur and who knew what else, so why the hell had he been waiting? That was when he grabbed her and pulled her away, knowing he had to get her someplace private before he exploded and simply rammed his throbbing cock into her right there on one of the paths.

  He pulled away again, looked down into her passion-dark eyes, filled with that damn innocence that she was so good at feigning. He ran his thumb over her cheek, wanting to slow down before it was all over before it began. He’d never wanted a woman this badly, or for so long before he had her. He would enjoy Kira, thoroughly.

  “I’m going to fuck you, Kira.”

  He smiled when she shivered.

  “Fuck you every way a man can fuck a woman. Then I’m going to take you upstairs and fuck you again.”

  She lost her breath on a whimper. He didn’t know if he wanted her to stop the damn act or not. He had to admit it turned him on, making him so damn hard he couldn’t see straight, but part of him wanted to fuck her with no games, no role-playing. Those could come later. Right now he just wanted Kira—the real Kira.

  He fisted his hands in her long hair that hung loosely in curls and sparkled with glitter, bringing his face to within an inch of hers.

  “Drop the fucking virgin act.”

  He spoke slowly, low and clear and saw something flicker in those incredibly passionate eyes. Her tongue came out to lick her bottom lip and for a second he thought she was going to argue with him, so he added, “If I wanted a fucking virgin, I’d go find one. What I want is you, Kira.”

  She didn’t speak, only looked up at him a little like a deer in the headlights.

  “Do you understand me?”

  She nodded, licked her lips again and said, “No virgins.”

  He smiled, slowly and wickedly, and kissed her again, then swept an arm under her knees, pulling her off the ground and against his chest, taking her to the soft ground near the waterfall before tearing the wings off her costume.

  He wanted to go slowly and treasure every moment of this first time, wanted to explore every square inch of satiny skin, wanted to taste every part of her, but his dick kept telling him it couldn’t wait. He shoved her skirt up over her thighs and tore the panties from her, then stared with excruciating need at her wet pussy.
/>   Her startled gasp registered somewhere inside his head. Somewhere, he knew he wasn’t being fair. This wasn’t just about his pleasure, he had to take care of her also, and he would, after. It was the best he could do at the moment.

  “Beautiful, I swear I’ll make this first time up to you.”

  His gaze moved from her wet, hot, swollen pussy to her face, only to find her eyes closed her lower lip seriously being chewed on and her hands clasped together over her breasts.

  “God damn, Kira! Can’t you stop playing even for a second? Is this part so deeply ingrained that it’s all you know how to do?” He shoved two fingers inside her, felt her flinch, then tighten around him.

  “Is this what you like?”

  He held back on his temper, his voice now coming out as a smooth caress as her pussy gripped his fingers, dripping all over him. Her scent thrust through him as a shot of white heat, he was nearly blind and deaf with need, but he did hear the voices heading their way. He waited, hoping they’d go right by, because he didn’t think he could stop himself now, but didn’t want Kira embarrassed, unless…He turned his eyes back on her.

  “You like to be watched when you fuck, Kira?”

  “I…I…” she drew a sharp breath. “I don’t know.”

  He unbuckled the shorts he wore under the tunic, relishing in the freedom as he pulled his cock out. He stroked it once, just to relieve some pressure. Several drops formed on the tip, he looked back down at Kira, “Take me in your mouth.”

  He backed off her so she could sit up, she moved up on her elbows looking positively frightened. His brain started to short-circuit, trying to align all the opposing thoughts, feelings and needs shooting through him. His blood pounded in his ears with the need to take her, his conscience still screamed to protect her, his common sense told him he had missed some important piece of this puzzle, but his cock instructed him to charge, and quite frankly that was the only one he was really interested in listening to and the one that was hardest to ignore.

  * * * *

  Kira looked from Dev’s face—the pain, lust and need in his eyes—to his…she swallowed. It was so big that she was sure he’d break her if he tried to fit that thing inside her, and he wanted her to put it in her mouth?

  This all seemed too fast. She did want this, but was slower too much to ask? At the same time, she felt terrible for lying to him. She knew he didn’t expect a virgin, but what was she supposed to do about that now? If she told him, he’d walk away and that level of mortification didn’t even bear contemplating.

  Tentatively, she reached for him, barely grazing him with her fingertips when he groaned and moved a little closer. With his eyes closed, she took the moment to study him. Big and red and hard, it had clear liquid spilling from the tip and running down the back, she caught a drip with her finger and put it in her mouth. When she looked back at Dev, he was watching her and she was sure her lungs stopped working.

  “Your tongue, Kira. Fuck me with your mouth.”

  An intense surge of excitement flew through her at his course words, and she realized she wanted to, she just wished she knew how. A tear welled up in her left eye and spilled over at her own inadequacies.

  “Shit, Kira!”

  He jerked out of her hand and started putting himself back in his shorts. More tears followed the first. She wiped them away as she reached for him.

  “Dev, please. Let me try.”

  She hated the desperation in her tone, hated how she sounded weak and stupid, naive and unstable. She reached for him, but he wrenched away from her. Standing over her, she saw a torrent of emotion flooding his eyes and wondered why it had to end up this way. It had been so perfect just a few minutes ago.


  She was practically begging at his feet, but she didn’t care. She just didn’t want him to leave.

  “Usually I’m all for games, Kira.” He sounded calmer now. As if nothing had happened between them. She watched his eyes and saw the moment he decided to cut her out. “But not with you.” He stopped just before disappearing around the hedge. Without looking back, he told her, “Be careful tonight, Kira. The garden’s full of snakes.”

  Kira fell back on the ground as he left the garden. She knew how great his need was. She’d seen the evidence, held it in her hand at one point. She wondered if he was headed to Barbara. A real woman who could handle whatever kind of needs a man like Dev had. She was a pathetic failure. How could she have ever thought she would be enough for him?

  She pulled her broken wings from the ground where Dev had thrown them. They were ruined, just like her heart.

  * * * *

  The party was over as far as Kira was concerned. She was too upset and if she accidentally came across another couple fucking in public she didn’t want it to be Barbara and Dev. Much like a dog with its tail between its legs, Kira climbed the stairs leading back to the house.

  The sound of music and laughter didn’t even register, her wings dragged on the ground beside her as they hung from limp fingers. She wasn’t sure how she would ever face him again, but she couldn’t bring herself to quit her job. She’d botched her life up enough. She didn’t want to go home a failure at her first job as well.

  She wished she’d brought some clay with her, or some paints or charcoals or something, but she’d left that all behind, dead set on a summer completely different from any other she’d had. Well, this had certainly been different.

  “Tsk, tsk, child.”

  Kira turned to find Barbara leaning against a nude statue, her hand slowly caressing the man’s genitalia. It should have surprised her, but nothing would at this point.

  Barbara moved towards her, tipped her chin up so her face was illuminated by lights coming from the house. She figured Barbara would be able to tell she’d been crying, but what was she supposed to do about it?

  “You know, we won’t ever be married.”

  Kira began to wonder if this was how Alice had felt when she fell through the rabbit hole. Barbara put her arm around Kira’s shoulders and led her to a wrought iron bench surrounding a tree. There was a Prince song playing from somewhere and a fountain splashed nearby. When they sat, she took Kira’s hand in hers.

  “Dev’s a great friend, but I don’t want to be married. Ever. Too constricting to have a man in charge of you. Even if they won’t admit it, they all think they are.”

  “Then why? Does he know you don’t intend to marry him?”

  “Of course, darling. We have an arrangement. It provides us both with what we want without tying either of us down. Now…” She shifted in the seat and placed her other hand on top of the one that was still holding Kira’s. “The thing is, you’re in love with him and he’s a fool because he doesn’t realize it. Kira, darling, I can teach you what you need to know to get a man like Dev and make him happy.”

  Kira took her free hand and rubbed at a shooting pain in her forehead.

  “Why would you do that?”

  She laughed a bit too gaily, dropping her head back. When she recovered from her moment of mirth, she looked back into Kira’s eyes. Kira had always been good at reading people, but she got the impression that Barbara was even better at deceiving them.

  “Because I care for Dev. I want him to be happy, and I’ve come to like you very much, Kira. I think the two of you would be blissful together. You know, Dev’s very well off, so you wouldn’t have money worries. You could travel, make babies, and live happily ever after.” She tipped Kira’s chin again, and with a feigned pout asked, “Now isn’t that what you want, Kira?”

  It was. It was exactly what she wanted. Well, the money thing, she hadn’t even thought about, but the traveling and the babies were right out of her dream book. She nodded slowly. Still not sure what to think of this turn of events.

  “Well then, put yourself in my hands and I guarantee within a month, you’ll have Dev licking at your feet.”

  A smile—so perfect that Kira thought it had to have been practiced in a mirror�
��graced Barbara’s face, and as much as a tiny voice inside her told her to get on the first ferry back to the mainland, she wanted Dev. She loved him, and if there was even the slightest chance that she might not have destroyed every possibility she might have had, she had to take the risk.

  She swallowed, licked her lips, tried to think of any other way, then finally said, “All right, I’ll trust you.”

  Chapter 9

  “Barbara, I’m really uncomfortable with this.”

  Kira watched her hands twisting nervously in her lap. She was beyond nervous and seriously wondering if any of this would even make a difference considering since the night of the party Dev had made himself so scarce she wondered whether or not he were even still on the island.

  “Nonsense, child.”

  Barbara moved behind the sofa Kira sat on. Coming right up behind her, she pulled Kira’s hair back with extreme tenderness. Her long nails brushed the skin of Kira’s neck as she did so, causing Kira to suppress a shudder. She sat utterly still on the sofa, trying not to show how uncomfortable she was with this situation, hoping not to anger either of the other people involved.

  “Did you not tell me that you believed your virginity was what stood between you and Devlin?” She ran her hand through Kira’s hair slowly. “That he didn’t want you because you had no experience?”

  Kira flinched. She’d told Barbara that—and a whole lot more—the night of the party. Barbara had taken her to her own personal suite—the one she shared with Dev—and ordered tea of all things. She listened while a still overwrought Kira spilled her guts to the one woman she probably shouldn’t have, considering her relationship with the man in question.

  “And did I or did I not promise to help you?”

  Kira shifted uncomfortably and glanced again at the man sitting across from her.


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